Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Showing Posts For Leery.2976:
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Same thing happened to us today on both of our guild challenges. Deep Trouble and Scratch Sentry Defense. Both had the same dialogue of “Mission Closed. Please try again later.”
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
We had the exact same scenario of hard quaggan paddle rush with no credit given go us at the end, the popup even came up for us asking if we’d like to accept credit. This on top of the issues with people not being able to get credit for rush (even when waiting in line and going one by one some weren’t getting it) and puzzle even when they fully participate.
Missions as a whole have gotten a lot buggier and more headache inducing after the expansion. Also is taking much much more time for many of them.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Put in a ticket and was told by CS that they had no way to refund favor or guild consumables. Please if possible find a way to reimburse all the lost influence spent on these boosts. We still have a bit of a bank but 100-200k is still a lot of influence to lose when we can’t get it anymore and will have hurt a lot of guilds.
Thank you for the work looking into the bug, can you answer how much the boost reduces the timer by? I don’t want to spend any more influence on this until I’m sure its working properly and have not been hearing much of a reduction from those who have spent influence post patch. I just wanted to ensure everything is working properly before spending anything.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Good day,
The following upgrades will unlock scribing recipes. You must have a guild hall to scribe the schematic and build the item. However, until you get the guild hall you will be able to purchase the items with favor from a Guild Requisitioner found in the Guild Initiative Office.
Guild Catapult will auto unlock the War Room upgrade “Scribing: Guild Catapult”.
Guild Siege Suit will auto unlock the War Room upgrade “Scribing: Guild Siege Golem”.
Have fun, everyone! \o/
Does this mean that we will not be able to get the guild siege we currently have built once hot hits? We have several guild catapults built and building, so should we just leave one built to unlock this upgrade and activate the rest so that we don’t lose any of them?
You wont lose any siege/banners consumables. So you are safe. What you can do this evening take out any siege and queue up a full list of siege before HoT launches, last chance to get guild siege via influence.
I should say keep at least 1 finished siege of each inside the upgrade list to be sure you unlock that specific recipe for scribing.
Yeah I figured we wouldn’t, I just wanted to double check that auto unlock was in addition to, not replacing. Better safe than sorry. Thank you Dara for confirming!
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Good day,
The following upgrades will unlock scribing recipes. You must have a guild hall to scribe the schematic and build the item. However, until you get the guild hall you will be able to purchase the items with favor from a Guild Requisitioner found in the Guild Initiative Office.
Guild Catapult will auto unlock the War Room upgrade “Scribing: Guild Catapult”.
Guild Siege Suit will auto unlock the War Room upgrade “Scribing: Guild Siege Golem”.
Have fun, everyone! \o/
Hi Dara, quick question here. Does this mean that we will not be able to get the guild siege we currently have built once hot hits? We have several guild catapults built and building, so should we just leave one built to unlock this upgrade and activate the rest so that we don’t lose any of them?
Thank you and the other devs for all your work BTW, looking forward to the new guild system and guild halls!
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Please reconsider changing the reset time back to the previous time. This change just made reset awful for NA, SEA, and OCX on NA servers and still cuts time out of the weekend, making Friday a ktrain day. Please please please reconsider.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
I’m not a fan of the reset move. This makes friday night into Saturday morning the ktrain day that no one cares about. Also, if the thought of this was to somehow help with coverage differences, the weekend is where these show the least due to people being on outside the timezones they usually play. So instead of the first 2 full days being competitive and depending less on coverage, now it’ll be the first day.
I would ask that this please be reconsidered before the expansion launch, this change will just eliminate one of the more active days of wvw and won’t shift it noticibly. I know I won’t be playing nearly as much Friday/Saturday is that’s the new ktrain time.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
LEEERY <3 <3 <3 <3
<3’s Rhys!
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Also getting a report from a guildy that he switched maps while having a tag on and he now gets the network error and can’t log back in. So that’s two of our commanders down from raid atm =/
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Same network error code, had a tag up as the patch hit.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Bumps. Still doing our thing, basically queue free!
