Showing Posts For Lord Funk.1694:

My Personal Impression Of Beta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Hours later and I thought I should add this as well as it’s part of HoT. I have never expressed this either as I don’t use forums much.

I did really enjoy the new sPvP Stronghold Map/Arena (coming with hot) we got to try a while back. In fact the most fun sPvP map I have played to date.

Really enjoyed how there were different tactics. Not just hold middle with an engi but (alot because of the Trebuchet acctually being very useful). Also that it wasn’ät such a hassle to repair it like it is in Battle of Khylo. You could level the plainfield and Control middle in various way’s not so much about a blob of duelling in middle. Felt like tactics and acctual thinking had more impact on Stronghold compared to current sPvP Maps. Very Positive in my book !!!

Only complaint I would have on that would be that it’s part of same rotation with all current Conquest maps/areanas, so You could end up not playing it alot. It deserves it’s won rotation as it’s a totally different type. Different roations for different styles. Conquest for those that enjoy that. One roatation for Conquest maps. Another rotation for maps like Courtyard for them that likes duelling in a blob in middle and no tactics as far as the map goes and one rotation for new maps like Strongholds. I assume more will be added in the future.

I even have friends in Guild and outside Guild that said they will finally try sPvP after watching the new map being played in various YouTube videos. Also Heard people say that Stroinghold is the only type of sPvP they want to play as soon as it’s added with HoT.

I’m not a hater by far as You might see and I’m not fanboi either. Not of GW2 or any particular play-style. I play some WvW, sPvP as well as Dungeons, Open World PvE and World Bosses etc. All Crafts to 500 that can be and the rest 400.

I’m not a self proclaimed 1337 player but Im definetly not a n00b either and as mentioned played MMo’s since Beta in Ultima Online. I prefer to play dungeons with a team of 5 the regular way (as i find that more fun than speed runs) but just last night we 2 manned CM because we felt like it.

I like variation and go with my mood and what I feel is fun for the day. After all i play to have fun in my leisure time. Not to be bored, kittened off or feel like I do a chore. I would assume that goes for most. Maybe I’m wong ??? The Lords forbid we have fun in an MMO right, he he he !!!

What each of us then consider to be fun of course varies.

I personally do however get bored if forced to play one particular style all the time.

In fact why I have played GW2 since headstart is because it has that variation and that the only end-game and über gear is NOT only avalaible from grinding one particular play-style (in most mmo’s it’s grinding dungeons as only end game to get the good gear). I really like that GW2 has not gone down that path even if looked like it for a while when Fractals first came out. Back then only way to get ascended trinkets was Fractals.

I enjoy Dry Top. I enjoy Silverwaste. Not as much as Dry Top even if Silverwaste is much more profitable as far as loot and chest goes.

So I do in fact like GW2 for all that. It has never felt too gated. I can move freely and I could even enter both Dry Top and Silver Waste with a low LvL character. I would die there but the Beauty is the freedom and that I can if I want to and I have tried it.

I Think that was part of not enjoying the new map Verdant brink and the new direction. It felt gated somehow and theme parked. You have to go this way and You need to get masteries to go past that and fly there etc. Not gated in a strict sense but still didn’t feel as free to move around as GW2 usually do. Just adding NPC’s that swarm You with knockdowns and red circles with conditiosn doesnt make it more fun or even challenging/harder. Just more annoying. Especially after a few times.

I usually have balanced view on things. try to see it from many angles as i myself enjoy various things.

Those that read my post as me being a hater and purely negative to everything in GW2 misinterpret me.

However I still can’t help but feel left with a “meh” with Verdant Brink and the new direction if that is representative of the entire direction GW2 PvE adn "open World content will take as a whole. That after having been so positive trying out the Stronghold map.

I do follow and have followed closely through YouTube videos by WoodenPotatoes, Mikei TheMighty, Matt Visual, MMO Inks, Allusive Table, Let’s Play and Point of Interests etc, as well as articles. I also really enjoy videos like Eexa as i find them brilliantly done. I do try to keep myself up to date on what’s going on with GW2 even outside my own game play. It’s just Forums I rarely use.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

My Personal Impression Of Beta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Had that same experience with that pit. Picked up a box and if pick up Another it seemed You lose the first I Think. Only held 1 in Your hand. Then ran through portal/door up again and they said not bad and if i wanted to try again. Never went beyond 1/10 collected.

As Zepthite suggest it might be like have to collect many and even if it seems You drop Your first it still Counts and try get to 10 Before Death. Still just found it annoying and boring like most events i tried there. In fact many wasnt even avaliable as others had done them before I could join. Tried Escort Soldier but either i got swamped with mobs and died or soldier died.

I’m not a fan of all these charging, knocking down and/or red circle mechanics all over the ground that seems to be the thing of all mobs since the whole living story moved towards Mordremoth. I only find it annoying and not fun mechanics to fight. Very little variation as well.

In any case I came back to post screenshots of that bugged bridge that without friend sbeing on I could nwever have known to walk out on as it was just air over a casm on my screen. Happily the bridge was there on their screen or we would never have known.

Invisible Bridge:


Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

My Personal Impression Of Beta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Oh and I should add that it was at least very Visual and pretty to look at as something positive but that doesn’t help unless content as far as gameplay, mechanics and practical map navigation design goes are fun as well.

Also found a bug I submitted and the bridge leading out of the starting area in Verdant brink was invisible and broken and only had the edges on both sides of the casm, so I ran around not knowing were to go there either. However on my friends screens it was visible so they ran up on it. Floating in the air on my screen and I tried and could walk over although on my screen Walking on air.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

My Personal Impression Of Beta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Played demo for 1 1/2 hr now and some events in Verdant Brink and it feels like The Expansion that ruined LoTRO for me, “Mines of Moria”. Didn’t even bother with last 30 mins of session 1.

