Showing Posts For Maerkyrr Belle.3206:

So, will Mesmers ever get

in Mesmer

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Short answer: yes. Fans would be super awesome. +1

Long answer: all the suggestions in this topic are also awesome, and I hope that in the future Anet adds more unique skins to all the different weapon and armor classes. Right now it doesn’t feel like there is quite enough variety to make your character feel unique – even with the karma/dungeon rewards and exotic/legendary weapons. And with as beautiful as things were in GW1 and are in GW2 so far I know that they have the creative ideas and execution to do it, I’m just hoping they are waiting and working on more pressing issues and will add more as time goes by.

Policy on Third-Party Programs Coming Soon

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

I just want a damage meter so I can have the numbers in regards to different builds I try out. Much easier to see whether a different piece of gear or a buff, etc etc is actually affecting damage output when there is a program recording and organizing the numbers for you.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

More gathered data, better reward than my other recent dungeon rewards have been:

Group of 5 ran TA Forward, Up path
5:46 – 6:30, 44minutes to completion
I have never ran this path before ever, and haven’t ran any other dungeons since yesterday. We skipped only one trash mob of like 2 npcs I believe.
My reward: 45 tokens, every other group member recieved 60 and had never even heard of the DR bug which plights me – apparently the system is working perfectly for some people. One of whom I run dungeons with very frequently so they should have the same “speed clearing” profile I do.

After this I did another entirely seperate dungeon:

HotW, Plunderer path
8:19 – 9:24, 1hr 5minutes completion time
Skipped nothing and haven’t run this dungeon in at least a day
Reward: 30 tokens, three others recieved 45, one recieved 60

As you can see I did a different dungeon, waited an hour and a half before doing the second one, and I don’t think they count as speed clears yet I am still suffering DR. Thanks for working on a fix, hope to see it soon. Any chance we will be refunded the tokens we didn’t earn because of this? I will be quite honest and say I feel a tiny bit jealous at how fast the people unaffected by the bug are getting their cool pretty armor and I can’t = / lol

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Plain and simple this system is a safety net for stopping crazy farming when people find exploits that make each run super fast. We are also addressing those loopholes, but that takes time and new ones might always be discovered. If you and your group do the dungeons without skipping large sections and run different chains this system shoul(bugs aside) never impact you.

This makes me feel a bit better, knowing that once the system is fully ironed out and working properly it won’t hurt us normal dungeon enjoying players. I run dungeons very often and usually quite fast with good groups. I have been in parties that skipped mobs before but I don’t like to and haven’t done it very often. As you work on fixing the system, please take into consideration players like me who do like running dungeons (different paths of different dungeons) over and over back to back. Right now I am pretty sure I have the giant DR issues just based on the fact that I like to play through dungeons very frequently. Running dungeons fast doesn’t mean I’m exploiting, and running them alot in a short amount of time doesn’t mean I’m exploiting either. Find a way to discover the exploiters skipping content without hurting players in a similar situation to me. So keep up the good work and I look forward to the day the system is working as intended!

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

The Diminishing Rewards system is currently if you complete dungeons faster than 2 per hour or if you do the same path multiple times in a row. It is also currently bugged with certain players being affected when they clearly shouldn’t.

… So what, exactly, is the information being kept from the community?

I’d like the source of this info too. It’s all I want to know is how long I have to wait between dungeons for DR to fall off so I can get back to normal rewards like every one else. I don’t even run the same path repeatedly since the patch but I have yet to get a full reward ever.

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Correct. People can speculate about the timing involved and how it works – we will not be divulging this information since it opens the system up to people finding ways around it. While we are confident in the system, we are doubly confident that people are amazing at finding holes in systems and breaking them.
The system is currently bugged, and is treating people unfairly. We’re actively working on it.

I get you don’t want to give away the specfics of the system cause then people will just exploit that too. Honest suggestion though if Anet is really going to keep the system the way it is (after fixing bugs obviously): Give us a DR debuff so that we can see when we are going to be affected by it and know when its safe to go into dungeons again expecting full rewards.

Its really annoying to not know how long you have to wait to play again, speaking as a player who loves to just run dungeons all the time, back to back. I don’t exploit them, barely ever even run past a trash mob. But my groups are usually fast and good, and I play through dungeons a lot. Most of them I have nothing I want to spend the tokens on yet anyways, but it is really disheartening to get no reward when another person, who is just as good or fast at the dungeon gets full rewards simply because I play more often then them. Thats like punishing me for being a stay-at-home mom who can play the game more.

(edited by Maerkyrr Belle.3206)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Q: In regards to speed clears I am still very confused. So we will get hit with the DR if we run the same dungeon multiple times in 10 minutes, or we will get hit with DR if we run any combination of dungeons multiple times in 10 minutes? If it is the latter I still have a huge problem with that system. So we won’t be hurt for being good at dungeons, just hurt for being consistently good at them? I enjoy running dungeons. I have hit level 80 and it is what I choose to do to enjoy myself in the game now. That would be like telling me I can’t play the part of the game I want. How long do we have to wait til the DR fall off and we can get full rewards again? If this is the planned way the system is going to go there should be some sort of it applied to all the “end game” aspects of the game (which I do not suggest at all) so you aren’t just penalizing people who like to run dungeons, but the people who WvW all the time, or the people who zerg Arah all the time. Its unfair that I can’t play the part of the game that I enjoy because it is a borderline waste of time. And is it really 10 minutes to count as a speed run? Because I am pretty sure I have never run a dungeon in less than a half an hour and I have been having ridiculous issues with the DR since the patch. More clarity on how this works would be nice – I get that you don’t want to tell us because people will try too find ways to work around the system, but right now it is just confusing and frustrating. At least give me a DR debuff so I know when it’s safe to play again.

