Showing Posts For Lazeris.1725:

A Possible Solution for Most

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


Another solution would be the spec doing respectable damage as either condi or power…as opposed to right now where neither will give you sufficient damage to justify the complexity of weaver over literally any other class or ele spec

The issues with weaver

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


Just adding my voice that the damage was so low that it was glaringly obvious. I really had a ton of fun with the mechanics of the class but as it stands it’s neither a DPS condi or DPS power….either is fine but one of the two roles needs to be buffed to make it a viable option for play.

Hammer Rev Damage Needs Nerf

in Revenant

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


I mean Rev is a pretty bad class as is. This class got stuck as a boon support side-kick DPS and fails to excel as a true damage dealer other than hammer 2.

So i’m not sure how many more nerfs rev can take without being relegated to an even more support / ignored role.

Remove PVE armor stats from WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


One of the best parts about this game when compared to other MMO’s

Your gear hasn’t really improved since the launch of the game. Yes ascended gear is an upgrade but it is not nearly as drastic of a stat increase as a typical upgrade would be in other MMO’s.

So…..If your argument for the sPVP stat system to be implemented in WvW, is that it will be easier to gear I would caution you that it is already dramatically easier to gear in GW2 than most other games in this genre and sliding too much further down that slope may result in you simply not being satisfied with the since of progression you expect from an RPG character.

[Video] Roaming as D/D Ele still viable

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


I feel like I’m making a mistake coming back as a D/D but I want to believe.


in WvW

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


All that said I am still really enjoying WvW and small scale – I just wish we saw a bit more build diversity out there you know?

also nice summary Helly thank you.


in WvW

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


I mean despite the OP…..Condi Reaper is really crazy op right now. Not sure how anyone can actually defend that class right now.

Raids & Legendary armor -- unrealistic

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


As a player recently coming for World of Warcraft and raiding. This game seems to have MANY more casual players that don’t do much beyond the daily stuff.

This fascinates me because I can’t imagine not doing both High-end PvP and PvE content even on a limited schedule of just 1-3 nights a week.

Additionally beyond the thrill of doing it a few times whats the driving reason to keep raiding? Gear doesn’t matter in this game so i’m not sure how raiding stays relevant unless they release new raid bosses frequently ?

Impossible Odds: Deserves a change?

in Revenant

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


I was under the impression Shiro was doing very well for itself is that no longer the case?

Guardian changes from stream:

in Guardian

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


then don’t play old guard

Profession Balance Goals Released - Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


After reading some of the replies in this thread some of you would be much happier on a druid with a passable outfit that looks like plate armor rather than trying to campaign for the guardian to be a cleric.

Herald is disgusting

in PvP

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


Played Dragon Hunter….fought many a herald Rev. It was tough but not impossible and not imbalanced OP needs to distinguish more between whats STRONG and whats BROKEN.

as an aside I delighted in the thought of dragon hunter killing a dragon herald

Connection Issues/Ability Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


I am NA east same issue as other posts

Ascended Gear review WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


I’m looking to start making some Ascended Gear for WvW solo/small scale roaming

I’ve been running a 2/5/6/0/1 build with pack runes and Sword Focus / Greatsword

Looking for peoples input on this mock-up of some ascended pieces

Want to Try D/D Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


I want to try D/D ele before I commit to it for leveling and gearing

So I’m wondering if I can get a build for sPvP that would reflect the kind of build that is currently popular in WvW roaming.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Returning to Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


Thanks for all the builds I was just looking over your guide post.

How do you (or others) feel about Valkyrie gear to keep critical damage around 215-220%?

I’ve been fooling around with the stat allocations on the gear but I’m not super sure about how valuable Toughness/Armor really is in the long run or if I’m better off just going for the additional Vitality/Critical damage on valk gear.

Returning to Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


Just got back into the game and I used to play Guard way back about a year or so ago. I’m playing triple meditation with GS / Sword Focus and I’m curious what the current trait set up is for roaming / small scale wvw as well as general stat gearing advice.

Oh also I’m full zerker because I had a deathwish back in the day.

Thanks in adavance

Celestial Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


Do we have a build that can take advantage of celestial gear / meta for WvW?

Any decent build for thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


Good to know Reaven, but I was actually just asking in general roaming not specifically thief vs thief.

What gear setup do you run though?

Any decent build for thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


Alright, Did some research but I’m at another crossroads. I’m curious for perplex roamer P/D do I want to stack celestial gear or Dire gear?

Any decent build for thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


Does the meta prefer perplex P/D over zerking D/P backstabing? I see two camps of people on the forums and I can’t tell who is TELLING ME THE TRUTH! I just want to be the best little roaming pain I can be!

D/P Backstab

or P/D perplex

Game Over!

in WvW

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


You know its funny in Other MMO’s Rogues/Thieves/Assassins have permanent stealth and still do crazy damage. I’m really shocked that stealth gets so much hate in this game, it’s really a staple mechanic of every major MMO and Gw2 has a very balanced approach to how stealth is actually used.

The Current Meta for Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


Well isn’t that just nifty

The Current Meta for Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Lazeris.1725


As the title says I’m curious about the current thief Meta for WvW roaming and 1v1 viability. My guild just got back into GW2 and I’m curious what builds to look at, weapon sets, and Ascended gearing. I’m mostly going to be leading a WvW zerg ball but in my off-time I want to be able to roam in solo and small group so that’s what I plan to gear and build for. Additionally I’d love to know what the current PVE Meta is for thieves.

What is the 1v1 solo / small roaming trait build right now?
What Gear does it wear? Exotic and Ascended?
What Weapons does it prefer?