Showing Posts For Lazarus.1083:

Any good mice around?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


I own the Cyborg Rat 7 mouse. Great for my FPS games, played GW2 with it as well but I have carpal tunnel syndrome in left arm so keyboard use is a pain for my hand if I GW2 for long periods. I have the Razer SWTOR MMO mouse (14 buttons) I find that it works well if you can remember the key layout. It hasn’t died on me yet after 3 months , it has a great response time wired but when wireless, although nice, is less fluid in movement. The numbers do tend to wear off the mouse buttons . Logitch is always a solid choice but I usually wear them out in a year as well. A friend swears by corsair and going by their mechanical keyboard quality I would probably say they are an option.

Confirmed: Horses exists!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


That’s no horse, it’s a mounted scrawny minotaur slave

Bots work around it, Players deal with it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


For the most part yea.
Or thats what DR has lead me to believe :/

And that doesn’t make any sense. If ArenaNet were really interested in creating inconvenience to sell convenience, there are many other things they would have done; and more importantly, many things they would not have done.

They would:

  • Not give items from the in-game store for free as in-game rewards. Having transformation stones available in the world as rewards from different sources removes one reason players would have to buy gems.
  • Not have the “Deposit collectibles” feature in inventory. This would make players need more inventory space and thus make more players buy bag slots.
  • Not have added the ability of using crafting stations as banks, or of crafting directly with items stored in the bank. This made people less willing to buy the items that allow players to access the bank from anywhere.
  • Not have added the new collectible tab in the bank, basically giving people more free storage, since this (rather obviously) makes people less likely to buy more bank space.
  • Not make people capable of buying gems with gold.

And so on, and so on.

ArenaNet is not making inconvenience to sell convenience. The DR system is not a plot to “force” players to buy gold from the in-game store. In reality, it’s a system designed to prevent grinders from running rampant, as they do in every other MMO. It’s a great thing that ArenaNet was brave enough to take a stand against grinders, even if they took some steps back when they added Fractals. They need to add more features like DR, not remove it.

Umm.. all those features were there before DR was implemented and before you know who started running the show, since then the all mighty gold piece is harder to get, and gem to gold conversion profitable .
You can honestly say that grinding isn’t wanted?? How about non existant (extremely rare) drops for items to say craft Legendarys? Or fractal items, crafting mats, in game currency (Gold)?
Hmmm….You think that’s air you’re breathing??

Colin Johanson Video: GW2 2013 Preview

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


Overall the changes look ok in theory at least, now with actually incorporating the changes properly? Skeptical at best . They want the daylies to become a lot more like the monthlies in so much as that the requirement will change every day. Not liking that idea so much. Are we gonna be herded around like cattle to do things that don’t interest us to get our daylie coin and Karma (even though there are possible choices from a list), like we already have to do in our monthlie? It was the one chore that was easy to do and worth while especially for those that have a limited time to play due to RL. There are days I only have time to log to do a karma run and log off (rare but it happens)

Taking a wait and see attitude, no hopes so no disappointments.

I'm sorry? Why do I give you more money?...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


Or are you telling me that you spend money at cash shop even if you don’t need anything from it, just to support company?

I actually do this, just because I think they deserve it. I don’t even buy anything with my gems.

Yes, sadly in a world where game developers deserve money giveaways more than hungry children in Africa opinions like this are not rare. I mean they made great entertainment, unlike that kid which only dug out blood diamond that western women love so much…
If you dont want your money better give it to UNICEF not a game company that got paid for their work anyway, thats what i think.

Personally I like to know where my money is going and to know that about 10 cents to the dollar (best case scenario) actually make it though processing to the needy isn’t quite what I call generosity or money well spent. You can hardly blame western women for the diamond trade alone, kind of stereotypical there. You can add to that the fragile world economy so I’m all for let’s take care of ourselves (families) and our respective countries, keep our economies alive so we don’t become 3rd world countries ourselves. Is that selfish? Probably. Realistic? Definitely. Socially acceptable? Meh! That being said there is a program where I work to send clothing to the needy, which we do every year! Hard to skim away 90% that way

Most of us work hard for our money and spend carefully. Now I don’t mind supporting something but I need a return on what I pay for. This game has bugs, short comings and less than vocal devs about the changes coming, being a new game this can be expected it’s unpleasant to live through but it’s growing pains and should be fixed in the future.

