quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
Showing Posts For Man Slauterer.5984:
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
Send an invite if you could please. Ive been sidekicking with other TTS friends for a while now. I know the drill. Thanks.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
Anyone here have a huge complaint against the idea of being able to buy Ascended Weapon/Armor Chests with some of our account-bound currencies?
Guild Commendations – 150 commendations, any stats
Badges of Honor – 800 badges, any stats
Dungeon Tokens – 1,000 w/ stat combinations matching the each dungeons’ existing flavors
Fractal Relics – 1,500 w/ stat combinations matching the current capacitors((all quantities subject to change and offered only to inspire thought))
This is a great suggestion! But what do you think would be an appropriate number of dungeon tokens (we’ll use that as an example) to buy Ascended armor? Right now it costs 1380 tokens to buy a dungeon armor set. Should you be able to buy Ascended armor with tokens from just one dungeon or should it require tokens from all dungeons to purchase Ascended armor? i.e. 690 token from each dungeon (5520 total), or something. This would be a great step away from the “need gold to buy anything” mentality.
EDIT: Another thought, they could add new Ascended armor skins for each way you could unlock it. This would add prestige to Ascended armor not just because you have it, but because of the way you unlocked it (i.e. you excel at dungeons, WvW, farming gold, etc.)
As long as you are able to buy the piece without requiring each of the currencies…
For example, if I could buy a piece of ascended with 800 honor badges, or 1000 dungeon tokens or 150 commendations..not 800 and 1000 and 150.I don’t do guild missions, so, for example this would still exclude someone like me. Or, some people don’t run dungeons, or some people do not play WvW…
To add onto this, I think it would be an awesome opportunity (should Anet allow us to obtain ascended weapons and armor via other currencies/methods) to add GW1 weapon and armor skins that have been requested so often.
Imagine purchasing an ascended chest for example, choosing a shield, and then deciding to upgrade its looks by purchasing, say, a ‘tormented’ skin for 800 WvW badges or something, and thus turning it into an EPIC looking ascended shield? :-P see attachment below :-P
Sorry but my opinion on this addition of tormented skins back in the game isn’t right. For those of us who played gw1 and spent tons of time earning those skins and putting them in our hall of monuments this wouldn’t be fair. I agree many skins in gw1 could be used instead such as the voltaic spear, obsidian edge, eternal blade (although i spent tons of time geting this as well and i still have it), dhuum’s scythe, and the list goes on forever. So yes i agree this is a good opportunity to add gw1 skins and lore back into the game i want to make a point that how you implement these you must be careful since you will offend alot of us who spent insane amounts of time earning them there and shouldn’t have to spend more time in gw2 to get the same skin.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
I came up with this long ago but never made a post about it.
What about a diffrent part of Fractals of the mists that’s sort of a boss. Everytime when a party defeats a boss, they will fight against a harder boss. When the party is wiped, the party will get tp’ed back to the instance and have to start over. This will be hard content. I bet Arenanet and the community could think of bosses/ enemies from the past/present. Everytime you defeat a boss you will get better loot. (and mayble punish the players by letting them do it once a week.)
This is just my idea for progression (hard content).
Interesting Dark.
This proposal is very interesting and i love games that implement this. I want to expand on how this could also be implemented in gw2 that might be interesting for a vast majority of players. Now i understand the Queen’s Jubilee-Queen’s Gauntlet activity sort of tried at this but I also want to add a few ideas from other games that might be fun/more difficult and make it a permanent feature that all persons would enjoy.
- Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. It has an area when speaking to the lightning dragon that you are able to one by one fight against all the bosses you have already faced in the game but only with the resources and weaponry that you should have had at that point in the game when you originally faced the boss. The higher you get the more money/collectibles you get. if you get much further you can get a shield (in gw2 maybe this could be a skin?) and other rewards. One of the side effects to this is that the only constant in this fight that you can bring is your sword and shield. Also if you take damage then you cannot heal for the next fight making this an amazing challenge in this game if you are to complete the full series of all bosses (i was never able to complete it)
- Now i hate to reference this game but they do have a system that works for this. Runescape (ow that hurt to type) has a place called the Dominion Tower. It’s all the boss fights in the game but every time you fight another boss you get a different negative effect placed on you. These negative effects add up and are not removed for the next boss fight. This could be anything from lower healing, to no consumables allowed, to being unable to use 2-handed weapons etc. This style of implementation works alongside the new fractal instabilities already, only it would stack them every boss fight to make it truly a challenge and more diverse than the fights you see these bosses elsewhere.
