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[Merged]1year post launch. How Anet feel on Trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krypal.5968


The lack of trinity has severely limited what classes are “accepted” at the top end. Yes there are exceptions but the implementation has left a lot of the classes behind.

Personally I think the lack of trinity has more to do with the size of the player base than anything before. This game had great potential but has been limited by Anets decisions towards Non Heavy classes.
If you are not going to have trinity then ALL classes need to have skills and damage that would make them wanted and or needed, rather than concentrating on their favourite class.

Anet mind boosting DPS of Low Lvl in Dung

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krypal.5968


but why would you waste all that gold to pay for rare armour at level 35?? lets face it at that level it wont be useful for long.
Plus it seems oyu are forgetting the larger bonuses on the top end sigils etc which raise the level 80s stats above that of the level 35

After patch engineer complaints/suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Krypal.5968


Equalizing the damage across the different types of builds would be nice…..and equalizing them with the other classes

Abandoning Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krypal.5968


Necromancer and elementalist seem to be very much on the back burner for Anet….which is sad since they are the two classes that attracted me the most.

They need to stop what they are doing and look and find a way so that ALL classes are viable and wanted for dungeons etc.
We all know how much you love and adore your warriors but for your CUSTOMERS sake get your heads down and look around please Anet.

How is GW2 progression different?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krypal.5968


The main difference imo is the lack of the holy trinity and as far as I can see all that has brought is 1 class to dominate them all.
And I bet you can’t guess what Anet staff mostly play!!

The Classism must stop now… equal rights for all heights as the dwarfs would say.

Trouble with vets while levelling

in Elementalist

Posted by: Krypal.5968


Thanks for the advice folks i’ll give them a try

Trouble with vets while levelling

in Elementalist

Posted by: Krypal.5968


Heya folks
I’ve been away a while and have come back and decided to give elementalist a go.

Now i’ve been using a DD build and swapping between attunments following a guide I found, but am having real big problems with veterans…specifically those for skill points.

At first I thought it was my gear/level so i’ve gone 3 levels over them and geared right up, but am still finding myself at less than 30% health after my first “rotation”. I have tried a L/F rotation and a W/E but still end out in the same position.

Any help you could give me would be appreciated.

Formal statement from ANet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krypal.5968


Just a little thought about them having meeting about this…..

Shouldn’t they have done that before the decision?

I mean come on anyone could have seen what was going to happen as soon as they decided to do it. They should have been ready to explain themselves well before now.

More Information and NO THANKS

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Krypal.5968


I am the same got involved in the initial lag fest then basically had nothing to do from there.
Information given was useless, lag was incredibly stupid and the bugs just finished it off

Event is a write off as far as i am concerned, no point even attempting to go further.

Lost Shores event lag concerns & comments [Merged Threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Krypal.5968


I have been playing on the PC since the early nineties and never had this much lag on any game in that time.

I timed a heal setting off and it took 4 mins 26 secs to activate…and yes i timed it…had nothing else to do but wait for the lag.

Did you really not know that so many people would be involved, and that you had nowhere near enough bandwidth to deal with it.

After that waste of time,I am really not going to bother with the rest…It is just not worth it.

Please plan better next time…all those who i know came for the free weekend to see if they want to play, have left laughing at how anyone puts up with this sort of thing.

Please stop buffing Warriors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krypal.5968


Buff warriors nerf engineers…go figure

Comment not meant as an attack against warriors but devs don’t seem to be seeing the same things as the players.
There’s good reasons that there are so many warriors and so few engineers.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Krypal.5968


Honestly cannot believe the stupidity that resulted in this patch…have they actually played their own game??

nerfs to the least powered class in the game buffs to the most…GJ

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krypal.5968


Rangers still bugged, Elementalists still bugged, Mesmers still bugged, Engineers still bugged…..etc etc etc
Oh wait you did nerf those darned majorly overpowered ( read least played class ) engineers who needed nerf so badly…no wait that was the warriors..oh they got a buff.(obviously trying to keep 80% of the server happy)

Patch was a waste of space…stop fixing the rubbish and fix all the Major problems with the classes before you do anything.
Bugger new areas start sorting the basics out first. Jeez there’s stuff that’s needed major work since beta and you ignore it for this trash!!

Login Server down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Krypal.5968


Finally got logged in…tried to change areas…got kicked out lol

Login Server down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Krypal.5968


same error code for everyone it seems

Login Server down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Krypal.5968


same problem here…was playing np game stopped then cannto log back in

Necros are overpowered

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krypal.5968


link doesn’t work

Opinions about Orr [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krypal.5968


At the end of the day, I realized the most fun I had, was not the combat, not the dungeons (definitely not the dungeons) but anything, ANYTHING not to do with attacking something “EVERYONE, COME!” i.e. exploring, vistas and jumping puzzles. This is the first game where I’ve become a vegetable. What the hell is going on?

This is precisely the way I have felt since getting to 80

Level 80 area = not fun
Dungeons = Just painful

Imo avoiding following in the footsteps of the successful mmos was a huge mistake. The majority of time spent playing this game is after 80 and tbh theres not a lot entertaining to do
The reason so many companies do things a certain way is because that is a way they found that the majority of people like to play. Repeatedly dying isnt fun hence why dungeons arent fun and orr is just a waste of space

stuck loading hunters hearth

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Krypal.5968


I have been trying to continuemy personal storyline on my Norn guardian but get stuck on the loading screen to enter Hunters Hearth

I have left this for several minutes but nothing happens it just says on loading

Any help please?