More gathered data, better reward than my other recent dungeon rewards have been:

Group of 5 ran TA Forward, Up path
5:46 – 6:30, 44minutes to completion
I have never ran this path before ever, and haven’t ran any other dungeons since yesterday. We skipped only one trash mob of like 2 npcs I believe.
My reward: 45 tokens, every other group member recieved 60 and had never even heard of the DR bug which plights me – apparently the system is working perfectly for some people. One of whom I run dungeons with very frequently so they should have the same “speed clearing” profile I do.

(edited by Maerkyrr Belle.3206)

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Just did another dungeon to gather the required info for Anet. My group did TA Forward, Forward path. I haven’t done any pathes of this dungeon in at least a few days. It took us exactly 47 minutes to do. We did skip about 2 trash mobs I believe. I recieved 30 tokens, some people in my group still got 60 or 45.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Your entire post sounds like you only prefer these changes because you are in some way more leet than me and many others. What reason do we have for doing these dungeons if not for the tokens? It certainly isn’t “fun” or “story”.

Lol well I apologize – I in no way think I am more “leet” than you. I just like running dungeons a lot – it is what I do in games to have fun. I run them even when I have no item I want the tokens for. I like to help groups succeed and get their rewards. I do understand that the majority of people run them for the tokens alone though, but skipping content just isn’t fun or fufilling to me.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

The changes to the dungeons are for the most part good. I love that tokens are account bound now (though not functioning correctly yet: they don’t stack and can’t be withdrawn by other characters), I even love that rewards are given at the end of the dungeon to encourage full playthough. I even love that there are diminishing returns based on the amount of times you run a specific dungeon or specific path.

My main issue is with the diminishing returns from running the dungeons too fast. I have been in groups that have skipped content before – pretty sure we probably all have. However today I ran the 3 pathes of HotW and recieved 45, 30, then 15 tokens. Other players in my group recieved the full 60 every time. And we skipped nothing, we killed every trash mob, even the dogs. It is unfair. It was my frist run of this dungeon in at least a few days so I don’t understand why my rewards were nerfed. Maybe you can apply the DR on a per dungeon basis so that you are just nerfed for the dungeon in which you were with a group that skipped content. And how long is it until your DR fall off? How long am I going to be punished for having been in a group that wanted to skip everything instead of play through it? And if I could find a group that would run the dungeons legitly I would but it is hard enough to find a group right now as it is.

I’m glad that you guys at Anet are trying to discourage running dungeons exploitively just for tokens because it honestly isn’t as fun to play through them that way imo, it is just hard to get groups for dungeons that don’t want to skip what they can to save on time. But you are punishing people who do want to play through them legitly. I honestly suggest reworking the DR to apply on a per dungeon base, because honestly I am pretty sure I am being punished for having been in a group that liked to farm TA a week ago. But now it is messing up my HotW rewards where we worked very hard an skipped nothing. I understand that checking the time it takes to complete a dungeon is probably the easiest way to fish out the exploit farmers, but it is also punishing people who just simply can do the dungeons legitly but quickly. Another suggestion would be to reward the full amount of tokens the first run no matter what and then diminish the reward if the player has somehow been flagged as an exploiting token farmer.

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

I do not have times for my dungeon runs, but I have been in the same group for the 3 pathes of HotW. We did all 3 in probably around 3 hrs. If a dev or anyone could tell me a place to look that up in game I will gladly post the times. Combat log doesnt seem to go back far enough.

I understand the diminishing returns idea, but it hurts way too much. Especially now that the tokens are rewarded at the end of the dungeon – that itself seems like a sufficient enough incentive to do the dungeon without skipping any parts. My issue is the fact that in the party I was in we all obviously finished the dungeon in the same amount of time and yet some people in the group got the full 60tokens everytime. Others got 45, others 30. I got 15. An hour of my life for 15 tokens? That is just inconsiderate. It isn’t my fault that I enjoy running dungeons a lot or that my groups can run them fast. We don’t skip anything. We killed every trash mob, so I don’t understand why I shouldn’t be given the correct amount of rewards. This is like telling people who like to run dungeons a lot that, ok you have to do these 5 times as often as everyone else to get the same reward because you do them to much or too fast. It isnt fair. I have been in groups where trash mobs or sections have been skipped, but how long am I going to be punished for that? When do the diminishing returns fall off? There has to be a different way to deter players from skipping content, because the current system is punishing them but also a lot of others who ARE playing the dungeons correctly and completely and simply aren’t getting the right rewards. Also I don’t want to skip parts of the dungeons, but it is currently pretty impossible to find a good group to do dungeons with that doesn’t want to skip what they can. So I get punished because a group I played with however many days ago, didn’t want to play through all the content. And now the past 3 hours I spent trying to get tokens feels dissappointing.

At least if you are going to diminish our reward, give us the full amount the first time through each path like I thought was going to be the system. My first path I got 45, second path got 30, third path got 15 – while another person in my group got the full 180 tokens.

(edited by Maerkyrr Belle.3206)

HoW Butcher Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

I can also vouch that this is bugged. Explorable HotW, butcher path: make it all the way to the end and the room has no floor and there is no visible Ginva the Butcher and no way to trigger them to spawn.