Showing Posts Upvoted By Levis.6137:
Same for me. I wanted to see Azanis 1v1 with Svanir. :<
I wanted to just touch base with everyone and say that we are looking into making a few changes to the Sky Hammer map layout. The goal of these changes is to preserve the overall feel of Sky Hammer(Positioning = good), but hope to relieve the spam knock backs and get kills feel. We are listening to everyone both in-game and on the forums. Thanks for the feedback and see you in-game.
Hugh “Nightmare” Norfolk
11 months ago
The problem with skyhammer is not only the brekable glass, and the overpowered hammer.
There are more problems other than that that would still make it the worse map even if the previously mentioned were fixed. I’m going to list them:
- Permanent 4 objective map: You have 3 nodes and 1 skyhammer and you have to contest all of them. To do that you are forced to split the 5 players into 4 objectives. This means this map is totally focused on 1v1 and has no interesting teamfights. This is the reason why spirit watch is bad too.
On the other hand temple of the silent storm is slightly better because the 4th (and 5th) objective only spawn at a given time.
- The side nodes don’t have any vision of the map. You cannot deffend a side node and control the map at all. You are forced to a) leave the node b) camp it and afk there.
You can’t see if someone’s coming to you either, and this promotes again more stealth+pulls that we all hate.
- There are hundred of bugs with teleports, with the jumpers and with the skyhammer portal (it just killed me once entering). You can also fall down the map and survive, getting stuck until a whorm kills you.
(edited by Marcos.3690)
Maybe steal bug is a marketting strategy!!! since there wont be any buffs coming our direction anytime soon, therefore they create bugs to later fix it and create illusionary buffs.
So I’ve been trying to get better at pvp, and I’ve recently moved from rabbit to wolf in two~three months. My main is guardian as in WvW and PvE, so I’ve learned/watched/played a fair number of matches using meditation build, support/bunker build, and hybrid build. The matches that I usually do are mainly solo Q and hot joins, although I do sometimes join team Q with full guild members.
That said, I really do think there is an immense gap between existing players in PvP playbase and newcomers such as myself. In rabbit and dear rank, I was matched up with people of my rank, and although game lacked any strategies and capturing/fighting in nodes, I still had fun. The problem started when I reached dolyak rank and I was facing shark/phoenix/dragons as my opponents. Now I know that after April patch finisher ranks have lost their prestige to certain extent, but it was still overwhelming for me to handle.
From casually winning/losing game while learning how to utilize PvP tactics such as LoS on rocks/walls, positioning, personal skill combos/etc, I am now matched up with people who are at least decent to excellent in their professions. After losing 10+ matches straight, I’ve lost intrested in PvP for a while and retreated to WvW and Pve. After a month or two, I’ve tried PvP again because of new trek rewards and PvP finishers, and I was able to endure all of Skyhammer, 4v5, 3v5, afkers, people with amazing skills and people with no skills to achieve wolf rank.
The problem I see is that matchmaking system is terrible and it is the main reason why people don’t want to PvP anymore. As an experienced PvE player who can earn 30~40g+ a day just by selling paths and running dungeons/fractals, I personally think lack of reward isn’t the problem. The community toxicity is much lower than what I’ve expected from such competitive players and gameplay itself is very fast paced and exciting. However the problem comes from high learning curves, very short/unnoticeable animations depending on skills/race and the horrible, horrible match making. There is no way that I’d ever want to play against a team of dragons and phoenixes when I am only starting to learn how to read animations and apply my own skill combos, or deal with 4v5/3v5 while receiving meager 300 rank points.
Anet should implement much better making software/program and try to attract more people for PvP since there is almost no unity in this type of gameplay. At least in WvW people are grouped into servers, whereas in PvP even friends and guildmates are prone to fighting each other. A new gameplay mode such as capture the flag/deathmatch/etc can be a short term fix, but anet should do much more than hosting some tournaments because frankly it has lesser viewers than DnT PvE tournament. There should be certain benefits for PvP players such as increase trek progression by 5% in guild upgrade system and/or comprehensive guide made by Anet devs themselves to help newcomers.
As of now I am taking break from PvP once again due to RL reasons and WvW tournament, but I really wish PvP gets some major patch as much as I wish for new dungeons/fractals in PvE. I really hope Anet drops Living World as their main focus and start working on other gameplays that really need fixing and revamping, but I don’t think I will see that until release of gw3. Just my two cents :P
Same issue last night! However my character made the stopping movement but didn’t stomp. I stomped one guy 6 times before be just bled out and died! Hopefully this gets fixed soon!
