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Scarlet's Era & special items. Is this right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


What bothers me, are those RNG chests… That’s not what I wanted. I wasn’t there for LS1. I wanted to farm for all the things the vets did, wanted them to bring some festivals back, for good old times sake, to expirience, what everyone else did. I would gladly spend 4000 gems to play LS1 AND after that farm for every little skin I want to have. For me, those RNG boxes just don’t do it. I feel more accomplished, when I craft a skin myself or get it through doing an achivement.

Like it is now, those boxes really devalue any kind of effort people put into getting the skins during LS1. Still, I always hoped to be able to get those skins, I’m not against new players being able to get them, just not like this. If they ever were to release LS1 in one form or another, the things you should get to keep, that no one else can get, are the titles. Those, in my opinion should never be reachable for new players.

Request: Do NOT tweak the mounts.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


I loved them too, and I also argued in the other Thread (where I got accused of being abelist, exclusionary and downplaying the issue), but my opinion still stands.

Don’t change the mounts feeling, but give the people with issues an Option.

Honestly, if they don’t change them, Anet will not make a big loss, maybe they loss few hundred players, but the people with motion sickness are not in the majority, far from it. That said, their issue should be looked into, as I always felt GW2 was a very inclusive MMORPG.

I have a few suggestions HOW you could change it and as MS is a very personal problem, triggers differ from person to person, there will be MANY options needed.

1. For the people that get sick from seeing the Raptor bounce:
Give the option to remove the Raptor Animation and just let it fly over the ground, without any animation. Seems kittenty, but the solutions we are searching for, will never ever give those players with MS a satisfying mount system. Might as well go all out. If it helps, then hey, they can use mounts, as some that are affected here are say “visuals don’t matter, sickness does”.
I saw some people race the Raptors across the desert and their animations were bugged for me, that’s where this Idea comes from.

2. For the people that get sick from a too narrow field of view:
Give a bigger field of view, should not be too hard.

3. For the people that get sick from the Raptor not being in the center of the screen:
Give sliders to adjust your viewpoint. Also not too hard.

4. For the players that have a problem with the overall steering of the mount:
Give them an option to have the same movement as the player character. In exchange for more control, ,make their mount move slower or implement the same drawbacks the normal raptor has in another way. Like, having it instant full stop, but then not being able to walk again until the normal raptor would be able to walk again.
Again, would be really clunky, but the some people with problems, don’t really seem to care, that we want a visually appealing mount, as, understandbly, for them even having some system to use, would be a way better deal than what they have now.

5. For players where all this above wouldn’t help:
Give them an option to not have the mount, and just give them the mounts abilities on activation of the mount, normal movement, ability gone when entering combat, no swiftness gain. Maybe even giving them buffed aspect abilities, those seem to have most of the things needed, that the mounts have.
This is the most drastic, but only solution, that comes to mind, that would negate ALL instances of motion sickness. But they can play the maps. That is a far bigger priority than a satisfying mount. For some people, that’s just not possible.

That’s all Ideas I have. I have yet to see more than a few players with problems bring up such detailed ideas on what to change. They need change, but they also have to say, what kind of change, how far it can go and where the line for them would be crossed. For me, if I had problems, I would even be able to live with the fifth option. Everyone that dislikes mount, based on a “Gw2 said no mounts” stance, could also use that feature. It would be, in my mind the easiest option to implement and the option that would remove all instances of motion sickness.

Sorry, if I’m being a bit sarcastic at points, but reading that satisfying gameplay does not matter, cause some people get sick because of it, is a wrong as saying those people don’t need help for Anet. We people with no problems should be able to keep what we have.
As sorry as I am, the only solution I see is making the mounts optional for those with motion sickness, and just giving them the bare minimum they need to traverse the map.

EDIT: And honestly, someone at Anet should have thought about this problem. There were far more beta weekends needed than those two now :/ Movement is a very finicky thing and we should have been able to test all standard mounts.

Also changed some wording, as I was a bit salty, about the people that said, my enjyoment does not matter, when they can’t enjoy it. Our all enjoyment matters! We should fight together and give Anet ideas so we can both be happy.

(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)

Major Concern- Mounts and "motion sickness"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


It’s not about ‘dumbing down’ or ‘changing’ the game to make a few happy (which is a really ableist and exclusionary viewpoint, anyhow), it’s about making sure the tools exist to accommodate all players, and keeping the needs of multiple types of players in mind when designing the game.

