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02/22/17 Guardian Changes

in Guardian

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Am I the only one who thinks that this blood reckoning buff (warrior healing skill) was totally unnecessary? I mean, warriors already have a larger hp pool by default. On top of that, their blood reckoning does not need any perks to have 5 seconds less recharge time(20 sec. by default, litany has 25s cooldown), same activation time, bonus adrenalin, one second less duration for the damage, 5% healing less, but twice as much base healing.

Seriously anet, you make me cry for choosing a guardian and not joining the supreme -we’re always in the meta- warrior race.

Bufffood & Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


I often find that people who need to dissect quote another in aggressive defense of themselves are not worth responding to further and so I will end my interaction and let you have any further ground.

I’m sorry that I took the time, to read carefully everyone’s texts while also admitting that I did some mistakes and also appreciating good answers.
But I’m sure, that this way is better than quoting a whole text, ignoring 90% of it, stating an opinion without backing it up with any reason or data.

Bufffood & Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


It’s not useless, its just not optimal.

Alright, lets talk about optimal since you ignored the entire rest of my post.
You prefer to

make up for any inefficiency with +% modifiers

A celestial build certainly lacks attribute points in any categorie compared to the full damage/defense/support alternative builds. Thus, your +% scales of something that is most likely at a maximum of ~1900 when it could be more than 2700.

the principal efficiency of the celestial gear stat choice which is:
Just enough, make up for any inefficiency with +% modifiers and might stacking.

You clearly have a certain build in mind if you say that celestial gear has to come in principal with might stacking and when you’re talking about making up inefficiency. (Warrior much?)

Dragon’s cake’s advantage is that it’s not situational and clearly fits the all-stat theme. Whatever you’re doing, it helps – and that with a good stat bonus. But is it the only way to go? Not really, unless you want the maximum amount of stats possible. This thread was originally intended to find alternatives, which have been mentioned by professor sprout and haley. Another problem this thread was on about, was the low amount of dragon cake that is available on the market. We discussed about economics and stated our opinions on the dragon cake. Then you came in, stating that the cake shouldn’t be used at all on celestial gear anytime, anyhow although it has it’s use and it has it’s advantages; it’s somewhat decent for every situation, just like the celestial gear itself, especially when you can’t decide on a role, but you want to be able to do everything to some extent. As soon as you go for a +% food, you’re focusing on a role partly. It doesn’t mean that you’re not playing a hybrid build anymore, but that you build up strengths. Being indecisive and not taking a role is of course not optimal and inefficient and especially not in the meta, but hell – it’s another playstyle.

(edited by Kapy.9387)

Bufffood & Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Celestial gear isn’t about MOAR stat points.

Believe it or not, when the gear first came out 3 years ago, this was the main point of having it. This gear was a new reason for people to try out hybrid builds and making jack of all trades. I still remember a few of my good ol’ guildies who raged about the nerf of the celestial gear. You may go for an offensive build that also has a fair share of points in both support&defense, you may also call it hybrid build, but saying that celestial gear absolutely has to run with something different than a starcake is just mäh. Especially when we consider the greatest weakness of celestial gear; every % bufffood works on a purely damage/defensive/supportive build better, as the stats it scales of are higher.

It’s about swapping a gear’s stat points with other stat points that happens to give the right amount of vita/toughness without gross compromise of other desirable stats.

You don’t seem to get the idea behind jack of all trades. Every stat is desirable in that moment, when you go for all-stat. As soon as you swap gear to adjust to your personal playstyle, you’re going for an offensive/defensive/support oriented build.

Using a rune set or food specifically for its celestial stat on a celestial geared character is a very poor compromise. It’s like saying, why meerly have below average stats in everything when you can have slightly less below average stats in everything?

I’m not sure if you did the math here and what you define as average stat. If we put all people together and assume you’re the only celestial geared guy playing on the server, you’ll see that you’re not below average stats, but above it. The healer/condi/pure tank won’t have the power you have. Yet you will have less power than the berserker. You won’t have as much healingpower as the healer, yet more than the others etc.

This celestial gear has obviously a little bit more stat points than other gear, because it will make a build above average in every aspect, but a master of none. Which is also the reason why it’s not in the meta. Focusing on one certain stat with a rune is absolutely not wrong, but then again, you’re specialising for a role at that moment.