Will I give them my money if I want something that’s on sale? Probably. I will not however give them money just for the sake of padding their (investor’s) pockets with no or little return other than virtual items I don’t really need.

Sales are just that sales, take advantage or not it’s our choice not theirs.

You want replayability?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


Sounds like a decent idea couldn’t be worse than running the same dungeons xx to the exponent n times,

how are those concurrent users numbers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


So is everybody else´s.

Quite frankly the starter areas should be overrun maybe even on par with the launch, due to the Holiday sales and the free time available to the general populace.

Is that what every body is seeing?

Or are you guys just proud that the numbers aren´t declining, during a time when they should actually steeply rise?

Not really.

Every MMO’s population in this generation starts to decline rather rapidly about a month out of release and eventually settle down at a much lower number than the original sales figures by about the 3-5 month mark. Holiday sales would not buck that trend much if at all.

Honestly, my interest is purely academic at this point

No it’s not, you’re just like all of the other people in here who are posting doom and gloom because the game did something to kitten you off, and you can’t fathom why other people could possibly still enjoy something that you no longer enjoy.

If you no longer have any interest in playing the game, fine, then go do something else and leave these forums for those of us who are still having fun.

^^^ Bought the game, has every right to post on the forums, as do those that are having fun, just because the game hasn’t PO’d u off doesn’t give you exclusivity here.

As for OP it was a question reflected by personal experience with his guild and not doom and gloom, That came in the replies by other forumites

Some paranoid people will see doom and gloom in every post asking a legitimate question as well as the those who will see fanboi-ism in any post liking or touting the game as great.

Those who like to run the same old same old time and time again for improved stat items like (love) FOTM / dungeons where as those who don’t will do whatever else there is to do. Guilds that like FOTM, the way PVP or WvWvW are doing at the moment are fine where the guilds that don’t are floundering or their members are moving on to others. That happens in all games some quicker that others.

The wilderness areas actual reality is somewhere in between both extremes. I see a lot more people in the lower end 1-30 areas in SoR these days, less in the mid 35-60 areas, above that it’s give and take.

LA is usually full and overflowing with peeps LFG/LFM FOTM xxx and nothing much else, mebby a Tixx this or that and the interspersed OTHER dungeon run.

Does all of this mean the game is thriving or dying out? Not really, all it shows is that things are dynamic, people move on, people join, some leave for good and some will come back. We will never have exact numbers of the playerbase, so speculation is all we have.

We all have our opinions on the subject of this game, don’t jump down someones throat because of a question, especially one that was well made.

Merry Christmas! [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


Merry Christmas, Happy holidays to all.

Thief help.

in Thief

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


Trying to figure out a dagger/dagger with Pistol/pistol as secondary build for PVE.

Now I know pistol/pistol is not optimal ( I like short bow as well) , I want to try it anyway.

The info I’d really like are sigil/rune choices and best gear (stats) for the build.

Any help would be kindly appreciated.


Size buffs/debuffs.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


That little blue pill

^^ sorry I just had to ^^

Connection error(s)...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


Why would they release it right after daily reset, on a Friday night…

Because they just got done coding the last line, which is what’s really troubling.

So they could give everyone the coveted Wizard’s hat :-p

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


Well there you have it. Now if only pressure like this would work for the “important” stuff. Merry Winters Day

Connection error(s)...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


Another event another patch and yet again the same darn thing every time… connection error, next will be lag and getting booted once we manage to join.. I wonder if Testing is a foreign concept? Happy Winters Day

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


This is for new accounts.

Don’t forget, those who purchased previously had other opportunities: Beta access, Head-start access, digital items, the post-trial offer, event participation, etc. With each promotion there are different incentives.

