Showing Posts For LoboKendo.8492:


in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


After reading the Title, the first thing that came to mind was the WildStar game.

Playing Housing is becoming very popular in games in today’s age. But FIRST I would like to see Guild Housing like the original Guild Wars. Loved having our own vendors and a place to hang in Guild Wars.

Guild Housing/Hall First THEN fiddle with the idea of Player Housing.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Passive Guild Gold Generation

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


There is a taxing system in the guild build options… BUT I dont see why any guild would do that to their members. I would leave I think if a % of my coin was going into guild storage without my consent… I already give plenty to guild and others are free to take or add to it… Just saying… I predict if anyone ever really starts using that guild tax upgrade they going to see people leaving…

You know what they may have taken it out.. I cant find it now and come to think of it when we discussed it during Beta I think it was almost universally disliked so they may have either just disabled the option or removed it.

Just straight up taking money from players? That’s a huge No in my book as well. But, taking a percentage of the funds used to buy Guild Armor or Weapons as a “Tax” would be understandable. Like if you wanted to buy the Guild’s Shield for 5g, 1g would be sent to the Guild Bank. Something like that.

Other than that, back to my original idea of looting going to the Guild Bank. You loot 10s from a mob, an X% of that is sent to the Guild Bank. YOU still get the FULL 10s though. Just a Guild Reward for active players.

Even Guild rewards would be ideal. If 3/5 members in an AC group are Guild Members, upon completion of the Dungeon, the Guild is rewarded X amount.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Passive Guild Gold Generation

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


Let me just say, that this is the SUGGESTION forum. All ideas are fair game here and while I do appreciate a fellow player’s input, I would have to disagree.

Though a Guild Funding system may not be NEEDED for anything other than the Guild Roster, the idea is still worthwhile. It would both help the Guild as a whole, and give a constant social game with bonuses aside from IP to the Guild’s members.

As a Guild, the funding could be used for:
• Roster Upgrades
• Letters/Drinks that Boost IP (100, 400, 1000, 10000)
• Training Books for Leveling Players
• Gear Upgrades for Players (As Rewards or Sets)
• Crafting Materials for Leveling Professions
• Funding Legendaries/Mystic Weapons

Hell, even as player rewards and such. Giveaways and prizes to make the members feel more comfortable and take part in Guild events.

Just my thoughts.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

DPS Counter

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


I’d just like to say, even if its for the party or personal, DPS meters remove an aspect of the game that would otherwise make your more successful.

For example, a lot of people who are gung-ho for DPS meters want it just to flex their kitten. Why not just attack, do damage and dodge like you’re suppose to?

Another bad aspect of implementing a DPS meter is you run the risk of people developing a sense of tunnel vision. People become dumbstruck while trying to DPS their heart out instead of dodge rolling the next bosses attack. Then begin to rage and rant when in reality, it’s their own fault for trying to max their DPS instead of being aware. Again, removing something from the game.

IMHO: Leave the DPS meters out. They have no place in GW2.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Passive Guild Gold Generation

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


There are plenty of uses for Guild Gold and there being an income such as this. Hell, if every time the Guild made 20g, they could purchase a Letter of Comm for 10k IP. Further increasing their perks and benefits. Not to mention like stated above, helping with books and gear.

Either way, I just think it would be a good idea if the Guilds of the game had this source of income. May it be just a random percentage of looted gold, or a tax on items etc. Still a thought worth looking into.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

(edited by LoboKendo.8492)

Added Layer of Account Security

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


I could say the same thing about Blizzard and WoW. Blizz had a good set of funding from the start but didn’t release an authenticator till much later.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Starter item merchant

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


That kind of defeats the purpose the choosing the option in your story.

As a Guard, I chose the Helmet. But wait, here’s the stuff you didn’t choose any way.

That kind of ruins it. :\

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Added Layer of Account Security

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


I could see this happening in the future of course. The same way it did with those other companies. Once ANet gains enough fans, funding and stability, I’m sure they will implement a system of the sort.

GW1, you had to know a characters name on the account to log in. Which was great if your login name didn’t match a character’s name. (To the Derps out there).

But again, let ANet sell some gems, work on the NEEDED items first, and it will come soon enough.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Money Frustration: Traveling and Repair

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


Traveling costs really need to be looked at. They are indeed a little high, especially when travelling within the same zone.

As for repair costs, that’s something I haven’t had an issue with so far, although I’m only wearing rares and no exotics.

