Showing Posts For Knapper.3508:
‘Its Those Pesky Casuals Again’ needs YOU !
I have a dream,
That one day our warriors and necros will be judged not by the colour of their dyes but by the content of their character !!
Hi guys,
I do not believe in min/maxing gear, or shouting at people for not knowing raid mechanics or running zerk only meta builds.
My aim with this guild is to build up an extremely strong community within the game to pursue mainly PvE content. (PvP is not exactly discouraged of course, if you are a PvP player you are also welcome to join but know the aim of the guild and the content I aim to be doing with people)
Right now I have absolutely NOTHING to offer you guys, thats right its brand new, there are no level 457302 guild halls or raid nights or anything like this … yet.
You could call me somewhat unprepared to take this on, and you would be somewhat right. All i can offer is an idea, the idea of a guild where players of ALL skill are welcome.
Ive been in many guilds that claim to be all friendly o everyone but truly they arnt, small cliques develop within the guild and the whole community aspect is lost, I aim to eradicate this from the current guild system and accept everyone.
Right now the guild is obviously in its extreme infancy so you will have to bare with me while I get things up and running but if you feel yo would want to be one of the first batch of members to join up then do not hesitate to contact me either within the game or through the forums.
Thank you
Hey guys just wondering what is the quickest dungeon rotation in order to earn the dungeon frequenter 5g and tokens
Hey there Knapper,
We’re not officialy a fractal/raiding guild, we do however have players who play fractals frequently. We also have 2 raid events on a week, a casual raid (for new inexperienced players) and a more dedicated raid.
A little info about us:
When The Night Falls [WTNF] is an Dedicated PvE Guild with players also doing PvP, only a few do WvW.
We’d like to see ourselves as an Casual / Family type of Guild, where players are valued by their Attitude and Personality.If you’ve got any questions left, feel free to contact me or visit our website:
Hey I added you in-game last night, and some officers stated on the website but had no luck managing to contact someone, I did apply on the website but after that I wasnt sure what to do haha
I must stress that I have never actually raided before, definitely want to get into it though.
Im looking for a medium – ish size guild with a nice chill community (this is of importance to me, I dont want to join guilds that never talk)
Havnt played the game in over 3 months and wanna lv some alts as well as playing ‘end game’ content
If you think you have what im looking for please contact me :P
Its a necessary evil, I get that.
I just wish it wasnt hahaha
Just wanted to get your guys opinions on the exchange fee system when you sell an item.
I feel like it kind of hampers people efforts of selling small profit items such as crafted agony resistance infusions.
Never mind, I just couldnt see them :/
Is +8 the highest you can craft infusions ?
It doesnt seem to want to let me discover further than that
It looks pretty darn good on a Charr. I like it anyway and btw, you’re supposed to wear helmet, especially for this outfit. You would never see Balthazar without one, now would u?
Nice pics, kinda matches your weapons too :P
To me personally, the “floating neck” is kinda a deal-breaker. Unfortunately, I couldn’t preview this in the store before buying.
Unless you don’t mind displaying the complete outfit including the helmet (and look like clone number 1000000), I don’t consider this a usable outfit… unless you don’t mind looking like some kind of fiery clown.
Not too happy about this.
Each to their own I guess, I personally think its a better effort than some of the outfits in the past :P
is this out yet?
This was what he looked like before the balth armor
Kinda tried to make him ‘Bloodborne’ inspired :P
I love this armor.
But you’ve got no theme. You got horns everywhere, a batwing sword and black bird wings. The only thing you could say blends the look together is “DARK COLORS!!1” and even those aren’t particularly chosen well…
You cant anyway because its an outfit, Slightly disappointing if you only want certain parts of it but I think its nice :P
You can :P
Ive even considered buying the shadow abyss dye for the blackness
I know its been said before but please Anet, think of the mix and matchers
So we already know about Ranger-Staff and Necro-GS
(Not sure if any others have been confirmed)
Does anyone have any predictions on what each class will get ?
My ideas are
Theif – Axe
Warrior – Dagger
Guardian – Axe
Ele – No idea, maybe GS too ?
Engineer – Hammer (Think this also got confirmed)
Fortunately for you I am not Anet so I would’nt worry about it :P
haha maybe so, I just think it makes it easier for leveling up alts too, rather than wasting alot of time running around maps that you have already explored alot of times with other characters.
Was doing a guild bounty mission today and forgot that I didn’t have any of the way points unlocked on my warrior for the area we were in.
I got to thinking and thought about the idea of making way points account bound rather than character bound. JUST waypoints, if you want 100% exploration you would still have to do all hearts, POI and the challenges.
It just makes navigating the world so much easier for other characters.
What do you guys think about this ?
I thought about this for a while, i noticed while the current dyes in the game are good, there are no really “fun” ones or truely AMAZING looking ones. Now this is just an idea and is most probably not even on Anet;s to do list as it isa bit silly but i think would be cool new things to go for.
I had an idea about releasing a bunch of Exotic dyes and possibly one or more Legendary ones, maybe you could leave a trail of colour behind you when you walk ?
Some ideas include:
. Multicolored (i know this is already achieveable in game but picture a sort of Rainbow Road-like looking dye on a character)
. Camouflage Dye
.Mirror dye (where everything sort of … reflects … off your armour ?)
.Guild member had an idea of a Banana dye (that was green in the morning and ripened during the day into Yellow and Brown at night)
.Chameleon dye (changes to match your enviroment?)
These are just a few examples, i realise its not very realistic but i think its a fun idea
Another guild member had the idea of a Legendary dye that could only be obtained through 100% Dye Completion ?
Im sure you guys can think of more, please tell me if you think this is a good idea or not :P