This is the same reason people still use the ascended berserker/valk and just valk trinkets even though marauders exists.

In a build that has good crit chance naturally, marauders is a poor stat compromise over something like berserker/valk even though mathematically it has more stat points.

That is a problem of gw2’s balancing. Just like there are useless adept perks, there are armor sets that – when tested – are argueably weaker than other sets because certain stats are becoming less good the more you have of it. The best example for this is the toughness stat. If you google “toughness vs.” or “toughness curve” you’ll find some interesting posts on both reddit and the official forums, regarding the damage reduction it provides compared to the stats invested. The same goes for an exceed of precision, as in your example.
You may call it a compromise, however, as I said before:

Being a jack of all trades is not in the meta obviously and is not about efficiency, but being able to do everything equally good.

If you don’t want to eat a starcake because you want to have more power in your hybrid build, then it’s fine. Does it make it useless? Certainly not, especially not with 315 statpoints.

Bufffood & Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Starcake has +315 attribute points. If you’re running full ascended celestial gear, with all-stat runes, you get to 1599 in every stat.
Assuming you’re talking about superior sharpening stones, the 6% and 4% come down to 0,06*1599 + 0,04*1599 = 96 + 64 = 160
Thus, you’ll get 160 focused statpoints in power vs 315 all stat points.

Bufffood & Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


What has the supply of zhaitaffy to do with the amount of able crafters anyways?

Has been said before, to make it short:
Many recipes with few ingredients -> crap.
Few recipes with many ingredients -> oligopoly, crap.

Make good bufffood available to everyone, not just those people who opened lots of chest 3 years ago.

They reintroduced zhaitaffy as reward frequently in recent years from old and newer material eaters. Since then, new supply seems enough to cover demand for new starcakes, as I dont see recent price spikes, except since you opened this topic.

Exactly this is what I answered you in my first answer, two days ago.
That this might not be the case and we’re running really short with like 50-60k left.
My personal assumption is, that people are both not willing to pay the price for the cake(hence the high amount of buy listings compared to sell listings) and that the production almost stopped, relying on stored cakes.

As I also pointed out earlier, it’s not clear when or if we run out, because the majority of the players are not playing hybrid builds. However, we can clearly see that the situation is problematic and that people have to search for alternatives, thats what I asked for when I created this thread. I wanted to point out this problem, the low amount of sell listings and not debate about the prices. The rarity of both the recipe and the ingredients play a role in it, that’s why we came into this discussion. The price spikes are merely a demonstration of what can happen, if we run out and have to rely on what ever is left.

A we are blindly assuming things like millions of zhaitaffy being stored in imaginary vaults of players we dont know

Another thing that back ups my assumption that people invested in this food, is the increase of the saffron price from 10 to 90 copper, because every other dragon bash food doesn’t require saffron and it’s only new use that came on Jun 10. , 2013 is that for the dragon’s revelry cake.

Do you even read what I write? I mean…I highly doubt that at this point, lol.
Increasing saffron prices(900%!) hint at a production of dragon cake and thus would explain why in the very same week 1,5 million zhaitaffy disappeared.

I can only assume that you are an investor yourself that wants ot rise the price of zhaitaffy of starcakes and therefore opened this topic to create a panic.

So you think that someone who openly asks for alternatives and is hoping that anet provides something for that, is someone who invested in that stuff? Like…honestly?
Do you see anyone panicking here? Lots of people don’t even eat bufffood outside of the raids.

To answer the OP’s other question, the following (speaking partly from experience and partly from conjecture) are interesting options for celestial builds:

1. The 10% damage reduction mussel dishes. 10% damage reduction is huge, and synergises well with the durability that celestial gear provides. Of the four options my favourite is Mussels Gnashblade for its +15% boon duration; if not running boons then the 5% condition damage reduction from Curry Mussel soup is also attractive.

2. Condition duration food. Celestial does not give bonus condition duration, key to making the condition part of hybrid damage work. Your food slot is a sensible way to get this stat. Even for a hybrid a Rare Veggie Pizza is probably the best way to do this as it provides a +20% bonus and is easy to make.

3. Endurance regen food. The only food line I can think of that will let you avoid (rather than reduce) damage, multiplying the advantages that your superior vitality/toughness/healing will give you. Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew is the strongest at +40% and will also let you stack might.

