Showing Posts For Lyrael.5803:

Help I'm stuck in a PvP Match!

in PvP

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


Stuck in Queue.

HoT's plot 'selling points' make no sense

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


Ok, Glint used to be a dragon champion so how does lore explain the fact that she has eggs? Or is this why Glint’s egg is so important because it explains how the pale tree is also able to spawn Sylvari? I hope we get answers in HoT.

[Feedback - Berserker]

in Warrior

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


This is what I would like to see. Beserk should be activated the same way however the adrenaline bar should remain at 30. It’s use should be similar to Necro’s DS and instead of LF use adrenaline over time while the mode is activated. Once you are in Berserk mode the PC would pulse out burning as that would add to the flavor and make the Elite spec more competitive compared to current burning builds for other classes. The burst skills should have a certain adrenaline cost perhaps 10 would still work and the CD should remain the same as well as counting as a a full burst. However remove the limit of 15s and let us Berserk until adrenaline runs out. This way the rage skills feel all the more useful. The elite might have to be changed to give less adrenaline or increase it’s CD so you can’t permanently berserk.

[Suggestion] Testing Remaining Elite Specs

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


Yes, I should of said they should be made avilable for testing before BWE3. Maybe that way there would be a chance to test a more polished version of the Elite Specs during BWE3. So far the ones they have released that I have tried have felt clunky before they were worked on after feedback. Reaper and Herald seem to be in a good spot for the most part. Although, I was not to drawn to the Reaper shouts as they felt unimpactful and I gravatated mostly to other utilities.

[Suggestion] Testing Remaining Elite Specs

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


I know this is possible since we got to test the revenant early. As soon as the remaining Elite specs are revealed they should be made available for testing before the last BWE specially since there is only one BWE before release. This would help get the Specs on the hands of the players before BWE3 and for more feedback to make it to the Devs. While I barely play my ranger because of the sometimes frustrating pet AI management I would like to try out the Druid or the Engi elite spec to see if anything can be improved to make it a better experience come launch.

Edited: Clarified that Elites should be made available before BWE3.

(edited by Lyrael.5803)

Why excited for Gliding but not UnderWater?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


Down the line it would be cool if they added a mastery for underwater movement if we ever get to fight Steve. Maybe give us water jets that would make movement faster. Underwater combat does need and overhaul as it feels very clunky. Also, it would be nice if we had all utility skills at our disposal while underwater. They could even make land weapons usable on underwater.

Rangers and Engis shafted

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


I am hoping that the reason for the delay is that they are reworking the AI for pets (Engi drones might be like pets if that is what they are getting) and they do not yet feel confortable showing them until they have worked out the major issues. Pets are a intregal part of the Ranger unlike other classes that can opt not to run mechanics relying on AI and if Engi has to rely on AI for it’s elite specialization it better be responsive and intuitive. Relying on faulty AI sucks otherwise something like minion master would be more fun too but being a Ranger you are stuck with your pet which just is no fun when you feel no control over it when it goes bonkers. It is no fun when it can be so unresponsive and unintuitive making it very frustrating to play with a pet at times. The faulty AI is the main reason I don’t play Ranger much.

General Reaper Feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


Reaper is supposed to have big payoffs if you land the blows with great sword but I felt the big windups were too slow for the payoff. Even auto attack feels too sluggish. It needs a damage buff or a cast time reduction same for reaper shroud. As it is now I do not feel like it is this force to be feared since by the time your blows land the enemy is already out of range even if you started casting right next to it. Especially in the new map where enemies are very agile my skills rarely connect and when they do It still feels underwhelming. The chill duration on great sword auto attack is really low as well.

The shouts are really underwhelming especially considering their cast times and their payoffs. I do not see my self running any of these in their current state. Their effects need more impact. They feel underwhelming and I feel they should offer more self buffs or at least more condition damage and duration output.

(edited by Lyrael.5803)

Now that everyone has settled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


What I was thinking is maybe remove the % modifiers or converters from trait lines that are not profession specific and adding them to a mastery line so that you can have all these for all your classes. Might even make PvP and PvE easier to balance since they wouldn’t have to split skills because masteries are PvE progression. They could even add the stats that we lost after the spec patch. Traits should be left for things that alter or modify profession specific mechanics and theme.

Heck, they could even add cool down bonuses to masteries for skill types and weapon skills instead of having them on traits.

My [big] Revenant Rework

in Revenant

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


Long cast times and long cool downs make for less dynamic combat on the revenant. OP makes good points and cast times definitely need to be reduced. Also, managing both energy costs and waiting on long cool downs and no weapon swap makes it difficult to react to different situations during combat. As it is now you cannot pick and choose your utility skills and you are stuck with the skills the channeled legend has. Even if you do very good at managing your energy and you really need to use a skill and it is on CD you are out of luck.

Energy and its management is a core mechanic of the revenant so I suggest traditional CDs not limit the revenant. Instead of traditional CDs, skills should increase in energy cost during their CD period. Compound the energy cost the more the same skill is used during its CD so as to prevent spamming. This, I believe, would encourage a different more skillful playstyle. Good energy management should make a good revenant shine.

Revenant's DPS (PvE but relevant for anyone)

in Revenant

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


Yeah, dps feels very lacking at the moment. The mace has potential but skill #2 has a really long cast time. If anything it should be similar to ele’s lava font cast time. Overall, it just does not feel on par with the other professions as of right now. Ironically, the weapon that is meant for healing feels more powerful dps wise to me as the skills feel more responsive than mace. Hammer has some nice fx but it restricts the class to range to be more effective as there is no weapon swap.