Game crashed to desktop 5 times in Team Arena on Legacy of the Foefire. Trying to rejoin the match resulted in more crashes.
Tell me about that, we still did not recieve the money from Mistpedia Invitational, which was held on 2 March 2014. Thats how professional and responsible everything works in esports business i guess..
Rank #1 Life
(edited by Maylo.5892)
After 2 years I finally managed to cure myself of GW2, which wasn’t too hard in the end, all things considered. Whenever I have free time I play other PvP games because they are more challenging and fun. Mechanically GW2 is one of the best MMOs I ever played and paired with the eye-gasmic graphics this game could have been so much more than it turned out to be.
There is probably nothing that can get me to play hardcore again, but here’s a few things that would make me reinstall:
- More updates – I’ll start with the more obvious ones. Any company that wants their game to strive will have to make it appealing to their audience… over and over again. The only way to do this is by providing weekly or bi-weekly updates, even if it meant changing a number from 6 to 6.1 this would make the game more alive and players would have to put more effort into crafting builds and practicing.
- A new profession – I think 2 years is enough to come up with a new profession. I played a completely free MMO once that had a new class come out every year, even though their game had no purchase fee or cash store. Even bringing some of the GW1 professions into GW2 would be a massive step.
- New game mode(s) – I know this one is already overused but there is a good reason for that. I’ll write down some of my game-mode ideas below:
- PvP Conquest – this is similar to what we have already, only in PvP conquest there would be 1 capture point. The only way to capture this is by either standing on it while out of combat or scoring kills on the point itself. Kills scored inside the circle grant the team that scored the kill 1/4th of the cap. Kills scored outside of the circle however are worth 20 points. This game mode is optimal for 3v3 and has place for secondary objectives.
- Team Death Match – there’s already a map for it, so why not make it a game mode? A more optimal TDM map could be one that looks like the jungle area in MOBAs. Scoring kills would ultimately grant victory in this game mode and players could be rewarded for figures, like stomps, damage done, healing done and so on.
- Battle Arena – this would be much like current MOBAs (well established eSports) with similar maps and progression mechanic, along with an item store, locked utilities and NPCs around the map. Winning this game mode would take destroying objectives, such as turrets and enemy base. In game modes like this roles are more distinct and players actually feel a sense of accomplishment when they outcompete other players of the same role.
- Gladiator Arena – in this game mode the playfield is a circular dome of some sorts and the objective is to defeat waves of NPCs and enemy players. Essentially this is a 1v1 but NPC waves can test the player’s mechanical abilities and build before entering actual PvP. The amount of time taken to defeat the NPCs can determine players who face each other.
- Transparency – this is a massive issue at ArenaNet. It’s been 2 weeks since I saw a dev on forums. If they don’t even care about their game why should we?
- More events, sponsors, cash – if I were one of the people trying to sell this game as an eSport I would have started by organising massive cash tournaments. This way people that play for money would consider the game. These people are the hardcore players that attract media attention, sponsors, money and eSports.
These are my ideas and I know none of the devs will actually read this, but am wondering if anyone else thinks the same or how else do people see this game could reach its potential?
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Now that there are reward tracks and dungeon reward tracks, why there isn’t a level-able fractal reward track in which you can obtain ascended armor/jewelry as final reward or, perhaps, a chance of getting a fractal skin?
(edited by sorrow.2364)
hi, i am asking because actually i dont like the look of my female sylvari any more :/
if i compare them to my other chars they just look really bad
i tryed much to make them look better, but at least i dont find a good looking face and hair for me…
the last patches brought some new faces and hairstyles,
but i am not happy about any one of them.
its not because they are all totaly ugly, i just dont like them.
so i ask, will there be more good looking hairs and faces in the future, because actually i am getting bored about playing my 2 sylvaris.
well, heres some pictures i found which still looks like sylvaris and how i really would like to heave the face and hairs.
at least one long hair style and a face looking “a bit” like a elve and not totaly like trees would be nice to heave (maybe the face of the pale tree :P)
so please anet add something like this in the future :/
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus
(edited by Oidmetala.8426)
Hey guys.