“Give those who have problems sliders and options, so everyone can play and but leave it like it is in general”

Where am I saying “oh those few don’t matter, leave it like it is”. I am disabled as well, after a server tendonitis I have constant pain in both of my hands and have adjusted the controls, so that they don’t cause me as much pain, apart form my trigger fingers on my right hand, that slightly further hinder my movemnent. So sorry I’m not abelist. No doctor will help me and I am left to live with evergrowing problems at 23.

So please tell me, how is me wanting tools for a minority, but also wanting to keeo the expirience for the majority exculding any one. Sry for not being able to be abelist.

EDIT: And I hope we will not have to discuss who’s hand issue is more server. Playing the ableist card in general was a digusting move, when you don’t now your conversational partners condition.

(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)

Major Concern- Mounts and "motion sickness"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196



I like the mounts, but it is causing me motion sickness every time my character mounted when trying to turn, the screen moves too fast and when the mount stopped, it caused something that caused the dizziness.
But you clearly are downplaying an issue and still downplaying it now. You only want it as is because you are not affected by it. But many are affected by it. Some people here clearly have slight motion sickness, they just aren’t affected much by it. however, if this issue is not fix, it could affect them too in the long run. Sliders and options are only good if people knows where to find them or even know there is a problem with it.

Let’s say a new player comes in playing PoF….. he/she doesn’t know about this motion sickness thing. They played for 5 minutes and gets a case of motion sickness. They stop playing take a rest and come back again. Played another 5 minutes, gets another case of motion sickness…….
what do you think their impression of the game will be?
Are you going to blame them for not looking at the options first before playing?
So yeah, having sliders and options is not the best solution. It is a solution, but not the best. There has to be a solution where people don’t need to go through the forums and wiki’s to find out that there is an option to make mounts less motion sickness……..
Tell me how does that work in the long run of things?
Everytime a new player with motion sickness due to mounts gives feedback at the forum, you and the other 1001 forumers who thinks ANET can do no wrong will tell them “Check the options, there is a sliders/option there to make it less motion sickness.”
You tell me.

Like “Warning riding mounts will cause motion sickness for some players. Please adjust your setting under blank to adjust the options to your liking” As a big fat red warning when you get the first mount. No forum searching instant waring. Like with everything elese that could cause motion sickness.

Or have the mount move like the player and write “Info: There is a anothe mode for mounts available that moves more natural. Use this mode with caution, as it could cause motion sickness.”

And the mode where the mount moves more percise like the player has a few draw backs like, not being able to move after insta stoping, for the same time the normal mount would take to stop. Or something like that. Would that be accaptable?

EDIT: Just read your “response” more throughly. No sorry to dissapoint you, I am not a “Anet can do no wrong snips fingers” person. In fact. I just recently thought about quitting the game again, after a 6 month pause, because of the way the handle things and in that case balance. So no, I would not be a person that would be here to insult those who seek help. It is Anet job to make OUR experience great. And while it is, totally obivious, easier for me to speak about this issue, as I’m not affected, I am in NO WAY downplaying your issue. IF the ONLY solution is to make them play like the generic player, then so be it. As long as EVERYBODY can enjoy it, I will not mind. So please. I try to stay as objective as I can and not insult anyone, so can you.

(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)

Major Concern- Mounts and "motion sickness"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


“That said, there should be an option for the ones with MS, so they can enjoy the game too. "
“There should be sliders or options for those affacted”
Yeah. You clearly don’t matter. Not like I want the Devs to give you guys options.
I looked everywhere I could, I saw this thread, with…. 50 responses now? And even here not everyone is affected and some even say don’t change it. No, I’m not downplaying your issue, It is a very serious one. BUT! Far more people than you are prasing the mounts and feel great playing them and as motion sickness is a VERY PERSONAL problem, that can NOT be fixed with one option, the solution is not simple.

And, far more people that are satisfied with it, don’t open their mouth. That’s the problem. Maybe 1/5 of players gets motion sickness or does not enjoy the mounts feel but 4/5 do. Now 90% of the ones not satisfied tell what they think and only 10% of those, who are satisfied. At the end it might make the expirience worse for a good chunk of players.

