Showing Posts For Khattnip.1908:

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


1. Location: West Sussex, England
2. Time and date: Continuously for the last three weeks
3. Game World: Desolation
4. Description: Nine times out of ten I will enter the game, attempt a skill, and then get indefinite skill lag and frozen players until I’m error coded out within a minute. Occasionally I will be able to play fine but after a period of up to half an hour I will get error coded back to character select? I took this up with ticket support and we managed to narrow it down to packet loss, ever since I’ve been trying to find where the loss is occurring but can’t isolate it at all!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Polygon updated their Guild Wars 2 review

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


I really don’t see why people are so quick to dismiss the temporary content we received! Like for over a year we were basically guaranteed we could log in and play some relatively new content with usually pretty decent rewards! Sure it hasn’t been happening for the last month or two, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t there! And if you personally didn’t like some or many of the updates that doesn’t invalidate it, most players I know really enjoy it and I can’t wait for Season 2!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Let players make fractals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


I’m not sure how feasible it would be, what with the potential for a very badly made fractal to really mess with your game, but I would 100% support this system! It would add unlimited new content

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

There is no real Boon Duration Rune Set

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Boon duration could definitely do with being a bit more viable in my opinion! I guess we have to just assume there’s a reason for this at the moment? Would be nice to hear about this in a live stream or something!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Boon Duration Builds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Ah cool many thanks! I’ll look into compensating for that!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Boon Duration Builds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Hi all! So before the patch I was looking to switch my Guardian to a Supportive, Staff+Shout Boon Duration build? The plan was to reach the maximum +100% figure to support my group in dungeons! (staff 4 might stacks yes please)

Im having difficulty working out the best direction to go, especially now boon duration has apparently been affected by the patch? Im having officially finding out how though?

Does anybody know what has been affected or how to best achieve the full +100%?

As this is mostly useful to me in dungeons consumables like the Chocolate Omnomberry Cream will be very much an option?

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Megaserver = success

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Huh, maybe they have accelerated out then? I had assumed that the rush in Rata Sum had been because of ease of access to banks and the TO, but if this is what we can expect moving forward I have to say Im impressed! Was nice to see it bustling and the idea of that being a fixture is awesome!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Blade Shards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Reckon it’s a secret Lions Arch plot to avoid more clean-up? “Oh thanks for picking up all that sharp metal lying around, no you hold onto that it’ll be… Errr… Useful later Im sure! There’s totally some guy! My pal Tsuru!”

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Personality stat being phased out?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Having made a new character after the patch went live I can confirm they are at least still asking you your initial preference? I’ve always enjoyed giving my characters a personality feel so Id be disappointed if it was on the way out, but I cling to the hope that if they were going to be rid of it they’d scrap it altogether? Or perhaps it’s part of some initiative to keep this going but have it hidden so that the chat choices influence it more than the resulting bonuses? (He said hopefully)

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Frost gorge train ruined

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


and there was player who just dont care, and kill champs withouth order. Did thay think about other, NO. Are thay selfish, YES. So its normal that someone will be rude

This mindset is the problem with the train. A group of people can’t just commandeer an entire map! The “Play how you want” mantra being thrown around here cuts both ways! A friendly train, that accepts other players may take a crack at champions with their friends, is a wonderful thing that I totally agree with! It conveys all the benefits of the usual grind but with a bit of camaraderie thrown in! It might not e to everyone’s tastes but it doesn’t hurt anyone!

But when we see the train turned into a venomous claim of “my way or the highway” on every champion on the map that’s when it can’t be condoned at all! And this does happen a lot, it’s not every train but it’s enough! And that’s why trains are being nerfed, because some people don’t know how to share, and have ruined it for the others!

You don’t own anybody else’s game experience, you can’t dictate what they fight.

And I do feel sorry for the genuinely helpful and understanding train runners that these others have ruined it for the whole bunch.

