Showing Posts For Malleusx.6092:
No ladders for sPvP.
No rewards/incentives for WvW.
No GvG.
No large raids or challenging PvE content.
Skill system is starting to become shallow.
I had a blast the first week of playing GW2, got a little more uninterested the second week once I hit 80 and now after easily doing 100+ of WvW with my guild we have all become bored and uninterested.
Anet did a great job with the game and gave us some decent content, but what they failed to do is make any of the content meaningful or give it any type of lasting appeal, especially the PvP. I mean really how hard is it to create in game ladders for sPvP and WvW I don’t get it?
Ok so currently the interest in my guild with this game is dwindling extremely fast….
Most of us have hit 80, geared up, run all of the dungeons and what not and have been doing WvW…but here is the problem. WvW simply is not a rewarding gameplay experience for teamwork and skilled play. WvW is a mindless zerg with repetitive objective experiences and linear/shallow zerg combat.
On the other hand we have sPvP which is great and all, but it is limited to a 5v5 experience…as well as not having any ties in at all with your guild or PvE experience. No ladders, no rankings, nothing.
What this is game is seriously lacking is a middle ground endgame PvP experience. What I believe it needs is GvG (which I thought we were promised during beta?!) so that guilds can experience some more actual guild oriented content.
Personally what I am looking for, and what I have found that many of my fellow guild members would enjoy, is a larger beefed up sPvP option that is 10v10 or 15v15 with persistent rewards/ranking.
How about just making badge gear not worthless trash it is? I think that would be a good reward for wvw.
How is the badge gear worthless? You can get max stat invaders gear with badges without ever setting foot into a PvE zone. You can get legendary crafting materials with badges…you can buy siege equipment with badges. The badges are fine.
The only changes I would like to see with badges are making siege equipment ONLY purchasable with badges (not gold) and the commanders compendium should only be available by badges (like 500 or something) not 100g.
Total +1 to this a participation reward would go far I think
Something else that dropped in the chest could be like 20 coconut bars or peach tarts for XP/karma bonuses in WvW as well.
So right now, putting the multitude of mechanic issues aside, I think something that WvW absolutely needs for some longevity is a simple yet satisfying reward system for actually winning WvW.
My idea? Simply award all members of a server who participated in WvW (to a certain degree, measured by total XP gained in WvW per match maybe?) on the winning server a WvW champions chest in the mail.
This chest could simply contain something like 5 silver, 25 badges and some random item drops as long as it is SOMETHING. I am sorry by the WvW server wide buffs are not enough of a real and exciting reward to keep WvW interesting in the long term Anet.
I just want the silver rewards back. 26s per magg run was very kind to my wallet…it made me feel good at mmo’s when I wasn’t really ever good at them anyways, yet I always play them. It felt like salvation
I can’t believe they did this.
Yes, it is almost a sure thing that you will lose money from armor repairs doing the magg run now considering that you have to chain suicide the kite room.
Too hard? Just buy some gems, sell for gold and buy your exotic gear!
The Arena Net dungeon buffing strategy revealed LOL.
I am starting to think that is the point…
Gems to gold…they want you to buy your armor, not grind dungeons. Every CoF speed run was a potential gem sale lost LOL.
Hey folks, I’ve been reading this thread for a bit and figured I’d come weigh in on things. I built this dungeon, and fixed the problem, so I’m going to come at you from the designer perspective on things to try and illuminate why I did what I did, and what exactly I did. It wasn’t made clear, and I apologize for that.
The main thing I am seeing, is that people are upset that I took away their super profitable low risk, fast, token grind. I did not go into this thinking everyone would be happy with my changes – I knew I would be upsetting people because I was taking away a super easy speed-run money printer.
I took it away for a few reasons – chief among them being what I feel is taking advantage of a couple bugs found in the same chain, and our leashing/aggro system. I played with groups who did this, and watched you-tube clips of what was going on. The problems I identified with the speed run aspect of this are as follows:
1. You just need 1 person to get to the magmacyte across the magma field. This will cause an invulnerable Magg to run across the entire field through mobs and progress the dungeon. Then this person teleports back.
2. Instead of fighting the enemies in a timed event at he door buster, you just circle strafe them or leash aggro them to “kill the clock” since it was only a 100 second timer on the event.
