Showing Posts For Lex.3975:
I am someone who loves naming their pets instead of them being called juvenile “animal”. It is really annoying that pet name disappear when changing pets in slots. Since I use more than 2 pets, depending on the situation, I always have to type their name all over again every time I change pet.
I would like to see change regarding this problem, so pet names stick to animals, and i hope I am not the only one.
One of the things I wish was like in GW are cinematics. A cinematic where characters actually move and do things, instead of just showing 2 people (only 2 at a time, no more)
talking, with generic background. In guild wars 1 after every mission you had a real cinematic, and I enjoyed watching it a seeing what will happen.
Since they added those crazy hair colors i realized they stepped off the realistic a bit, so why not add red eyes as well, make-over kit exclusive. I know i would buy it just for that.
I would also love to see headbands as medium head armor ( the starter one is just ugly) or full face masks like this ( ). Simply because there is not enough diversity in medium head armors.
Shadowstep is a very nice and useful skill, but i wanted to make a suggestion. Cooldown for this skill is a bit too long, 30 sec would be nicer (at least in PvE), since i would like to use it more often (Nightcrawler’s fault) and duration in which you can use shadow return to be increased to 15 (same as with infiltrator’s strike).
I know this is probably not gonna happen, but i had to make a suggestion.
Probably too late to turn the train around, but I’m not even sure much of the premise of this thread is true. All that we know is that the Canthan district of Divinity’s Reach was removed because some people complained about it. I’m not sure we know whether it had to be removed or ArenaNet just agreed that it wasn’t up to par and decided to take it out; or whether NCSoft was part of that decision; and we certainly don’t know that there’s an overarching conspiracy by NCSoft to excise anything remotely Asian-themed from the game.
Cantha is probably not being “blocked” for cultural-sensitivity “business reasons”. It probably just hasn’t been made yet because ArenaNet wanted to start on one continent first, and Tyria made the most sense for that. Unless there is actually an anti-Asian business plan (which, as has been explained countless times above, wouldn’t make much sense since other games got away with this kind of content) Cantha isn’t gone forever, we just don’t know when we’ll be back.
This thread is really big and no one from the Arena Net staff said a word. A simple Confirmation from ArenaNet (on this thread) that they will add Cantha would be nice, and would appease many.
Faction was my first gw game, and somehow I feel like Cantha is my home in gw universe. I am playing gw2 awaiting for Cantha, but if it never comes I don’t see point for me to continue…. I am NOT saying to hurry up, I am just saying to put it, period.
(Preferably as first coming expansion)
Most of ascended gear is either fully offensive or partially offensive, in every gear you will find power or condition damage attributes. I base my attack around precision, I like Knights gear (power precision and toughness) and I can’t combine ascended gear to match that, for example i wanted to take red ring of death and something that gives me defensive attributes( vitality toughness and healing power) but there isn’t any. I think that either more combinations of attributes need to be added, or one that gives you only defensive attributes.
Overspecialization (either full on offensive or defensive) leads to failure and with current combinations I can’t get what I need. That’s my opinion anyways.
Medium armor headgear choice is pretty poor, there are mostly masks that are fairly similar to each other. I think there should be more diversity between headgears, add more hoods and headbands. There is only one hood and one headband in the entire game, the starter items for thief, and that headband doesn’t look all that good at all. I don’t like masks so I always hide my headgear, personally, I would love to have a headband, one that fits my character nicely.
I think that in a preview mode there should be button that shows character in running mode as well (button that toggles between running and standing) and a button that draws weapon so I can see it how it looks in my hand.
I have to say that a lot of times I preview an armor and I like how it looks, but then when i see it from from sides or front while running I don’t like it anymore. It is usually the situation with long coat armors, so a running mode would be useful.
It would be nice to have the preview button for armor and weapons while browsing through trade center.
Guess that is kind of disappointing. I agree it would be better if gods played a more important role, doesn’t make much sense that they would watch their “creation”(humans) suffer by the hand of dragons without even lifting a finger, even if the dragons are more powerful than gods.
Hope they change something before we take down another dragon
I knew from the beginning that choosing which god blessed you will make no impact on storyline, but i haven’t seen any sign or any difference between choices in that question. Did anyone see any detail, anything that changed based on your answer to that question? I have seen with charr similar question chooses your bands first member, sylvari which npc will be your “handler” based on a cycle of awakening.
Is this based on IP address? There are people with dynamic IP address and with this we would allow access to an ip address that later we won’t have. If it is not based on IP any idea why every time I turn on my internet it askes me to do email authorization.
To all those that claim katana are two-handed, may I remind you that in gw there was a katana wielded by by hand. And for the love of god this is a game, so don’t tell me it would be inefficient because of it’s shape and size, no one is making you use it. I just said it wouldn’t be bad to have that skin for both types of sword.
I haven’t seen it in game, but nothing hints that there is one. Can you make a katana skin for swords