Ty for clarifying the situation even though I think a lot of us already knew the answer. It wouldn’t be an incentive (promotion) to buy the DD version if everyone could get it. Now if it was an actual Stat item or a vendorable (tp) item I would have thought other wise.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


I’m new to this game (bought it a few weeks ago) and new to mmorpgs. I seriously did not know a hat would cause problem in the mmorpg world lol But lets see, I missed out on the Halloween and the Lost Shores Event, and the Digital Deluxe promo by a couple hours because I wasn’t able to find any information on the sale so no hat for me. Now who has the short end of the stick? X)

Wecome to GW2 forum story, the ongoing complaining from the community over the little insignificant things, although I must admit some of the complaints in these forums are founded, some are not.. You’ll just have to figure out which ones are important to you.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


And BTW, I think Anet will miss more someone like me who spent 400 bucks in the game than anyone like you who probably spent only 60. Unless they prefer pollyanna-like players than the ones with cash, which might be Anet case, but certainly not NCsoft’s.

Come on! Get off your high horse there bro, who care’s what you paid into the game, you want to spend 400$ in the $$tore to buy whatever, who cares, maybe NCsoft.
Doesn’t entitle you to something that wasn’t offered when you bought the game. Pre ordering gave you a trinket for +2 stats to everything didn’t it?? I bought the Digital Deluxe after the beta was over, I didn’t get it and I could care less yet I paid the same as you did, should I whine to Anet to get the same as you did ?? That’s not the way business works bud, it was offered during beta I didn’t take the bait to pre order and fund a game I wasn’t sure I would play.

Also nowhere in the other post did he say what he spent in game, so how the f^^^ would you know you spent more? As if spending more money entitled you to something special in this game other than the content you paid for.

I can’t believe people are complaining about a useless hat, I didn’t get a chest in the mail for the event from H3ll. As far as I know precursors and or decent items aren’t cosmetic and worth something in game! I’m not whining about it in the forums.

So the DD version is on special, so it gives a Wizards hat (cosmetic to boot) as an incentive to buy, that’s just proof that GW2 needs an influx of players/cash)
If it was a stat item I could understand being miffed, but as it is a cosmetic item with no use or value other than being a collectable being mad about it is laughable.

The hoarder mentality : It’s useless but I want it anyway, it prevalent these days. Companies take advantage of it to make money… lottery tickets, new and improved smart phones every 6 months or so… you get the idea….

Skritt shinies… ohhh! need more shinies, you give me shinies….OOOHHHHH!!!!

Incentives to buy the DD version of this game has no bearing on “Customer service”
but who knows Whine (complain) enough and they will probably give it to you in the $$tore.

Talk about being belligerent calling people fanboys for pointing out the fact that it wasn’t offered when you bought the game so why should you receive it?? Kind of like saying hey it’s 20$ cheaper now I want my refund of 20$ since I bought it 3 months ago.

BTW the game industry standards drop because people are way too willing to pre order unseen and then complain about the pointless crap and not about the things that matter IE. bug free software, stable servers, fun content, patches that work, events that are functional and “CUSTOMER service”. … the list goes on.
You may have noticed it has gotten considerably worse since the console games took the market by storm. The game a year and pay for updates came from that market into ours.

(edited by Lazarus.1083)

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


So take from the first dungeon items and DO evry dungeon and evry quest and evrything in the game whit that gear horisental that was teh reason why i was not playing now im ENJOYING !!!!

So you bought a game with horizontal progression as one of it’s main characteristics/selling points even though you wanted a vertical progression experience????

I guess a lot of people never read up about the games they are going to purchase beforehand. I wonder if it has something to do with comprehension.
If you don’t know what it is you are buying then don’t buy it, but then again buying stuff you don’t like or will never use, use much keeps the economy going.

That being said, Ascended doesn’t interest me , not until I can get it from other sources than the Fractals. I have an Alt of each class spanning all races, I have enough to do until the Ascended snafu either gets fixed or gets worse.

I have enough Gold from the halloween event to keep me away from buying any more gems with money so if the games goes in a direction I don’t like (again) I’ll have gotten my moneys worth anyway.

I’m sure people have and will leave this game for many reasons, being misled is a main one, disliking vertical progression beyond that which was already in the game at the start (Exotic, Legendary), increased level cap. Whatever gets done, someone somewhere won’t like the changes.

Everyone is allowed an opinion and a reason to either play or leave, it’s not up to us to decide if X is actually leaving or Y is actually staying. Opinions are just that opinions.

