Showing Posts For LilAdrian.5936:


in PvP

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


the problem is not the diamond or any tier, the problem is that your team didn’t have bunker/healer profession, and I think they had 2? that’s why you loose so hard, no mater what, ele and druid is so f over powered that they laugh at us, literally… and no mater what u play in 1vs1 u never beat druid or ele, never, ever, in 2vs1 u win after 3 min, and loose 100 points, so good luck!
A f bunker/healer should never deal good dmg/condi, he is a f support, so wtf?!
StickerHappy, look up, that’s why they lost, not because ruby and bad player, you can’t loose so badly, there is clearly unbalance there with professions!

Their team comp was 22 condi revs one bunker tempest one healing ranger and a scrapper so yea their team comp was by far better than ours( obviously because we solo q) but the main issues for me is the abuse of the lower tier match up with high tier to prevent them from losing pibs in return making us solo q’ers lose two pibs here’s match two which was a little better.



in PvP

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


just lost 4 pibs from the same kitten team…


HATE BLOODLUST & being outmanned

in WvW

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


Its all about the gfs in the ruins not about how much exp/karma or wexp u get…if u dont like the ruins then ur not about the gfs so go do a karma train noobs

Birthday Present Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


no present here either


No birthday gift at 12 months

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


no present here either


in Looking for...

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


Rank 44 mesmer able to play multiple class is looking to either start a team or join one.
On for over 15+ hours of the day will to change build to fit the team not the meta, looking for serious players who are will to practice a couple times a week and who don’t rage quit.
PM me in game or send a message to Midknight fire if interested.
no jokers please.

[NA] Tpvp team LF more to form core team

in Looking for...

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


I’m interested main a mesmer but can play all class very well

[NA] All Class rank 43

in Looking for...

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


I’m Midknight Fire[mesmer] currently rank 449 on the Na leader-boards, I’ve mainly been soloing for tournys but now I’m looking for a serious but friendly group to start doing tournys with daily at any tiem but preferred PST north America time zone.
As the post said i can play all class on whatever build but i mainly play mesmer, thief engi and necro which are my favorite classes, so i can fill in any spot needed. Before you message me, if you know your obnoxious type of person who don’t know how to accept a lose and learn from their mistake don’t even bother, I’m looking for a group to not just play with but practice together to become better.
Mail me in game @ Midknight Fire, on the forums or here thank you =)

Feedback on Spectator Mode

in PvP

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


The only problem i see with this is being able to see traits because some people have worked hard to get there build to where it is and don’t want to publish it to the whole community.

4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


I could have sworn we’ve faced EDGE groups before while small manning in NSP.

In the days of NSP there were 2 EDGE guilds in BP

4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


Dear Ehmry Bay,

Greetings from the guild Exiles Edge [EDGE] from Borlis Pass
You may have heard of us, you may not, and it matters not. I come here to address troubling rumours and whispers I hear in the air. I have heard that Ehmry Bay relies on numbers and not skill, I have heard that Ehmry has much hate agaisnt us from the Pass, and that Ehmry looks down upon Borlis from time to time….

I sincerely hope these rumours arent true, and that Ehmry Bay is not a bunch of zerg minded individuals, I stand agaisnt the Borlis perception of Ehmry, and I must prove that Ehmry is home to as skillful soilders and heroes as Borlis has.

Our guild EDGE, will be venturing into your fabled homeland in WvW from this week onwards, on the hunt for Ehmry flesh, We will be stalking your forces and will KILL any Ehmry we deem fit to stand against us, I wish to disprove the rumours that you need to outnumber us 2 to 1 to kill us, for if our numbers are around equal in a fight, you can never defeat a borlis….please prove this wrong, for I had already sent a hunting party into Ehmry so far, and the rumours appear true….4 of us fighting off 6 of Ehmries proved too difficult for you…

There will be plenty of time for you to prove your skill, and we will be watching….waiting…and hunting…bring your best skill groups when you see the tag EDGE, we will be waiting…of course we welcome the wipe out from your zerg if you deem if a must to kill us by outnumbering us by the droves….

We will be waiting for you….you will either learn to fear us, or learn to respect us…I sincerely hope it will be the latter….

More specifically to Rekz, I have long heard you have developed a skill group for WvW, and I am very very eager to see you on the field, I have long for battle with your guild on equal terms but it seems the other Borlis Guilds such as WAR and WFD have already slaughtered your guild a few times, or so I have heard….come let us test our mantle…

Be wary of us EDGEs on your field Ehmry….we will hunt you…defend yourselves….

Arch [EDGE]
Founder and Marshall of Exiles EDGE

Yo carebear. We’ve been wiping your guys since we were in NSP. Get on my level bro. (64btw. Not the highest either)

I really don’t know how you feel so proud saying that when you out number us so your level most be somewhere in the dirt because EDGE has never been wiped on fair grounds

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


all i see here is a bunch of people raging about thieves n saying they should get a 10+ debuff on going back into sealth..i nist say that culling is the major problem here n have to agree that stealthing combined with culling is a issue but other from that you guys should stop wasting time running around with zergs or by yourself and go to the heart of the mist with either a lvl 1 thief n learn about them or practice against them with your toons instead of wasting time complaining on the fourms to something that will never happen because you fail to learn how a class works.
I mean you guys complain about everything D/D or buncker ele, D/P thieves, GS mesmer, 100 nade engi, ranger underwater/ down healing skill or thier evasive skills in S/D, 100 blades or kill shot warrior, bunker gaurdian and necros second health bar. Its just hilarious if i and many other people can find ways to counter all these mainstream builds so can u all u need to do is QUIT COMPLAINING and learn how to beat them.
Lvl 80 mesmer (main) 80 thief 80 necromancer 80 warrior 49 ranger 15 gaurdian 2 elementalist

Looking for a stable and active sPvP team

in PvP

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


As the title says im looking for a stable and active sPvP team to play with in the weeks if not everyday
Im a rank 33 roaming berserker mesmer(main) im also able to play a roaming berserker thief, fear bomb necro and a berserker warrior.
My server is Borlis Pass(NA) but it doesnt matter which server the team will be on as long as its NA also my play time is usually 12pm-around 2am everyday
Midknight Fire-IGN so send me a whisper/PM or reply about any details

Spectral Wrath (evil) Looking For 2 More.

in PvP

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


NA or EU server?

[Mesmer] List of bugged abilities and traits.

in Mesmer

Posted by: LilAdrian.5936


signant of illusions + the major trait persisting images does not stack