Showing Posts For Malachia.2743:

tanky melee ranger with pet as dps source, viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Malachia.2743


for pve, anything is viable. for organized pvp, what youre talking about is not viable.

dps pets are not viable in pve if they die all the time :P thats kinda what im asking.

and when i said axe as melee i meant using “2” attack mainly, which puts 5 bleed if your in melee range, and less from further away (i said its for a condition build)
axe is clearly meant to be played in close range

tanky melee ranger with pet as dps source, viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Malachia.2743


i know the common tactic for rangers is to use a tanky pet that tanks for them (duh) while they do damage, but can it work the other way around?
if i have 30 in beast mastery can my pet survive? or do the dps pets just die too fast?
also, are there any melee weapons that are really viable on ranger? ive seen a few with a greatsword, but can sword+dagger or axe+torch (for power or condition dmg respectivly) also work?

i really have no idea what im talking about im lookng for some help, cuz im thinking of starting a ranger XD

Here's how to fix the precursor complaints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malachia.2743


so i was farming cursed shore and killed a brood mother and


so its kind of what u talked about killing monsters and having a chance at precursors!

^ Example of lack of anet’s 4 main goals: equality, fairness, justice, fun. A person can get it off a lucky drop or on the 1st try at the forge, while thousands of others who each 300g+ on the forge will get nothing for it, not even any progress:


he uses only rares, it has been said by anet that the rarity and lvl of the time are the things that determine the chances… meaning using 4 lvl 80 exotics has a much higher chance… :P

Suggestion: Greater personal rewards for crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Malachia.2743


this is the main problem with crafting in GW2 right now.
theres no real reason for you to want to craft anything at the moment since you can buy anything you can craft on the TP for less than it would cost to make it if you jsut sell the mats.
This is because people are trying to level their crafts, once people get to 400 or they understand crafting is useless they will stop buying the mats, and mat prices will go down, but then item prices will probably go down too…
at least, i think thats how economy works, i have no idea.

they really should add some personal gain from crafting.
the only thing WoW had it better than this game was every proffession had crafter-only bonuses (weaponsmith had great weapons that only weaponsmith can use, alchemist had re-usable elixirs, jeweler had gems only they can put in their armor)

Why i regret picking Thief...

in Thief

Posted by: Malachia.2743


Thief is actually very fun in my oppinion, but the problem is, i cant have any epic weapons to show off
i mean some of the daggers look really cool, but i walk around town and see this huge charr guy with an AMAZING greatsword on his back, and then i look aat my poor little toothpicks… im ashamed
even shortbow is kind of small, and the biggest weapon is sword, which i dont like…
i pity asura thieves :< their weapons are probably microscopic o.o

anyone agree with me?

Brisban Wildlands: Home of the Bugs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malachia.2743


you have clearly never been to Iron Marches…. in that zone half of the hearts dot really work and all the events are stuck lol