Showing Posts For Kirkkis.8270:
- Born and raised in Puerto Rico.
- I didn’t learn english until I was 12.
- 27, female.
- My first online game was the text based GMuds when I was in high school.
- John Smith’s edit made me laugh.
- I am constantly pleasantly surprised and pleased with the communication ANet staff has with their player base. Seeing Mike reply, music composers say their thanks, and staff being part of these sort of threads. Even Gaile hanging out in Divinity’s Reach and talking to players.
- I am only 4’10.
- My first job ever was at Disney playing characters in the parades and doing autographs when I was 16(That one is for you Gaile).
- I love to read and collect books.
- I love the Investigative Discovery crime and murder documentaries.
- I have 3 rangers, all the same build. It is the class I play best and I just like the option of being different races.
- I built my computer for the purpose of running games smoothly and at high definitions.
- I move around a lot, just because. I leave a state when I’m tired of it.
My best looking? I’d have to say my guardian hands down.
I love the action shots.Your character looks great.
Voice selections at character creation. Even 3 would be great. That way the voice can match up to some racial diversity. I made a Chinese-inspired character and the voice did not match at all. Killed it for me. Also, if you implement older faces, make sure to add some bodies to match. The one older female human face available just looks weird with the 18 year old bodies. And I agree on the option to change hair accessory color without having to spend a hair style kit. That’s just silly since we can change gear color at any time.
Medium armor skin top. We need less coats. Can we get some tops? We only have 2 or 3. Take the Krytan top as an example. Minus all the bones.
Voice changer, race changer. Ranger pet skins for existing pets
I don’t play mesmer but I always thought it would be great if they added purchasable patterns for shatters. Instead of just purple butterflies. How about green leaves (sylvari inspired), stars, hearts, etc. etc. Just different shapes and colors to be able to customize your mesmer a little more.
Every time I try to make one, I feel like I have to work around the pink & purple theme. A sylvari with green leaves instead of butterflies would be awesome.
A personal DPS meter I think would be fine, in the sense that it doesn’t affect anyone but yourself. Though I wouldn’t personally use that.
One of the things I absolutely love about this game is that you cannot inspect gear/stats or measure DPS from other players. I believe this leads to a bad community as people get more obsessed about having to be this or that. No one should tell you how to play. Ultimately, what you play and how you play is no one’s business but your own and every player shouldn’t be forced to being an open book all the time, even when it doesn’t apply. This is what bothers me about games like WoW, where you can freely inspect anyone at any time and even have an online armory for easier stalking.
On a side note, if your group is doing a particular activity and you are asked to have a particular build for chance of greater success then you are volunteering to adjust your play style to the ultimate goal. I think that is fine and a separate thing altogether.
(edited by Kirkkis.8270)
The race forums are now together with a lot of other stuff. It looked neater to have the race forums like the profession forums, on it’s own category. It looks a little cluttered. That my only thought on the changes.
I was searching for a thread regarding the music before I created my own because I just picked up Living story part one to start off from the beginning and the music is amazing. It gets you right in the feels!
I don’t know the song names particularly but the music box-like symphony is my favorite. As a video game music fan, I must say the symphonies for this living story are touching. Great job!
I would suggest dropping autotarget.
If I remember correctly, if you’ve locked your pet to a target with F1, it will stay locked to that target.
I will give this a shot, thank you.
The most troublesome for me are thieves that are constantly stealthing, which resets my pet back to me and some mesmers. Usually any bursty class, I can take the damage from if played correctly.
Make sure you lock your pets on any stealth abusing enemy with F1. That way your pet will try to reengage as soon as your foe leaves stealth. Faster than only having the pet assist you. Same goes for deceptive mesmers.
Thank you for the tip! I will give this a try. A question on that though. I didn’t think F1 stayed locked that way. In the case of a mesmer as you are running around in circles, the camera sometimes targets for me if I lose the enemy on my screen for a brief second. It will the auto target whatever is in front of me until I quickly correct my target. Will this reset the F1 on my pet and drop attack on main target? Or will it lock in until it is dead regardless of what I briefly hit?
I feel like I am very aware of unique creatures since this post. I saw this one while questing in Lornar’s Pass. I’m a fan of the shark pet as it is my go to pet underwater. Different skins for it would be sweet. There’s all those new sharks in Kessex hills, those would also be great to have.
