Hours later and I thought I should add this as well as it’s part of HoT. I have never expressed this either as I don’t use forums much.
I did really enjoy the new sPvP Stronghold Map/Arena (coming with hot) we got to try a while back. In fact the most fun sPvP map I have played to date.
Really enjoyed how there were different tactics. Not just hold middle with an engi but (alot because of the Trebuchet acctually being very useful). Also that it wasn’ät such a hassle to repair it like it is in Battle of Khylo. You could level the plainfield and Control middle in various way’s not so much about a blob of duelling in middle. Felt like tactics and acctual thinking had more impact on Stronghold compared to current sPvP Maps. Very Positive in my book !!!
Only complaint I would have on that would be that it’s part of same rotation with all current Conquest maps/areanas, so You could end up not playing it alot. It deserves it’s won rotation as it’s a totally different type. Different roations for different styles. Conquest for those that enjoy that. One roatation for Conquest maps. Another rotation for maps like Courtyard for them that likes duelling in a blob in middle and no tactics as far as the map goes and one rotation for new maps like Strongholds. I assume more will be added in the future.
I even have friends in Guild and outside Guild that said they will finally try sPvP after watching the new map being played in various YouTube videos. Also Heard people say that Stroinghold is the only type of sPvP they want to play as soon as it’s added with HoT.
I’m not a hater by far as You might see and I’m not fanboi either. Not of GW2 or any particular play-style. I play some WvW, sPvP as well as Dungeons, Open World PvE and World Bosses etc. All Crafts to 500 that can be and the rest 400.
I’m not a self proclaimed 1337 player but Im definetly not a n00b either and as mentioned played MMo’s since Beta in Ultima Online. I prefer to play dungeons with a team of 5 the regular way (as i find that more fun than speed runs) but just last night we 2 manned CM because we felt like it.
I like variation and go with my mood and what I feel is fun for the day. After all i play to have fun in my leisure time. Not to be bored, kittened off or feel like I do a chore. I would assume that goes for most. Maybe I’m wong ??? The Lords forbid we have fun in an MMO right, he he he !!!
What each of us then consider to be fun of course varies.
I personally do however get bored if forced to play one particular style all the time.
In fact why I have played GW2 since headstart is because it has that variation and that the only end-game and über gear is NOT only avalaible from grinding one particular play-style (in most mmo’s it’s grinding dungeons as only end game to get the good gear). I really like that GW2 has not gone down that path even if looked like it for a while when Fractals first came out. Back then only way to get ascended trinkets was Fractals.
I enjoy Dry Top. I enjoy Silverwaste. Not as much as Dry Top even if Silverwaste is much more profitable as far as loot and chest goes.
So I do in fact like GW2 for all that. It has never felt too gated. I can move freely and I could even enter both Dry Top and Silver Waste with a low LvL character. I would die there but the Beauty is the freedom and that I can if I want to and I have tried it.
I Think that was part of not enjoying the new map Verdant brink and the new direction. It felt gated somehow and theme parked. You have to go this way and You need to get masteries to go past that and fly there etc. Not gated in a strict sense but still didn’t feel as free to move around as GW2 usually do. Just adding NPC’s that swarm You with knockdowns and red circles with conditiosn doesnt make it more fun or even challenging/harder. Just more annoying. Especially after a few times.
I usually have balanced view on things. try to see it from many angles as i myself enjoy various things.
Those that read my post as me being a hater and purely negative to everything in GW2 misinterpret me.
However I still can’t help but feel left with a “meh” with Verdant Brink and the new direction if that is representative of the entire direction GW2 PvE adn "open World content will take as a whole. That after having been so positive trying out the Stronghold map.
I do follow and have followed closely through YouTube videos by WoodenPotatoes, Mikei TheMighty, Matt Visual, MMO Inks, Allusive Table, Let’s Play and Point of Interests etc, as well as articles. I also really enjoy videos like Eexa as i find them brilliantly done. I do try to keep myself up to date on what’s going on with GW2 even outside my own game play. It’s just Forums I rarely use.
(edited by Lord Funk.1694)