Some rewards could be:
- A progressive title that advances based on the most amount of bosses your team slayed in one run. Maybe the first tier of the title was idk… “Recruit Boss Slayer” and then tier 2 could be “Veteran Boss Slayer” etc etc. i know im bad at coming up with these names.
- A weekly bonus. I agree with Dark in that a weekly bonus would be more suitable as many groups could not group up on a daily basis and i would like this to be more of a challenge. If it were daily then it would have to be significantly easier. For what the reward was maybe if your team kills 5 bosses in a row you get 50s+xxx karma and if you kill 10 bosses in a row you get 2gold+xxxx karma and if you make it to 15 bosses you get 5gold+xxxx karma.
- Achievements Points (kind of goes with the titles)
- Skins for really high levels.
- Guild influence. This event/instance could easily become a guild event and could promote some awesome teamwork within guilds. Maybe make the instance scale with number of people and allow guilds to make parties larger than 5. This could be interesting.
This implementation would also add to the game similar to how fractals has. Fractals seems to have taken a history roll with the recent update as it now has the past living story content in it. I love this because as the game ages the fractals would grow in depth and have a history to it. This boss fight instance could do the same. Have it contain bosses of new and old. Could be interesting.
Now im not sure how hard this would be to implement but i cant imagine it to be too bad since the boss fights would come from within gw2 already. Although i thought that maybe some boss fights from gw1 could be added too like the lich or shiro or the lich+shiro fight, abbadon, etc etc. This would add something for players to reminisce about but it would also add lore to the game for players who haven’t played gw1.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
My idea of character progression in gw2 is that its way too simple as it is now.
We get to level 80 through events and story. But our story shows no repercussions in the world we experience outside so in my mind this isn’t character progression at all but simply a fun side story. to provide an example, in guild wars 1 as you went through the prophesies campaign you reached a point where you infused your armor. This then allowed you to fight in the ring of fire where the mursaat’s spectral agony would kill you otherwise. Whole areas were then opened up to you. The same can be said with the Domain of Anguish in the Nightfall campaign. your character had areas that he could only reach once that campaign had been completed.
Another reason i believe it is too simple is the skills. Now i understand that this has been a challenge with the implementation of skills that are linked to weaponry that you are equipping however it is simply not variable enough. If i am fighting another person in pvp and i see their weapon i know exactly what kind of skills they have. I want to be guessing what he’s going to throw at me, not knowing how the fight will happen before its even started.
To continue on the skill topic, elite skills aren’t variable enough. My Asuran guardian has 1 available elite when fighting under water. My human thief has 1 as well. In these instances or dilemma’s in gw1 you could choose to just NOT have an elite skill in place and replace it with a utility skill but we are denied that privilege here.
A similar topic is the healing skill system. I do support the recent healing skill patch as it has opened up many more viable builds for many classes. However what about the players who are teamed up, have a designated support class next to them, and their healing skill has a much lower marginal gain than it would be to have another utility skill. So although i believe the recent patch has had a beneficial effect in diversifying Solo builds, i believe we also need another patch that may focus on teamwork instead.
I want my character progression to matter in the real world. I want my character progression to help my team, my guild, my friends. As it is now it’s only a fun solo quest.
i cant even imagine a system similar to the Hall of Heros pvp in gw1 being implemented because their lacks a diversity of team setups. The combo field system isn’t even on most person’s minds. Blast finishers on fire fields are about the only thing people will utilize them for and this is usually limited to wvw zerging methods. What about improving on this system and making characters more aware of the benefits. Maybe add a training area or a tool tip option to display combo field benefits and combinations.
Diversity should be my character’s progression. Being able to increase my amount of available game play through progression and being able to be utilized in new situations.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
The thing I crave most as a guild roster manager is to see when someone last loged in or represented.
as temp solution I now made a rank of “Off Liner” and look at the location they were last if it says unknown big chance they at least not logged in from 27nov for that was the last update (this is not bullet proof, for being kicked or logged out on a instance sometimes sets it also to unknown) but I also send them a mail and gave them to respond or log in till Jan than I start kicking.
but I would so much like to see a better solution
I do the same thing with just a different name in my guild. The only issue is that i dont want to pester my officers to always be watching the roster nonstop to see when every person logs in. i agree. a better solution should be put in. seeing when someone last logged would fix it.