I just wanted to give you guys a quick update. Based on your feedback, we’ve decided not to add Runes of Perplexity to PvP in the 4/15 Feature Pack. We’ll be monitoring the balance of runes closely, making more tweaks if necessary, and revisiting the possibility of adding Runes of Perplexity to PvP at a later point.
Thanks again for comporting yourselves in such a cooperative and constructive manner – you guys had some great points and counterpoints regarding this issue.
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
As pistolwhip is about to go down we will face the next mindless 3 smashing build (s/d).
Since thieves have the highest burst potential ingame they should be easiest to kill. Right now it is very hard to kill a good thief even if he is not attacking you and that is because of evade spamming. No other burst class can do that much damage and still be that hard to kill (take a look at eles – they die when you fart in their direction, but only the best do the damage a mediocre thief does).
I know that evading is a part of the thief mechanic therefore it should still be possible to evade on demand.
BUT there should be a punishment if it is just a “random dodge”.
My proposal is that every dodge that is on no cooldown has some frames after it where the thief is not abled to move nor abled to cancel the skill. (some sort of acd like in gw1)
It will not affect skilled players since they know when to dodge however it will affect the 3-3-3-3-3 bots.
Raph is raged ….
my ele doing more burst as my acrobatic evade thief doing 3333 with sh makes no rl dmg and waste my inititative …. l2p issue here
every other class has a 1win-invulnerability button, you should activate such noobskill correctly to Counter thiefs easily …. or play warrior, 2 noobskills are way better
Skilled Thiefs are dangerous
Yeah we should do that. ‘/rank #’
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
nobody wants a condition heavy bunker meta come back to gw2 … having balanced stats amulettes like celestial is really nice for balanced ele or maybe even mesmer for a hybrid kind of thing but perplexity in pvp…no please no
Sensotix’ Builds & Tutorials Collection
Keep in mind,
Condition Mesmer with Torment on shatter + Perplexity
Condition Warrior with Mace and confusion on interrupt + Perplexity (9 stacks in 1 interrupt)
Condition Necro with Fear now being an interrupt
These are my main concerns however i’m sure people can list countless others.
Although I can see this would help bring more builds to PvP, 90% of these builds are some of the most overpowered in game.
Perplexity is still completely overpowered PLEASE do not put this into PvP. It has already killed a lot of peoples’ WvW experience don’t make it kill their PvP experience as well…
I probably shouldn’t be reading the forums at 10:45 on a Friday night….but I am.
1) Thanks for talking about this in such a constructive manner. A lot of you guys are bringing up great points with highly cogent logic. I like. I like how you’re bringing up possible issues in multiple game types as well, kudos for espousing a holistic point of view.
2) There are going to be a lot of changes, as we’ve stated before on the 15th. The meta will probably shift a lot for many areas of the game, so we’ll have to see how things shake out.
3) Please keep the talking open, rational, and with as little salt as possible – you guys are rocking. We are listening, and I’ll check this thread next week to see how the conversation goes.
Thanks for keeping it civil.
First of all just agreeing with what Jon has said here, this thread has turned out perfectly so thx for everyone who has been so helpful in an effort to make sure this doesn’t reach PvP.
Secondly Jon, although I respect Anet have made ALOT of changes to runes an sigils just looking back at this thread I created 17 hours ago having 160+ comments which 99% of them all agree that we as SPvP players do NOT want this rune in PvP, surely that must be a wake up call to you expressing how much we don’t want this?
Thirdly, I have been reading what a lot of players have been writing in this thread and there have been so much better suggestions that what I suggested in order to make the runes more suited for spvp.
Just one that I wanted to Highlight:
Make the Rune of Perplexity a Rune that is useful for classes that actually can apply confusion without perplexity. The new Perplexity 6th set bonus should be something that makes confusion damage stronger. For example, increase the amount of damage confusion does while runes of perplexity are in use. Don’t make perplexity so strong that it can make builds that have 0 access to confusion suddenly have a huge new damage source because of one rune set. Otherwise you just have another lyssa 2.0 situation where everybody will use it.
Teams that have commented on this thread all agreeing they don’t want Perplexity in SPvP:
[CM]Cheese Mode
[ELE]Fifty Five hp Monks
[LSE]Erotic Solitude Legends
[BooN]Read it backwards
[GF]Good Fights
(These are just the names of the higher teams I know in GW2 atm if I have missed any out feel free to leave your Team Name + your support for this thread.)