4. Downstate food. Somewhat case-specific, but note that the new Spectral Aid signet buffed downstate performance, particularly for celestial builds. Fire Salsa is the strongest here, multiplying your health by 2 and direct damage by 1.2.

Other foods can be useful for specific builds and situations.

Thank you kindly sir, you saved my day. Eventhough these bufffoods are certainly different from the flat attributepoint increase that the dragon cake provides, they are valid and good alternatives.

Bufffood & Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Well, best of luck with the Devs releasing Zhaitaffy and/or recipes, along with the other rarer items. Maybe they will show up in the BLCs. Who knows? Hats were available after 7 years in GW.

They reintroduced several other items as well, after years of waiting. For example the easter bunny ears from 2013. They also implemented food that surpasses other toptier food, just like the winterberry steak is better than the truffle steak. Eventhough it would be certainly easier to just add a candy vendor.

As a buyer, you can set your own price via a buy order. But as of now, people dont put in buy orders that cover the crafting costs and tp fees. For that, we would need buy orders to be at 2g, not less than 1.5g as we have them now.

You’re repeating yourself once more.

The highest buy order is 1.42g while it costs 1.60g to craft, so I dont see why I should start crafting these, if buyers arent even willing to cover crafting costs and tp fees for me.

for an item that no one is willing to pay the crafting costs and tp fees for because quite clearly, there is no demand that would justify any iteration.

If more people would have the recipe, you would have more people not crafting it because its unprofitable atm.

Yeah, we pointed that out already and I quoted myself 3 times 7 hours ago about this.
I’m slowly losing my hope.

I wouldnt have bothered with this topic, if you all you wanted was Anet to reintroduce the recipe so you get to craft the starcake on your own.

So, with so few units of zhaitaffy left – what am I going to do with it? Why do you constantly assume that I need that recipe, when I’m not running a hybrid build?
I clearly stated multiple times that I just find it important that there is an alternative for players who run those builds.

But instead you invent some bogus scenario of someone storing 1.5 million zhaitaffy somewhere in an empty cubby-hole on his account for 4 years.

Plural, my friend. Please read carefully. The first sentence of my post 7 hours ago clearly states:

Most likely the same people who bought within a week 1,5 million pieces of zhaitaffy.

the same people.

So, there’s still a lot of zhaitaffy somewhere, if it’s not in your bank, then perhaps at someone else’s.

This sentence was referencing to your whining that you didn’t invest in that cake.

Some people invest in black lion skins, others in metals, and then again…others in event items.

Here it becomes clear once more, that I certainly don’t think that only one person bought 1,5 million zhaitaffy. “Others” is plural again.

Those 1.5 million zhaitaffy would have been enough to craft 75k starcakes, which would have been enough to provide a whopping 60 starcakes every day over the course of 4 years.

Look, we’re getting closer to the problem and the serious question, why there are only so few star cakes left and what we do, if we ever run out of it.

Chances are, that we simply have run out of the original bulk supply of the festival.

With a peak of 4,5 million units and several other things in mind, like the sell listings of the koi cake – it’s in my opinion safe to assume, that there’s a lot of zhaitaffy left or that it has been used for the dragon’s cake.

IIRC, I had bought around 10k zhaitaffy initially in early 2014 before we all thought the 2nd dragon bash festival will occur.
I dont think that I ever used them to craft starcakes. It was always more profitable for me to either sell the zhaitaffy directly or buy koi cakes from sonder the seller for it.
I ran out of zhaitaffy, when koi cakes went over the 10s mark in 2015 and I ued my last supplies to cash in on them.

That’s your personal love story.

(edited by Kapy.9387)

Bufffood & Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


who are those people that invested in them?

Most likely the same people who bought within a week 1,5 million pieces of zhaitaffy.
We see on gw spidy that the sell listing volume for the dragoncake peaked at 2750 units, which makes a total of 137.500 pieces of zhaitaffy. Of course, some of the zhaitaffy also go to the other dragon bash foods, though it’s not likely to be that much because those bufffoods were pretty much common in the lootboxes back then.
So, there’s still a lot of zhaitaffy somewhere, if it’s not in your bank, then perhaps at someone else’s. Some people invest in black lion skins, others in metals, and then again…others in event items.
Another thing that back ups my assumption that people invested in this food, is the increase of the saffron price from 10 to 90 copper, because every other dragon bash food doesn’t require saffron and it’s only new use that came on Jun 10. , 2013 is that for the dragon’s revelry cake.