Seems all us guild leaders came up with the same temporary solution. its just frustrating.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
sorry but im known for this on my server. I preach against the zerker and dps guardians whole heartedly. i preach cleric or apothecary guardians. honestly the dps gain you get from a team i find to be greater overall because your team can stand and take any dmg they need to while dealing damage more and you are keeping the dmg off of them. ill give a FULL analysis of this argument and stand point if you whisper me in game. Man Slauterer. name is in signature and post.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
So i think its been said but not for a while. As a guild leader its hard to manage rosters with the repping and inactivity. I’d like to just request for some timers on characters to know when they last logged in. It’d be nice to know when they last repped the guild as well but i realize how hard this would be server side to track but the time since logged in should be at least implemented. One of the old features in gw1 was also having a record of who invited a character or promoted a character in the guild. I realize this is in the guild history but not for long, and it was always convenient to be able to hover over someones name and see this information. Another feature that was always handy was having the guild message broadcast in chat once when a person logs in. It made sure that the guild message got to the members rather than being on the members side to go and look at it. other guild management requests im sure would be posted below this by others. Any other’s opinions on this matter?
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
Guild halls should really be brought back. There’s hundreds of ways to implement this but i just want SOMETHING. i really miss guild halls in gw1 where we could just meet up and screw around without anyone judging us. I also want to put a MASSIVE chip in for Alliances. I cant tell you how many issues this would solve. It would allow mass groups like TTS to be easily organized. Smaller guilds could ally with larger guilds for guild missions. Heck just guilds for wvw could organize themselves easier. The community and sense of teamwork that is implemented cross guild with alliances is amazing and in no game have alliances not had these positive benefits. I think many of the requests for guild changes or more guild spots or even just the representation argument of who to represent and guild leaders and officers needing to badger people to gain influence would be solved if alliances were introduced again.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
100% agree with these ideas. Simple as that. simple quests and npc interactions with some rewards to pass the time. i love it.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
So i think my idea is pretty strait forward. Guilds are rewarded influence for events. Their rewarded influence for personal storys. Massive influence rewards for dungeoning together. Yet no influence is gained for Fractals runs, which are currently the higher scaling endgame content (in my eyes) more-so than dungeons. Just seems silly that guild aren’t rewarded for completing these high end and very difficult runs which are much longer, more diverse, and more challenging than the common dungeons and events. soooo yea, influence for fractals. makes sense to me.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
Crafting shouldn’t be necessary for any particular character to get gear. Sure, there need to be crafters who can SELL gear. But crafting ascended individually sucks for people who don’t like to craft and bought the game for wvw.
That would be like telling a crafter they need to do jumping puzzles to get materials or someone who PvE’s that they can only get good gear by winning tournaments.
Fact is, you should be able to get the best gear even if you never craft or deal with a crafter. Crafters just be a well deserved convenience.
I think you have some misunderstandings about the benefits of ascended weapons/armor. I just got my first ascended wand today. it has +3 to the stats from exotic. with 3 different stats im seing a whole +9 stat increase WOHOOOOO! im so OP now! wow! no. this gear is completely unnecessary so why get it? because it shows you put time and effort into it. crafting takes 1-2 hours total. Once your done then boom. your done. maybe spend 30 seconds crafting your daily crafts like mithrilium. Also you are HANDED the crafting materials in loot bags and drops in wvw. There’s no excuse to say that you dont have the materials or the ability to craft. The best way to get dragonite and the ascended materials is from wvw as is. so you are geting the easiest methods to obtain these items but then not exploiting them because you dont want to click a few crafting interface buttons. I’m sorry but this is absurd. It’s meant as a sign of progression and that you care about your character progression. its not even close to the jump in stats from rare to exotic. The total stat gain is going to be less than a food buff for a whole set of armor. Get off your soap box and go click your mouse a few extra times. Get over it.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crafting#Crafting_experience indicates not exotic items don’t give xp if your crating level is 40 higher than the required crafting level. Which means any rare below required level 410 (when at 450) won’t give xp when discovered. At least that is how I remember it working and always see/read works, unless very recently that changed. Which is why I’m confused.
Crafting items 40 levels higher than required doesn’t give experience for subsequent times crafting an item. Not necessarily that you don’t get a discovery bonus but you just don’t get the base item crafting experience. contact me in game if you want a very in depth explanation of how to level your crafting. Name and info is in the signature.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
Why are we being almost forced to craft in this game? Yeah u might one lucky ascended drop but it might still have the wrong stat combo in it. And now that ascended armors are coming (which require crafting too.), it starts to actually affect the gameplay with increased stats. I think none should be forced to craft to get the best items and there are ALOT of people who hate crafting from the bottoms of their hearts. Especially as a dedicated WvW player its really hard to acquire this gear (as i stated above no drop is not guaranteed way to get it.).