That said. NO! Your issues are totally legitimed and if even 1/10 of players or even 1/20 would have problems, the devs would have to do something. I only wanted to express that, while the ones with problem are far more few inbetween, than those without, they should still be able to get a satisfiying exprience form the devs. Changing the mounts DRASTICALLY and removing what they are now, is just not the right option.

No one is saying to remove anything. People are asking for things to be ADDED so that fewer people are as affected by the mounts than there are currently.

But your response is a bit confusing, so not sure what you are trying to say or which side you’re on. My sarcasm meter was going crazy because one second you’re saying you’re against them changing and another second for it…

Just responding to the only part of the response that I could really make heads or tails of.

Don’t change how they work now, but change it. Seems confusing, but it really isn’t. How they play now is wonderful for most of us, so that should not be changed, that should stay the core expirience. BUT give the players an option to change some sliders themselves. I never said any of you would want to “take away” how it works, I’m not worried about what those affected want. I’m worried about how this will be handled, as it is not an easy problem to solve. There are so many forms of motion sickness. I get it too. But not from a visual dissonance, but form the movemt itself in a bus or a train.
Some get it here from how the turning works, some from the slight sliding when it stops.

I’m too asking for things ADDED. Even in my first post. “Add sliders, but don’t you dare go the lazy way and make it one uninteresting mess.” I’m just afraid Anet will think about taking the lazy way and neither give you sliders or us what we have now. There is always the option to have the mount move just like our player. Problem solved. And the experience for most of the players would be worse with it, but no one would have problems. That’s all I worry about.

If in the end that will be the case I would be truly upset, BUT if it helps people like you, I would not mind.

I just thought of a solution. Give the players the option to make it move like the normal character. Yes that would give them more control, but you could always adjust how fast the mount moves with that option toggled. Like make it stop instant, like the player, but after that it can’t move for the time the normal mount would have to slide. That would feel a bit clunky, but not having problems is far more important. The mounts, like they are now, will always have a some people get motion sick. The way they move is just too “special”. Giving thme the option to have “normal” control over the mount would be one solution. Camera option should also be implemented, cause for some it is just a slight dissonance between the camera and the movement. There will be many options needed, so that everyone can enjoy this.

(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)

Major Concern- Mounts and "motion sickness"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


“That said, there should be an option for the ones with MS, so they can enjoy the game too. "
“There should be sliders or options for those affacted”
Yeah. You clearly don’t matter. Not like I want the Devs to give you guys options.
I looked everywhere I could, I saw this thread, with…. 50 responses now? And even here not everyone is affected and some even say don’t change it. No, I’m not downplaying your issue, It is a very serious one. BUT! Far more people than you are prasing the mounts and feel great playing them and as motion sickness is a VERY PERSONAL problem, that can NOT be fixed with one option, the solution is not simple.

And, far more people that are satisfied with it, don’t open their mouth. That’s the problem. Maybe 1/5 of players gets motion sickness or does not enjoy the mounts feel but 4/5 do. Now 90% of the ones not satisfied tell what they think and only 10% of those, who are satisfied. At the end it might make the expirience worse for a good chunk of players.

That said. NO! Your issues are totally legitimed and if even 1/10 of players or even 1/20 would have problems, the devs would have to do something. I only wanted to express that, while the ones with problem are far more few inbetween, than those without, they should still be able to get a satisfiying exprience form the devs. Changing the mounts DRASTICALLY and removing what they are now, is just not the right option.

Major Concern- Mounts and "motion sickness"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


It would be really sad to see this organic and realistic expirience gone, because of a few People with motion sickness. That said, there should be an option for the ones with MS, so they can enjoy the game too. For me even imagening the raptor moving like it does and then coming to an instant stop just makes me a bit nauseous. That wouldn’t be the solution. There should be sliders or options for those affacted, but please don’t break the mounts. It truly felt wonderful.

Door to Knut Whitebear's Loft POI

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


ye still bugged, arena net its bad u guys have a bug like this with an expansion coming, first the servers in eu now bugs like this come one guys think about the new players what they gonna think when they satart playing and see soo many bugs and problems? ….

They are alread aware of the bug and will fix it soon. Top priority for the moment is making sure, the Beta weekend runs without problems. That would be far more devestating than a bugged POI, as this beta weekend is supposed to lure in new players.

Mad King's Clock Tower - daily reward fix?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


Why did they even write they fixed the first time and daily reward, if it remains unchanged?