But then again, it’s still early in the game. People are exploring a lot, dying a lot, buying a lot of gear and leveling crafting skills. That’s all very taxing and thus Gold is in high demand. This will change over time, as people become more accustomed to the game and its mechanics.

Also bear in mind that ANet still has every intention of earning money from micro-transactions, which includes the sale of in game Gold. So they have an invested interest in keeping the value of money high.

Very well put Dee Jay. Now we play the waiting game

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Passive Guild Gold Generation

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


Under no circumstances should gold just be generated from thin air.

Yet, even if you could set a guild tax, how exactly would it be collected since you cannot loot gold directly.

What they could do is: All the money generated by the sale of grey items goes to the guild or they could take a certain percentage from DE gold rewards.

Or take a certain percentage from ALL gold income, regardless of where it comes from.

Personally, this makes the most sense.

That’s what I was thinking. Not thin air because I did bold face LOOTED. But the more I think about it, a small percentage tax does make the most sense. Nothing too drastic but enough to benefit everyone and such.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Passive Guild Gold Generation

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


I was thinking it would just be a straight-up guild upgrade in the economy tab.

Guild leaders can specify the percentage, and can change it whenever after it has been researched.

The Option to scale and edit the percentages would be a great addition as well.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Passive Guild Gold Generation

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


I’ve thought about this myself. It could be something earned through the influence system—heck it could even be a temporary guild buff like “Guild members have (% money) directly deposited into the (guild bank/trove) for completing (events/dungeons/etc) for 24 hours.”

+1’d good sir.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

In-game calendar for guilds

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


I would have to agree with this a LOT. A lot of people who play games now, simply do just that. Play the game. Most people don’t want to be bothered with leaving the game to sign up on a website, then sign up for an event and such. All of it being collective in the game would be great!


80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

In-game voting

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


+Kudos to the Idea. A Live voting system in main towns? I can toast to that.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Trading system outside of TP

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


Yes, a lot of posting and talk of this is still in the works. Perhaps not too far along now.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Allow Preview option while viewing Trading post Equipment

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


As I agree with the title of course, this has already been posted and Tagged by a ANet Rep.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Passive Guild Gold Generation

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


Much like EVE Online’s Corporation tax, I would assume.

or like WARHammer Online’s guild tax.

You didn’t have to reference WoW to find a working system.

Noted. But having never played those games, didn’t even know those taxing systems existed. A tax system would be great though. +Kudos.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Passive Guild Gold Generation

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


Currently some guilds may ask their members to help donate a few silver each week (perhaps 5 silver per week) once they get past a certain level. While this may be a very modest request, some players will never feel comfortable giving a guild their hard earned coin, and should never be expected to.

This I have been doing. Posting messages and such about people helping donate, taking contributions, etc etc. It’s a great idea, but some people fall into the vortex of, “Oh I helped already, that means I don’t have to again, or I get special treatment for donating 20+ silver.”

I’d love to avoid situations like that and just have the people who want to help and move forward do it on their own. Other than that, the passive system makes EVERYONE a contributor just by playing.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Money Frustration: Traveling and Repair

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


A lot of the stuff I would have to agree with here. At level 80, traveling from one place to another can be an easy 2+ silver. When offering to help a Guild Member or something, I almost regret my decision because getting to where they are is going to cost me 3+ Silver. For Traveling, I would like it to be like a set cost at level 80 or something. Like 1s 50c to WP anywhere.

The Repair aspect, should stay just because you are taking a beating in the world/dungeons. HOWEVER, I do agree they can be nerfed for situations like Explore Mode. (Don’t even get me started). Explore can be BRUTAL on a group, making everyone spend a lot more money and end up coming up short when finishing the Explore.

Just my thoughts on it. Cheers.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Passive Guild Gold Generation

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


First off, money is a viable entity in Guild Wars 2. A BIG one at that. A lot of people really don’t want to part with their hard earned silver/gold and that’s completely understandable. It’s tough to come by if you don’t farm or you’re not a Trade Post Mogul.

I put forth the idea of Passive Guild Gold Generation.

That way, the Guild makes their own Gold. For events, contests, professions, gear, Mystics.. etc.

I hate to use this reference, but a system like WoW’s. Where a percentage of all money LOOTED, is directly deposited to the Guild Bank.

This system would greatly benefit ALL Guilds in the game big or small. For example, I run a 200+ Guild and when asking for donations to upgrade the Guild Roster, it’s like pulling teeth. No one wants to give up their money.

Thanks For Reading Guys, I hope you like the idea. Sorry if this is a re-post.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.