I had that feeling already when they added agony and Fractals as that reminded me of same stupid system they added in instances with MoM/Mines of Moria. That they later had to remove and admit it wasn’t good but by then it was too late and they had lost so many players.

At least in GW2 not all instances/Dungeons have that mechanic and it’s not like the only end-game to chose from. In LoTRO it was what You had to do to stay competitive and no choices really.

Now with this looking like a maze to navigate and You need to follow ceratain paths to move around like a maze. You can be next to a Place but not get to it as it’s above or below You etc. Same as in MoM that made it a pain and boring to navigate to get anywhere and do anything.

Prefer open spaces and where You can zig zag, run across and not follow roads etc. many ways to get to a location not this.

Also main mechanics n this game as far as combat is have more and more turned into tons of red circles on the ground and then charges with knockdowns and You get swamped with mobs using those mechanics. Boring if You ask me.

This is purely my opinions and mostly meant for the devs. Not to discuss with other players that might flame me. I probably won’t even log in to read replies. Just stated my opinions for devs, said my piece and that’s it.

Unfortionetly only 2 options to communicate with devs are either forum or bug reports and these are not bugs, so all left was forums.

Most i know and play with don’t even use the forums as they know anything they say will get flamed by a certain crowd that are in majority on forum but only place they are in majority it seems and they will flame and do anything to silence people with any opinions that don’t agree with theirs. Been playing MMO’s since Beta in Ultima Online, so seen my fair share of that.

Same in all MMO’s and eventually they end up ruining MMO’s as Devs listen to that crowd and think they acctually represent a majority of the playerbase. Usually the ones screaming that “stuff is too easy” and “PvE is Fluff play and for n00bs” etc.

Kind of like those 10 people standing at the DJ both in club and tells the DJ what “everyone” likes (as they are self proclaimed experts) and if DJ is stupid and play what they request/demands it empties most of the rest of the club. As A DJ You need to be able to see past those and look at the whole crowd to keep the club packed.

There should be a way to ask players their opinions execept forums and for players to express their opinions straight to the devs without having to go through this. As I said most i know don’t even bother with forums. They log in play and if they stop liking the game stops logging in.

I have rarely used this forums either but a few times. last time i Think was when Agony and fractals were introduced and I ended up posting then taking an extended break from GW2.

I do Thank You for the Beta participation !!! Much appreciated.

I was looking forward to it but now all i feel is “meh” and have to rethink if keeping to invest my time into this game or not, as this is the future of GW2 and it doesn’t seem to be my personal “Cup Of Tea”.

My Son was looking over my shoulder as I played (he never got a beta key) and he said the same basically. He found it all confusing, a maze and chaos.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

Lack of armor models?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Am i the only 1 who thinks that armor lack different models? Trough the period of 1-80lvl i change the look of my armor only 2-3 times. There isnt much different look beside the dungeon exotic gear at 80…

I thought so at start as well. Then I discovered that some Heart/Karma vendors sell different looking gear pieces, as well as Cultural Armour, not to mention The Vigil, Durmand Priory, Order of Whispers etc Armour. Make sure You check those out before chosing which one to go by as then You are stuck with that one option.

Also rare crafted armour usually looks different than blue and greens etc.

As You mentioned Dungeons all have different skins as well. Plenty to chose from. Not saying I always want more looks to play with but there are quite a few already.

Also note that dye can make the same armour look very different. Like in my taste this first example is awesome, while the one below of same armour juts looks bellek and kind of meh in my taste. However thats just my taste so each to ones own of course.

Heart/Karma Vendor Heavy Gear.

Same Heart/Karma Vendor Heavy Gear but other dyes.

Here is but a few more examples:

Male Vigil Heavy:

Female Vigil Heavy:

Female Vigil Light:

Vigil All sets.

Different dyes do alot too as You can se here and compare to above.

Durmand Priory Male Light Armour.

Durmand Priory All Sets.

They often look a bit different depending on male and female caharacter too even if same named armour.


Female of same Armour:

Order Of Whipers Medium Armour.

All set Order of Whispers.

Once again, different dyes do alot too as You can se here and compare to above

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

Ascended gear poll

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Whatever the result, whoever thinks differently will say it’s just a vocal minority. It’s a nice argument, works anytime you don’t like what someone is saying.

Yes and we can already see that in this thread here from those QQ’ing before wanting to turn GW2 into another WoW. Saying there was nothing to do at end-game because the limit of their imagination is to grind instances/dungeons to get best gear as that is what they do in WoW. That’s what all MMO’s must be about and the only play-style that makes You elite and cool and should be best rewarded of course. When they QQ’ed before they of course said they represented the majority of players.

Now that many speaks up against this and don’t want GW2 to be turned into another generic WoW Wannabe MMO with top ingredients and top-gear to only be gotten through a few select play-styles like PvE Instances/Dungeons and possibly WvWvW but want it to be for all play-styles including Open World PvE and crafting without grinding Dungeons etc. Then of course those Forum Posters that claimed to say they represented the majority before when posting now claim Forum only represent a minority.

No matter if the ones now being unhappy seems to represent alot more people then they ever did.

Oh the irony. rolleyes

If anything this poll might not get all the ones that don’t want this whole ascended FotM Fractal Dungeon thing as many of those have already left when they heard about it, so probably many more would vote “It ruins the game” if they were still around to even know about this poll.

See what I did there ???