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Stop complaining please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Well I may be wrong but the entire basis of the Bezerkers DPS build was “we kill this quickly to avoid the damage it can put out” correct? Seems to me a decrease in your damage leads to an elevated risk? I’m not saying the game will snap to a Trinity style approach but I think we’ll all be looking at more balanced builds in a month or so! And I don’t think that’s anything to be angry about, Bezerkers will still represent the high DPS option and be viable within a group!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Blade Shards - Where to hand them in?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Can’t find any mention of a new vendor in the patch notes so perhaps not?

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Party members not in same zone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Rats Sum was probably full because it’s the location with the smallest distance from Bank to Guild Bank to Black Lion I believe, which is very useful for sorting out some of the new features today!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Stop complaining please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Im really enjoying this patch! Can’t wait to try out the new trait system and this skins wardrobe brings out the collector in me! Definitely think the change to Bezerkers will bring more builds into play!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

New patch feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


I dunno, the system REALLY doesn’t seem focused on monetisation with the rate we’ll be getting these charges, which appears to be very often! I was personally surprised that Arenanet was making it so easy to transmute when you’d think that was a fairly staple source of income for them! Personally I really love this new update! Although I admit the reasons for town clothes needing to be changed from their original format still eludes me!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

I love you Anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


So much quality of life added it’s great! I’ve started up a new character and can’t wait to get to unlocking skins and traits! Great work ANet

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Consumption of Zhaitan

in Lore

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


I like the idea of Zhaitan’s corpse being a sort of massive magical battery at the moment! I mean there’s almost certainly still a huge reservoir locked in there, or assumedly we’d see a VERY big sudden release of it when we defeated it! Perhaps on the scale of what we saw when Scarlet tapped the ley line?

The most worrying thought therefore would be what would happen if another dragon got to it? Tequatl might have easily had a nibble! But I reckon the Pact would notice if Kralkatorrik or Bubble popped up to say hello! So maybe they do not know/care? Sure seems like a nice breakfast for a certain someone (looks worriedly towards Maguuma Wastes)

Another interesting point though is hypothetically assuming a dragon tried to eat the body, and that this would transfer magic as well, would it not be seriously hurt? Wasn’t our entire tactic against Zhaitan convincing it to consume poisoned magic? Maybe no dragon has tried to consume it because to them it represents a disease-ridden corpse?

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Suggestion: wintersday donations

in Living World

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


The idea, I believe, is that we were donating to the families of people who lost their loved ones and belongings in the DR attack? It’s also why Hoho-tron was the one collecting, due to him being charged with being an accomplice!

This means that the money was just instantly given out as part of the donation drive, distributed amongst these families as aid! Queen Jennah could hardly say to them “Oh btw we need that back!”

What I would expect however is some kind of big separate donation drive for Lions Arch itself, as part of whatever the rebuilding arc may be!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

When will the Blade Shard merchant appear?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


One would think we’ll learn on the 15th, perhaps Lions Arch engineers are looking for something to start rebuilding with? There’s all this metal kicking around anyways!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Positive Permanent Changes in season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


I’d very much agree with this! Arenanet have done a fantastic job of making the first living story arc about us being on the back foot, having to respond to Scarlet’s plots, it was really enjoyable and the climactic Lions Arch updates were amazing!

So now that the pressure on Tyria has let up a bit (temporary as this may be) it will be very interesting to see any rebuilding and development each race can afford to partake in now there is “no threat” to deal with! For at least Lions Arch their code practically necessitates they try!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Suggestion: wintersday donations

in Living World

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Divinity’s Reach was not damaged in the attack

I believe the attack being referred to is in fact Scarlets actions during the Queens Jubilee, in which if memory serves me right there were bombs set off in the city, in addition to the general rampaging of her twisted watchwork creations?

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Personally Im not really fussed about the waypoint issue, and I can’t wait for this to come out! And if this does get scrapped I shall simply never put up with anybody complaining about Overflow maps ever again because hey Arenanet is trying here!

But on a more constructive note isn’t there already a satellite in place that shunts you to the nearest other waypoint if you attempt to travel to one that becomes contested on the way? Is there not a way to make this work? Or would players probably find it even more annoying to THINK they’ve made it somewhere an then not arrive?