But that was over 3 years ago. 30s back then was worth as much as 2-3g now and reflect the crafting costs of the materials at that time.

Come on, Wanze.
Let me quote myself a couple times.

At this point, I’m quite certain that most of these cakes aren’t freshly crafted because that would – as you pointed out – mean a minus for the crafter.

This makes me really sad. I literally took a lot of my time just to point to you out why the crafting costs are of no importance in my post before, because that’s the second time you write that.

Surely, it’s problematic that the price isn’t tied at all to the crafting cost and that it has such enormous up and downs where you can craft it and immediately sell it for a good profit – or an enormous loss. But the main problem is the low supply available at all.

Once again, the problem is not whether those people made the biggest profit of their life, if it’s the deal of the century or not, it’s that people have to rely on those who can craft it and that they set the price – whether it’s a fair price or not. We have a shortage of this cake and the pieces of zhaitaffy required to craft it. Even if we assume that there has been a gold inflation of 1000% (30s back then->3g now) it’s totally not important because it’s quite likely that no one crafts them nowadays anyway and people are most likely just selling what they have stored.

And I’m fine with rare skins and all that stuff. Molten Jetpack for 9k gold? To hell with it. Whoever wants to pay so much.
But we’re talking about some really good bufffood that for some reason has still the basic rarity eventhough it’s stat-value and production costs are heavy and is exclusive to very few crafters and short running supplies.

(edited by Kapy.9387)

Changes to Ascended Vending

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Hi! Although I’m quite as much concerned about this as you are, I ask you to atleast wait ‘till the update is out to see how it’s doing.

Btw: I can assure you that people won’t be able to sell these boxes to other players. That would just totally destroy the economy, because there are plenty of players out there(inculding me) who only main 1-3 classes and have more than enough boxes laying around on their bank.

(edited by Kapy.9387)

Bufffood & Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Bringing back Dragon’s Bash would help this, but as it was part of Season 1’s Living World updates (and on the old LA map mainly, to boot), this would require a lot of dev work to update to the current map.

You’re right about that, but I wouldn’t necessarily go so far. It could be something way more simple – maybe make it drop in a fractal or implement a sweetshop-vendor who sells all kind of candy.

Also, if your “build” is so dependent on this one item that it doesn’t work without it, maybe you should reconsider your build. I’m not saying you should go to the meta builds, but find some other, more easily reproducible food that can be sustained.

You’re implying here that
a) I have a hybrid build that requires it, eventhough I clearly stated that I’m not running one actively.
b) That I somehow said that it doesn’t work without it, although I said yesterday, that it only affects one’s gameplay to some extent which is enough to make it important. I know that someone could work around it, but lets be honest. If you go for all stat and see that there is a buff-food that has the all-stat theme then it’s the best option.
(315 points worth of stats vs regularly 170 focused stats)

(For the record, I do NOT have the recipe unlocked. In fact, there are quite a few lost recipes I’d like to have access to but can’t because Reasons.)

Okay? :o

Finally, why is this in the HoT forum? It has absolutely nothing to do with the expansion, or LWS3! It should be in the General Discussion.

Might be a mistake on my part, I wasn’t expecting this to go all about the cake (You know it’s a lie) and was actually hoping to talk about the chef 500 as well and perhaps an introduction in heart of thorns.

Bufffood & Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


I’m confused. Why would more people having the recipe make it less costly to craft the item?

No one said that. That’s what Wanze was getting wrong all the time. The main problem is, that fewer people means, that those few people can influence the price a lot more. Those people who are storing the cakes and invested in them. As I pointed out in a post earlier, the cost of the cake increased once dramatically when there were only 174 units left. I also pointed out, that zhaitaffy (the main ingredient next to saffron) is also running short with only 60k units left, whereas 4,5 million were on the market once.
Anet would have to fix both or offer an alternative, else we’re going to have an oligopoly for the toptier bufffood for hybrid builds.

Edit: Fixed a typo.

(edited by Kapy.9387)

Bufffood & Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


First of all, I have the recipe unlocked, so i get to craft whenever i want.

I almost thought so. Pretty much explains, why you’re against my position.