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

Still no ancient karka reward?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Gav, i have had another email from support about this,
they said they would let us know “early next week”,
so expect something monday/tuesday.

Where did You contact them ???

I made in-game bug report same night it happened (once I could get back in that is). No response but the usual automated pop-up response that they dont reply to each bug report but will look into it.

I have posted in that thread in the Lost Shores Forum (that has now been moved to Archives) still no direct response but some standard PR Spin-Doctor response that they have a team looking into disconnection issues at event. Then silence and definetly no personal e-mail response what so ever.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

Where is the social aspect?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Social aspect (at least since Nov 15th) is spending 30min in LA trying to get a group for fractals then playing with them. Fun isn’t it?

Edit: In all fairness it used to be better before this.


As well as in our Guild prior to the whole FotM thing, we use Skype and voice chat mostly.

I find for some reason that GW2 text chat is so easy to miss. If get a priv msg the sound can barely be heard that You get a msg. There are no msg that even indicates friends or guild members have logged on.

We tell new members that if they want the most of our guild to use Skype as well as our fb group as we are very social on those. We rarely use in-game text chat though.

Some don’t want to use either Skype or fb and that is their choice but thast where we are and were we post pics and chat almost daily.

I have understood that those using Virgin Media in UK have issues with skype as well as obvioulsy virgin dont want You to use Skype or something.

We often sit and chat with voice on Skype even when we dont even play same areas together. Just socializing, joking and such even if crafting and/or playing solo.

Since FotM and Ascended was introduced however. I myself and my son and most of my friends I used to play with daily haven’t been on much at all.

However we used to be on daily and be social, just not in text chat much.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

Lost motivation to play...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

I this only happening in US servers?

EU player here too and I feel exactly like OP, so does my son and most of my friends, so not only US.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

Lost motivation to play...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Anyone else losing the grand enthusiasm they had for this game after the Nov 15th announcement?

Yup same here. Was one for the Open World Part of the weekend event but that bugged out to with log-in servers and couldn’t even get back in the last 2-3 min when Karka was being killed. Then could log in for 1+ hr. That after having participated for 2 1/2 hrs.

Then no real reason to play anymore as I know end-game will be about grinding instance/dungeon for gear and even crafting materials for best gear.

Same with my son and other friends. Some still log on but not near as before that announcement as they see where this is heading. Most of them played LoTRO too and saw what radiance and shift in end-game design focus did to that game.

We are a guild that have been around for a long time and seen games come and go trying to find that MMO that would not be like the standard generic WoW wannabe.

Areas of the open world looks abandoned now and the ones that still plays are in new dungeons FotM and spamming chat with “LFM FotM Tier X need full exotic, link gear or cant join group” etc

Exactly how GW2 was never supposed to become.

Shame as GW2 was supposed to become different and not about this, but a few loudvoiced WoW style players QQ on forum, and devs listen just as devs did with LoTRO and now GW2 is going down the same slippery slope. :/

When will game companies realize that the WoW model won’t make them the new WoW cash cow ???

Look at SW TOR, now already F2P and only 3 servers left i think, look at RIFT, look how LoTRO went down etc. They might no be totally dead and buried yet, but they sure aren’t what they could have been if they didn’t try to be another WoW Wannabe.

Then too late, if ever, they wake up and try to change back but then it’s too late. The best part of the playerbase have already left by then and won’t return after broken promises and being spit in the face, while game companies cater to the same type of WoW raised instance/dungeon grinders.

LoTRO removed radiance after years and didn’t even add any Raid (so far) in RoR but I just cant find myself supporting them again after all this time as they let me and my friends down over and over again. I have 2 lifetime accts so can just log in and play but I just don’t and won’t.

Feels same with GW2 now.

I know what awaits at the end, with having to grind some instnce or another for the best en-game gear and even ingredients for crafting them, and that kills the inspiration to even play up to that.

Before that announcement me, my son, step-son and most of our Guild were happy playing daily and had tons left to do and lookin forward to WvWvW and other stuff. We did World Bosses in open world etc, trying to gather materials to get all crafts to 400 etc.

Now it just feels meh and sigh to even think about it, as i know i cant play this game as i like to end-game anymore but must go into dungeons/instances at some point to get the best stats and I really dont want to.

Oh well Anet at least got me to buy 1 CE and 2 normal boxes (for my son and step-son) plus I bought 4K gems before they made that announcement.

Now I will keep my wallet away as GW2 is not the game they said it would be. If they find back soon to the right path, Im still here and reading and will see it. If they wait to long I’ll be gone to never return, just like I left LoTRO and other games going down that slippery slope.

Im not going to sit around for 2-3 years like I did with LoTRO and hope, post in Forums and wait. Been there, done that. This time I will leave much faster and not waste my time on something that just isnt fun anymore and ion my eyes have been ruined as opposed to what it was supposed to be and that originally made me start playing it.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

Preparing for the upcoming AMA on Reddit.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Some more questions:

Acctually one question but elaborating on it to be clear what I mean.

1. Reffering to what Chris Whiteside has written in these two statements:

“Ascended and infusion rewards will be available in both PvE and WvW over time, and be made available through all sorts of content around the world including existing content.”

“•Revamping all of our existing dungeons (Story and Explorable versions) through rebalance and overhauled encounters.
•Adding new dungeons to the Fractal of the Mists.”

Does this mean that basically GW2 from now on will be all about grinding instances/dungeons as end-game if want the top stat gear as well as ingredients for crafting top stat gear ???

There is no mention of crafting at all and PvE content can simply mean revamp all dungeons to also drop these items but not through any other PvE content like random drops, World Bosses or even for Karma by Vendors ???