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
The skill lag is the worst that its been since the old days of attacking sm and standing around staring at each other waiting for your skills to go off. Add on top of it a massive problem with rubber banding as well, making it that much harder to coordinate midfight and even before engaging. Nothing like getting stuck in statics in wells and your stability skill just deciding to not work =/
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Bumperino. If you are looking to transfer in, make sure to contact us. Also if you are already on the server and haven’t tried wvw before or just want to give it a try again, let us know as well. plenty of us would love to help people through those first bits of wvw. best place to go for either.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Might want to save the tin foil hat theories until there’s at least a pool of people you can direct it at…
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Bumperino, what Chris said. Rashkin up there’s just upset that I haven’t given him roses lately, that’ll be fixed soon.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
And back to da front
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Bump again for a great server. Want to be able to see the steamy romantic and mostly nonsensical talk between myself and Sigmund in your team chat whenever we’’re both on the same map? Only place you can get that without pay per view. If thats not a recruitment message, I don’t know what is.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Is the Guild open to Australians?
Anyone’s welcome! We don’t tend to have any scheduled events around ocx primetime but there are a few Australians and several late night NA people in the guild who would be on doing stuff. Most of our scheduled wvw raids and whatnot are at 8 eastern.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Something about how good we are and how if you join us you’ll be good… That’s how this works yah?
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Fun fact, there are five known named bivouacs in game. Best thing about the expansion? Potential for more bivouacs!
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Rubber baby buggy bumpers.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
If it helps anyone’s decision, Patty has a kitten outfit. Just saying.
Edit: aw, that gets kittened =(
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Hi, you should try looking up Dx, GaN, and WoR. They should all play during your time zone. If you haven’t already signed up at that is our server forum and you should be able to find more info about each guild on there. Gl on the guild search!
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Do you want to set up a bivouac?
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Great group of people and a lot of fun to run with whenever some of them were on early or some of us on late. I wish these forums liked cat gifs, then I’d pay you back.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Bivouac bump and more words cause char limit
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
LF people who are better at building forts than Leery is.
Uwotm8? Forts are so last season anyways, bivouacs are the new hotness.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Saw this on 7th page and just couldn’t allow that. They’re some cool peeps even if I only ever saw them on insomnia nights.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
What Joe said. We were all new to the game/a class at some point and we try very hard to remember that. If you’re new, don’t feel self conscious about joining us old farts. We’ll give you any tips we can that we’’ve picked up with minimal good natured ribbing.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
SoS is a great place with a lot of great people and if anyone reading this is thinking about transferring, I encourage you to let us know and, of course, to come here! GH transferred here just a little over a year ago, and I’m glad we did. There’s room and a good potential to recruit from in all timezones. Hope to see some more new faces soon!
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
GH, now with more murellows!
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
(edited by Leery.2976)
I used to have problems with my swag. Now don’t get me wrong, I had as much swag as your average guy, but sometimes average just isn’t enough, you know? Ever since I started playing on SoS, there’s been a noticeable difference. My friends all have been comparing their swag to mine and I’m happy to say they’ve been put to shame. So thank you SoSwag for your help in all the right places.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Can someone find a really exploitable thing with the living story so they’ll have to take the servers down to patch it. That’ll probably be the only way this ends up getting fixed, as a side effect of restarting servers.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Random lag spikes that last anywhere from like 5-35s and sometimes DC you. This is even worse than two weeks ago.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Proposal Overview:
Make letters not sent to guild members count towards excessive messaging or a way to send a message to an individual guild member on guild kick.
Goal of Proposal
To enable a smoother elimination of inactive members and also give them a reason of why they are no longer part of the guild and who to contact when/if they come back.
Proposal Functionality
Make messages sent to guild members not count towards excessive message limit. The other option is when kicking a guild member, give a prompt asking if you would like to send the member a message and if yes, open a new window to send it to them, much as mail currently works.
Associated Risks
Possibility of spam through this, although the kick message would only be able to be sent once as they are then kicked.
