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Knock backs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilium.1509


I find it funny that Anet didn’t learn how to put DR on stuns and knockbacks yet.
A) if in any other MMO you get stunned you can’t get stunned again for at least 2 seconds
B) almost all enemies have a knockback or a stun of some sorts. Even the ones that don’t have it in their description
You can get stunlocked by 5 mobs infinitely.

Looks like the mobs are too intelligent for you and are exploiting your lack of stability.

not all classes can even apply stability. For example: necro – the only skill with stability is Lich Form. And I can’t really spam my elite.

There is a trait called foot in the grave that gives you stability.

“Gain stability for 3 seconds when you enter death shroud.”

I play a necro and, not only does the ability have a cool down, but if your deathshroud goes out before it recharges, you have to wait for death shroud to fill up again before you can use it.

edit: I’m sorry, I thought it was the other thing in the third ability bar, not the trait skill thing. But again, you still have to wait for death shroud to be usable again before you can use it.

Knock backs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilium.1509


Everything does, Each of the branded have one, except for the fish, I haven’t fought the fish so I don’t know if it has one or not. the centaur, every one except for the sharpshooters and the other ones with the gun have a knock down, the gun based ones have a knock back. most of the destoyers have it, the only ones that I don’t thing do are the flying ones, and even then, they dodge out of the way. the devourers do, all of them. Half the drakes do. All of the dredge do, except for the ones that play music on their gong shileds and the odd one with the gun. All the elementals do. Ettins. Giants, ghosts, except for the archers, they have a knock back though. Golems, grawl, some griffons, some of the aggresive hylec, icebroods, some inps, like one or two insects, Jotun, Karka some krait have a knock back in the water and a knock down on land. Minotaurs, oozes, ogres, plants, raptors, some skale, some skelk, some skritt, some spiders, steam creatures, that are in the winter area. Trolls, the risen, they both have a knock down AND a knock back, wnd ryders I think have a knock back, can’t remember now, and wurms.

You wanted the list, I didn’t go into detail as to every single name, but that is what I have been knocked down by, and knocked back by. That’s pretty much everything in the game. When you get more than 2 on you, and they span the kitten things, this makes it so that the game is no fun and it can get you killed.

(edited by Lilium.1509)

Knock backs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilium.1509


Is it just me or does everything in the game have a knock back? I mean, don’t get me wrong, having enemies that knock back, makes the fighting fair, seeing as that you as the player has a knock back or two but. What I find most ridiculous is that, if you happen to get even two monsters on you that have knock back, (which again, it seems everything does) and they hit you with it, they can stun lock you and kill you quite easily. and even with one monster, it seems to spam that same knock back over and over again, as if the cooldown time for the knock back is either really short or not there at all. I want to know if this is just me that has noticed and experienced this or if there are other people that have.

Two in Ehmry Bay looking for a guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Lilium.1509


The two of us are looking for a guild to join in Ehmry Bay. We are…well I guess casual, we don’t WvW much and we don’t PvP much either. friendly and like to talk. We like to do dungeons and other PvE world events…I guess is what they are called lol. We would like to be in a guild that’s fun and active but, not so full of people that we can’t get to know everyone…if that makes any sense XD lol. We hope to find one! ^-^

I think my shard died lol

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lilium.1509


there don’t seem to be too many bots in the area we are in but, then again, I don’t tend to go looking for them lol. Though, it just seems like the area we are in right now, hairithi hinterlands, is deserted, last night there were only my fiance and I, and two other people. I guess it might be just the time of day but, that was pretty late at night, I will take your word for it though guys lol Thanks ^-^

I think my shard died lol

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lilium.1509


I’m not sure if this is where something like this goes but, when I started playing Guild Wars 2, my fiance and i joined Emerhy Bay ( I think that’s how you spell it) and it was packed with people, now a days, it seems that there is no one on at all. I was wondering, did that many people leave the game? did the shard population die out lol? or did everyone move to like one hugely populated server? it just seems weird to me is all. If that is the case, I have no clue how to check to see which servers are full of people and which aren’t, is there even a way to check? I am wondering if we could transfer to one that is possibly more populated lol.

Why Autoattack Needs a Reassessment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilium.1509


The only real problem I have with the auto attack is that, it either doesn’t work when I click on the enemy, meaning I have to click twice to get it to work, it stops working in the middle of the fights, or, (on my ranger) it randomly attacks things farther away than the thing standing in front of you, hitting you in the face lol.

Necromancer Minions AI

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lilium.1509


I also noticed that my new elite pet I just got just sits there an picks his nose too, then he decides on what he wants to attack lol. Also, I have noticed my life force bar cuts in half, then in again in half every time I zone in to somewhere. Is that something new or is it another bug?

Eastern Colonnade event seriously bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lilium.1509


Either the event needs to be removed completely to be fixed or it is marked wrong. My fiance and I just tried to do this event and when we got there, everyone there from the vigil and that was dead. There were two trebuchets and three rotmouth fish and dozens upon dozens of vet-strength risen. There were a few vets there as well. Now, the thing was not marked as a group event so we decided that the two of us would do it and just be on our way. No, that did not happen. We got taken out in a matter of seconds. I killed one of the rot mouths only to turn around and find two more. We both figured that if we got rid of those that they would stop spawning. I was wrong. they came from no where and the rotmouth fish respawned within a matter of seconds and the trebuchets would still hit us even if we dodged it. Now, eitherthis is marked wrong or it needs to be seriously fixed. There is no way that is a solo event, nor is it even an event to do with three people. (we had one other person run though and try to help). It’s the only way to get to where we had to go for the story quest (as far as I could see on the map) and it’s really annoying and frustrating.