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

(edited by Khattnip.1908)

Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: Guilds and the Future

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


So thankful for this guild stuff! Personally I can’t wait for Megaserver to roll out across the board! Although I do admit, city-only server-specific instances would help to maintain the identity feeling!

Edit: But it sounds to me that the way this system prioritises means we shouldn’t really have a problem at all!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Guild Missions On Other Servers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Not quite sure where to put this but:

Im in a guild on a different server to myself, which I usually guest over to in order to help out with guild missions!

I’ve found that when I do this Im able to participate in the missions but they don’t show up in the guild tab, which is obviously a little bit of a problem for Guild Bounty especially!

Does anybody know why this is? I assume it’s not a bug but rather an intentional thing? Id rather not transfer server but I assume there’s no other way?

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Haha an item in the gem store that is a pair of newly-invented Asuran goggles supposed to see into alternate dimensions, but confusingly stuck on a dimension exactly the same but with some bizarre morphological differences?

I’d love nothing more than a screenshot of it affecting Zhaitan!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

So about those giants...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


An alternative I’d find interesting would be to keep it RELATIVELY harder, lets say maybe 300-500? But as part of a separate sub-category of “Big Game Hunter” or something that comes with a title?

So a set of Slayer tracks for rarer enemies, perhaps including Largos, Oakheart maybe, cough add Leviathan cough? Basically something that sets you apart for hunting the somewhat rarer, more exotic enemies of Tyria?

Then at least it would be WORTH the effort and set the players who managed it apart?

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Named Icebrood Wolf?

in Lore

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


That does seem likely! I ran around the local villages to see if there were any NPCs mentioning suspicious attacks or anything that might infer a specific infamous enemy but nothing! Ah well! We shall simply have to think up something that fits a very special corrupted wolf with an affinity for icy dragons and a weakness to mildly irate sheep!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Named Icebrood Wolf?

in Lore

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


There’s a small Kodan camp nearby for a skill challenge but none of them mention losing a dog or anything? One of these NPCs is called Watchful Moon but mentions that his name wasn’t always so, so tie-in there seems a little less likely?

Local hearts don’t seem to mention it either?

Aaaaaand I just watched it get killed by a ram… sheesh calls itself a wolf?

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Feature pack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Just a very big patch! Free of charge

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Named Icebrood Wolf?

in Lore

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


I’ve always been curious about the named Icebrood Wolf " Drowning Moon" in Snowden Drifts! Does anybody know how this enemy fits in lore-wise?

It seems to link to local Kodan somehow but I haven’t been able to find any more on it and it always piqued my interest for being singled out with a name?

Wiki post for those who don’t know it:

This lil guy

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Metal thing in Gendarran fields

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Looks like a Steam Portal?

Used by the Steam Creatures you tend to see more Lornar’s Pass way?

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

will there be a patch tomorrow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


Calling it now:

MechaScarlett – The Revengening

And it will be glorious!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

Profession-Based Finishers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


I’d definitely support this even with gems! I don’t really tend to use finishers because they feel a little out of place? Like “Here have an animal jumping on you!”

But profession or even racial finishers would, to me, feel much more fitting! I’d be very interested in a finisher that worked well with my character specifically! Like guardian smiting someone!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!

No more jewels in amulets on the 15th?

in PvP

Posted by: Khattnip.1908


I think the big reason we need to streamline things and make it easy to pickup is NOT because newbies are dumb or incapable of figuring it out, but rather because PvP is very, very intimidating. Reduction in apparent complexity helps PvP be more approachable and less intimidating.

I’d definitely agree with this! Myself and my friends have wanted to get into PvP for quite some time now but it just seems so complex and the few times we’ve tried we’ve been met with anger/derision for not immediately knowing the best builds and how to use them! The idea of slightly simplified choices will certainly be prompting us to try again!

That said I do think a lot of other options put forth in this thread certainly sound helpful as well!

Such savings, very Ogden, wow!