Thx again all,
I have awoken from a short sleep a bit groggy and Confused.
For some reason I wish to play Mesmer even more than before. . . My head was bleeding (possibly I was knocked out) Luckily the blood didn’t reach the text on my shirt “Berserker stance” it seemed to be immune. After wobbling around a bit I was able to keep myself from being knocked down due to my balanced stance. I feel like my dream was causing me a great deal of damage, but T. Bear taught me how to endure pain. I realized that this was all from the some clever Mesmer(possibly Fay my arch nemesis) trying to control my thoughts which caused me to go into a rampage. I was consoled quickly by the champion genius which calmed my mind and body like a healing surge. The genius whispered to me one thing and one thing only that I will take to my grave. . . . HHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMM/BBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!
The time is coming that my bow and hammer will crush many a foe, but who knows maybe I will dust off my Mace/Sword and Long Bow. Only time will tell. :P
positive threads are not allowed here. Please add worst meta ever and/or threaten to quit to your post to comply with forum guidelines
This made me giggle.
Mesmer will be in a really bad spot after the patch so please keep that in mind when you do your balancing anet
Sensotix – can you elaborate on this a bit?
For example:
What role do Mesmers perform in PvP?
What problems do Mesmers have currently in high end PvP?
How, in your opinion, will the new patch impact the Mesmer’s problems?
What additional roles can a Mesmer perform? If none, what is keeping the Mesmer from taking on a different role?
Why do you feel custom arenas do not work for those that want to duel?
In some ways the custom arenas (angz for exaple) are an good option for duels, but still there are a few things that really are very annoying:
- The servers often are full, as there are very few good 1v1 servers
- To actually join a match, u have to wait until the current game is over and a soon as it’s over, you have to be the first/quickest to click the “join” button. This either results in people beating up their mouse or dowloading autoclick programs.
If I wanna play a 1v1 I don’t wanna first fight 18 other players for a spot.
- PPl using stuff they’re not supposed to use/are against server rules.
- PPl staying in the game for ever, making all the spectators wait for a very long time
I’d really love real 1v1 maps, with a queue system, a spec mode and really simple 1v1 rooms.
Maybe cause its stupid that you have to load like 3 screens to do it?
You can directly join a custom arena from anywhere. You do not need to be in the Heart of the Mists anymore.
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir
Because it is their defense mechanism. They don’t have protection, stability, immunity, blocks, invulnerability, high armor and HP or any other damage mitigating ability most other classes have. And their dodging was already nerfed, they were first with engineers and rangers iirc.
Some classes have significantly better CC that suits Skyhammer (knockback/pull/etc) than other classes. For example Elementalists have basically non-existent knockback or stability while Engineers can endlessly troll people with knockbacks and toolkit magnet pull.
On points A, C and Skyhammer Room there is actually no PvP going on, purely a competition of who can knock/pull someone to their death.
Then there’s Skyhammer itself which is absurdly overpowered – radius is bigger than capture points, hits hard, knocks down, can’t be dodged/blocked.
IMO, the solution for this needs to be:
- in PvE/WvW traits can be equipped by characters that unlocked them,
- in PvP traits can be equipped by characters that have them unlocked by at least one character of the account.
As it has been in GW1.
The real reason behind unlocks!
Gem Store
Sorry, I don’t get this point. What has the gem store to do with unlocks? Or is this just forum paranoia?
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas
(edited by MRA.4758)
Yes Sunt, and u’re pro with sPvP!
Funny to read all PvErs whining, go farm your achiev points, it means a lot!
Car Crash [CC] Will be back for this. Great Idea. Also to all the pvers who are whining.there are many pvpers who spent over 2000-3000 hours of gw2 and guess what, not a single nice skin to show off.
I am going to ask a couple questions that are probably on everyone’s minds:
Where were all you cry-hards when the PAX Tournament was announced?
In case you missed it because you were too busy buying a couple quaggan backpacks on the gemstore, the PAX Tournament gave 10K dollars to the winning team.
Now do you happen to even guess the amount of legendaries that could be bought with all that money? Do you?
For once, Legendary items are actually the showcasing of skill in this game and there are players who manage to speak badly about that.
You had your chance to complain back then. I rest my god kitten case.
(edited by Quickfoot Katana.8642)