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Please define "next time"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mage.7839


Elementalist skill “Glyph of Renewal” says: “Fire: Revive an ally; you’re revived the next time you’re downed.”

Maybe my english is bad. I thought that next time means “the closest moment in the future when the specific thing happens”.

As far as I noticed the skill works if you are downed in 1 minute after using it. Maybe in 2 minutes. After that I never get revived when downed. I would not call that “next time”.

Maybe you should update the description. The game is out since the end of August.

What would you do if you were missing 200+ PvE items and 5 levels of XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


Most intelligent gamers don’t go into a game assuming everything is going to work. You did. Your mistake.

Most intelligent gamers and even people with average mental abilities can tell the difference between having no bugs and giving compensation for a bug.

After you read this enough times to understand I will be happy to tell you that compensation chests would be fine. Ignoring the issue is plain rudeness.

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Mage.7839


I myself use Moa to defend myself, to steal boss or stop guardian full healing the whole server.

Trust me, while you people cry about the Moa, in the reality the double stun we can do is 10 times more deadly than that funny bird. When you become free from the stun you already lost your 75% hp and you are full of Confusion and Bleeding and other random conditions came from Chaos Storm and Armor. You also might be burning at the end of the double stun if we are close.

Moa can run and can dodge (yes, she can). When you are stunned you get much more damage and conditions.

Moa is a nice defense and guardian counter skill. Mesmers who use it for attacking are just lame.

Free quick tournament chest rewards.

in PvP

Posted by: Mage.7839


The attitude caused. They do not even try to compensate us. Why would I trust the game or the company anymore?

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Mage.7839


While I do not agree with the OP as I do not have problems with Moa, Pistol Wrip and 100 blades, it is true that:

- GW2 is the only game I have been waiting for 5+ years
- GW1 was (and still is) my favourite online game in the last 20 years
- I never quit any MMO so quick as I did from GW2

Downed State is the worst PvP idea ever and it is The PvP Killer Feature itself.

Missing tournament chests with no compensation is the most arrogant issue in any MMO I’ve ever seen.

Non working TP is something I understand because the GW2 model of TP is one of the hardest to implement properly. I know. However, it is another killer thing. Playing PvE without TP in 2012? Lol.

The game was released half year before it should. I think this happened because of the NCSoft’s financial problems. The funny thing is that the game was working much better at the beta events than after the release.

Game is dying, so what are you doing to fix the only content you have?

in PvP

Posted by: Mage.7839


I always could laugh and cry the same time when someone tells me “it is not wow”. Dumbest answer ever. I have played WoW 2 hours in total in my life. I quit at level 3. So if you have any problem with any game people come say “go back to play wow”.

As for the OP, I only agree in the Downed State, 8v8 and underwater combat.

However, the DS is the PvP killer feature itself.

Stealing svanir kills

in PvP

Posted by: Mage.7839


I was thinking about this a lot and I would say it has more advantages than disadvantages the way it actually works. You can solo steal a boss from 3 enemy players with good timing and luck. That can be a legit tactic.

The real issue is the Downed State which is the worst PvP idea ever implemented.

Free quick tournament chest rewards.

in PvP

Posted by: Mage.7839


Do not worry. I have the same topic as yours.

We have this issue since release. I have about 50 chests missing. Arenanet told they will not restore them. And the game still has the bug. After a month.

I already stopped playing two weeks ago. Biggest disappointment this year.

What would you do if you were missing 200+ PvE items and 5 levels of XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


A) Not run to cap a couple weeks from launch. Never have and never will.

My issue is not a bug itself. Software have bugs. My issue is the total lack of the will to restore them or compensate us. That does not depend on time passed since the launch. That is the attitude of the company.

By the time I usually make it there, things like you complain about are a thing of the past

I am sad to tell you that the game is launched almost a month ago and people complain today about not receiving the rewards. Still. Today.

When should I try to play the game? Christmas? Next year?

Not getting tournament chests again!

in PvP

Posted by: Mage.7839


arenanet is trolling us as hard as they can … im bored with gw2 … wtf is going on with this guys ?

I know that many of the readers may think that this is a simple QQ, but I honestly tell that GW1 after 8 years is much more fun to play than GW2. And it was also much better than GW2 when it came out.

I was beta testing both game as soon as it was possible. I still remember the removed skill charms. I remember the first spell I casted. I remember the first time when I have seen LA.

GW2 seemed to be a great game at the beta events. I really loved it. I even ordered a Charr plush. However, the release is a disaster.

