Showing Posts For LaidGenie.3259:

Error while waypointing and playing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


I too am suffering from this error, i can still play the game fine but this keeps popping up.

Soothsayer Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


It is happening to me too, everytime i waypoint into LA from outside the map i get the same email from the Soothsayer.

HoT maps reset on me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


I too am suffering from this problem with my ranger, hopefully a fix will sort it all out

Instant death in a specific location

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


I am having the same issue but i have had this occur at different places within the Fireheart Rise Map, i have also have enemies and npc’s just disappear. I have put two bug report and now whilst typing this my character has just been healed and is standing up again.

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


The new items included in the updated wallet will help many players out with items that take up either inventory space or bank space so i think it is a good idea.

As for the RNG Spirit Shards… well i can see this causing plenty of issues… some players, no matter how hard they try, just have bad luck with RNG and so the drop will be lower for them (even if they have a high luck %).

As it stands currently i am not in favour of this Skill Point to Spirit Shard exchange.

Guild tab chat disappearing????

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


I am also having this issue, it is telling me that i am not in a guild but i am in party with a fellow guild officer so i know that is not true. Perhaps a hot fix will come out quickly.

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


So if this is true then all of us that brought the adventure box coin have wasted our money…. perhaps we should all put tickets in for the refund of the cost (both myself and my daughter brought gems with money to purchase theses items)

Crashing due to a "Invalid Character Motion"?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


I am also getting this crash, twice today on an Ele and Guardian and once yesterday (I think) on my Ranger and my daughter had this error last night when she logged in after doing this weeks update patch.

I know my crashes were in Lions Arch, my daughter’s was when she waypointed to Sparkfly Fen (I think).

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


I have been having the same problem now since Tuesday. My internet etc is all running fine, ping is fine, other games are running fine. This problem is related Guild Wars 2 (the website takes ages to load and so does the forum) only by the look of it which makes running dungeons, FOTM and world boss a nightmare to do.

[HOPE] - FA - LF Hardcore WvW Members

in Guilds

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


HOPE is a friendly guild, I joined them back in early December and well lets just I had not got a clue what I was doing especially in WvWvW (yes I was a noob).

Drigan and others took the time to help me to understand, a while later and after numerous deaths (and much laughing) I know what I am supposed to do and my death rate has reduced. They are a friendly group of people who encourage anyone to have a go and never mind if you ask them questions.

I think of HOPE as my extended family…. right down to the crazy Uncle.

delete this

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


What I don’t understand is why an email is not sent informing you that you have been reported prior to a 72 hour banning is put in place. It would act as a warning and then if the person continues to use offensive language then ban them. I think the system of banning an account in this instance needs to be looked at and revised. Different players have different levels of what they find offensive.

This of course is just my opinion and I thought I should share it with others.

No Deadly Blooms in Twilight Arbor Run

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


So i did a second run of TA and got my blooms but i am at a loss as to why i didn’t get any on my previous run

No Deadly Blooms in Twilight Arbor Run

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


Okay so maybe it is just me but has anyone else experienced no blooms at all during a run of TA.

I ran TA last night with some friends, it seems that they received deadly blooms from the run and i did not, i would have posted something sooner but it was a late night run of the dungeon.

I am thinking of running the dungeon again sometime today to see if it happens again.

Disconnects during Tequatl

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


I am on Fort Aspenwood and whilst doing Tequatl about five minutes ago a number of people got disconnected on more than one occasion… i was lucky as it only happened to me once and that was before the dragon’s arrival everyone else that suffered from this problem where fighting the dragon.

Anyone else having this problem?