Showing Posts For Limenox.8320:

Spirit Branch bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Limenox.8320


Not the RMT, Look at Spirit Branch.
Dont see anything?

Spirit Branch bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Limenox.8320


Really, ANet
Class: Necromancer
Race: Sylvari
Sex: Male
Item: Spirit Branch
P.S. be careful if you want to buy it now…


(edited by Limenox.8320)

What's Going On Here?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


Getting angry because others have opinions about a video game that don’t match one’s own is not particularly healthy IMO.

It might be worthwhile to learn to accept that other people are allowed to have their own opinions.

Don’t get angry when other people are incapable of enjoying something.
Be happy you enjoy HoT.
It’s definitely preferable to not enjoying it

He’s getting angry not because of others’ opinions or inability to enjoy.
He’s getting angry because they are trying to ruin what he enjoy.

How can I get this greatsword's skin?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


That’s a Reaper GS skin.
Unlocked by collection, which start as you get exotic version of this Gs by spending hp into spec training.

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


Weekend was insane. Had no time to check forums.
I see ppl complain a lot about difficulty of new H.P.
While there’s some really hard like balthasar or frog in the sky on the south-west of verdrant, most H.P. are ezpz/faceroll/etc.

I have a suggestion for Champ H.P.
You can add difficulty level to them:
-easy mode when instead of champ vateran is spawned. It can be soloed but gives only 3hp out of 10
-normal mode with champ spawn and full 10hp.

H.P. done in easy mode can be re-started in normal to get missing 7hp.
All that with proper indication on map.

P.S. I personally have no problem with new H.P. and like the challenge they provide.

(edited by Limenox.8320)

To all the people complaining about HoT..

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


While ppl complain on forums I’m already running my GLORIOUS reaper spec.
Hood is awesome btw.

Unlocked reaper, didn't get sword skin

in Necromancer

Posted by: Limenox.8320


Try relog. I didn’t get my sword at first, but after relogin there was chest near map.

You can slot Shouts without learning them

in Necromancer

Posted by: Limenox.8320


So, title says enough.
Logged a few min ago, learned ~50% of new spec (210hp).
But I can slot utility (and CttB as well) without learning them.
Now you know too.

Corrosive Poison Cloud: category change

in Necromancer

Posted by: Limenox.8320


If CPC changes to well, it will have it’s CD increased.
I’m perfectly fine it is right now.
And self-weakness is quickly transferred with dagger4 to boss.
Add dagger5 for more weakness uptime.

Right now CC and CPC are our only good corruptions.
You should think how to make other corruptions worth taking instead of fixing what already works great.

(edited by Limenox.8320)

Character slot [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


If you are talking about deluxe char slot and you applied your HoT code recently, then you must wait a little because those char slots are given away on weekly basis.
If you are talking about veteran char slot, then your account must be older than 15.01.15.

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


With 400hp requirement my hypetrain slowed down a little.
I hope that my 213hp will be enough to at least unlock all traits, coz I really wanted to go exploring new maps with my glorious Reaper on with my Twilight equipped.

I think it would be much better if old map completion could give you enough hp to go straight elite.
And for Maguuma hp to be required if you want exclusive class skins.

Raids excludes players, and it's ok.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


I don’t want to pay attention to this thread any more. I don’t deserve less of Ohoni’s posts, however, as it’s just a forum and everyone deserves his posts equally, so I’m sure he will fairly distrubte them amongst the next three or five hundred threads even remotely close to the topic.

You know, it’s unfair to limit Ohoni’s masterful exclusivity nonsequiters to threads about raids. I believe all threads, in all forums, should have equal access to these posts. They signed up for the forums, so they obviously deserve to read more beautiful posts, and shouldn’t be excluded from them by not specifically opening a raid related thread.

Maybe we could invent some kind of volume or token system to ensure fair access, and award those tokens based on a measurement of average time spent to read one page of forum posts or something?

Kitten, now I have to go tag all forum threads to get my legendary forum badge.

stuff about exclusivity and such

You keep posting about raid but forget that legendary now require all types of activities in game. Raid provides pieces of precursors. PvP and WWW provide gifts. All are needed for legendary.
Somehow I don’t see any posts from you about pvp exclusive gifts. That’s strange.

(edited by Limenox.8320)

Raids excludes players, and it's ok.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


There will be gold sellers even w/o gem-gold exchange.
They are present in every mmo.

If there’s customers then there will be those who provide.

Sure, but the whole point of this is that all these currencies would be account bound, completely non-interactive between players. There would be zero way for one player to transfer these currencies to another player in any form. The only way that a “gold seller” could get involved is to sell you an entire count with these currencies already filled out, and ANet seems to be on top of that sort of thing.

If you can’t fight gold sellers (nobody can) then lead them.

Raids excludes players, and it's ok.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


Daily resets do nothing to make dungeons less of a grind if you don’t enjoy repeating them. Repetition is repetition whether it is 23 times over eight days or 23 times over one day, it’s still 23 times.

Grind is all about efficiency. Daily reset makes repetition inefficient.
In your example what differ is intencity. For many that’s a deciding factor.

Raids excludes players, and it's ok.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


There will be gold sellers even w/o gem-gold exchange.
They are present in every mmo.

If there’s customers then there will be those who provide.

Raids excludes players, and it's ok.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


It could. Remember, you wouldn’t be earning them directly, you wouldn’t be earning Silverwaste badges from CoF, but there would be an NPC that wants CoF tokens, and he’s got some Silverwaste tokens, and he’s willing to give you one for the other. If you accept that the guy in LA will trade you CoF tokens for CoF armor, why couldn’t you accept another NPC offering to exchange these tokens?

There are two loot systems in mmo. Random drops from bosses or token system. Token system leads to less frustration because you decide which stat set you get in exchange for your effort. That’s why Anet made dungeons that way. But you can’t grind dungeons for tokens because of daily reset. Your idea of NPC exchange destroy the purpose of daily dungeon reset. You can do all dungeon and then exchange all tokens for one specific dungeon reward.

“The grind” is still entirely about people not enjoying the activity.

Grind is repetitive activities.
Fun has nothing to with it.
You don’t find dungeons fun, but that doesn’t make them grind, because of daily reset for tokens you can’t actually grind them (you can enter but you don’t get reward, so it’s pointless doing them more than once per day).
And if you are Silverwastes Knight and find it fun it doesn’t make this map not a grind paradise.

(edited by Limenox.8320)

Raids excludes players, and it's ok.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


All activities should have exclusive rewards. So you can look at player and tell that he’s good in pvp/www/pve.
Legendaries should require player to be good in ALL aspects of game: Pvp and www for gifts, raid for precursor, open world for mats. Only then it will be truly Legendary.
In HoT Anet made right decision in making precursor accbound and requirement for every aspect of game to be beaten.

A Legendary Plea

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


I feel for you, bro.

Raids excludes players, and it's ok.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


It’s only natural that specific rewards require specific actions.
You can’t run dungeons and have www badges to buy gift of battle.
You can’t run ascalon for arah badges.

It was that way from the release of guild wars 2. For me at least.
If I want something I do what is required to get that.

Raids excludes players, and it's ok.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


Nothing “funny” about it. I only insist that it was top tier at launch, which it was, and that it was top tier when they made promises that the bar would not be raised and that the game would not force you to grind out higher stats, which is what Ascended armor would be.

Running a few dungeon paths on daily basis can hardly be called grind.

I guess you should petition they give you legendary precursor for daily login for three months. You already put your best effort logging in. It should be rewarded, kek.

If that’s something you want, argue for it, but that’s never been my position, and I do not support it.

It was sarcasm. Dunno how you didn’t get that.

Raids excludes players, and it's ok.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


I suggest you stop bullying Ohoni for making a valid argument to state his opinion on the matter.

It’s actually my first time using his own statements against him.
I just can’t understand how can he say that everything is subject to change and still refusing ascended as a top tier (which is also subject to change with hot release and legendary armors).

Raids excludes players, and it's ok.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


Or, since it’s a game, and the goal is to have fun, and anything is subject to change, I petition the developers to alter the game such that I can earn the reward while doing things that I enjoy. Maybe they will, maybe they won’t, but it’s still better than just giving up.

Funny thing you insist that exotic top tier even though anything (including top tier) is subject to change.
But nvm.

I guess you should petition they give you legendary precursor for daily login for three months. You already put your best effort logging in. It should be rewarded, kek.

Raids excludes players, and it's ok.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


If there is a reward I want, and there is only a single way to earn that item

Then you do that activity and earn what you want. Or you decide that it’s not worth it.

Gear scaling for raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


You played all this three years and don’t have ascended.
I returned to the game and got it in less than month.
Because I wanted it.

It’s not the game’s fault. It’s your unwillingness.

If PuG request ascended from you then you need to meet their requirements or make your own lfg with ponys and stuff.

(edited by Limenox.8320)

Gear scaling for raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


That’s not a problem either, if you just buy Damask pre-made and don’t consider money a problem, but money IS a problem, or rather not having enough of it.

If you are buying Bolt of Damask from TP then you are rich as kitten or dumb.
Smart people buy simple mats which cost a lot less and refine them.

I returned to game this July (after not playing for 2 years) and by the end of it I already had my first light ascended set. Then I made heavy ascended set for my warrior.
All you need to have is patience.

(edited by Limenox.8320)

Gear scaling for raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


No, I said that there IS a problem with getting ascended, because it costs several hundred gold. .

There is NO problem getting ascended. It just takes time to craft Spool of Silk Weaving Thread because of daily reset.
Run a few dungeon paths (like ac, cof, se, ta) and you sould have gold to by mats from TP.
Or you can do Silverwastes (I didn’t).

I said their wasn’t a problem acquiring exotic, because it costs significantly less.

Of course it costs less. It’s starter’s equipment for endgame content.

(edited by Limenox.8320)

Gear scaling for raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


1. No, no stat adjustment. Because it will remove the whole purpose of getting better tier of equipment. And because ppl who put effort and a lot of gold will be angry.

Yes, and the “whole point of getting better tier of equipment.” should be removed, because that’s the game ANet originally sold us.

Too late now. Gear up or pass by.

2. If u can craft ascended then why did u start this thread in the first place? Others’ problems are not yours. As I see from your posts you just don’t want to put an effort to get in the raids and start to complain about “gating” thing.

Because I can care about people other than myself.

If you care so much you can help them with your gold or mats.

Gear scaling for raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


1. No, no stat adjustment. Because it will remove the whole purpose of getting better tier of equipment. And because ppl who put effort and a lot of gold will be angry.
2. If u can craft ascended then why did u start this thread in the first place? Others’ problems are not yours. As I see from your posts you just don’t want to put an effort to get in the raids and start to complain about “gating” thing.
Are you also complain about need of drivers license to legitimately drive a car? Are you also complain about need of certain skills and knowledge from employees to get the job?
In MMO gear is your drivers license.
If you don’t want to bother yourself with ascended then you just don’t want raids strong enough. Pass by, please.

Downed State Instagib

in Necromancer

Posted by: Limenox.8320


So something worrying I came across. I was in Temple with my D/D getting taken by a med guard and a Reaper beta necro. I got downed and instantly finished… is this some sort of necro downstate finisher?

You actually mistook daredevil for necromancer. Thief new elite is a three-hit combo which instantly finishes downed player if all hits connect (it can be interrupted).

Anyone else underwhelmed by the"Elite" specs?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Limenox.8320


The Reaper: Yet another “elite” spec that just smacks of modifying an existing meta playstyle, the “Terrormancer”. So, now we get a GS (because god knows that’s what the class was lacking—swinging a giant 2-handed sword around my body as a frail asuran necromancer. Makes about as much sense as the charr allowing any magical classes in their ranks, given the past history with the Shaman caste…), which by most accounts is slow and underpowered as an option, and some shouts that seem to have seriously underwhelmed people with what they can do. I haven’t spent much personal time on the class because it’s contradictory to what my Necro playstyle is, and I certainly don’t see any perks to swapping into the Reaper anytime soon. Perhaps it appeals to the players of Terrormancer builds, but even if it does, who is going to want to drop a third of their build just to pick up the few options that the Reaper brings?

Not at all. I am very hyped instead.
Reaper reveal was like Shenmue 3 announce at E3 this year.
I wished for necro-Gs since release and Arena delivered.
Even more, they made reaper really heavy multitarget direct damage spec.
This is just what necromancer lacked for three years.

View from the Top

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Limenox.8320


It is impossible without mesmer because u have only 10 charges of jumps\etc

View from the Top

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Limenox.8320


Only two mesmers needed to get there.

View from the Top

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Limenox.8320


It was just for fun.

View from the Top

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Limenox.8320


Me and my friends spent some time climbing to the top point of Bazaar.