Second of all, I dont see any point in arguing with you about supply and demand, if you take the seasonal festival as a reference point for supply and fail to see the stable trend over the last year.

I could very much say the same about you ignoring that there has been a shortage and that I already told you, that the stability of a price does not make it less concerning, just like some supermarket’s sell endangered fish for a regular price.

I dont know how you can argue that there is a supply shortage for an item that no one is willing to pay the crafting costs and tp fees for

This makes me really sad. I literally took a lot of my time just to point to you out why the crafting costs are of no importance in my post before, because that’s the second time you write that.

These cakes on the TP aren’t freshly crafted, but most likely come from other players (maybe even you?), who used to invest in saffron, zhaitaffy etc. when they were less expensive. Since there are so few of you guys who have the recipe and are actively playing, the market of this item is solely dependent on what you guys are willing to sell and willing to craft. As you pointed out now twice in the row, let me explain you this a second time again. There is no alternative for maximizing hybrid builds. That’s the whole point.
Surely, it’s problematic that the price isn’t tied at all to the crafting cost and that it has such enormous up and downs where you can craft it and immediately sell it for a good profit – or an enormous loss. But the main problem is the low supply available at all. And on top of that, one of the ingredients (zhaitaffy) almost vanished from the market and became expensive as well. That’s why anet is supposed to do something.

The dragon’s revelry cake is an incredibly strong bufffood, easily the most expensive non-buffet bufffood, yet the rarity of it is basic and it’s completely reliant on players that used to buy black lion chests 3 years ago.

because quite clearly there is no demand that would justify any iteration

Now, let me show you the power of statistics once more.
If you check the 3 top-tier buff-foods I listed in my post before and go for an all-time view, while also only showing “buy listing volume” & “sell listing volume” you’ll notice something.
In all three cases, the sell listing volume is in 90% of the time higher than the buy listing volume, I think you can clearly see what’s going on yourself.

Now, we take a look at the dragon’s revelry cake.
Odd, it’s completely the other way around? There are almost 4 times more people making lower buy orders than there are people making sell listenings? What could that mean?

I’m also tired of discussing with you, but at the same time I’m certain you should understand what’s going on. I can’t blame you for not wanting that other people get this rare recipe or that anet offers alternatives.

(edited by Kapy.9387)

New specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kapy.9387


I really hope they won’t make any new specializations and overhaul them instead, so that it offers a different playstyle. Honestly, I would just implement new weapons that can be used by all classes, no matter the specialization.

Need help for 100 CM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Both the damage of my friend and mine is enough to deal with alucinations. Unfortunately you’re right, I forgot to mention we’re from eu. Let me edit it.

Need help for 100 CM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kapy.9387


I’m looking for 3 people from EU which are willing to help to do 100 cm with a thief and a guard who both have no unclean title.

The lfg couldn’t help us so far, because it usually requires you to have the title and/or switch your class. My friend has only agony infusions on his thief though and likes to stick to the class, as he has the most experience with it on higher fractals.(and has bad gear on other characters…)

We’re both able to speak german and english. We are also happy to take anyone with us, as long as he/she has enough agony resistance and is determined to kill the bosses as well.

(edited by Kapy.9387)

Bufffood & Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


The highest buy order is 1.42g while it costs 1.60g to craft, so I dont see why I should start crafting these, if buyers arent even willing to cover crafting costs and tp fees for me.

You don’t get to craft these in the first place, my friend. That’s the point. People who craft that stuff can store them in abundance in their guild vault/bank and sell them whenever they feel like the profit is enough. Who knows how old that star cake is, when someone buys it?

Without any doubt, there’s going to be a hard limit what people would pay for a 30 minute bufffood. However, there’s no alternative to that food when it comes to maximizing hybrid builds and it’s not in your or my power to change that because the recipe is only available to very few people.

At this point, I’m quite certain that most of these cakes aren’t freshly crafted because that would – as you pointed out – mean a minus for the crafter. It’s quite likely that those who have the recipe ordered quite a huge amount of zhaitaffy, which would also explain why there are only 60k units left, whereas there were 4,5 million before.

And if you would calibrate the gw2spidy graph to one year,

As you can see in the first sentence of my last post, I’m always using a full view to look at the progress over the years, not just one year.

Considering the price swings other food and ingredients are going through within a year, this is quite stable.

