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Dare I ask... 'Healing ele'..?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kitten.8051


Thank you everyone for your answers, you have all been really really helpful. I will think on this and try find a build suited to my playstyle without focussing on healing too much.

Dare I ask... 'Healing ele'..?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kitten.8051


I have been out of touch with this game for a good 1.5 years.

I have been looking to get back into it recently, and around the time I quit there was a lot of talk about healing ele builds focusing around water magic with a staff and possibly.. Dwayna runes? Or water runes? I can’t remember…

It was something I never got to try before I left but I just wondered if it was still popular and/or at all viable.

I know there is no trinity in this game and everyone is supposed to look after themselves etc. but Supportive healing builds have always appealed to me in every game I have played… and though my ele may perhaps never be a gw1 monk I am still interested in finding out what I can.

I’d like opinions for both pve and pvp

Thank you x

Is it okay to ask ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kitten.8051



I am SO glad to see ele is doing well as a class these days… It has been more than a while since I played, and I always felt underwealemed by my level 80 ele. But this was around one and a half years ago.

Happy to see returning to gw2 on my main may not be nearly as frustrating as playing it back then.

Completed a explorable and got no reward

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kitten.8051


i have just run HotW explorable (butcher path) and upon killing the last boss, it took a while for the reward window to come up, which showed i had 45 tokens, i then get kicked from the instance as the grp leader left the grp (i am only assuming this is why i got kicked, as it happened as soon as he left) and when i appeared outside the instance, the window now said that i only had ONE token for the entire run!

EXACT same thing happened to me but in TA. 1 token, no xp, no silver…what a joke.

So infuriating that anet won’t reimburse.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kitten.8051


I have done Ta about 5,6 times since the patch, max I got was 30, then it went to 15 and one run I even got 1!
I have never done speed runs, never exploited anything in any game I have every played. Heck I am always very careful not to do things that are even a bit suspicious to me. And missed on more then 200 tokens. I wasnt able to log in to forums until today. I tried to contact your support and answers I got are unbelievable, from quoting patch few times to the point where a guy answered me talking about how to get HOM rewards(!?). The only answer I got that was somewhat useful to me was that ANET Is not able to restore any of the missing tokens. So dont hope for that.
Honestly if you want people to go on with playing this game get better support, hire more people, do whatever you need to do, but it has to be better. For me support is half of the game and yours is nonexistent at this point.

Yep Awren, the responses I’ve had from support have been an absolute joke. I had the same deal as you, I was gobsmacked that each reply I got clearly indicated they hadn’t even read my question.

Copy and pasting a load of completely irrelevant rubbish does not pass as support

Elementalist Chain Lightning Bug on Flowers in TA Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kitten.8051


Agreed, this is so irritating.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kitten.8051


Lol valdamus what did you expect? They even personally replied to you.

You’re not extra special to get a personal patch you know ..

Actually no. nothing on the reply implies he is replying to ME “valdamus” I dont think he even read the hole ticket. it is clearly copy/paste answer to a DR token sup ticket. But in my case the problem was not the DR but the fact the the tokens I got did NOT register. (well one did so still missing 29)

Valdamus I really feel for you, your situation is almost EXACTLY the same as my own, I too was supposed to get 13 silver 88k xp and 30 tokens, but then I ended up getting NO xp, NO money and just ONE token.

I can totally see where you are coming from, as they obviously didn’t read yours OR my support ticket at all – for one thing if they had read mine they would know I was reporting another bug and that it was post patch….

My ticket:

“Tried this again after patch today and STILL the same problem. 13 silver 88k experience and 30 tokens despite not doing ANY dungeon runs for days. This is twilight arbor my character is level 80 and this is explorable mode.
I have had this rubbish reward for about a week and a half on first runs in dungeons, but that’s not actually the worst of it, I’ve discovered a much worse bug that could possibly be exploited to be ‘mean’ to party members, if someone accepted his reward quickly then exited the dungeon straight after.