No stable TP for a month, lost PvP rewards for a month. Those who do not know GW1 also has many many cosmetic PvP and PvE armor. Arenanet says they will not restore the chests. They do not even try. How is that possible?

Worst feature ever in PvP: Downed State.

What would I say? So much disappointment.

I will come back half year later and hope the game changed from beta to a close to finished software.

What would you do if you were missing 200+ PvE items and 5 levels of XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


Basically this all boils down to that fact that YOU made an assupmtion, and in the end that assupmtion that YOU made was wrong.

Oh yeah. I thought that the game is working and it was not. It is only my fault. Sorry. Really.

What would you do if you were missing 200+ PvE items and 5 levels of XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


I dont know whats more funny.
Or someone who plays pvp for the items, instead of the challenge of the match.

The whole game are just pixels on your monitor. Victory can be seen by pixels. Cosmetic armor can be seen by pixels. I always wonder when someone tells that his favourite pixels are more important than my pixels.

When someone tells you that he plays a game for PvE crafting can you understand it? I think you can. Crafting can be fun and selling the items can add more fun.

Why shouldn’t I play for cosmetic gear? Why am I able to create female character with huge boobs if this does not matter?

Pixels and pixels. You like one, I like another. All are virtual.

I worked hard for my cosmetic gear and I feel my time is partially lost.

Not getting tournament chests again!

in PvP

Posted by: Mage.7839


I will trade you all the tournament chests I have received to date for competitive matchmaking and some form of ladder ranking system, so that our team can measure our progress and success.

Or the removing of the downed state from tournaments? If yes, I agree.

What would you do if you were missing 200+ PvE items and 5 levels of XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


It is not theft by the MMO company at all. If you even tried that in court you would be laughed at in the pre-hearings.

Strange opinion in the age of online service.

Yes, it is called “lack of a part of the service”. Do not worry. I will not go to the court. But it tells everything you even thought about it.

Not getting tournament chests again!

in PvP

Posted by: Mage.7839


how can it be so difficult
come on.league of legends compensated for less. i want to know how we will be compensated.

As I bought the game for casual PvP I am thinking to get compensation from CC company instead of Arenanet. I also think that PvP chest compensation would be cheaper for Arenanet than real money refund.

That will be very sad day. I have been waiting this game for 5 years.

Not getting tournament chests again!

in PvP

Posted by: Mage.7839


What would you do if you were missing 200+ PvE items and 5 levels of XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


As to why it’s not theft: loss of in-game items, characters, or whatever in an MMO can never be considered theft.

It can be if the company does not try to restore your loss.

There are several ways to do it. Even if I believe they don’t have exact logs (which is totally impossible) they must be able to tell how many tournaments you joined. Do not tell that they aren’t because I will cry and laugh at the same time.

Based on the amount of the tournaments you played there is an easy way to give refund chests. That would be fair and nice.

I also have some small companies and when a customer of mine loses something – because we are all humans and we do mistakes thats normal – I give her or him double refund. Even when it was her/his fault partially. Because I feel sorry and I want to make them feel better. Giving refunds is also good for the business. Every sane people know this who had some business ever.

Anyways, I spent about 150 USD on the game already. I would be very very sad to ask a refund based on the lack of some important part of the service. This is what I would not like to do because GW1 was my favourite online game all the time.

Of course I would like to see chest refund not money refund. However, my trust in Anet is close to lost.

(edited by Mage.7839)

What would you do if you were missing 200+ PvE items and 5 levels of XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


The funniest thing is that it’s bugged again almost a month after the release and I see no official announcament about this. Again. How many chests should we lose?

Do they care a little bit?

(edited by Mage.7839)

What would you do if you were missing 200+ PvE items and 5 levels of XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


If they really has no logs which I doubt is is still pretty easy to restore them based on statistics. It won’t be exact but very close to that. For 8 tournaments you played you should get 1 piece of gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze and 1 fourth place chest. It is so easy.

What would you do if you were missing 200+ PvE items and 5 levels of XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


Ok but how did you lose them? Or did you just never receive them? When was all of this done?

Did not receive. I told why do I count this is a loss. Because in beta events we received them with 12 hours delay. Sometimes. Parsing logs is always possible. Even 2 months later. Even I could to that if I had the logs.

First week after release. And it wasn’t even fixed then. They announced a week after they won’t restore them. Then I stopped playing at all.

Not a single gem buying from me anymore. I bought 6400 before this spent on dyes. Seems money is not needed by Arenanet anymore.