Below is my original post that I condensed into the above format.
One thing I would like as a guild leader is for letters that are sent to my guild mates not to count towards the excessive messaging limit. I like the idea already proposed about mass bulletins but this doesn’t address a problem we’ve had before.
To put this in perspective, I’m part of a larger guild which was made when the game launched. We have a policy of after a certain period of not logging in, kicking players for inactivity. When we kick those who are inactive, we send a mail explaining the reason for the guild kick and to re contact us if they start playing again and what not.
The problem with this is that we have officers/leaders sitting there just waiting to be able to send this mail to them as the game doesn’t give a kicked player any indication of when or why they were kicked from a guild. Another possible way to do this is when you kick players from guild, leave the ability to send a message which will persist until the member dismisses it.
Thanks for the CDI and I look forward to some great additions to the current guild system!
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
(edited by Leery.2976)
Same here. Brings up
Network error: .
Please check your internet connection and try again.
(Code =1022:5:1:869:101)
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Yeah, wildstar and GW2’s data servers keep getting ddosed from the looks of it.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Maybe the assassin in Mai Trin.
I hadn’t thought about it before now, but where IS Mai Trin? I assume she either escaped or was killed during the fighting in LA, are there ingame sources to confirm either?
She escaped into the edge of the mists back when they were released and hasn’t left (that we know of) since. Last I know of her was the hologram of her giving the aetherblades orders in the middle of the map which could still happen now if you’d like to go by there to look.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
SBI knows whats going to happen this week to ehmry. SBI’s stock has risen! Let us find common ground in our mutual dislike of Ebay’s band wagoning ways.
Wait, where’s this band wagon at? I want a ride.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
You are going to dump that ugly GF as soon as she’s not useful anymore.
Hopefully they’ll at least have the decency to give us a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream first. Ugly GF wants to get her stress eat on.
One of our commanders gave it to me to give to you, but sorry I’ve already eaten it.
That’s the last straw Yak’s. Our obvious alliance that we’ve been planning against the heroic BP for three months is in jeopardy over this crisis! How else would they be in third place besides this monstrosity!
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Hey there, Ouro, long time no see.
Were you referring to Exo? I wouldn’t worry too much about any reluctance on their part; they’ll have nowhere else to go for this kind of PvP once Warhammer closes.
Exo is still playing over there? Quite the troopers, those guys.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
I have a great solution: All of Ehmry Bay transfer to Maguuma, then invert your sleeping schedule. It will be the best thing ever #fyeahppt
See guys, this is what we need more of, positive solutions that work well for both parties without any negative aspects at all. Plus we could fight each other in team chat instead of the forums about siege use and whatsuch. Much more personal and fun in my opinion. There’ll also be a longer delay on people getting banned for what they say. Everybody wins!!!
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Hey guys! I’ve been making Youtube videos for primarily guild wars 2 since launch, and I’ve been keeping up with the living story updates and doing relatively short summary videos for the updates as they’ve gone through. I know there are people who didn’t play while the earlier living world updates were happening, and my hope is that these videos will help people understand who these characters that reappear latter on came from and their background. I’m linking to the playlist I have that is specifically for living story videos. Hope this helps some of you out as these characters keep developing!
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
kitten ele that was in SM. Tried to find you after to party but didn’t see you anymore. Good show =P
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Guys! We should be ashamed of ourselves, using siege to defend a keep. Don’t worry though, I remember this one guy from our last match up who wouldn’t be upset if we used siege to defend a keep.
Plus, there’s a large difference between siege inside a keep and open-field. Siege defending a keep? Go ahead.
Gotta love that guy.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
(edited by Leery.2976)
Btw the mesmer that was able to hide in Ebay bay from Ark, nice job
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Drak, just enjoy the happiness and quiet this thread is. Take the time you could have spent reading drama to, I don’t know, go out and smell the roses or something?
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
That was a very nice gvg, thanks for the fights rB!
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
Latest score update in case anyone’s wondering
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader