Showing Posts For Limonium.4236:
Yes please! Me and my guildies are struggling with Arah :/
Home World: Whiteside Ridge (EU)
Guild Name: Belligerence
Guild Website: (Facebook Link)
In-Game Contact: Limonium, Panhead, Inu
Focus: PvX
Quick Notes: UK-based, Guild Mumble available, Casual.
I pre-purchased the game and was playing from day one, but I took a break for about two weeks, and only came back a few days before the Halloween event, so I’ve only hit 80 a few days ago.
According to /age, I’ve played that character for 146 hours today, and I’ve probably spent about 15-20 hours playing as an 80, so I’ll let you do the maths. I imagine this is much slower than most though, as I’ve been taking it pretty easy, and have stuck to just exploring and doing stuff that seems fun rather than grinding for experience.
If you’re not a warrior, this can also happen if a mesmer casts illusion of life on you, but this is a long cooldown and it’s doubtful you’d get it as often as implied, however is this is the case you will be cured of if you kill something in the duration.
The Illusion of Life actually has a different icon ( and doesn’t instantly defeat people if there’s no rally, it just puts them back into downed state.
I was playing around in the Forge earlier when I noticed a combination that I couldn’t find on the wiki.
Salvage Kit (I tried with Journeyman’s and Fine, but it might work with others)
Chattering Skulls/Plastic Fangs/Nougat Centers
Chattering Skulls/Plastic Fangs/Nougat Centers
Does anyone know what the last item could be? I tried coins, forge stones, philosophers stones, to name a few, but couldn’t work out what it was. It only lets you put in two of the Halloween crafting items before the third gets greyed out, and it doesn’t accept candy corn either.
They just mean that either profession can make use of the recipe. It’s the same as any given crafting material. An item that lists Armoursmithing, Weaponsmithing, and Huntsman doesn’t require more than one, it’s just that it can be used by all of them.