Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Keahi.3620
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Keahi.3620
I love the new areas and all the events inside of them but i just can’t enjoy it while i’m trying to unlock all my specialization skills.
The main draw of the expansion for me was the elite specs but spending hours upon hours trying to reach these well hidden hero challenges only to find half of them basically one-shot me is hugely frustrating… I’ve honestly lost the motivation to play anymore.
Yeah i’ve experienced this bug as well. Real bummer, after hearing about the changes to world completion i decided to finally %100 it knowing i wouldn’t have to wait on WvW anymore, but now i’m stuck waiting on a bugged skill point instead P: Ah well.
Hope it’s sorted out soon!
Wait, the hair stylist kits can remove your glow too? I’ve been using my permanent hair stylist kit like candy T__T
I guess that leaves me a bit out of luck since i didn’t buy the kit with gems ):
This may have been reported before but here’s a shining example of the problem
Male Norn
Tier 3 Cultural armor (Stag mail chest piece)
There is a really nasty neck seam where the skin changes colour, a real kick in the guts for bald characters (especially after dropping 30g on it :x)
Truly sad, sad to say this led me to retiring my ele.
Well this is depressing… i really want to love elementalist but god kitten they’re making it hard.
Honestly, blast rolling into my fields was half the fun i got from staff.
And nerfing tornado? what is this…
I am 100% behind this idea, i love to change things up now and then but on my level 80 it means i either have to sacrifice my current skins or buy a new set entirely every time i want to change (with the new set actually being the cheapest option as of obtaining T3 cultural skins). If all that comes out of this is a gem store item to separate the skin from the item, i will be satisfied.
still cannot get past this god awful quest, i’ve tried everything i can think of at this point but it’s useless.
I don’t know what you’re referring to when you say Trahearne is supposed to give a speech, after talking to the second team leader he does nothing at all for me, combat or no combat.
Items and Gold are never lost, the maintenance may have caused a delay in your orders. When the TP is back up just look out for those orders.
I am having a hard time believing this is the case… 21-22 days ago now i lost all of my gold by cancelling buy orders before a maintenance, i still have not seen a cent of it and the best the support team could do was tell me they don’t have the tools to restore it (tough luck?). Very disappointing.
Well i got a reply to my ticket in regards to losing around 8g on the TP from taking down buy orders and never receiving the gold.
“While we would like to replace your gold, the Guild Wars Support Team is unable to replace currency, individual items, or characters in the manner that you are describing. We simply do not have the tools to provide this service at this time.”
So essentially all of my gold is gone, it is entirely the fault of the Trading Post, and there’s nothing they’re willing to do about it. I just wanted to post this so that those of you with similar problems know not to get your hopes up.
Edit: to clarify, this gold was lost a week ago.
I also made a purchase of 10 Mystic Forge Stones (450 gems) about 10 hours ago and have not received anything. My mail is empty, it did not appear in the Recent Purchases list and it did consume my gems.
If by some miracle someone does choose to address my case, i’m also out of pocket about 7g worth of buy orders i cancelled a week ago.
I consider myself a patient person but this is becoming extremely frustrating, 3 times now have i had my money taken, i don’t even know if it’s safe to buy to buy things on the TP or gem store anymore. God knows if i try to buy the gem store item again your policy won’t allow me to refund the first one (assuming i ever get it)…
I’m still investigating these reports, but I don’t have any answers either way yet. One thing I can say is that more than 99% of the stuck transactions during that period are now completed.
Consider me one of the remaining 1%
It’s been 3 days and i’m still missing 6-8g from cancelled buy orders, which is especially frustrating as it is essentially all of my gold and my trading ability is crippled without it.
I’m still missing about 6-8g from buy orders i cancelled, it’s making things very tough considering that’s pretty much all i have. The TP is currently working fine for me and i believe i did receive a cheeseburger i ordered during the time the TP was bugging out, but not my cancelled buy orders.
edit: just to clarify, these buy orders were cancelled when this problem first popped up 2 nights ago (before the emergency maintenance), still no sight of the gold.
(edited by Keahi.3620)
Does everyone who had the issue need to submit a ticket about our losses or will you guys be able to sort it out?
Would also like an answer to this
7g worth of cancelled buy orders up in smoke, here’s hoping the money comes through eventually ;__;
Yup experiencing the same issue, am missing about 6g worth of buy orders i cancelled. Having experienced this in the past though i’m sure it will come through eventually
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