I was about to screenshot this reward so I could submit it as a bug ticket, as you patched dungeons today and apparently diminishing returns should be fixed now for players who are getting them too early. Obviously they aren’t fixed for me so I’m taking a screenshot, but as I am doing that a party member leaves the instance. This KICKS ME OUT of the dungeon before I can accept my reward and after the loading screen the reward menu loads again.

But this time Its a different reward. Rather than the diminishing returns reward I am so used to seeing on first time runs, I am now showed as being awarded NO EXPERIENCE, NO SILVER, and 1 deadly bloom. Yes, just one.

Thinking maybe the award menu just bugged, I accept. But No, I am sat with 1 deadly bloom in my inventory, which by the games standard shouldn’t actually be possible at all unless I am mistaken? This brings my grand total to 6 deadly blooms as I had 5 left over previously from days ago.

So for that dudgeon reward I received no money no experience and 1 token. "

I would post their response if I could fit it but due to character limit I can’t but it was the exact same one as yours, it was even from the same GM.

Sigh. I would’ve waited much longer for a personal response from someone that actually READ my ticket. I understand they will be getting a bombardment right now, yes yes but not even reading tickets and copy/pasting some rubbish together does NOT account for good support, not in my book.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kitten.8051


Diminished rewards still bugged for many many players and I am actually worse off with the rewards now post patch than I was pre patch.

I reported this.

LOL @ an Anet GM responding to my bug report with ‘We fixed it! read the patch notes’

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kitten.8051


The 25th september patch fixed nothing for me, in fact it made it worse cos I get less tokens now than I did before.

I reported this, clearly stating the rewards aren’t working right post patch, and I got a GM reply today.

The GM said the rewards weren’t broken, they had been fixed with the 25th september update and I should read the patch notes.


Diminishing Rewards Are Screwing Me Over In Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kitten.8051


You know whats worse? I have been consistently screwed over by diminishing returns ever since they put them in, and the 25th September patch made it worse for me. My last run I got 1 token, no xp and no gold, I didn’t think that was even possible.

However, that’s not the worst part. I reported this and when I finally get a ‘response’ the GM tells me its all BEEN FIXED in the september 25th update and that I should read the patch notes!


They didn’t even read my problem and are refusing to acknowledge that their patch hasn’t worked for half the player base.

That’s Kitten.

So you’ve been getting 1token for each run since?

Basically, first run of any dungeon of any kind in three days, and right after patch, I did TA and the reward was diminished straight away, saying: 13 silver, 88k xp, 30 tokens.
However, it bugged out because the party leader left the party within 5 seconds after the reward popped up so It kicked me out of the instance and the game had to reload the unclaimed reward.

So the game reloaded it after the loading screen, but it was showing a different reward this time. 1 token, no xp, no money.

This is a separate bug, I understand that, but a pretty terrible one so I thought I had better report it, and of course the diminishing returns system is still simply not working properly for many many people post patch.

The GM also said in his reply – “the support team will be unable to apply any additional rewards to your characters.”

Diminishing Rewards Are Screwing Me Over In Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kitten.8051


You know whats worse? I have been consistently screwed over by diminishing returns ever since they put them in, and the 25th September patch made it worse for me. My last run I got 1 token, no xp and no gold, I didn’t think that was even possible.

However, that’s not the worst part. I reported this and when I finally get a ‘response’ the GM tells me its all BEEN FIXED in the september 25th update and that I should read the patch notes!


They didn’t even read my problem and are refusing to acknowledge that their patch hasn’t worked for half the player base.

(edited by Kitten.8051)

Dungeon Rewards Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kitten.8051


After getting rubbish 13 silver or 2 silver no matter what I did ever since they put diminishing returns in and since after yesterdays patch its got so much worse for me – getting 1 single token and no money/no exp as a reward from my first run in three days yesterday was the last straw for me with dungeons.

I’m not touching them until they are fixed PROPERLY.

Cultural Armor & Weapons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kitten.8051


I agree that cultural armour (particularly tier 3) is too expensive. 60 gold for a full set would be much better. The fact it is only rare and not exotic and 100 gold is ridiculous.

Reduce set cost of tier 3 to 60 gold and make it exotic.