Ventari Tablet Bug

in Revenant

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


I noticed that if you die the tablet bugs. Even after I respawn the skills remain available but nothing happens if I try to use them and the tablet is nowhere in sight. After I used the elite skill to destroy it I was able to reactivate the tablet.

Revenant story = not chronological?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


@ all the time travel junkies…

No thanks.

I love Dr Who, really, but time travel is just a massive can of wurms. Cos what you’re suggesting is Rytlock thought it worth going back in time to train a few people in how to channel legends, but not eg. warn anyone about all the bad kittens about to rain down on Tyria.

Not to mention the fact that he’d then no longer be the first revenant.

I think a more elegant solution would be one very minor story tweak – at some point an NPC tells revenant players that they’ll channel the powers of the mist to relive the events of the personal story line.

It never happened to revenant players. They just experience it mistically.

And we we’ve yet to find out who E is. My best guess is it was Rytlock. Perhaps he couldn’t completely get involved and was only able to guide us through his letters.

Traits Part 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


This is what I would like for the new trait system:

In early levels, perhaps after unlocking all your weapon skills, the games gives you a prompt to select a trait line you would like to progress. Maybe let us progress all trait lines at the same time but we progress them by doing something that pertains to that specific trait line. If not let us change which trait lines to progress while OOC. It be great if we can get an explanation of when (at what level) or where we can get trait points to spend. Let’s say you are a warrior and want to focus on dealing more physical damage first so the game explains about the trait lines so you can choose which one will help you increase your damage. Since you are focusing on damage the accumalitive damage dealt will keep on progressing the trait line. This would work much like the old way of unlocking weapon skils which to me was more fullfilling than what we have on live thanks to the NPE changes. The game could probaly keep on giving spendable trait points at the same intervals as currently and by the time you L30 and you get your first trait point you should have several minor traits unlocked (from the trait lines progressed) in which to put your trait point.

(edited by Lyrael.5803)

Traits Part 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


To me it seems you will have to spend some points in masteries to get to unlock specializations (pure speculation on my part of course). It will be interesting to see if that is the case. To me it wouldn’t make much sense to let players unlock specializations before having all core traits unlocked. Specializations will open up new traits but lock others so the synergy between traits isn’t too powerful and so Anet can better balance the classes. So it would not make sense to me if they let us specialize without having the traits that a certain specialization will allow you to have. Furthermore no where have they said only HoT would have access to the new trait system. One thing they have said is that you will earn mastery points as you are playing even if you are not 80 in the areas we have access to now. Given that information I am assuming we all will have access to masteries and to the new trait system but you just won’t have any of the traits or masteries that can only be unlocked in HoT. Only time will tell.

There is no way that Anet will lock out QoL improvements that involve traits to the rest of the players if they don’t purchase HoT. Traits are a major part of character progression so they are definitely going to make improvements over all areas of the game. Also it would not make sense to add even more complexity to the game by having two different trait systems. With specializations they have to do almost a complete rework of the trait system for it to work and continue to work with their idea of progression. They have said they now have a clear vision of how they want to do advance the game’s character progression systems in PvE. One thing we can do is we can discuss how we would like the new trait system to work with their vision.

(edited by Lyrael.5803)

CDI- Guilds- Guild Halls

in CDI

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


Sorry, don’t know if this has been suggested or not…search function is not very friendly.

My suggestion is also make guild halls a hub where guilds and alliances have access to Asura gates for different instances to world bosses (like Tequatl for example).

How this would work is that guilds or alliances can start paying towards construction of an Asura gate that will have a personalized guild/alliance instance for a boss kill. These should be a permanent addition. Perhaps just charge a fee (Devide it among participating guilds) to activate the gate once constructed and allow guilds/alliances to run it the same amounts of times as the boss is available in a day.

As for the guild halls they should be sort of like a guilds (or alliances) personal edge of the mists map with different forts (or guild halls) belonging to the different guilds in the alliance. If it is one big guild allow officers and leaders to maybe start construction on a second or third guild hall which could be either themed with wvwvw, pvp, pve or all three. Gates could be constructed for connecting to different instanced maps or different types of activities. I believe it would work best if it was like how the wvwvw maps are accessed (There are gates that connect you to all four maps).

*Spoilers* Mordremoth final battle leaked.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


So what if Trahearne sacrifices himself during the final battle after finding out a way to completely cleanse Orr using Mordremoth’s power. Perhaps he finally becomes a true hero by actually involving himself in the final battle. Could it be that he was aware that he had to live for this moment so that maybe him and Mordy can become best buddies?

mordremoth awakening is close.........

in Living World

Posted by: Lyrael.5803


While now I feel I took LA for granted, Escape from LA has got me very excited about the possibilities in GW2. There are so many things I would like to see in GW2, starting with a new personal story.

LA as it once was is no more. Part of our PS revolved around LA. So whether it be a dragon or just lay lines or something unheard of, I would like to see the PS evolve. I like the current PS but it would be nice to see Tyria bring the fight to other dragons in a story format. Sure it wonn’t be an easy task but it would be most satisfying to rebuild LA or a new hub from a elder dragon’s corpse.

Therefore, It would be great if Primordus or Mordremoth would take action due to Scarlet’s meddling because just like Zhaitan brought Orr back from the depths, another Elder Dragon is capable of changing our landscape. So if there be dragons in the Living World I say bring them!