Probably because some people weren’t getting any rewards upon completion of the JP.

Didn’t read a single comment of someone getting nothing at all.

But apparently you shouldn’t get your hopes up if they fix something.

Well they fixed the daily rewards, before you only got 5 bags, no you get a whole 20 emphymeral fragments for your first try a day ;D That’s the super awesome daily reward x’D

Mad King's Clock Tower - daily reward fix?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


I didn’t get a “your choice” chest either today…
Maybe that chest was a one time reward? If so, the tower is back to “eh why even do it?”
And if it’s just another bug, then horray, another day with lost loot

EDIT: The Mad King’s Chest, with the candy corn cob, is once per acc, once per Season. So the 20 Empyreal Fragments are our daily reward… 8’DD not even 50 to feed the star…

(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)

Mystic Coins again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


But they are NOT the item that was supposed to be the gold sink.
The Mystic clover itself was a gamble, it did not need fixxing. Maybe you need 250 coins if you have average luck, maybe you need 77 if you are the RNG god, maybe you need 2500 coins for one legendary. And the casual people that wanted their quick gold a day. Suprise, they already got it. Do 3 quick dailys (done in under 20 minutes) and you have you ~60g a month.

Thing is with the coins. They are an item you should NOT hoard. Don’t need them now, sell them on TP an buy them again for around the same price. If you sell them now, you are an Idiot, just hoard them more, soon ppl will be listing buy orders for 5g each.

So now we imagen the “monthy brew” achivement worked like this:
One player gets 1.000.000 brew for the current month, you get one every 5 months, it’s not acc bound, he can sell it, 100g a month to buy it of TP… That’s more like the situation right now.

Some idiots would still buy it and give the guy his money. Now in this example the appeal is a bit lacking, but a legy only gives 3 points to so~

And no people are not to impatient. You work for you’re legy month by month, accquire all the mats. The gold sink t6 mats, the gold sink Lodestones, the icy rune stones, and now you have the “trololo today it’s 80s, tomorrow 90s, next week 3g, in a month 5g” coins. I will never buy a single coin again. I want my one legy, and before I buy a coin from this broken system, I play PvP, and wait for this situation to get better.

They are working as intended, as in “there THEORETICALLY is enough supply, but we just did not think ppl would go to such lows and touch THE one item, that can be driven up 10g and still ppl would by it”

Thing is, if you are sitting on 50k coins right now, by the time they reach 5g each, you have sold most of those for a good profit, and still have enough to make that same profit again, cause ppl will buy them for 5g anyway.

So buy them now ;D (and inflate the price some more. You’ll just make it faster, it’s gonna happen anyway~)

So yes, in my eyes fixing is needed.

Ps: I can get the Leather myself, never had ANY Problem with ANY other mat, appart from this monstrosity. If you want leather, you just have to play the game a bit~
A bit fixable in the AMOUNT some recepies need nonetheless!

(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)

Mystic Coins again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


I won’t argue anymore.
So that’s 100 – 200 legys that can be crafted in a day (counting the exotic skins an what not out), I don’t know how many players Gw2 has, so~

I have something against the Idea, that a healthy supply is suddenly driven crazy by flippers that spend their time gating stuff, that they don’t need, to fill their virtual pockets. 50s for each coin? Seems okay. 70s… you done with flipping? 1g… price increase of 4x seems a bit too much.

So I have to wait a year~ I guess not, cause that collection needs them, and this collection needs them, and that item needs them…

I will wait until they a stable in their price again

And if everyone and their mother seems to love it, I guess everything is fine~

Ps.: Oh I forgot, Anet addmitted most coins are flipped, so those 57k coins exchanges are probably 1/3 flipped anyway~

(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)

Mystic Coins again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


Legendaries shouldn’t be cheap, quick, nor easy to make. MC prices and availability are just fine; they reflect that concept.



Yeah. But they also should not be “Hm waiting a year for all the coins or buying 2 more accs seems more resonable that buying them for 2g from the TP”.
I farm all the Mats myself. I play every bit of content and don’t want to limit myself, and if that fact, that I play the game like intended, means I can never have a legy or help my friends with theirs, then that’s sad.

You just admitted you’re willing to farm mats. Then go farm charged lodestones, sell them on the TP, and buy your MCs. IME you can get roughly 1 charged lodestone every 20ish minutes, and it looks like each one should net you ~2 MCs. You’ll get your MCs faster, and you’ll be making some Mjolnir crafter very happy in the process.

