Showing Posts For LittleFlyingFox.7256:
Thanks for all the responses I actually didn’t know that untriggered traps are not marked at all. Imho though, they really should, since the DH elite trap can take >75% of my thief’s hp if I accidentally walk into it. Having a marker might make countering it easier.
The enemy’s traps on a red captured point is literally not visible. Can we please make the outlines more visible, especially since glassier classes can easily be downed by accidentally stepping into them?
Loving the chronomancers, but hating the wells (not sure why but they feel underwhelming). Just my two cents
Confirmed that -assetsrv works! Where did you find this info?
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in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: LittleFlyingFox.7256
Same issue here too.
Thanks for all the awesome suggestions guys
Hi, fellow mesmer here. I was wondering how other mesmers out there deal with engineers, the class I have the most trouble with. I’ll admit I don’t understand engineers too much, but it seems like no matter what build I use, if I’m up against an engineer 1v1 I’m toast. And is it me or are they super OP in Skyhammer? :P
I kept getting the exact same issue tonight on my mesmer. Movement keys stop working, but skills, menus, etc still work.