New craft

in Crafting

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


And a maid profession too. You can craft various types of detergents harvested from oozes and also all your dirt fighting equipment – steam driven vacuum cleaner and mithril tipped toilet brush

With that profession we would need a whole new set of Town clothes like the chef’s set, with different abilities….

Greet Master of teh house….


I believe this is a debacle. Some suggestions on how to make good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


Because outside of this forum everyone likes it so have fun being the minority

So, you play with everyone outside this forum, in game on every server to be able to make that statement?? Highly doubtful!
Everyone you play with may like the changes. You have to take into consideration that our friends and or peeps we play with usually have the same interests and or ideas as we do. Not surprising that (most?? of ) the GW1 crowd and the people that wanted to play the game as it was pitched and designed from the start are pissed at the turn of events and that the WoW / Clone , stat hungry, progressionist players are pleased.

As for being the minority, that as well is highly doubtful but it may become a reality if everyone unsatisfied with the new GuildWoW2 direction moves on to something else.

I agree that firing people over this isn’t a solution because employees are only doing what management is telling them to do.
Bottom line is let’s have people buy the game, then have them spend the rough equivalent per month(s) for gems and then screw them over by changing the way the item progression is done to make even more money off the WoW and WoW clonies (unlimited stat progression) we got to join.
Stat increases were not needed, new items I can live with, new stat progression, not so much.

Kind of like what the government does after winning an election… Renegs on electoral campaign promises.. The difference here is we don’t have to put up with it until next term. Voting with our all mighty $$.

Things need to be fixed.. I personally think fixing the broken kitten in this game would have been much needed along with the new content minus superior stat gear.

I still have much to do before I really worry about the way this game is going and decide to quit or not.. Time will tell.

Will not touch game for a long time.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


Maybe you should stop trying to grind Orr for 6 months straight and check out the fun stuff that was added to the game instead. Dungeons have much better loot, Fractals are a great challenge with great rewards, and all 55+ zones drop max level items.

Yet you’re sitting in Cursed Shore trying to do Shelter/Penintent for the trillionth time, tagging as many monsters as possible in a brainless zerg for hours on end and all for what? A shiny weapon skin? Wouldn’t you rather… play the game? Have fun, make friends, do dungeons, explore the world?

I honestly cannot get behind the mentality it takes to actually want to sit at the same 2 events and do them hundreds of times a day every day for 6 months. It’s unhealthy and I am glad that ArenaNet is taking measures to prevent that kind of play (and to provide alternatives).

I think the idea being that “if” you want the skin for cosmetic reasons you may run the same content over the span of hours/weeks/months to achieve your goal (gold, mats, etc.) that is “your/their/our” choice and not obligatory to improve your character just personal preference. The implementation of “Improved gear” make this a requirement and no longer a personal cosmetic choice it also makes it a grind of a specific area chosen by the devs not the players.

If drop rates were lowered in other areas to force the populous to play the new content or dungeon run for item drops, that wouldn’t be ethical at all. Agreed that high level drops do happen in other areas and seeing other areas is a nice change of pace at any level but not everyone plays the same.

Exploration, making friends is an awesome idea ,I think ,maybe nobody thought of that before?
As for running dungeons……Do you mean running the same dungeon(fractals)for hundreds of hours to get ascended items, just because they decided to make things better (see fun) for everyone (more grindy) ???

Dungeon running isn’t everyone’s idea of fun, especially with the new (requirements) I’ve been seeing when peeps put up requests, no at level players, know the content, no this/that or the other professions.
I feel like I’m playing one of those OTHER games that a few of my friends played while I watched them and read the game chat. This is (was) supposed to be different from all the rest.. so far with current changes it’s become more like those others

I can’t run the same content over and over again just for rewards that I will need in the future so I get the other rewards coming, I did that else where got bored and quit (DDO). I like this game, I’m hoping things will change for the better. If it becomes more of a required grind fest to remain viable at 80 I’ll be playing less and probably play more alts to 80 if I do play, I’m glad that the game has no sub and I won’t be losing any more money, I got my money’s worth (almost) in the past month’s.

Fun (Anet definition) = Obligatory running of same content to get max item stats to stay competitive and be able to run higher level content with those who decide you must have max stats to be viable.

