Showing Posts For Killer Instinct.2058:
5 win streak converted to 3 loss streak. Now I can neither play ranked nor unranked due to game crashing every time I enter the new map. :/
Same here as well
Edit: I’m on Windows client
(edited by Killer Instinct.2058)
Add me to it as well. Got a forfeit at Battle of Champion’s Dusk for I don’t know what exactly since I participated through the whole match, no disconnect, nothing to justify it.
Forfeit is because someone on your team deserted and you lost. This is to separate it from a full defeat.
What about “bye”?
It is way too premature for these kind of things. Keep in mind that build theory crafting is at its earliest stage, and nobody knows how the meta will evolve. Heck we don’t even know what other bosses have in store for us. These kills that you see in these early stages are far from optimized. People haven’t had enough time to explore all specializations yet, let alone the specific raid mechanics. Give it time, let’s see some optimized kills before judging what class is desirable and what is not. After all, don’t forget there was a time in the early dungeon meta where ele was excluded in favour of stacking more warriors in groups until people learned its true potential. Give it some time, ele will be back.
Also, obligatory the meta is changing at an alarming rate. :^)
What do you do at ArenaNet?
I make internet dragons. Previously worked on some Fractals, Tequatl, TT, Boss Blitz in QP.
The best time I’ve had in this game was during boss blitz, it required just enough coordination to be done by randoms, just enough time spent to be meaningful, and just enough rewards to be addictive. Awesome job with the design, and here is hoping for it to make a comeback in the future.
FWIW, having you all post here actually has me way more hyped about the raids than the trailers and blog posts did :-)
Man, Hrouda must be turning in his virtual grave :^)
Good change indeed. Next step: Nerf Phalanx Strength.
That’s not a problem in a trinity game. If you play a class that focuses on heals, it’s because you desire to heal, etc… so when someone asks you to heal, you don’t cry about it, you like it.
Everyone is PHIW … the question is if someone is a “play how I tell you”.
What if you are a group irl friends and none of you wants to heal?
Genuinely curious because I’ve never played a trinity game before.
I have the exact same problem with my warrior. All other characters work perfectly but whenever I try to log in on my warrior i get an I-O disk error and the game crashes and shuts down after loading for a couple seconds. Also worth noting is that external sounds (like music/streams playing in the background) will have a “hiccup” and will pause for a sec before it resumes loading, and I get the crash shortly after that. Again, this only happens on one character, all others are working fine. (Character’s in Gandara, in Gendarran Fields if that helps)
Same here as well, in the middle of dungeon and suddenly the game will freeze, shut itself, and then restart, only to encounter the same problem again. This started to occur immediately after downloading the new update.