What would you do if you were missing 200+ PvE items and 5 levels of XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


The chest come from tournaments where you won at least 1 match of the three rounds. 1 victory means 3rd or 4th place chest. Two victories mean silver and 3 victories mean gold chest. Gold chest give you many many items and boost. Silver give you many items.

You shouldn’t receive any chests only if you lose the first match.

To add insult to injury the missing chests also mean much, and I mean really much glory points. Glory points are also needed to buy better looking PvP armor.

What would you do if you were missing 200+ PvE items and 5 levels of XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


“Thats what i did. simple reasoning would tell you that just assuming that they will hand you the rewards later when it is fixed is just not very smawt.”

Simple reasoning tells me that when I pay for a game they will restore lost items as a part of the service.

Anyway, the question I asked was that what would you do if you lose 200+ PvE items. Or just did not receive them.

What would you do if you were missing 200+ PvE items and 5 levels of XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


You didn’t lose anything. The problem with tournament chests not working was WELL KNOWN

I call something well known when they announce it. I am 100% sure that they didn’t say a single word on this for about a week. We were reading twitter and facebook all the time.

It was YOUR decision to keep doing content that you should’ve known wasn’t working properly.

My decision was based on three facts:
- Sometimes there was a long delay between winning a tournament and receiving the reward at the beta weekends. It seemed like they have to parse the logs as fast as they can. I mean delays like 12 hours.
- Every time, even after 12+ hours delay I got my chests at the beta events finally. Sometimes I received 3-4 chest the next morning, same time when I logged in. It was logical to think the same after the release.
- A bought the game for PvP.

What would you do if you were missing 200+ PvE items and 5 levels of XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


Yes, I was in the beta. And I played tournaments. And I always received my reward chests. I mean I always received them finally, however, sometimes several hours later than I should have. And yes, I know, I should receive only gold or silver chest just after the tournament, becuase the tournament has to be finished first to calculate the 3th and 4th rewards.

When the game was released, I played Tournaments. I had two reasons for that. I bought the game for PvP and anyways, and TP was not working for PvE.

I received about 7 of my 50+ tournament chests. After the release. Of course I am not talking about the wipe.

And because I received all my chests in every beta event I thought for a good reason that I will receive the new chests too after the release. With some delay. They will just fix it. Why they would not?

ArenaNet was not answering this question at least for a week after the release. Neither on twitter nor on facebook.

Then Arenanet finally told that they will not restore our rewards. Simply not.

One chest may contain 3-8 items. I am missing about 50 chests. I am not alone. Almost every PvP players miss them.

If you didn’t know this then you may be PvE players. I am asking what would you think if you did not receive 200+ PvE items and several levels of experience. Something that worked in every beta events with some delay. I played all of them.

(edited by Mage.7839)

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


You purchased a game which came out months before it should. Because the publisher (NCSoft) had serious revenue issues. So simple.

The game could be finished about 2012. december or so. Just some days before our World ends based on the maya calendar.

What would you do if you were missing 200+ PvE items and 5 levels of XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


Imagine an MMORPG where you spent one or two weeks on leveling your PvE character.

Then you lose your 200+ items, boosts, and 5 levels of experience. This happens in a game you bought a half year before the release. You also spent the same amount of money on dyes and so.

And the developer says: “We will not restore your items. Neither your lost experience. No, we won’t. We don’t even try it.”

They could say: “We have more serious issues at the moment to fix. When we fixed them we will restore your lost items and XP from the logs.” I would accept that.

What would happen if they say no for your PvE items and XP? Would you ask a refund or what?

I have 50+ missing PvP chests. What is the difference between lost PvE and lost PvP items? I would like to understand. I am very open minded person. I can learn. Please help.

I lost 200+ PvP items, many boosts and several levels of glory. What does Arenanet mean when they say they will not restore it?

If I can’t call that thievery then what is the correct word?

Should I believe that Guild Wars 2 has logs for karma weapons buying, but it has no logs for tournaments? How is that possible?

These are questions. Not a single statement. Please try to answer. Thank you.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mage.7839


I have the same problem. And there are three operating systems on my computer. A messy windows 7 installed 2 years ago. A fresh new windows 7 install dedicated for playing Guild Wars 2. I also have FreeBSD for my work.

None of the three operation system drops my internet connection for months. I sit at my computer 12-14 hours per day.

When Guild Wars disconnects, usually my internet connection disconnects too for a minute. On both windows. They were installed in different years with different drivers not from the motherboard “CD” but downloaded Intel 1G driver.

The internet icon goes to red cross then blue ring several times and vica versa. Sometimes it goes to yellow mark. And after them it repairs itself. Takes a minute or so.