Yes WvWvW is mentioned but still not crafting and if crafting is dependant in ingredienst from dungeons isn’t GW2 simply turning into the same type generic MMO that we have seen so many times before, catering to the typical Elitit instance type of players, without mentioning any names of those MMO’s ???

Wasn’t GW2 going to be about being able to play the style You preffer and be rewarded eqaullly no matter what that style is ? Crafting, Open World Bosses, Especially Open world and a lively breathing world in PvE, Of course some Instances/dungeons, instanced battleground sPvP, as well as semi open PvP in WvWvW ?

To me and many more instances are simply single-player game with multi-player option. Simply for You and a group of people. The opposite of Open World or even “living breathing world”. It is Ok to have them but not to try to mold/force everyone to basically have to do them or have lesser gear or not be able to craft top gear.

“Enter a living, breathing fantasy world”

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

Why not Ascended Gears from classic dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

60 of any dungeon token = 1 Dungeon Shard.
100 Fractal Relics = 1 Fractal Shard.

10 Dungeon Shards + 2 Fractal Shard + 50 ectos + 1 Eldritch Scroll = Ascended Gear.

Simple and you got your players playing everything. Not just fractals.

Why not?

What “Players playing everything” ???

They will be grinding instances/dungeons like in every WoW Wannabe MMO yes but NOT “playing everything”.

Im sure this is what will happen too with the overhaul of Dungeons and what they was reffered to “as adding them to other PvE content as well”

GW2 will be all about grinding instances in some form or shape just like LoTRO did with radiance and just like WoW is.

Crafting will be dependant on grinding instances too to get ingredients for the top gear.

Exactly why I left LoTRO and though that finally there will be an MMO for me and my friends with GW2.

An MMO about Open World, Crafting etc as well as dungeons/instances for those liking that, as well as instanced/battlegrouynd sPvP for those that likes that as well as kind of open area PvP with WvWvW.

Something for all tastes and preffered play-style and all rewarded equally.

Only 3 month in it is now like all the other MMO’s with Dungeons/instances being what end-game is all about. sigh :/

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

Anone Recieved Info About This NCSoft Survey?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

So this survey wont include everyone then ???

Then how can it be a guiding or useful survey ???

If you follow the link you will see this.
“This message was sent to %To_Email%. You are receiving this message because you signed up to receive Guild Wars 2 newsletters. To unsubscribe, click here. Feel free to contact customer support on”

You didn’t get the email because you chose not to subscribe to the newsletter.
The link to the survey is there, why not take it if you feel left out of something you chose not to be a part of?

Good point. I probably unticked that as usally that means being spammed with advertising for other games as well or offers in the CashShop like LoTRO spammed my mail every week.

Thought important things like surveys wasn’t considered that and would go out to all customers but maybe You are right. So now i need to figure out how to tick that again so i get stuff like surveys at least.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

Anone Recieved Info About This NCSoft Survey?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

So You who have gotten the e-mail for the survey are You box buying players as in having been here a while or free trial invited by friends ???

Just trying to make sense why some gotten it but not me or my son as well as Aldred above.

I have checked Junk Mail and its not there. First thing I checked.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

Preparing for the upcoming AMA on Reddit.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

My Question(s):

1. Will the highest stats gear as well as crafting ingredients from now on mostly or even only be available from Instances/Dungeons and turn GW2 into another WoW Clone or will they be added to all types of gameplay including crafting as well as NON Instanced PvE (maybe for Karma) and ingredients drop in PvE Open world as well as WvWvW ???

Will ANet now try to mold us or force us into becoming Dungeon/Instance grinders now with Ascended/infusion/Agony + higher stats on that gear like they did with radiance in LoTRO and be just another WoW Wannabe MMO ???

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

Anone Recieved Info About This NCSoft Survey?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

So this survey wont include everyone then ???

Then how can it be a guiding or useful survey ???

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

Anone Recieved Info About This NCSoft Survey?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

I have received it twice to my mail. My gf received it too.

So do they only send it out to some people like the Trial Invited ones or some other criteria they pick certain people ???

As neither my son or me have gotten it and we are both paying customers as in having paid for the boxes to play the game.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

Why I'm never bothering with FotM again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

why were you not doing this dungeon with your guild members?

Maybe because its supposed to be an MMO as in Massive Multiplayer Online and have Open Lively World. Not single-player game with multi-player iption for You and a few friends. Maybe some like to meet new people and just team up and have fun. Not just being in small groups of same few people all the time but acctually experience the MMO feeling. Like just joining in with others when online. Not wanting to plan Your entire life around a specific run at a specific time and raid planners etc.

Simply log on, meet random people in a lively open world and team up and have fun.

GW2 wasn’t supposed to be about that Elitist atmosphere and attitudes like WoW is, with elitist groups running instances/dungoens and excluding everyone else. Just the type of behaviour OP has mentioned examples of above. Unfortionetly now it is it seems.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

Anone Recieved Info About This NCSoft Survey?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

I accidentally stumbled upon this Survey link among alot of other posts in a thread.

I or my son have not recived any e-mail about this or seen any official link on GW2 main site.

Is this a legit survey and if so why does it not require or is linked to our account log-ins so they can see who has replied and not be able to reply more than once ???

If they simply go by IP Adress then I dont know if my son can even fill it out as I have now filled it out and we use same PC and internet at home here.

All it said was Thank You For doing the survey but You never ahd to fill in account name or e-mail or anything so a bit wierd and that I have seen no advertising or e-mail from ANet about this ???

I don’t even know if my replies in it even have been sent anywhere or Im missing something here ???

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

How many here are playing less? And why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

…continue from above…

I play MMO’s for Massive Multiplayer Online feeling, not for some Single-player game with multiplayer feeling that instances and dungeons give.

