Showing Posts For KumajirouSan.3527:

The Age Old Suggestion, First Person

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


I do hope a dev can read this as I really want a response to this. Recently I’ve been looking at ways to satisfy my screenshot addiction. So far I’ve added the SweetFX mod to make the game look seriously pretty, Enhanced Texure Filtering with my Video Card drivers and looked into better screenshot tips (like sleeping and turning off HUD for a “first person” like view). Today I was looking at some First Person mods, But sadly all of these mods had extra features like FoV expansion and other hacks. So I dared not use them as I’ve spent a lot of time in GW2 and would rather not get banned.

My question really is, Can we ever expect a first person view or anything to capture better screenshots or get more immersed in the world? It’s not like First Person would provide an unfair advantage or anything, I can see how an expanded FOV can give you a better view of competitive play (Although so does playing the game at 5760×1080 grumble grumble grumble) but first person would do nothing but lessen the players advantage and rather give them a prettier view. Jeez, Even having an option of making the player invisible on his own screen for screenshots would be fantastic! And It’s all possible (has actually already been acheived by third party programs).

Almost everyone I know that plays wants this added, I really hope we get to see it someday.

Custom Soundtracks, A suggestion

in Audio

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


I really love the option to make custom soundtracks for the game, but It feels quite limited. For one, the Crafting soundtrack doesn’t work after all this time. I also really wish you could choose it for each city, I mean… How awesome would it be to go to Hoelbrak and hear metal playing, then going to Rata Sum and hear dubstep! Even custom WvW/PvP options would be great! For now the only option is to have unique music for Divinities Reach but there really should be more.

AMD Mantle Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


I would love to see The Mantle API by AMD implemented into Guild Wars 2. I recently tested the Star Swarm Stress Test and noticed that 8000 ships on screen at once didn’t drop me below 30FPS. It would be PERFECT for those who struggle running World vs World or Living World Content and it’s soon to be Open Source so no licencing fees to Mr. AMD. It would also help with the users of low-end or 8-Core CPU’s as it reduces the effects of bottlenecking (which anyone with an AMD 8-Core can tell you exists within the game). Hope you consider the idea!

Razer Macros

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


One key one action is the macro rule of gw2 yea.
I have one macro profile on my Roccat mouse where i changed the function of my scroll wheel both directions to left mouse button.
Stacks of bags or luck are now gone in no time by just scrolling up and down.
And yet it’s still one key one action ^^

That is the greatest idea I have ever heard! Sir, I /salute you!


in API Development

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


Sorry, but… wrong subforum. (too bad the suggestions forum has been closed)

Also I assumed the API development sub-forum would… be adressing API’s?… wat?

Razer Macros

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


So I have a question and possibly a warning. I use a Razer Blackwidow Ultimate 2013 keyboard which has 5 Macro buttons and full Macro recording, I really like it but of course It’s against the TOS to use them right? Is using the feature of this keyboard going to get me banned? (before I get investigated just note I’ve never used it in guild wars 2) Secondly, Razer has announced a new Macro program that has Guild Wars 2 support, Do they have a deal with ANet or is this going to get a heap of people banned? Honestly if Razer announce that the game is supported people are just going to assume it’s all okay and run themselves off a cliff Q_Q


in API Development

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


I would love to see The Mantle API by AMD implemented into Guild Wars 2. I recently tested the Star Swarm Stress Test and noticed that 8000 ships on screen at once didn’t drop me below 30FPS. It would be PERFECT for those who struggle running World vs World or Living World Content and it’s soon to be Open Source so no licencing fees to Mr. AMD. It would also help with the users of low-end or 8-Core CPU’s as it reduces the effects of bottlenecking (which anyone with an AMD 8-Core can tell you exists within the game). Hope you consider the idea!

Banned for farming

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


I’m not making a false accusation here. My friend Thai of Guardian had his account banned for farming risen, his neice was then banned for farming Karka shells in southsun. Southsun gets the banhammer swung around it too much.

Banned for farming

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


This is getting a bit ridiculous… So over the past few months many of my friends have been permabanned for farming. The anti-bot system may be working on the bots but it’s also working on banning legitimate players from the game. So many of my friends have been banned for farming Southsun Cove for Karka Shells. Many of my friends have also been banned for farming places with risen that frequently spawn. Gold isn’t easy to make in this game so people have to grind for it. When grinding comes with risk of having an account you spent thousands of hours on banned it shows that the anti-bot system needs to be fixed.

Now, I’m going to go farm for some gold. Please don’t ban me while I’m doing it!

(edited by Moderator)

So they say wings are cosmetic...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


I beg to differ.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


I’ll let you decide what’s wrong when you colour Country Pants with Citrus Ice…


Clipping issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


After spending a few bucks on gems and getting a self style hair kit I kinda regret it. The hair clips though me when running or dancing (see attached). I spent real money on this just to have it bug out whenever i run =.= this needs to be fixed…


[PG] Perpetual Gamers - Blackgate PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


Perpetual Gamers was founded in the days of Guild Wars 1 then founded in GW2 in September as an Oceanic/North American guild. As new years rolled around we fell victim to inactivity as a lot of members quit the game but now we’re back with a good compliment of upgrades!