3. Final Boss encounter isn’t threatening.
So what did I do?
1. I made it so that Magg has to get to the other side of the Magma field and close to the magmacyte – not just a player. Magg not taking aggro from nearby enemies was a big reason for this issue to be resolved. By giving him aggro, and forcing you to escort him to the ending, I fixed what I considered to be a bug/exploit that I introduced through poor planning.
2. I extended the time from 100 seconds to 200 seconds at the Door Buster event. I intended for you to fight those guys, not circle strafe them and aggro leash chain them. I also added 1 additional mob to the encounter at the very middle (a bow dude) to account for you now having twice the time to defeat the waves that come in.
3. I made the fireballs hurt more. Not greatly more – they’ll do about 3-4k damage to a DPS focused player, but you should have anywhere between 15k-25k HP, so there’s a bit of wiggle room for error.I made this path hard, because it was easy. It’s an explorable dungeon path, and they should be hard. Wearing the flame legion armor set should be a symbol of what you went through to obtain something. It should mean something. Right now it means you did 40 speedruns in 2 days.
I hope this helps a bit, but I understand you’re upset. For all it’s worth I’m sorry, and I hope we can move past this.
I am not going to criticize your design decisions, but what I will question is the decision to make these dungeons even more of a grind fest as opposed to a natural part of player progression.
It would have been much better of a decision to leave the dungeon the way it was and simply add a cap on runs on a daily basis. Big mistake.
(edited by Malleusx.6092)
Ok so I have done about 50-60 CoF magg runs and have half of my set (all the pieces that I wanted) and I get on today and the magg run is completely borked…it is terrible.
First of all I think you guys at Anet need to realize that, as a PvPer, I d not find PvE or dungeons fun or entertaining at all really. I would go as far as saying that AT LEAST 50%, if not the majority of GW2 players grind the high level dungeons for the exotic gear ONLY, not for any real entertainment or challenge.
So why would you make these rooms so much harder to clear, so much longer to clear, and so much more frustrating to clear and on top of that nerf the rewards at the end into the ground? CoF is now even MORE of a grind…
My point is this. You guys at Anet need to embrace the fact that dungeons will always be a grind. Do not add in more irritating mobs or mechanics to impede player progression, instead you need to add TIME restraints to limit out of control farming…such as a dungeon limit (5-10 runs per 24 hours?) on a player account or instead put the dungeon on a time rotation like the dragon world events.
The method that has been chosen will NOT work. You now have many angry players (most EM veterans) and even worst, resentful players (players who are just now hitting 80 and didn’t have a chance at the “easier” runs) all because of these changes.
(edited by Malleusx.6092)
As a guild leader of a moderate sized guild there are some things that are absolutely bugging me to no end with the current guild system.
1) The MOTD is terrible! For one, when you edit it you have to completely start from scratch and there is no copy/paste function…why can’t I just edit what is already there? And why is the text area so small!?
Also, something that is equally important is the actual MOTD notification. When you log in the full MOTD should display in your guild chat immediately so that you can stay up to date with guild current events.
2) Guild banners/buffs do not display you guilds name. Why do the guild banners not display your guilds FULL NAME when interacted with, only the tag?
3) Claimed forts in WvW need to promote your guild! Please Arena Net, make the banners or SOMETHING in the fort interactable (much like the buff banners) so that players can see what is in control of the fort. Also, please make it so that when you hover over a fort on the map it displays the guild name who has claimed that objective.
I cannot stress enough just how hard it is to PROMOTE your guild, especially when combined with the problem of guild swapping with the guild representation system.
Please Arena Net, start working on this!
Solution? Hammer warrior.
i like it in PvE.
i dont mind it in WvW.
i hate it in SPvP.
Ahhh, is this a troll thread? A scoring system like this can not, and will not, ever, in the history of the human race, work.
There just needs to be a cheaper option for guilds, like a 20g captain compendium or something that allows a 20 man party.
Please reduce the power of orbs or remove them before 1 week matches.
in WvW
Posted by: Malleusx.6092
Orbs are seriously flawed and not thought out. They need to be removed.
Siege equipment that must be bought with BoH would certainly cut down on people using them.
6S for arguably the most powerful siege weapon is a bargain. They tend to be destroyed quickly however under focused fire.