Dungeon Reward Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kitten.8051


i just completed CoE first time and only got 1 crystal and no gold reward or xp….
my friend who was with me got the same…
fix this and pls mail us rest 59 badges and money

Ran TA for first time post patch, first time I have run any dungeon in 2 days. The party leader left about 5 seconds after the reward box came up (which was just 13 silver 88k exp, 30 tokens) but I didn’t have time to accept it as I was reading it wondering why the patch hadn’t fixed it. The party leader left, which kicked my character out of TA, making the reward box dissapear.

After the loading screen passed I was outside TA and the unclaimed reward box popped up again.

But this time it said NO experience, NO money and just 1 token.

So I feel for you, same issue here.

As a sufferer of the incorrect and unfair diminishing returns bug ever since diminishing returns were put into the game I can’t help but despair a little at the messed up rewards when I think about all the gold I haven’t been awarded totaled up. But now it is tokens ASWELL…so this patch has made this even worse for me.

As it stands, the truth of it is I simply cannot enjoy the dungeons at the moment; which is a shame.

Bugged Dungeon Reward Post Patch - NO Exp, NO money, 1 token

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kitten.8051


If the instance owner leaves the party the instance gets deleted and everyone booted out.

- – Okay, well… that’s fine (stupid, but fine) but that doesn’t excuse the reward bugging to the extent it does afterward.

Basically, as the game stands right now you need to accept your reward as quickly as possible guys (in fact, don’t even READ it) in case you have a trigger happy leader who leaves and bugs your reward to nothing but 1 token.


Bugged Dungeon Reward Post Patch - NO Exp, NO money, 1 token

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kitten.8051


Dungeon rewards have been bugged ever since they introduced diminishing rewards for me; always getting 13 silver and such on first runs of the day and always 2 silver after no matter what. Some accounts seem unaffected, as my boyfriend always gets the full rewards and the system appears working as intended for him.

I, like many others, assumed this would be a thing of the past after today’s patch, but actually, its ended up worse for me.

Tried TA just now first time today and post patch and got 13 silver 88k xp and 30 tokens – BUT I discovered another massive bug with it shortly after this.

I was screenshotting the diminished reward and about to report it but whilst I was doing this, a team member left. Whether they left the instance or party I don’t know, all I know is this KICKED ME OUT of Twilight Arbor, before I had accepted the reward of 13 silver, 88k XP and 30 tokens.

It should be noted this happened only about 5 seconds after the reward popped up, so It was not a lengthy time interval at all.

So after the loading screen, my character is stood back outside of TA and the unclaimed reward pops up. BUT, its not the same. It has NO money, NO experience and 1 deadly bloom. Yes, just one token.

I stupidly thought maybe the reward screen had bugged appearance wise since it had to reload due to me being kicked out of TA, so I didn’t screenshot and just accepted. But no, when I accepted, I did indeed just receive 1 deadly bloom with no cash or experience alongside it.

PS. FYI, This is TA Explorable and my character has been level 80 for weeks.

I’m more than a little frustrated right now, don’t have the energy to do any further trials with dungeons and TBH I’m rather worried someone will exit party or instance and this will happen to me again. I am really burnt out after this latest glitch.

Dungeon Rewards once again...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kitten.8051


Yes, dungeon rewards have been same as me, never higher than 13 silver no matter what and sometimes 2 silver (first run) even now after today’s patch.

Tried TA just now first time today and post patch and got 13 silver 88k xp and 30 tokens – BUT I discovered another massive bug with it shortly after this.

I was screenshotting the diminished reward and about to report it but whilst I was doing this a team member left. Whether they left the instance or party I don’t know, all I know is this KICKED ME OUT of Twilight Arbor, before I had accepted the reward of 13 silver, 88k XP and 30 tokens.

So after the loading screen, my character is stood back outside of TA and the unclaimed reward pops up. BUT its not the same. It has NO money, NO experience and 1 deadly bloom. Yes, just one token.

I thought maybe the reward screen had bugged since it had to reload due to me being kicked out of TA, but no, when accepted I did just have the 1 deadly bloom with no cash or xp.

If I wasn’t laughing so much at the irony of it all I would be crying right now.