I’m a little nervous to say what I use due to negativity on the forums… But, keeping in mind everyone plays differently…I have a BM build that I made up for SPvP. I use double birds (Raven/Hawk), and rotating them accordingly. Each bird has an assigned skill that they use to get the most out of it as I rotate through them. For myself, I use clerics. Shortbow/Sword & Dagger. I use Dolyak rune and testing out Flock. This is a very fun build for me and I have played it for over a year.
The idea is for you to outlast any heavy damage so your pet can get a chance to get some good hits. It works very well for me. You can let me know if you are interested and I can share my build and skill selections.
The most troublesome for me are thieves that are constantly stealthing, which resets my pet back to me and some mesmers. Usually any bursty class, I can take the damage from if played correctly.
(edited by Kirkkis.8270)
10/10! Absolutely beautiful. That first photo in particular.
10/10 I love the way they all look! Very well done on all of them Creative with great color schemes.
Here is mine, a Sylvari Ranger.
Just saw this creature while leveling. Hadn’t noticed it before. This would also be a very cool addition.
Different voice options. Please ANet Santa….
I confess….I tend to be very judgmental, I can’t help it…it might be a bit OCD.
- If you write like you’re a teenager that is texting, I suspect your IQ is terribly low and not worth my time.
- I have high respect for RP players.
- I am a solo player but if I see a player that has a horrible guild tag, I assume they are dumb also.
- If the character name is terrible I assume the same thing as above. Names such as “Deez Nutz” or anything of the sort.
- I only SPvP, I avoid any PvE team play, such as dungeons, because other players kill my immersion. Immersion is the only reason I play in the first place.
- I tend to think that all the human female players with the biggest bust are males. Same goes for female players that still have the default model as their character. Due to this, I also tend to look down on that.
- I enjoy looking at other player models around the city. The more uniqueness the happier or intrigued I become.
- People that focus on “meta” whatever, make me think that they live in their mom’s basement collecting unemployment. Only because I can’t fathom anyone with a job actually focusing that intense on being the best over game enjoyment to de-stress from the work week.
(edited by Kirkkis.8270)
I saw a pirate’s pet, a sparrow. I never seen that before and was unsure if that was a new addition, but that would be a great add.
I think it would be so great if your personal story had the ability “veer off” into other directions. Such as falling to nightmare, human separatists, charr renegades or inquest. Sometimes, it bums me out that your character is instantly “good” regardless of how you make it.
I love jumping puzzles. There’s a particular excitement when I find one as I’m doing a 100% on a map area. I picture my character walking into these places slowly and cautiously with a torch in hand.
Dolphin is a great one, Spell! I remember seeing it while looking for the armored fish in Lion’s Arch a long time ago and I immediately Googled if it was available as a juvenile anywhere.
The closest thing we have to dolphins as pets is spirits under water. They turn in to dolphins if you haven’t used them while in under water combat before.
But yeah, I don’t see why dolphin wasn’t added. It seems more likely to have a dolphin as a pet than a shark.
I have never used spirits underwater, I never knew that. I agree, a dolphin is much more likely than a shark haha.
You’re in for a treat then when you try the Elite spirit underwater.
I logged into my ranger with some excitement and curiosity regarding your comment. Only to find out I only have 27 Skill points! Just 3 short of the 30 Elite >_< so I will be getting those last three just to go into any puddle and use it lol.
On a separate note, I am also fond of some of the passive beasts that I see. Paticularly the stags. I wish we could do something with those. I use birds for my favorite build, so anything winged is always great. Some of the bird minis I see, like the Tropical Bird, would be a neat addition.
Dolphin is a great one, Spell! I remember seeing it while looking for the armored fish in Lion’s Arch a long time ago and I immediately Googled if it was available as a juvenile anywhere.
The closest thing we have to dolphins as pets is spirits under water. They turn in to dolphins if you haven’t used them while in under water combat before.
But yeah, I don’t see why dolphin wasn’t added. It seems more likely to have a dolphin as a pet than a shark.
I have never used spirits underwater, I never knew that. I agree, a dolphin is much more likely than a shark haha.
Dolphin is a great one, Spell! I remember seeing it while looking for the armored fish in Lion’s Arch a long time ago and I immediately Googled if it was available as a juvenile anywhere.
Just thought of some additional ones that I wondered why they were not available at one point or another.