Most food seems to be stable and tied to the gold inflation. I checked three popular foods and couldn’t find anything concerning.
Plate of truffle steak(Power builds)
Rare Veggie Pizza (Condition builds)
Delicious Rice Ball (Healing builds)

But that’s again missing the mark. Just because the price of a certain ingredient seems to be stable right now, doesn’t mean that we don’t have to worry about it. (I feel like I should make a reference to the overfishing of the seas in RL)
Almost every food in gw2 is on the trading post in abundance, but both the dragon’s revelry cake and the pieces of zhaitaffy are barely available anymore and it seems like people aren’t noticing. It’s hard to tell if we will ever run out of them, considering the low demand of bufffood for hybrid builds. What we can be sure of though, is that those players who have the recipe are a minority in gw2 and that they can charge whatever the hell they want just like they did on august 15, last year.

Bufffood & Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Saffron DID see a decent raise in value from 20th of Juli to 20th of August last year from 2s to 4s, which explains people stopping cooking starcakes. One their prices started to rise a well, people started cooking starcake again.

The raise wasn’t out of the ordinary though and we have in november 2015 an even higher price as well as some other lows. Also, if that’s all it takes to stop them from cooking those cakes, there would be an up and down.
My guess is, that it’s directly linked to the release of heart of thorns and a returning player base (and with that some people who have had the recipes unlocked)

And you only need one player with that recipe to cover demand, as long as you pay a profitable price.

As soon as this happens, this one player has a monopol which would be devastating.
Thing is, the less crafters there are the more of them will ask for higher prices. It doesn’t work differently in real life. The more people can offer a specific service, the more of them will try to sell it cheap for some fast profit and not for a higher price.

I would also argue that this food needs to be that expensive, considering that it gives 315 extra stat points compared to the 170 regular food gives, plus 20% MF.

All stat gear has generally higher stats(because it’s not focused on one stat increase), what’s weird though is the rarity of this food.
It’s just basic when it should be masterwork.

Compared to other foods, the price has also been incredibly stable over the last year (same for Zhaitaffy) apart from the spike of 3 weeks in August.

Don’t know which graph you’ve seen, but the price of zhaitaffy has increased quite a lot.
The spike is in my opinion merely a demonstration of what we can expect, should there be no option to craft the food normally. The crafting cost in august was no where near the selling cost and people had to buy those, because there was no alternative. Of course, one might argue :
Just buy other food – power/condition whatever. But if you like your jack of all trades style and want that hybrid build to work, you should have the option to do so without these unnecessary limits.
And on top of that, it’s not like a skin or so. It directly affects your gameplay to some extent, which is why I see it as a problem.

(edited by Kapy.9387)

Bufffood & Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


The price of starcakes has nothing to do with the rarity of the recipe but the unusually high amount of ingredients needed to cook it.

I don’t think we can agree on this one.
Let me back up my opinion with some data. (Most of it checked on gw2 spidy)

Last year, in august we had a whopping price of 3.23g per cake. At the same time, the price for the ingredients have not changed at all. The most expensive ingredient -Saffron – was at a sell listing price of 3,90s per unit. It costs 3,89s at the moment.(19.02.2017).

However, what is extremly special about this specific date is the sell listing amount we had back then. Only 174 Dragon Cakes were on the trading post which clearly impacted on the price.

The problem is, that we can’t tell how long it will be ‘til we get the next shortage. Or what happens if the demand for the pieces of Zhaitaffy gets higher than the amount available. We had 4,5 million of them on the trading post for a time. Now we’re at just 60k. With only 3 options left to get them.
A) Generosity’s Reward
B) Gift from Mawdrey II
C) Fluctuating Mass

However, here’s the deal. The chance to get the zhaitaffy seems to be incredibly low and on top of that it only seems to drop 1 unit, whereas 40 are needed for the cake.
It’s apparently listed on the loot table for those 3 containers, yet a lot of openings of more than 250 bags have not shown a single piece of zhaitaffy.

So, the recipe itself can’t be obtained anymore and the pieces of Zhaitaffy are rare, yet this bufffood is certainly the best option for certain non-meta hybrid builds.
As haleydawn pointed out, the birthday blaster is to some extent a shortduration, free alternative. However, it lacks a total of 35 stat points(7*5) and lasts only 10 minutes.

Considering that not everyone likes to spam their birthday blasters all the time, there should be something else as a valid long lasting alternative for those of us, who are loving their hybrid builds(even when they are totally out of the meta) yet would like to get the most out of it.

Bufffood & Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Hi Guys,
I’m not sure whether it has been posted here before or not.
(the search function doesn’t seem to find anything atleast) but the prices for the dragon’s revelry cake have gone through the roof and there’s still no sign of chef 500.
I know there are a lot of people who don’t really give a kitten about bufffood at all, but I do.

Any ideas when they will implement that? Are there any good alternatives for builds with celestial gear? (Not that I’m running one, just curious to know)

xXUltimate Fractal GuideXx

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kapy.9387


I thought it would be clear when I promised that this build would even ignore gravity, but apparently people click on the links first and read the rest later o.o
All of the builds also only had nothing but the downstate traits in them.

(edited by Kapy.9387)

xXUltimate Fractal GuideXx

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kapy.9387


A moderator didn’t find it funny apparently and thought that my build suggestions are useless. Oddly enough, there are a few hundred other topics created that are nothing but complains with no arguments and not even remotely funny. Shrug

xXUltimate Fractal GuideXx

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kapy.9387



You had a bad day struggling in fractals or what is the goal behind this troll post?

Hahahaha I wish.
As you can see, I generously pointed out that I slightly spend a little more time in the fractals than the average player might have. It wasn’t just one bad day and I wrote this just for fun, without insulting anyone. If it’s not your humor, then I’m fine with you giving me 0/10. Otherwise I suggest you shouldn’t rate other peoples opinions and ask them nicely what makes them say that / try to understand them.

Sigh and I fell for it and clicked on one of the builds >.<

I’m sorry to hear that Sarahfull, though I can assure you that you won’t find a build for the fractals that fits in every situation perfectly. See, there might be some really effective builds here, but they rarely consider how a player actually fights in combat. One might be really aggressive, another rather defensive. Even small decisions like dodging forward or backwards can affect how someone engages an enemy and what he/she does to constribute and how his team should react. Many enemies in the fractals are nothing alike and have different weaknesses also, so knowledge is the key.

So the only good tip I can give you, is to adapt to the situation, don’t stick with just a few choices, try out every weapon and have fun.

Guild Halls need more

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Yeah the increased the decoration cap but still you can place only a few near each other before it says that there are too many decorations in one area – which sucks because it really limits the way one can build something. I tried to make a golem out of rocks. Impossible at the moment. I can perfectly see that they want to make sure that the performance in guild halls is stable, but in my opinion these halls could be a a lot smaller – as long as we get to customize it a bit more. I prefer that in any way over large empty places.

How Do Builds Work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Lots of classes have keyskills to deal damage. Dodge them, and they’ll deal a lot less damage to you. In pvp the dragonhunter can be outplayed by dodging his spear, giving the thief no chance to backstab you does the trick aswell. There are a lot more things to keep in mind, but yeah. If you want to go full tank, google bunker builds gw2.

[Suggestions] Please Bring Back these Gem Stores Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


First, look what I wrote in bold. They made the “challenge” easier by introducing new armor and weapons. After beating a boss once its less and less fun the more often you repeat it just like with every content. Liadri won’t be anymore fun if you repeat it, as not much can change. Its a soloquest basically. However, the raid is a group challenge that can change depending on the people you’re going with. That changes the experience slightly each time, even if your group uses the same tactic over and over again. Its like comparing a story instance to a dungeon.

[Suggestions] Please Bring Back these Gem Stores Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


rare/exclusive: The only reason bunny ears and the sunglasses were ever “rare” and “exclusive” is that they were only ever previously sold as town clothes. Most people didn’t use town clothes at all, so they didn’t buy town clothes skins.

The only thing that realistically shows you were around to support the game at the start is the baseball cap.

Immersion: Please. There’s been a bow that shoots unicorns, a disco ball mace, etc. since launch, feathery wings everywhere, people turning into various creatures at random (tonics)… “immersion” is loooooong gone. A set of bunny ears or a pair of sunglasses is barely noticeable compared to most of the stuff that goes on on a regular basis.

Yeah, Immersion is long gone and every new update brings new sparkling effects with it. But atleast most of these hideous items are quite expensive and not everyone is running around with it.