The goal of [PG] is to be a real community, in most guilds you’re either somebody or nobody and here we want everyone to be a somebody. We want to have a lot of communication and make friends along the way. We also have 24/7 buffs and if WvW or PvP is your thing we do weekly guild activites! Guild Missions are also on standby for when we gain enough members which will hopefully be within the next week or so.

Perpetual Gamers is open to whoever wishes to join, the only requirements are that you represent (exceptions made for personal guild banks) and that you keep a friendly attitude towards everyone else. No raging if someone makes a mistake. If you’re interested in contributing to the guild please send a Personal Message to KumajirouSan.3527. Hope to hear from you

My Asura Found Love

in Asura

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


Today my Asura found the perfect woman. Herself. <3


Better Storytelling

in Suggestions

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


So I was doing map completion in Malchor’s Leap today and I came upto a skill point. It was some woman so I talked to her and basically skipped though most of what she had to say expecting I would have to fight her. As it turns out she was just telling me something about the lore and I had just skipped though it and gotten the skill point. I couldn’t see what she had to say again either.

It’s not a game breaking problem or anything but I really think the lore of Guild Wars needs to be better told in game. A lot of people don’t read up on lore as it’s not a part of the game and skip a lot of the dialogue with NPC’s as they rarely have anything useful to say. If there were books in game that would be amazing, there could be fiction books based around the culture of the races, historical books referencing things from Guild Wars 1 and other unseen events such as the immigration of humans to Tyria. I think it would add a lot more depth to the game and help people who don’t read up on lore and haven’t played the original game to get to know the hard work the writers have put into it.

Is there any sportsmanship in PvP at all?

in PvP

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


Sadly you’ll find sPvP is filled with people who take the game WAYYYY to seriously. They’ll shout at you if you’re not perfect, ragequit if you’re getting beat and sometimes if you’re lucky they’ll whisper you with abuse. Just best ignore them. :\

Asuran Mating Habits

in Asura

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


Oh well, Technology has fixed all our problems.

[merged] Rising amount of spammers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


Gotta agree with Menzzo, Seems to me they’re giving ANet hundreds of thousands by buying accounts. xD

Rate the Asura Name Above You!

in Asura

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


7/10, not too bad.

This is my warrior “Totally Harmless”.
She’s basically cute as hell but put her up against someone with red text above them and they’ll see how much her name lies.


Asuran Mating Habits

in Asura

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


I must say i find something more interesting about asura reproduction. The head size of the progeny.

Human birth is painful for the mother because of the head-size of the foetus. The skull is not fully formed yet, and it deforms slightly as it exits the mothers pelvic that is wider than man’s for exactly that reason.

Now, seeing asura females not having any wider hips or pelvics than males, and the size ratio of their heads and hips, i would think asura birth is either extremely painful or has been helped with technological and/or medical methods for quite some time that their evolution adapted to rely on that help.

My Asura is short even by Asuran standards but I’m inclined to agree. The Progenies are probably… 7-10? They’d maybe be a third of their current size when born. Chances are before the influx of medical technology Asuran females would die during childbirth.


Asuran Mating Habits

in Asura

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


I am so glad I asked this, This is probably the most civil and productive conversation i’ve ever had on this forum. xD

[merged] Rising amount of spammers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


I reckon if you post the exact same message in the exact same map like… 5 times in 15 minutes it should be checked out by an agent. That way, No unfair bans and less bots.

[merged] Rising amount of spammers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


So I’ve noticed a HUGE increase in spam-bots recently. Y’know, those lvl 2 characters with randomized names like akhjaek or pyabr. Me and my guild mates can’t go a day without being whispered by one telling us to go buy some gold or give our account details. I know there’s not much that can really be done but it’s starting to become an issue, there’s gotta be some way to make the game a little more secure, right? Some more verification, quicker report response times? Just thought I’d put it up here as it’s getting really annoying. >_<

Asuran Mating Habits

in Asura

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


Wow. The more you know O_O

Confirm kick from guild

in Suggestions

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


So I was in a party with some Guildmates the other day and one of them ended up going to bed. So I went to kick him from party and I ended up kicking him from the guild >_< I re-invited him and all was well but It’s seriously annoying that it doesn’t ask if you’re sure you want to kick someone from the guild. I’ve ended up doing that 3 times and my friends have done the same.

Cutest Asura Contest

in Asura

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


This is Totally Harmless. Her name is a pretty big lie.