Grindy/ Grinding = Fun character progression to improve upon your gaming experience a byproduct of the “fun” element in this game

users are getting picky on party, toughts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


I don’t understand you people.
Maximizing you chances of success is bad.
If you not getting into a party make your own is that so hard?

Why do you casuals always demand that the game caters to you every want and need…

Don’t blame the casuals for the idea of not requiring elitist bullkitten conditions to run dungeons. I’m not a casual, but neither am I a zerger wanting to finish everything before everyone else just to be able to complain that the end game is boring or too easy.

Dungeons are for everyone, except the latest one that is. Screening players due to gear for dungeons that eveyone (read twinked full exotic uber toons) is saying are too easy is just antisocial. I’m not saying accept everyone, but a helping hand to a newbie dungeon runner isn’t the end of the world, it’s actually a social kind of thing to do. Unless of course you are playing WoW in which case kitten’em lowbies are the scum of the earth This ISN’T WoW tho, nor should it be a WoW wannabe.

Making a party isn’t hard, running a dungeon as party leader when you haven’t done so is frustrating. It’s nice to have someone who has actually completed several runs and is familiar with the mechanics to give a hand. It will take more time, there will be deaths, but in the end there’s a completion and just maybe someone will have learned enough to lead sucessful runs in the future.
Unfortunately a large part of that player base wouldn’t stop at the side of the road to help someone who has a flat tire, or a kid who fell off their bike and needs help. It says something about our society today not just in the gaming community. Thankfully there are still some decent folks willing to help the newer, casual and or laid back players not really worried about fast leveling or seeing all the content in 3 months

Also your same question could be reworded as why do the 10% (added a 0 for good measure) zerger elite base players demand that the game should cater to their every want and need??

How many people did you invite?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


0, i told them to back off and keep in DDO, one even told me meh i was about to buy it i already had the money ready, i told him u lost nothing stick in DDO ull find it better right now, they are making this a grind game so whats the difference.

I basically did the same, A few DDO friends wanted to try. Told them to stay where they were.
Although ascended isn’t making a big difference to me yet.. I play multiple alts , trying to get the feel for the game and it’s professions..
I’m in no hurry to get to 80 yet or grind for skins/stats I hate the grind (along with the bugs and massive unneeded nerfs) , which is why I dropped DDO for something new and different. Now the major differences are only graphic.. Bugs, nerfs and grind are abound.

I’ll play until I hit the grind fest , and then decide what to do. I’m still bothered by the way this game is going.

Time will tell.

Should Level Cap Increase in Xpacs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


Why even have 1 – 80? Everyone should just start out as 80s with full max gear

You’re right. That needs to change in sPVP. If you aren’t skilled enough to play full time, then you shouldn’t be able to defeat those players who are! Who thought level 80 for new players in SPVP was a good idea?!

Same goes for new dungeons. Even if you’ve seen all the content in PvE, that doesn’t mean you are ready to join elite runs in the new zones. You should have to grind to max level and gear to deserve entering these elite-player-only zones!


Skilled enough to play full time actually means , no life, job, GF (wife, kids), living in mommies basement.
Kind of like your other post here Sam that pretty much stated you needed a leet gear advantage to kick scrubs that didn’t have the time to grind. That basically says you need gear to be good when this game is much more about the player behind the keyboard than the stats and gear on the avatar you are using.
Sounds like the DDO pvp mentality or the WOW mentality. Things this game really doesn’t need.

That being said…

Level cap at 80 is fine, more endgame areas would be a boon, constant gear upgrading through continuous dungeon runs gets old.

If you need a carrot in front of you to play this game then maybe this game isn’t for you. Take your time, smell the flowers, enjoy the scenery, there is a lot to see in this game if you don’t just mindlessly waypoint jump to everything.
Sure players zerged to 80 and did everything. The rest of the player based shouldn’t have to pay for those who decided to speed their way through the game.

Dye prices skyrocket

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


I’ve gotten 1 dye since the “FIX”, granted it’s only about 8 hours of farming heart completions, since my time is restricted this week. It still seems a lot lower than it was before their unintentional drop rate increase.

Some where in between both extremes would be just about right in my opinion.

Issue Loading Areas

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lazarus.1083


Unable to load Knut Whitebear POI in Hoelbrak

Unable to load Palace POI in Divinity’s Reach