However, I’ve already seen a couple charrs with pink bunny ears. Some even on twitter.
About the supporting of the game; sure it doesn’t prove that much, but atleast it’s been one item in the early stages of guild wars(3 years now!) and it was time limited.

Let me give you another example to think about, which is not only about the bunny ears. The mini liadri(Queens Gauntlet) is a mini which is non-purchasable and part of an achievement. As you might remember, people had to defeat her(and a couple other bosses) in an arena and there were a lot of people that cried on the forums and were frustrated. But there were also lots of people that enjoyed the event and loved the arena, especially because it actually took you some knowledge to defeat them(reflection, stability, bufffood with endurance regeneration preferably…etc.). Liadri(but also the other bosses) had a nice battle mechanic and I felt amazing after I defeated her and got the mini to prove it.

If liadri’s fight would have been available all day, all year then there would have been nothing special about it, as you can get her anytime. Maybe even if you’re better equipped?

And yeah, that’s what exactly happened.
They brought back Liadri after the release of both: ascended armor and weapons.

So, nothing special about that anymore. It might even come back this year once more. Who knows. The challenge is certainly easier with better gear and we had more than a month to beat her. Maybe we’ll have it back after the release of ascended bufffood.
But yeah, you might disagree with me and surely your point of view is just as justified as mine is. It has its advantages to bring back content and a lot of mmo’s do so.
The living story gw2 used to be different in that aspect. Not only does it change the world and brings new adventures, it also had one-time exclusive rewards and currencies.

And they decided to give most of these items to our laurel vendors so that all of these items are non-rare, but at best one day of farming. I’m sure there will be more.
At the end of the day, the only precious thing we keep are our memories.

[Suggestions] Please Bring Back these Gem Stores Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Nice to see a long requested item back for sale.
Feeling sorry for anyone whose self worth is tied up in a gem store purchase from 3 years ago.
#Itsonlyagame #Seekhelp #FindsumBunnytolovemaybetheywillloveyouback

Read closely. I’m not only thinking about one item. I’m just guessing that they might as well re-release the fused weapon skins. Or re-implement other stuff that has been exclusive before(Season 1 minis, karka-hatchlings…)
Not exactly what I’d like to see, but if(!) the majority wants it that way then there is nothing one can do about it.

My personal opinion on this is, that rare and exclusive items are really important for a good game. The gw2 celebration hat for example is quite rare to see in cities. (
Its cool to see a character wearing it once in a while, but it would be certainly less special if you’d find atleast one infront of a bank everytime you visit a city.
Or finding a hardcore charr with metalplates, spikes – and pink bunny ears.
They will be now more common and just take a look at the gemprices…

But hey, thats just my opinion on it. If the majority of the community wants certain items back I can’t blame arenanet for their decisions.
I hope you understand my point of view,
happy easter.

(edited by Kapy.9387)

[Suggestions] Please Bring Back these Gem Stores Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Good job, another item gone that used to be rare and special. Especially to those, who bought it back in 2013 and supported the game from the start.

Can’t wait to see millions of berserkers walking in pink armor and bunny ears @ shatterer.
#Immersion #DecisionsDecisions #Gemstore #MuchWow #Ihatehashtagsactually

Unbound not moving

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Or perhaps next year…?

Please give us chairs to actually sit on

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kapy.9387


I love justine’s idea.

Female human only has 1 animation now

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kapy.9387



Guild Hall Arena Decorations Bugged [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kapy.9387


We’re encountering the same problem with our guild arena. Please fix

Unbound not moving

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Can we get a fix for this for christmas?

Decoration Limit

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Guess there are only a few people out there, that really like to place some more objects in the guild hall. Or most of them are just too lazy / don’t use the forums. :o

Decoration Limit

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Yea…that would make sense. But still only 15 items nearby? I mean…that’s no argument because those who have such a weak pc couldn’t even go anywhere near world bosses or other populated areas.

Decoration Limit

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kapy.9387


Hello guys,
as some of you may know there is currently not only a limit for the amount of items placed in the guild hall, but also one which prevents us from placing more than 15 objects close to each other. Does anyone know why there is such a limit and why it has to be so ridiculously small? I mean…that’s barely enough to put up some chairs and tables. Can’t imagine to build a fancy garden or anything cool with only 15 items.