There are ways and means to expedite the process of getting MCs w/o buying a new account. It’s a cost-benefit analysis everyone has to make within their preferred mode of play.

And, if someone (like me) weren’t willing to buy MCs on the TP, and instead wait until they have enough… then for something called a Legendary Weapon a year to craft sounds appropriate.


No I don’t farm in THAT way, i play the content and get enough of everything! That’s something totally diffrent. I play and realize “Oh I have so much of x y z and q again, cool”. If you play a bit of everything, you get a bit of everything.
And i won’t do 2 weeks of SW to get my MCs. And it’s the charged loadstones that I need, so no I cant’t sell these

(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)

Mystic Coins again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


That’s why I said supply ^^ I don’t mean the ones hoarded by flippers and ppl not realizing you can sell them, those don’t help any player that works for his stuff, when coins start to cost 1g soon. Cause those aren’t available to anyone and not in the pool of supply for ppl that need them.

Ppl save a lot of money too and just it’s existenz doesn’t help the economy ;D It has to be in the flow. Same thing here. And if ppl start hoarding stuff that should be in a constant flow, someone has to do something about it. (something apart from “don’t buy it, then it gets cheaper”, cause the a few rich flippers, could always hold the price at a very high level, FORCING others to adapt to them)

In the thread linked above, Chris Cleary stated that the amount of coins entering the game is “way more” than the amount consumed.

People hoard coins, yes. A rising prize will make the real hoarders less inclined to sell, since they “might use them some day”. These will probably not sell their coins at any price point.

However, most people aren’t hoarders to that degree. Each have their own sell point, where they reason that the gold they’d get is worth more than the possible use of saving them. As the price rises, more people notices the goldmine in their materials storage and sell, leading to a lowering of the price again. Moan a bit in map chat every now and then that they’re so expensive, and you’ll probably entice a few people to sell

Quite honestly if they stay at 60s each that’s okay by me, because they are “prestige” items But if they really break the 1g mark, it starts to get a bit insane 8’D

Mystic Coins again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


Legendaries shouldn’t be cheap, quick, nor easy to make. MC prices and availability are just fine; they reflect that concept.



Yeah. But they also should not be “Hm waiting a year for all the coins or buying 2 more accs seems more resonable that buying them for 2g from the TP”.
I farm all the Mats myself. I play every bit of content and don’t want to limit myself, and if that fact, that I play the game like intended, means I can never have a legy or help my friends with theirs, then that’s sad.

Mystic Coins again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


That’s why I said supply ^^ I don’t mean the ones hoarded by flippers and ppl not realizing you can sell them, those don’t help any player that works for his stuff, when coins start to cost 1g soon. Cause those aren’t available to anyone and not in the pool of supply for ppl that need them.

Ppl save a lot of money too and just it’s existenz doesn’t help the economy ;D It has to be in the flow. Same thing here. And if ppl start hoarding stuff that should be in a constant flow, someone has to do something about it. (something apart from “don’t buy it, then it gets cheaper”, cause the a few rich flippers, could always hold the price at a very high level, FORCING others to adapt to them)

(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)

Mystic Coins again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


I was going to craft my first things with them soon. For example complet my “wild abandon” and carft my first legy after 7 months of playing. (giving my boyfriend 50 of my coins to help him with his legy, now seems like a big mistake, which it shouldn’t…)
But it’s nice to see, that Anet is not concerned about the fact that, with the current supply, only 22 Hot legys and 44 old legys can be crafted anymore.

It’s not about those flipper (and the ppl that buy from them instead of listing their bid for 25s), but about how I can achive my goals, without having to wait 10 years.

I’m not one of the ppl that wants their stuff instant, I am willing to “work” for my goals, cause this game is fun, BUT if I have to rely on OTHER ppl to achive MY goals… the fun ends… cause the result can be seen with the price spike on the mystic coins…
Some rich players steps in, thinks he can control the market and the others can adjust to those rich guys…no thanks

And if the only way I can control MY goals is to buy 5 more GW2 accs (three months to craft a legy through the collection), well…
I’d gladly do that instead of feeding those greedy flippers. (time to save that money)

Major trading post bug!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LolinaOtone.4196


Jup I have the same problem.
Sold something, didn’t get the money and now I can’t sell anything at all.