When I feel they try to mold us into and force us to do dungeons is when I know this is not game for me and/or my friends anymore.

It’s then a game for the WoW players and not me or my son, or many of my friends for that matter.

Been waiting and hoping for this game for so long. When people fanboi’ed about SW TOR and such I always said that SW TOR will just be another WoW ( as they were honest and said it would be a game where they lead You and You play their game not sandbox and alot of open world). I always said I look forward to GW2 and NOT SW TOR and advertised this game all over. No more.

I didnt even use these Forums until I read that announcement as I could see where that will lead. So noone else influnced me but that announcement could make me see the future result it will bring. Not until I was going to write on forum did I notice how many others had realized the same thing and were not happy about it.

The Guild was doing fine too and plenty of us playing the game and not spread out in various games as finally we thought this would be an MMO for us.

Not that we are one of those 200+ Guilds but we never have wanted to be that either. Still plenty enough to have fun together and acctually know each other well. Most of us adults some parents with adult kids as well playing. Joking that soon we will have 3 generations of families playing. My son and step son are the youngest in our Guild and the only ones not adults acctually.

We have a web-site, as well as a fb group and use group call in Skype as we play as many of us have Skype and it runs just fine for what we want.

Our Guild have been around since 1996/97 in Dibalo 1 as well as in Beta in Ultima Online/UO. Then plenty of games since then but usually end up leaving when end-game becomes the usual Instance grind for gear and ingredients that only drops in instances.

Played one and You played them all. Gets old really fast.

I’m left with a very sad feeling and a big sigh now.

I said this before: “If I wanted to pay WoW I would but I don’t.”

If I wanted to grind instances for gear and ingredients I would still be playing LoTRO but I don’t.

I wanted to play GW2 because I could chose to play the styles I and my friends enjoy and still reach the same end-game rewards and do WvWvW eventually.

Prior to Lost Shores and FotM You could craft to make top-gear and not need ingredients from instances/dungeons either.

You could WvWvW and get gear for karma.

You could do PvE and get gear for Karma etc.

Also grind Dungeons for those that enjoy that.

Now I can see this will all be about grinding instances and crafting will be rubbish unless You again grind some instances for ingredients. Dividing the community into Elitist WoW style instance players and the rest.

No Thank You !!!
Not again !!!
Been There. Done That !!! :/

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

How many here are playing less? And why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

1. Me.

2. When I read what was going to be added with Lost Shores and realized i heard all this before when Radiance was introduced to LoTRO and eventually made me leave that game.

3. As end-game design focus has changed GW2 has now turned into a standard WoW Wannabe MMO where end-game is about grinding some type of instance, not about Open World anymore. Alreday now the best gear drop is in dungeons now for some parts as well as ingredients for Mystic Forge. Exactly the opposite of why I pre-ordered GW2.

Crafting going to go downhill as well as open world and it will all be about “LFM or LFG Full infusion Full Ascended, tier 4 fractal.” etc.

Already saw that after a few hrs when new dungeons been opened.

Exactly the same reasons I left LoTRO and never looked back although i have 2 Lifetime accts there.

Pre-ordered a Collectors for myself.

When I enjoyed GW2 so much first month until Lost Shores announcement, I even bought 2 more GW2 boxes. One for my son, one for my step-son.

Bought the biggest Gem order in store to add more bankslots as well as some backslots but won’t buy anything more now. I was about to do the same for my son as well as some more for me but not now after this.

I even went out and managed to find all 4 of the GW1 boxes and was thinking I’d get around to trying to get the titles needed in GW1 for skins in GW2. I wanted that flaming sword skin for example and some of the gear. I guess that will never happen now. I haven’t gotten around to install them yet so I can always give them to someone else as a gift i guess.

My son and I havent been in much since the announcement.

Up until that announcement I have almost been on daily to do dailes and usually alot more.

My step-son still plays some I think. We spoke on skype each day as he dont live here after his mom and I split up but now I havent even spoken to him since I dont play much anymore.

I tried the open world part of the Lost Shores event but got dc and coulnd’t even log back in and couldn’t be there the last 2-3 min when Ancient Kraka was downed as Log-In Servers broke down or something. Although i had been there for 2 1/2 hrs up to that.

I see where all this is heading and I have been there done that in other MMO’s and Im not going to be so patient and stupid that I have hope and waste a long time before realizing it.

The little spin-doctor message from staff didn’t exactly calm me or my predictions. It didnt really adress anything and not even mentioning crafting.

…continue below…

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

Chris Whiteside on the Lost Shores and Beyond

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Nothing about crafting or adding Infusion or Ascended gear rewards to all types of gameplay, including crafting and/or just ingredients needed that only drops in Dungeons/instances etc, that should be added to drop in all game-styles or they force us to grind instnces/dungeons to get them.

Nothing to adress how to scale other open PvE content now that the player-base has been divided into Elite dungeon grinders and non dungeon grinders. Orr for example is almost unplayable if want to find random pug group and many areas abandoned.

Only choice now is to be on when most are on in guild and do guild runs for Orr and World bosses. No more open world feeling with random players and pug groups doing stuff all over.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Whilst I agree that ANet should probably implement some sort of ‘keep alive’ system so that dc’s from events/dungeons doesn’t have such an impact, ask yourself why you disconnected but thousands of others didn’t? The only people that I know who had lag or dc’s were people with sub par Internet. I’m in the UK so only get 10mb and I had no problems. You can’t blame all your dc issues on ANet or their servers.

Im not questioning that getting dc can be PC Hardware or software issues etc., bad drivers, too little RAM, too high graphic setting vs hardware etc.

