Showing Posts For Koakuma.7253:
I like this idea a lot. Personally, the biggest problem with WvW right now in my opinion is dedicating yourself to it leaves little time for break. If you want to be there at every reset, and constantly play your part in ensuring your server does well, that more or less means dedicating yourself at least for a couple hours every single day of the week, every week of the month.
From my own experience, I’ve watched this burn a lot of people out (myself included), and create a general distaste for the thing we once loved. I personally still WvW anyway because I love the tactics side of things and doing my part anyway, but having a “week off” that didn’t matter so much would be very nice.
I also agree with what I think was your point near the end, in that arena net could use THOSE predetermined weeks for patching and other testing, as it wouldn’t interfere with actual matches going on. It’s frankly a little frustrating to be kicked out of wvw during a push on something, and this would be a way to outright solve that issue entirely.
In any case, I hope Anet takes a serious look at this post, as I feel at least some of it could certainly benefit WvW.
Just have to say, Yak’s Bend, you guys have seriously earned my respect over the last couple of weeks. To be honest, in the last week matchup we had, I didn’t see much of your presence at all, and when I did I didn’t get much of an impression from it. There was always talk of how tenacious at defending you were, but being a primarily Borderland player myself, not seeing you at home or in FABL that often made me wonder at times how you got to be T3.
Then this week came along. After pushing on your BL a few times, both alone and with FA pushing on their side, I can certainly see exactly why you are in this tier. You don’t just defend tenaciously, you defend VICIOUSLY. Numbers or not, you certainly know how to spread your troops right and hold things as well as you can. I’m honestly not surprised that you’ve swung ahead of FA in points, and I really look forward to seeing you again next week.
Thanks for the great fighting from both sides!
As others have stated in this thread FA is extremely offensive. In our previous matchups this overwhelming brute force tactic worked because we had such huge advantages over our other opponents but this is one of those few matchups where our opponents have extrememly similar numbers and at the moment we are failing to understand that the old overwhelming zombie zerg just does’nt work anymore. If FA is to have any chance we need to look beyond mindless zerging and just capping everything on the field.
We need to start thinking about the consequences and reasons for attacking areas instead of mindless zerg rushing everything if we are to improve as a server.The heart of the problem there though is that the ‘system’ as it is designed is highly against defending. Meaning there is no reward most times for many hours whatsoever. No gold, no karma, no xp, not even any fun. What happens is that you spend a night chasing after some camps if your lucky which is irritating at best.
This does not even take into account population issues and having the numbers to defend places.
Defense is very important tactically, but for the individual it does nothing, especially when ‘points’ have no real value. I have never heard anyone say hey I want to start up a game tonight and sit in an empty tower for 4 hours watching the guards walk in circles. Lets all ask our friends if they want to buy GW 2 to do this, see how they react to you. Its a game, it should be if nothing else fun, when it becomes work (even more so unrewarded work) people stop playing.
This is an Anet problem not a server one. How would I solve this if I was Anet, add dynamic events to defense like ogres attacking the tower, etc. But I have already posted a thread about adding NPC’s to underpopulated servers.
I see your point, but I also don’t see your point at all.
WvW is a game designed around massive coordination, and dedication to various duties by ALL parties involved. SOMETIMES, yes, this means sitting in a tower and defending it. Maybe it means walking back and forth between camps escorting yaks. It MIGHT even mean that you need to defend camps for an hour or so. If you find yourself on Sentry Duty, as we refer to it, you can always ask to switch off with somebody after a while if you find yourself bored. Generally speaking, somebody will do so.
Defense is as important to the game as offense is, and claiming defending has no value because of lack of points only shows that you have no real understanding of the potential points system, and the big picture as a whole.
For those stuck at work, any chance of a score update?
What happened TC? I remember liking fighting against you guys because almost after every fight someone would do a /salute or /bow. It was cool. I thought you guys were cool because you won, but didn’t try to throw it in your opponents face. Now all you do is /laugh. I haven’t seen one person do anything else. I REALLY admired your server, and started following your example and tried to show my respect to those I beat. Was it only because you guys were beating us so badly last time?
(yeah I know a few don’t represent your whole server, but the same could have been said about the good stuff. A few (quite a few) gave me a really good impression of your server. Now a few (quite a few) are erasing it).
From TC myself, and I can’t ever speak for the rest of us; but when I kill somebody, if I DO emote, it’s always a /bow. I’d never show disrespect to those I fight against, because we’re both fighting to represent our servers, and it’s a good thing we are.
Though, I do know of more than a few people that actively focus commanders, and then will /dance on them. Personally, I think it’s all in good fun, most certainly among those I know that do it themselves. But if anybody has /laughed and left a bad taste in your mouth as a result, sorry about that!
trebuchet not working
Trebuchet was leading up to the island unlocking. The island has now unlocked and the battle is being brought to the karkas themselves. Join us by taking the boat by the Sanctum harbor waypoint in Lion’s Arch. There is a transporter NPC on the boat.
Would love to bring the fight to the karkas themselves……..but the stupid ancient karka won’t die. Completely ignoring the main problem being pointed out in a thread does not gain you customer loyalty.
I’d have to agree with this. In fact, I signed into the forums for my first time, ever, just to say so. Frankly this isn’t the first thread around this event I’ve seen it in.
I don’t know how much stock you’re putting into the feedback people are actually giving to you Arena Net, because every time somebody posts something like this, it seems you give only the barest details possible. Confused on where to go for an event? “Here’s where to go.” Instead of addressing the confusion, and perhaps giving insight into what you’ll do to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
And this thread honestly just takes the proverbial cake. Multiple players are posting here about a very specific issue. The thread has gotten ONE response from a representative, and that representative chose to IGNORE the issue entirely, and in actuality almost rub it in the faces of those currently facing a bugged LA event. If I hadn’t already been playing this before this event and found my own joy with the game, ESPECIALLY if I then came onto the forums and saw threads like this.. I can certainly say that you would be getting no business of mine.
You need to work on communicating with your playerbase in the forums better, instead of creating this air of distrust and seeming lack of care.