Easy solution to pre-cursor complaints

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lilium.1509


I like the idea of having to go on a long journey/quest to get the weapons. I would love to see the people of the server as a community help in the time of need to get one legendary for one person. It would strengthen people as a community and it would build a sense of trust among the people of the server. Being able to buy them on the TP is…kind of disheartening. they are legendary, they should feel as such. They should be soul bound too, to that character, and not be able to be sold on the trading post, that way they would actually be legendary. sure, it would be hard to get them, and it would be eventful to have them and not everyone is going to want to do all that hard work questing and traveling to get them but, that’s the point. Not everyone would have them and only a select few would, making them something rare and exciting to see on someone. They would make legendaries and even precursors, if they wanted to do that, feel like an accomplishment and feel earned, giving people that have them like they did something very few peolpe would ever do or have done, not farmed for materialsand spent money and time.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilium.1509


not only was the overflow bugged to where you couldn’t see the way points or anything else, everything you killed respawned so fast that when you did die, you were half dead when you got back to the fight. The lag was horrid, and no, it wasn’t my computer or anything. I had to log more than once because I either couldn’t move or because i got stuck walking backwards. I ended up getting hit with huge attacks that reached well beyond the red circle and…at the end…after almost 3 hours of playing, I got to the chest…..I opened it and….KITTEN NOTHING!! I got leather gloves, a shortbow I couldn’t even use and two shields I couldn’t even use! What am I going to do with all that crap. I got told sell it, you can make money of of it. OK, so maybe get like 2 gold form it, good for me, kitten on the trading post for something different in exotic is triple the price!

Now, I have heard of people not getting anything at all because they got disconnected and, I kind of feel bad for complaining but, seriously, why can’t you guys tailor what is in the chest to the character that is playing at the moment, why does it have to be random. It’s stupid and really REALLY frustrating, to get to the end and get kitten you can’t even use. That’s just as bad as opening the kitten thing and having it be empty.

I feel bad for all the people that got disconnected and didn’t get anything, they got the even shorter end of the stick than I did. All in all, it was a horrid event and i feel like I got smacked in the face with the same leather gloves they left for me in the kitten chest.

Knock down, knock back, and respawn?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilium.1509


It seems no matter where I go the respwan rate in some areas is atrocious. Not only that, but they swarm and then knock you down, or they knock you back and keep knocking you back, interrupting your casts, hits, or what have you. I’m wondering, is this just me that has noticed this or are there others that have the same issues?

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lilium.1509


Character Name: Shinku Kazega
Story Before: Forging the Pact (level 62, I believe)
Story After: Striking Off the Chains (level 64)

More Info: My fiance and I have been follow the same story line ever since we had the chance to. I have progressed with him all the way to this point. It gave him Tower Down where as it gave me the Striking Off the Chains. It’s acting as though I chose the path of making another suffer when we both chose letting an innocent die.

Is it just me or are the aggro ranges really big?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilium.1509


Is it just me? I was playing earlier and even last night, it seemed that the aggro ranges on enemies are huge. Huge as in, they can spot me from across the field. Today, I was in this scortched out area in the flame legion homeland and my fiance and I had cleared out the area around an event spot. I went ahead of him to get aggro of one ember that was at the top and the entire section agggroed me, there were about 5 embers and the other 6 guys that were down there, plus the names on. I was using my greatsword so I didn’t use any spells or ground things (I’m a warrior) and then there was stuff that had already spawned behind us, no more than 3 seconds after killing it all. we had at least over a dozen things on us. We barely made it out of the place alive, and then we were by the waypoint there and then about 5 devoureres came at us from the edge of the field. Now, We didn’t aggro them, they weren’t there when we backed up. We had been standing there for a good 2 minutes trying to figure out if there was something in the forums and they came from nowhere. this is happening now in the lower level areas too.

I was just wondering, is it just me, or is this happening to more than just me and my fiance? Because, if it’s suppose to be like that, with the hugely linked mobs and aggro ranges, arenanet needs to fix that because that is crazy lol.

Looking for a guild in Ehmry bay

in Guilds

Posted by: Lilium.1509


I’m looking for a guild that is very social, has a lot of active and talkative members. I’m also looking for a guild that has done a few successful dungeon runs ans well as a guild that will majority stay on server. I’m looking for one that is helpful and friendly, but is also just casual. I’m not a hardcore dungeon runner, or am I a hardcore PvP or WvW player. I’m mostly casual. I understand people have tons of other stuff to do in life lol but, it would be nice to have a guild that is active, with tons of member that are on representing and have had some success with dungeons.

If your guild fits this, I guess send me a message on here or in game…I’m not sure how getting a reply to this work ^^;

thanks anyways for the reply, even if I don’t know how to get it lol