The thing that is ANet responsibility and fault are the log-in server(s). Disconnected one time earlier in the event and could log straight back in, even get back to same overflow as I was in a group and that overflow wasn’t full, so just chose to join the group again in the oveflow. However just a few min from the end their log-inservers crashed or something and noone could get back in. Not on Forums nor game. I could browse the forums, juts not log in my account to even post.

Could surf the forum jut not log in. Could surf any other site as well as log into other games just not GW2, so that was at their end not ours. We could post on their fb site as there we only need to be logged into fb not GW account etc. So our internets definetly were working.

That log-in server error persisted for 1+ hr on both game and Forum.

I have printscreens of both trying to log into game with 2 different error msg’s (the usual campus firewall error msg but also a new one saying transaction in progress wait a few min and try again later) as well as trying to log into game account on forum with error msg saying My Acct name and password were incorrent, they are not as they worked before and works now.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Seems reasonable to me just to check an account for karka kill count and a flag on whether they opened the chest at the end for those complaining that they got disconnected. This would give you a pretty massive chance on the reliability that a person was participating in the event at least.

As for compensation… I don’t know what would be fair or reliable. Can’t just hand out rares and exotics to everyone who asks for them. I think the bag should be a given, but the other shinies?

I personally would love another crack at the chest without the 2 1/2 hour effort which I’ll never have time for again. (Seriously, my wife was pretty miffed I avoided the family for almost the whole day.)

So what about those of us who were there almost to the end before getting d/c, then not being able to get back into log-in server and not just those that got the final kill event done and then d/c before looting chest itself.

I’ll be happy to mail screenshots how I was there until like 4/12 gas things exploded even acctually until 9/12 but didnt take screenshot after 4/12 until I d/c.

Not our fault their log-in servers broke down and couldnt handle log-ins, neither to game or Forums for like 1+ hour after that. We also spent about 2 1/2 hrs just to get cheated out of being there at the end and experince the satisfaction of seeing it fully through plus not getting any reward from chest.

We were there for just as long, we participated, we should not have to do it again, we should be equally rewarded for our efforts as we helped all the way but just couldn’t get back in for the last 1-3 minutes.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

I really hope this includes us who were there almost to the end before getting d/c, then not being able to get back into log-in server and not just those that got the final kill event done and then d/c before looting chest itself.

I’ll be happy to mail screenshots how I was there until like 4/12 gas things exploded even acctually until 9/12 but didnt take screenshot after 4/12 until I d/c.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Very Dissepointed ANet:

Was in from start 21.00 our time. Ancient Karka down to approx 1/8 life left and like 9/12 gas things fixed. Get kicked out. Get back in, end up in overflow where they not gotten even past the other phase, manage to get to same overflow again with my step-son in same group. Kicked out again and then couldn’t even log in again with 2 different error messages as I try.
Either the usual
“Campus Firewall” blablabla but also some message that
“Transaction in progress. Please wait a few minutes and try again.”

Been on it for hour after hour but then I wasnt able to be there to complete event at the end and nothing wrong with my internet as i stayed on skype as well as logged in on fb to post. sigh

Couldn’t even get on Forum to post until now. Log-in server just wouldn’t work. Could surf on forum and read but not log-in to post just getting error messages. Not been able to log back into game or Forum for 1+ hr after i got kicked off.

Wonderful ANet Thanks Alot for a great weekend…NOT…with bug after bug.

Total rubbish to spend all that time and not be there to see end clip or get rewards.

My computer sure did work all along and so did my internet as i could do everything else but not log-into game or log-into forum.

Noone should have to do this again. Some of us are adults and have real lives and can’t plan our entire lives around a game.

We have alreday done it for along time, bbasiaclly to the end but couldn’t get reward as we couldn’t get back in at the very end (after being kicked out) due to ANet log-in servers. Im not going to do all this again. This is a disgrace.

We should all get the same chance as everyone else that didnt get kciked off to the same rewards as we worked for it. This has just ruined my mood to play this game or take part in any such event again. A game is supposed to be fun. This is not fun.

Im not alone as 1000+ post on the GW2 facebook from people with pretty much the same issue (can only imagine how many more that havent written on their facebook or use forums or gave up as they couldn’t log in to even post here).

If You don’t trust me or take my word, I have printscreens from all the way on the beach fighting those Karka and a Champion in camp, then printscreens along the way with few gaps where I didnt bother to take any screens. Then also at the end before getting kicked as we have at least 4/12 exploded gas things then I didnt take any more pics beforfe I d/c. I also have screenshots of not being able to log back into game or forum with error meassages until now.

I’ll be happy to mail those to ANet if required.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

There is a Jumping Puzzle in Lost Shores called:

“Under New Management”

I seriously wonder if the devs are trying to tell us something ???

No, not meant to troll but devs often leave small hints and clues in games.

In one game I remember finding a hidden building inside another where You could meet NPC’s with names of all the staffs and such. They like making these small additions hints and stuff. Considering this total U-turn with Ascended and the whole fractal tier thing dividing GW2 playerbase into elitist and non elitist one can only wonder.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

What do you want out of end-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

What I want to do for End-Game:
1. Get maxed on all Craftings.
2. Get best possibe stat gear for doing WvWvW and open world events and not having to feel 2nd rate unless I get the gear from some instance.
3. Do WvWvW.
4. Get more characters classes up to 80 and try them out in WvWvW.
5. Explore all areas and get Completion.
6. Hang with my guild and do events like the World Bosses and WvWvW together as well as just having fun together, socializing.
7. Meet new people in-game that You just randomly run into out in the open world and possibly form long gaming friendships like we have in our guild that spans many years as well as games.
8. Get the Cultural armour pieces I like on the character classes I like and mes around until Im happy with their looks transmuted onto the best possible stat gear.
9. Possibly get new Armor-skins in the future as long as they’re not only available in Dungeons.
10. Possibly finish all jumping Puzzles.

