Showing Posts For Lady Po Wang Dabang.1394:
have 36 unused birthday boosters, + lots of celebration boosters, don’t see the need
I don’t even bother opening the new skirmish reward chests to much clicking for nothing much.
again… this is now the 5th time …
The reward armour should only be visible in WVW, therefore none WVW players wouldn’t find any benefit in farming the armour.
This makes people leave populated maps and not defend T3 stuff, to go and cap sentries on enemy BL’s which have outnumbered buff.. fact.
Once again anet show how little they understand.
It seems I have my progress back, can we have an official statement if this was just fixed?
See above — it wasn’t “broken”; the connection between GW1 & GW2 was momentarily lost, causing GW2 to lose track of your GW1 achievements.
Or put another way, the disappearance of the HoM/GWaMM reward|titles is a symptom of a different issue, one that resolves itself in a short while.
in which case its worrying that knowing the link can break, they let the system automatically remove achievements and titles without any intervention from staff .
I still dream they fix the bug where if your porting or dead when queue pops, you cant join
anet kitten this up quite often, normally the fix is logging out of GW2 logging into GW1 and then back to GW2, its like the 3rd time ive lost the titles now.
We have gone from 4 wvw maps to 1 wvw map
if anet didn’t want 1 or 2 players to make guilds they shouldn’t have allowed them to be created in the first place
im told if you just stand on the rock like 3 steps behind him and do a tiny glide, it counts.
HOT is amazing! Thank you Anet!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lady Po Wang Dabang.1394
yes amazing(ly bad).
maps look stupid, verdant brink for instance is so unbelievable.
How would you rate the HoT Fun Factor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lady Po Wang Dabang.1394
less than zero. If your buying the game (in a free 2 player) you should get the elites unlocked for buying it.
maps look silly, all this massive tree roots, weird gaps that if you go to the bottom of you just die…
Refuse to buy. Designed to cater for those no lifes who only live to spend 8 hours a day farming stuff. (like the person above).
(hacktide hacker is currently on UW BL insta teleporting and solo capping stuff)
Science shows your more likely to be banned for reporting him than he is to be banned for botting.
as I said in my 1st post wvw always takes backseat, pve fixes done in minutes, when dolyaks weren’t visiting some towers it was 3 weeks ^^
that ive seen on UW its only towers and sm, not supply camps or keeps
it will be fixed by reset… cant say which reset though
my theory was its a reward to give scouts some loot for defending/repairing gate
not true they fixed it, then appear to have broken it again
yep same at durios is lots of enemy guards even though we own tower, gate is down to 50% due to npcs hitting it..
oh an can we get the map fixed at Quentin to show there is no water any more
that’s probably causing some of the server problems
wish they would fix the female screaming sound you often get porting into towers too ^^
also some of workers get stuck and don’t start building sometimes if youinteract with them they will start.
(edited by Lady Po Wang Dabang.1394)
everyone just got kicked off game with d/c, all structures reset back to minimum levels again
yes its happening, on Underworld and Far Sillypeaks
in addition the UW keep is at 500/500 80% through an upgrade, but the worker isn’t building, same problem with hills as 1240/500 40% through and not upgrading.
in addition some of the guards spawning in towers are the wrong colour
we were attacking mendon but 1 of the guards at gate and 1 archer on wall was green and friendly to us, the other guard and archer on wall was red hostile.
(if it was PVE would have been emergency fix by now – but since its wvw it will probably take 3 months, like when some of the dolyaks weren’t spawning)
(edited by Lady Po Wang Dabang.1394)
impressive, anet even telling me when i can spend my money now. shame they cant give people a pin protected bank etc. guess they to busy making gem shop items.
kinda boring, except peak time, BT especially is so outmanned.
Ive lost respect for you UW in wvw 1v1 everytime i try to fight someone you gang up on me. If you cant do that be sure i will from now one gang upp on you. AS seem to have no problem with that.
It’s World V World not 1 V 1… if I see someone on my team attacked, I help them 1st, and worry about if they were duelling second.
btw wave to the dude who just stood aside and waved at us at anza this morning
oh god people having to make an effort and not be able to farm… shocking :O
dont see the problem, it should take a few hours of effort to take a tower
excellent update, anything that causes problems for mindless farming zergs has to be good
happend at least 4 times since update for me
excellent change, need to improve WVW by totally removing mindless farming zergs.