-Nightmare Hounds
-Rock Wolves
-“Branded” creatures
Hmmm, well they could be deemed a red wolf as it has the same model and that could work out. I just really like his coat.
I keep running into this cute little guy and it bums me out that he’s not tameable. Though obviously the same model as the wolf, his color scheme is very nice. Make this coyote charm-able! >_<
Are there any pets you see that you cannot charm but wish you could?
Remember to rotate your pet effectively. You only receive a 15 second cooldown if you rotate them while they are alive over the 60 second penalty if they die. I think many players forget to do this. I saw a ranger in a dungeon dragging around his dead bird the entire way. I don’t really think it’s the pet, but some players may need to learn to micro manage their pet efficiently.
If people do like seeing the tag then I would opt for a simple check box in the option for those that don’t care for it and both parties can be catered to, I guess you could say. That “Show pet names” box would work great, I’m surprised it wasn’t an option since I see a similar box like that in most MMOs.
I haven’t had the issue of the pet name being repeated as pets are switched. I think it happened to me a while back and it hasn’t happened since, so I assumed it was a fixed bug. But it might be I don’t run into it because I don’t switch out to new pets, the two I have are pretty permanent companions and they each have their own names when I swap back and forth.
To clarify on my end, I enjoy seeing my pet’s name since I put a lot of time into naming them and I don’t wish to remove that, only as a way around not seeing the guild tag on them. Preferably, I wish the guild tag would be removed and I would be happy as a clam. But if they prefer to keep that as is, I could definitely take a “Display pet names” checkbox to get around it. I guess it’s just an OCD thing for me.
Hey there,
I’ve been wondering if there is a way to disable seeing your pet’s name. I am normally a solo player but now that I have joined a guild, the guild name appears next to my pet’s name and it’s an eyesore for me. I looked through the options but did not see anything off hand.
If there is not a way to do this, can I suggest ANet create a “Show pet name” options or just remove the guild tag showing by the pet’s name. Am I the only one annoyed by this?
I vote no mounts on this topic as a personal opinion. I like the world the way it is. Someone also mentioned at the beginning that they don’t like how mounts appear out of nowhere, this is also a good point. I prefer to see myself as an adventurer that has traveled on their own, exploring the land as I go rather than needing a mount to make my gameplay effective. The waypoints are plenty and when they are far apart, the distance is just right.
However, if they had mounts like the broomstick with no speed boost and simply for vanity, that would be okay.
I think Kristen is doing a fantastic job getting some great creative styles out there for us so far.
It is my opinion that the sylvari hair releases are the best ones along with the norn’s in terms of creativity and effort. I agree a long hairstyle would be very cool to have as an added option. However, I really hate dreaded styles so feel free to skip that
Here is some cool stuff I’ve seen so far.
I find the first one very interesting with the style starting as branches out of the head then leaves at the ends raining down.
I have 3 Rangers. All different races. I do it because sometimes I feel like playing a different personality so I choose the ranger I want to play based on my mood that day. They all have the same build right now, but I imagine in time I will make 3 different builds or something of the kind. Until Arena Net sells a race changer at the Gem Store, I predict I will be constantly making repeat classes.
Welcome to Tyria! I also came from WoW and you will feel this a much refreshing experience. The community is nothing like WoW and the game has so much love and dedication put into it, you can feel it as you play. I hope you enjoy your time here.
See attachment, devs! The male one is what I wish for my female. For now, she has that spread long hair, but I’d like thin petals more tight to the face, not so spread. Simple and gorgeous!
TD;DR Moar long hairs!!!
I love the one on the right. It would be a very cool and interesting style. Very creative.
I concur. That would be great. I am Raven, and every time I get costume brawl tonic of a bird, I love to fly around in it. I don’t even do costume brawling.
Dishy: That is certainly unique. So tricky, she looks like a necromancer. Great eyes. 8/10. The bell bottom pants under the skirt are not a great piece (personal taste of course), but you did a good job at making it all go well without clashing.
I like to stay in the lore box and make very traditional characters. Here is my ranger.
(edited by Kirkkis.8270)
This is my Asura Ranger. I made a aviator/pilot theme. I even used the engineer back pack since I thought it could pass for a parachute. She is double bird and uses the slingshot and the wooden toy swords (because I just love the way they all look).
Check for the Eagle. I find them swapped. When you catch a hawk, it fills the Eagle space and visa versa. Last time I played a ranger this was the case.