What I Do NOT want to do is:
1. Having to do any instance/Dungeon whatsoever to get some gear with better stats and/or ingredients for crafting.
2. Never having to do instanced/battelground type PvP.

I’ve played MMO’s ever since Beta in Ultima Online (1996) for the Massive Multiplayer Online feeling. Not to play it as if it was a single-player game with multi-player option for just me and 3-24 buddies in instances and instance raids. That to me is not MMO and I feel cut off from the rest of the world for like 1-6 hrs and dont really interact with anyone but a small group. It also makes any MMO map look dead and deserted as people are stuck in their little instances grinding away.

If others want that, fine but never force me by adding better stuff or ingredients only available in instances/dungeons. I leave MMO’s when they take that direction like LoTRO did with radiance for example and don’t return to show my detest for that type of end-game design. I vote with my wallet and never support those game designers again or their company.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

option to view gear on others in-game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

If you could see the gear of people you’re going into a dungeon with… it would help because you could know to either not take them or bring them along.

It sucks when people aren’t well geared and either:
a) make the run harder then it should be or
b) slow everyone else down from their laziness of not trying to get better gear.

It only makes sense for PVE if people are trying to get better gear in dungeons.

Here we go.

Anyone not seeing this attitude coming ???

This is exactly why I disliked Radiance in LoTRO and now this here.

It creates the divide in community as so many predicted. sigh

How could You not see this coming ANet ???

The instance Elitism will flourish now. It will all be about grinding instances as end-game just like all other WoW wannabe MMO’s.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

Yes or No: Manifesto Represents the Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

I’m sad to reply:
to Your questions. :/

This whole Fractal, Ascended, Agony, Infusion thing has really started GW2 on the slippery slope down the 1337 player WoW path.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

users are getting picky on party, toughts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Soon it will be ascended and infusion or no go .

Alreday there is “what progression are You in Fractal ??? Oh only tier 1 oh sorry then no go in this group etc” and thats only after a few hrs since the patch.

Many saw this coming in another thread with 197 pages and 9800+ post to date. Some denied it but now it’s here.

Also the fact that the add higher stats not just infusion slot on the new gear is a way for them to try to mold us into instance/dungeon grinders (to get the best gear) to make sure the WoW crowd of self proclaimed 1337 instance grinders (as can’t really call them raiders in here with only 5 man dungeons) feels they are catered too and treated special. Not even any mention of adding the new stuff to real crafting. Just the backslot thing to Mystic Forge.

This is the result many predicted.

The WoW crowd made themselves heard loudly and unfortionetly some in management or among the devs must have listened to them.

Shame as I pre-ordered this game in the belives it would not try to be another WoW Wannabe, bought a copy for my son as well as a copy for my step-son. Since the annnouncement of Ascended gear and agony/infusion mechanics I have just felt meh and lost even interest in doing dailies. Been playing this game almost every day and done dailies almost every day since 3 days early access.

When a friend heard and read about Ascended/agony/infuson, first thing he said was “Oh just like radiance in LoTRO then. Here comes the instance grind”. Then he reactivated some sub for some other game and havent logged on. He has two GW2 accts and even moved one to our server to have all 10 chars on same server, now he hasnt even logged back in since this announcement.

I myself logged in to check event today and couldn’t even complete phase one due to all bugs with NPC so cant progress and then seeing that with the groups only accepting certain players to do new dungeon and I just went sigh
and thought to myself:
“just as I predicted when reading about ascended/agony/infusion”.

Been waiting for this game for so long as I don’t want to play WoW, LoTRO, SW TOR for the exact same reason that I have now lost interest in GW2. Was hoping GW2 wouldn’t go down this slippery slope.

Now no MMO left to play or even look forward to as they all end up like WoW sooner or later it seems.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

Bugged NPC's - Who and which server

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Oh yes and Cannach bugged Desolation as well.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

Bugged NPC's - Who and which server

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

Fahd is bugged on Desolation.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

I’d like to respond to concerns players have raised about ascended items. Please keep in mind that we’re releasing this as one portion of a massive November update that introduces and improves many aspects of challenge, progression, and rewards. With this and upcoming updates, we view ourselves as introducing large amounts of content with supporting systems and features, akin to an expansion pack, building on Guild Wars 2 through a series of live releases. So it’s important for us to be able to add an expansion pack’s worth of progression and rewards to support that content.

Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill. Our goal is to ensure we have a proper progression for players from exotic up to legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two. We will slowly add the remaining ascended gear items and legendary items in future updates to allow people time to acquire them as we add exciting new content that deserves exciting rewards. We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on.

Ascended and infusion rewards will be available in both PvE and WvW over time, and be made available through all sorts of content around the world including existing content. PvP will remain unaffected to ensure our intended PvP balance going forward. We are also working on other reward and progression systems for the game that tie into current and new content and features. As you know we care very much about your support and opinion and are listening intently to what you say.

Finally we look forward to hearing your thoughts on the upcoming content, and we will ensure we share our thoughts with you on the experiences we share in the Lost Shores.

Chris Whiteside – Studio Design Director

Dear Chris Whiteside,

Thank You for Your reply !!!

However I’m not very reassured by that. Sounds like the usual spin Doctor/marketing reply. Heard it with Radiance in LoTRO etc. Not the exact same phrases or words but the style and way they try to spin it in words to sell it to us against our will.

