Showing Posts For Kris P Baykon.8496:

Why is silk going up in price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kris P Baykon.8496

Kris P Baykon.8496

“Working as intended” and “there is not a problem” have some merit as a part of the conversation. Ain’t (overly) broke, so why fix it?
Is it fun? Well, no. Is it fair? No. And that’s a problem.

Very well stated.

Why is silk going up in price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kris P Baykon.8496

Kris P Baykon.8496

*Your post is fairly offtopic so…. probably does break the rules. And since your post is pretty much off topic, I dont have much to reply to you with.[/quote]

Yet, here you are typing a paragraph that is simply diminishing my feedback and is definitely not adding anything constructive to the conversation.

Why is silk going up in price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kris P Baykon.8496

Kris P Baykon.8496

If Anet can completely screw the game mechanics based on “i-don’t-know-what” , they can certainly help to balance the economics system. This imbalance and many others, combined with the constant changes to the mechanics and progression system have left me asking, "What about the “no grind” game Anet promised us when we pre-ordered GW2?" The only real way now to not have to grind is to dump increasing amounts into gem cards that become worth less and less in gold conversion. This is FAR from the same game that I played 2+ years ago. As such, until such things like GRIND, imbalanced economics, and constant changes to game mechanics are brought into a more calm and playable state, I will not be buying “Heart of Thorns” and you likely won’t see me playing GW2 at other than festival time.

*Anet, this is honest feedback from an increasingly dissatisfied player. You’ll probably censor this post, but if you do, that does nothing but alienate me further as a player and in a sense, proves my point.

Personal Story parts missing?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kris P Baykon.8496

Kris P Baykon.8496

I have a level 49 character that I play infrequently. I noticed today that I no longer have a green star on the map and my personal story is no longer showing int he content guide. WTF? Why should I have to track down obscure parts of release notes to continue playing the game? This is KITTENED!

Ossuary of Unquiet Dead bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kris P Baykon.8496

Kris P Baykon.8496

I don’t want to start a flame war

Little dangerous to talk about a flame war in a mob that has already gotten out the torches and pitchforks. XD

Ossuary of Unquiet Dead bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kris P Baykon.8496

Kris P Baykon.8496

I just did this quest and repeated it about 3 times. The results are the same as everyone else. This is very frustrating as I have nothing left to do. I just finished map completion bar 2 POIs and Vistas in WvW which is out of my control and killed every boss for the day. Now I can’t finish my own personal story because of a bug? This is just an overall frustrating experience.

I missed this thread and had filed a bug report back on the 21st after doing the quest three times (like you) and then spending a bunch of time trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. I want my three hours back.!

/shakes pitchfork and torch!

Can't Progress Through Personal Story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kris P Baykon.8496

Kris P Baykon.8496

Alright Corgi. I am heading over to submit a bug report. You and your friend should too. Squeaky wheels get the grease.

Can't Progress Through Personal Story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kris P Baykon.8496

Kris P Baykon.8496

I cannot complete the “Ossuary Of Unquiet Dead.” I have now tried it three times and all three times it stops on the second platform. I logged out completely and restarted the client twice in between the hangs. The mission does not proceed past the second platform. The priestess just stands there. Have I missed something?

(edited by Kris P Baykon.8496)

error code=7:11:3:189:101 Anet response

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kris P Baykon.8496

Kris P Baykon.8496

I started having this problem just today. I can play for a while but the responses are sluggish. Sometimes, it is 10 seconds before I get a response to a keyboard command. Then, all of a sudden, the connection will drop with the code 7 error. I also have dropped my firewall and disabled my antivirus. Even went as far as to use cat5 to connect directly to cable modem (with its firewall down too). Nothing helps. I have had NO CHANGES to my system or network between today and yesterday when Guild Wars 2 worked just fine.
I find it peculiar that I’m not the only one having this problem today. Response Anet?


(edited by Kris P Baykon.8496)

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kris P Baykon.8496

Kris P Baykon.8496

Thanks for the loot and for thinking of those who could not complete the events. I’ve since gone to Arah and must say that killing Zhaitan more than made up for any shortcomings I’ve found in the game so far. What an incredible end game.

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Kris P Baykon.8496

Kris P Baykon.8496

Nvm, time diff threw me off.

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Kris P Baykon.8496

Kris P Baykon.8496

Would also love an invite.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kris P Baykon.8496

Kris P Baykon.8496

Since my previous feedback was “lost to the ether”.. ahem, I’ll post again and hope that someone doesn’t forget the “glitch in our forum software” and accidentally merge this one.

To put it succinctly, this weekend’s events were simply confusing, glitchy, disorganized, and all around disappointing. Couldn’t be present for noon PST events for scheduling reasons, could not complete phase 1 due to bugs, and missed the phase 2 entirely while I sat in an overflow queue waiting 40+ minutes and finally logging out. Tried logging in again later only to find the login servers unreachable. At that point, I was so disappointed I just gave up. I didn’t bother to attend today’s event and I’m glad I didn’t after getting to read the feedback that so mysteriously vanished.

If you wanted to make sure no one bought GW2 for Christmas, I think you have succeeded. I know I would certainly have a very bad taste in my mouth right now if I was a new player. As someone who prepurchased the night GW2 went on sale, the hype was exactly that, hype. You guys took a lot of time building GW2 and some parts are a piece of art. Other parts are a piece of something else. This weekend felt like the BWE all over again, only worse. The worst part of it all, you rolled out this new content and had this gigantic failvent when there are still serious bugs that need fixing. For now, I’ll wait and see if the previous feeback thread reappears and if Anet decides to have a do-over or at least acknowledge it’s failure to deliver a playable game.

Otherwise, I’m seriously considering just ditching GW2 altogether. Don’t suppose I can have the $100 I spent on GW2 (Digi-Deluxe+Gems) credited to my GW1 account? At least there, the events are fun and the game is stable.