I’ve also played quite a bit of WvW, but have a different set of “concerns” which focuses more how Anet will pull off competitive Server match- ups.
Currently a 24 hour match rarely is close and usually is dominate by one server. this is a big challenge for GW2, one I’m not convinced will be resolved in the short term.
There is no competition when there is no incentive or rewards for a successful match.
Absolutely. Guild banners (exp, karma, magic find) also need to show the guilds entire name not just their ticker.
So after playing at least 100 hours of WvW, almost completely leveling my main to 80 off of it and collecting 400 or so badges I am finally starting to see the true colors of WvW ,and for the long haul there are problems I believe that MUST be addressed by Anet.
These are the problems:
Orbs of power – To be honest I am astonished that this game play mechanic even made it past beta. It is a terrible idea and the actual execution is very poor.
First of all, since the orbs even made it into the game at all, who’s idea was it to be able to lock the orbs inside of fortified garrisons? This makes no sense and completely ruins the entire point of the mechanic which is the fact that it is a very important, powerful asset that can be stolen by a relatively small group of players.
But looking into the orbs even deeper than that, what happens 75% of the time in all of the WvW matches so far is that one server clearly dominates…every…single…time. I have yet to be in a “close” server match up, and the dominating server almost always easily obtains all three of the orbs simply adding insult to injury for the struggling competitors.
The solution? Either take the orbs completely out of the game or remove the ability to fortify them in garrison, allowing them to be exposed at an enemy altar even when stolen.
Siege spam – As far as I am concerned siege is simply to easy to access. Arrow carts specifically are far too effective for their price…I remember this being a problem in beta, so why was it not changed appropriately? Arrow carts should be balanced at 24 badges IMO.
I believe that siege equipment needs to be purchasable ONLY by badges of honor, therefore only active and experienced players can purchase and deploy it as well as mitigating the ease of access and spam which comes from it being so easily accessible by gold. Of course the 24 hour match length also ties into the balance and importance of siege equipment.
World Queuing and Server Population – I know this has been discussed and is a known issue, but I don’t think the importance of this issue is apparent enough to Anet. For many players, WvW is the CORE of their game play experience in GW2, and in many ways is basically the endgame. So why is the solution being thrown around that players “need to switch servers”?
I think the real solution that may be too late to change is the three way server system. The reason for this system was so that if one server was too powerful the other two servers could essentially “team up” and bring down the big guy…ahh, that is not happening Anet, and you know why? Because no cross server communication was given to us, so the entire three way server system is pointless.
WvW would be much better off as just that, WvW…a HEAD TO HEAD PvP match up involving only TWO servers. This frees up a whole lot of slots for people to actually play and creates what would be a much more tactical and personal experience between two competitors.
Rewards – WvW simply needs some type of tangible reward for players across the server if your server actually wins the WvW match. Some type of chest would probably work, and it would not even need to be something all that substantial…but some type of reward absolutely needs to be given for the winners.
Conclusion – WvW has so much potential and when everything is going smooth it is a blast to play. The objective/supply system is great, everything else just needs fine tuning and streamlining.
(edited by Malleusx.6092)
I am a guild leader and have the same issues, no permissions for anything and this is detrimental and infuriating to my own, and my guilds game play experience. Can I please get an answer or this issue resolved as soon as possible?!
Guild name is Maverick Army [MVA], Yak’s Bend server.
Shameless bump.
Ingles por favor LOL.
Home World: Yak’s Bend
Guild Name: Maverick Army [MVA]
Guild Website:
Focus: WvWvW, PvP
Quick Notes: Mumble server, 18+ active community, NA/US/. We have no level requirement.
(edited by Malleusx.6092)
We are looking for active new members interested in a guild focused on WvW and PvP. All applying players must have a working mic, be at least 18, and be willing to download and use mumble for voice communications.
- Yak’s Bend server
- NA players ONLY. Must speak english.
- Mumble Server
- Guild emblem/guild armor/guild bank/WvW upgrades
- Active 18+ gaming community, 5 years running
- Website/Forums
- 20+ members
No level requirement. We accept casual, moderate, and hardcore players.
To apply whisper “Malleusx” or “Overlordx” in game or send a message to either of us if we are offline.
(edited by Malleusx.6092)