Asuran Mating Habits

in Asura

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


So like…. how do asuras do it and how do they choose who they do it with? I would use google but i’ve heard some pretty bad horror stories about finding Rule 34 Q_Q

Why did you pick an asura?

in Asura

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


Well I decided to make the cutest character possible and have her be a warrior. I called her Totally Harmless, looks cute and friendly but she will utterly destroy you

Stormbluff Isle - Double Sun Poweeeeeeer!

in WvW

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


Ah, Stormbluff Isle. I actually transfered from SBI to Blackgate after this exact situation happened. O_O

Currency Exchange Inflation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


Well I just did some research and saw the currency exchange is based on the actual amount of people spending real world money on the gem store, Previously I thought it was relevant to the overall prices of the trading post as I was told it was. So yeah, Let’s change this thread from “why is the currency exchange so expensive” to “why aren’t you throwing your money at arenanet right now?”

Currency Exchange Inflation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


So I’ve just gotten myself a self style hair kit with some gold I had lying around. 250 gems cost me 17 gold and 80 silver i believe. Seriously, This is starting to get ridiculous. I play this game all day every day and even I can hardly afford these prices. Imagine a casual player trying to get some of these items, the only choice they would have would be to actually spend real money on it and the entire point of the exchange is so we don’t have to do that. I’d rather spend real money on gems because I want to not because I have to. We need to fix this, obviously nerfing every possible way of making gold isn’t working and we need to try something else. Even if it mean making gold easier to come by and inflating prices slightly it would be better than prices inflating but actual income rate staying low.


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


Yeah, ANet really needs an Anti-Cheat. Recently I’ve noticed a pretty rapid increase in hackers. :\ But still, Concidering we don’t have any protection against them they’re quite rare. Imagine if Call of Duty didn’t have any anti-cheat… It would be impossible to play without an aimbot. xD

AMD Optimization

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


Yeah, It’s not secret that AMD CPU’s have really weak cores. But there has to be a way to put all cores to use… Every game I own besides this one can use all cores.

AMD Optimization

in Suggestions

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


So i’ve owned Guild Wars 2 for nearly a year now and ever since I bought it I’ve had issues with low frame rate, even on lowest settings. My rig is pretty decent, It’s capable of running games like Crysis 3 on Ultra, Specs will be bellow. So at first I decided to just ignore the problem and hope it would get better after a few updates, but it never did. I decided to do some research and I found that quite a few people have FPS issues and I noticed they all had AMD FX-8000 series CPU’s. So it would be safe to assume the game isn’t optimized to handle all 8 cores.

I decided to do a bit of a field test and see what my GPU usage was while running the game on ultra, I’ll attach a picture of the test but what i found was the game ran at about 30% on average. It jumped to the 40’s towards the end and ran as low as 20% at some points but GPU usage should be at 100% with a game as graphically advanced as guild wars 2. Later I took my GPU over to my friends house and tried out the game with an Intel 2600 CPU (Quad-Core) to find i was getting a 30-40 FPS boost in most areas.

ArenaNet, I love you guys but you really need to fix this. This is a game thousands of people play daily and people shouldn’t have to suffer though 5-10 FPS whenever they encounter a zerg in WvW just because they have an 8-Core. Anyway, I really hope this problem gets fixed soon. Guild Wars 2 is my favorite game and while I would probably consider buying an Intel just to play it at high FPS I would rather spend that money in the Gem store.

CPU: AMD FX-8150
GPU: Sapphire HD 7970 GHZ Edition (6 gigabytes VRAM)
RAM: 16 gigabytes DDR3
PSU: 1000w
(Guild Wars 2 installed on an OCZ Agility 3 SSD)


AMD Optimization

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


So i’ve owned Guild Wars 2 for nearly a year now and ever since I bought it I’ve had issues with low frame rate, even on lowest settings. My rig is pretty decent, It’s capable of running games like Crysis 3 on Ultra, Specs will be bellow. So at first I decided to just ignore the problem and hope it would get better after a few updates, but it never did. I decided to do some research and I found that quite a few people have FPS issues and I noticed they all had AMD FX-8000 series CPU’s. So it would be safe to assume the game isn’t optimized to handle all 8 cores.

I decided to do a bit of a field test and see what my GPU usage was while running the game on ultra, I’ll attach a picture of the test but what i found was the game ran at about 30% on average. It jumped to the 40’s towards the end and ran as low as 20% at some points but GPU usage should be at 100% with a game as graphically advanced as guild wars 2. Later I took my GPU over to my friends house and tried out the game with an Intel 2600 CPU (Quad-Core) to find i was getting a 30-40 FPS boost in most areas.

ArenaNet, I love you guys but you really need to fix this. This is a game thousands of people play daily and people shouldn’t have to suffer though 5-10 FPS whenever they encounter a zerg in WvW just because they have an 8-Core. Anyway, I really hope this problem gets fixed soon. Guild Wars 2 is my favorite game and while I would probably consider buying an Intel just to play it at high FPS I would rather spend that money in the Gem store.

CPU: AMD FX-8150
GPU: Sapphire HD 7970 GHZ Edition (6 gigabytes VRAM)
RAM: 16 gigabytes DDR3
PSU: 1000w
(Guild Wars 2 installed on an OCZ Agility 3 SSD)