It’s still adding to a gear thread mill. Also it will lead to the usual “what gear You got ??? Aha, not enough infusion against agony, then You can’t join.” Elitist/1337 WoW Style and divide the community.

It’s about forcing You do do any play-style. In this case Dungeons. I dont care if they only require 5 and not a 24 man raid. You could do skirmishes in LoTRO solo, I still dont like it as it’s “forced” upon us to play that style or be sub-par, wear sub-par gear etc. I don’t care if its about forcing You to do PvP instances, WvWvW or whatever, noone should be forced to play a particular style. It should be available through whatever play-style the player preffer, including crafting. Not particular ingredients or parts, upgrades etc only being available in certain play-styles but in all.

You still say that infusion can be gotten in dungeon. You only say that You will add Ascendan and infusion to more options in the “future”.

You don’t even specify crafting as being one of those option but others like PvE and WvWvW, just not crafting.

Exactly what Radiance did in LoTRO, totally ruined crafting with Moria and made crafting more or less useless. All needed Radiance gear for the other stats as well even if not wanting to do “Vile Maw” Raid. The Morale diffence alone betwenn crafted and other gear vs Radinace was like 1500+ morale. A Huge difference if wanting to PvP or anything else. If You didn’t have it you would mostly serve as easy kill in PvP and mostly not be invited to do any instance. Don’t forget that WvWvW is basically PvP as well just on a more epic scale than instancved PvP.

Also what does “in the future mean” ??? Vague promises, not even a promise really. I heard that about adding a new Area/zone in Ettenmoors in LoTRO for year after year from Turbine.

Why would You add a mechanic style that has been tried in both WoW and LoTRO and that failed miserably and eventally was removed ???

It is even said that the new resistance/Agony will get worse and worse/stronger and stronger as You progress and eventally You will need Infusion to counter it (just like radiance).

This is not meant as sarcasm but I really start to wonder, did one of the old LoTRO Devs get hired by ANet as they eventually lost their jobs at Turbine when they caused that company to lose subs with radiance ???

Maybe You shouldn’t repeat that mistake in GW2 ???

I really hope You reconsider this, as in don’t implement it/force it upon us and still ending up having to remove it in a year or two when the damage to the playerbase is already done and will never really recover.

Better to think and act before rather than after when it’s usually too late anyway.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

(edited by Lord Funk.1694)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

one of the things i love(d) about this game was the fact that you could get max quality gear from any desired end-game activity: you could craft it, you could buy it with karma, you could buy it with dungeon tokens, or you could buy it with WvW tokens. so i really really really hope that this new level of gear is added to all those options, and not just to this new dungeon and/or the mystic crap hole.

If you can get it through all the major end game activities, great. if not? then i’m super bummed because i really liked this game and wanted to play it for a long time, but i won’t if i’m forced into some crap dungeon to get gear the gear i need for WvW.

and the worst part i’ve read so far is the dungeon specific condition “agony” with it’s associated required gear. that’s just about the worst and laziest mechanic ever invented, and i definitely won’t be taking part in that.

This !!!


Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Funk.1694

Lord Funk.1694

I do not like this:

New Ascended Gear & Infusions

Introducing Ascended items, artifacts of great power that can be improved by a special new type of upgrade called Infusions, which can be found in dungeons.

Sounds to me like You’re trying to force us to do Instances/Dungeons to get that infusion thing whatever that is.

A step to try to please those loud voiced standard WoW Raid/Instance grinding self proclaimed 1337 players, while not giving those that detest instances any other way to get it (those of us that acctually chose to play GW2 as it was supposed to not be like those other generic standard WoW Wannabe MMO’s).

Not a good or smart move imo.

LoTRO tried to force all players to grind instances with radiance (in the Moria Expansion) and scared away so many players that they never really recovered and had to go F2P eventually. Also eventually they had to scrap radiance anyway.

Why do game companies have to listen to that little group of loud voiced Elitist MMO players, that stalk all game forums and that were brought up thinking all MMO’s have to be like WoW and all end-game must be about grinding instances ???

I have kept away from these Forums until now, as usually the atmosphere those players create on forums takes away my mood to play the game itself.

Now that i read the update info, I felt forced to write something.

Some simply do not want to do instances and dungeons at all.

I personally play an MMO for the Massive Multiplayer feeling and have ever since Beta in Ultima Online. I dont want to be stuck in small instances for 3-5 players not even with raids for 24 players as they are instances. I want to play in a world that feels ongoing and alive. Not instances that might as well be single-player game with Multi-Player option.

I have 1 LvL 80 2xLvL 40 and not done any dungeon so far, hardly done the story instances either as I find that boring as Im cut off from the lively open world.

So far I have enjoyed GW2 more than any other MMO since UO. This might change that.

Just as noone should be forced to PvP or WvWvW, noone should be forced to do instances/dungeons. We have paid for the game to play (some even paid for more bank or bag space, cosmetics whatever), we are not paid to play.

We should be able to play the style we preffer not be dictated what style we have to play like forcing us to do dungeons or else have sub-par gear (just because some WoW players are loud voiced on some forums and complain as soon as any MMO isn’t like WoW) .

That’s exactly what radiance did to LoTRO. All other gear became sub-par and only viable gear was the radiance that could only be gotten in certain instances. LoTRO turned into another instance/raid end-game focused MMO with that and it scared so many away that played LoTRO because it wasn’t WoW.

If I wanted to play WoW, I would and Im not. I want to play GW2 because it was not going to be like that.

Lord Funk of HOD/Holy Order of Dragons game Guild (since 1996/97)