I don’t have any friends in the game yet, but I think the chat is a great idea also. As well as being able to have a small timer before it’s permanent, then they are being REALLY nice =)
Hello A Net Devs,
I am not sure if this has been brought up yet or if I’m the only person that feels this way but…
Can you consider making the Total Makeover Kits take up the entire screen? Or even trigger you back to the create a character but with all the new options? I feel like the screen provided is so small and I struggle to make sure all the details are just right. I am very picky in how I make and adjust my characters and there have been a few times where I finalize a change and as I look closer I realize one small thing nagging at me. Even making the window adjustable might do the trick I think.
Thank you, keep up the great work
I made a Sylvari Necro to keep up with the spirit of the Halloween season. I found her just lovely and decided to keep her and continue leveling her.
I would rather they didn’t implement this.
Gathering tools are already account bound. If what you are asking for is that each of your characters should get one in the mail then you are asking to receive more than one for the price of one. If you need to swap it to another toon just put it in the bank and pick it up on your other toon. Mailing all your toons the same account bound item each doesn’t make sense.
You’re kinda missing the point. I already swap the tools to my bank when I need them on another character. But, for the price of these items, a convenience factor isn’t asking too much. I’m sorry that you don’t think it makes sense. We receive a new bank golem on each new character we create (if you’ve upgraded your game edition), so the ability to do a similar thing with gathering tools already exists. I do like the idea of an account-wide bag that can hold such items though.
I agree, I think an Account wide bag is a good idea. I also think maybe having the ability to mail stuff to yourself would fix the issue you are talking about for good. But not getting copies of that same item, because technically you only bought one, not 3 or 4 or 5.
Gathering tools are already account bound. If what you are asking for is that each of your characters should get one in the mail then you are asking to receive more than one for the price of one. If you need to swap it to another toon just put it in the bank and pick it up on your other toon. Mailing all your toons the same account bound item each doesn’t make sense.
(edited by Kirkkis.8270)
That’s just a picture of underwear lol.
I’d really like a branchy one like the oaken armor helm. Obviously different than it, but it would be nice to have a very branchy ’do. Maybe add some leaves in their or vines to the branches? Or even flowerbuds/flowers?
The current Sylvari looks are awesome. Just more and more would be even better!
I don’t understand, you mean something like this one below? We have branches already and they have leaves on them so I’m wondering how much more can you make out of them.
Sorry your having so many issues. Maybe I can help clear a thing or two? Like the poster above me mentioned, make sure you are dodging to avoid being hit. Unlike most/some MMO’s, your character does not have it’s own dodge/parry stat and thus it depends completely on you to avoid being hit. You can do this in many ways.
1. Spike Trap is a cripple that can help give some distance.
2. Lightning Reflexes will allow you to roll back and away quickly.
3. Frost Trap will chill your foes and slow down their movement.
4. Entagle is an AoE elite skill that will root your opponents for a long period of time or until they destroy the root. It gives you a good opportunity to use other AoE skills to bring down multiple foes at once.
4. Muddy Terrain is a cripple and immobilize.
Rangers have a lot of weapon abilities that help you kick back, stun, root, and interrupt mobs. Off the top of my head:
1. Shortbow has an evasive retreat, a cripple, and a daze.
2. Longbows have a push back, an AoE cripple and a stealth shot to get you out of tight spots and help give some aggro back to your pet.
3. Swords and daggers have multiple evasive abilities and a cripple on dagger.
4. Axes have a chill to slow them down.
5. Greatswords have a block and a stun.
Some things that can hep your survivability:
1. Signet of Renewal, Signet of Stone, Signet of the Wild.
All this depends on your play style to determine what may be more useful to you. I would suggest redoing your Traits. While I understand you want to do massive damage, you can redo your traits to balance out your damage and survivability to your liking. Such as making it a beast mastery type build or a condition build. Remember to read every option you have for every trait line. There’s a lot of useful stuff that you can cleverly spread out to make it work for you. Such as Natural Vigor in the Wilderness Survival line. It increases endurance regeneration which allows you to roll more often.
I have a ranger myself and is very easy to solo and farm materials with it. Remember you have an extra player with you (your pet) so do some research on each pets abilities. Every one is different! So you can find something that works best for you. Keep track of your pet and control it. If you do not rotate your pet or let it die you have cut your own DPS by a fraction of what you could do, not to mention you won’t have anything to reset on.
I hope this helped a bit.