E: By forced crafting i mean its the only reliable way of getting it.
!!! im not heavy PvE player !!!
- original first post here, deleted it by mistake because i dont know how to forums.*
I’ve had this discussion with many WvW dedicated people. I’ll admit im a bit of a PVE primary so i do have some differing opinions but i think you need to see some points that you may not realize since you are a primary WvW player. First of all crafting is fast. yes i get it that you dont like crafting. i dislike it as well. However in wvw you obtain more high end t6 mats (the higher costing mats that we have to grind for) than any place i have found in pve after 4000 hours of play. 3000 of which are in pve. This is relevant because you have a higher amount of materials to get your crafting up. Just use them. also for getting from level 400-500 some of the ascended materials such as dragonite ore are more difficult to obtain in pve than in wvw. I have found myself wvw’ing more to obtain dragonite instead of waiting for boss events. I will acknowledge that the chance to get ascended gear as a drop has less opportunities in wvw as of now from rank-up chests compared to Fractals or Boss events like Tequattle. I will also acknowledge that crafting is one of the more menial and boring parts of this game-play. however i have only ever spent 1 hour at most geting a character from lvl 0-400 in any crafting. Using easily obtained guides cuts this time down. Statements like “i hate crafting, ill never craft they cant make me” is all i hear from players making this argument. To these players i state 1 hour and maybe some time after, isn’t a high tarriff for you to obtain the highest stat weaponry/soon-to-be-armor in the game.
On another note i would like you (or others with the same opinion) to make a counter SOLUTION or request on how to obtain this ascended weaponry/armor instead of by crafting. I dont believe making it a buy-able item is a good solution because then it doesn’t drive characters to have to work as divisively to obtain them as it does currently. Im interested to see your solutions.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
So in response to the living world i will give a brief summary of the issues it has shown me as a player and a lover of guild wars. I started playing guild wars 1 when i got it on my birthday over 9 years ago. i played and played, the updates always made the game better, although guild wars 1 was expansion based it was amazing. So all this build up, starts for guild wars 2 and the biggest promising thing of all comes up, the Living World aspect of the game. A part of the game where it would always be expanding and spreading the content of the game. Well sadly this is the very aspect that caused me to stop playing this april. 9 years of guild wars and i stopped because the living world is a grind, it i not permanent, i cannot play it at my leisure. I am now a college student and have multiple jobs in real life. I should be able to enjoy the new and exciting content of my favorite game without having to spend hours at a time doing menial tasks. The content added should be permanent or at least have a longer time span. Also the stories are getting really dry. Little testimonials and hints at a bigger picture and a bigger story of dragons or dredge invading or whatever are just getting annoying because they are only giving us hints at what we all want. We want dragons, new dungeons, more maps, more events. We want what we all loved about guild wars 1 back, we don’t want the billion currencies or tokens, the tiny achievement grinds, what we players want is the shear girth of content and dungeons and missions that we once had. What happened to the fun ideas of the game rather than the massive rewards and chests that i log in and get on a daily basis for no reason. Bring the guild wars i love back, expand the game, give me the content that had me waiting for years for, give me a dragon or a demigod to fight, more dungeons to explore with a guild, but don’t give me a mini dungeon that lasts a week or so and then is gone for eternity.
An ex-guild leader and lover
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
…to be honest, this is actually less hostile than the T7 threads I was in. ^^;
That’s because we’ve given up against these match-ups, and our last thread actually got deleted for excessive abuse and negativity
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
Everyone cried to have it and now that they have it they’re crying when they change it again they will cry…. welcome to the infinite q.q cycle
yup, no one should qq when this happens right?
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
This is during our no coverage hours. Wait till Omen rolls in. Then our monster called NNK + TFV come in.
Guess that means we have negative coverage
We just painted EB green. Maguma kiss your Garri good bye because we are bored as hell and you are all that stands between us and a 695 tick.
I’m sure you’ll take it eventually but not until we get our fill of badges.
I’d say 42 is pretty good for a short garrison defense and reclaiming NE tower. Good night, enjoy fortifying all of our stuff, it sounds super exciting!!
Have fun taking our garrison, oh wait….you can’t
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
So its reset night in wvw and my guild just used full guild buffs for Stonemist when we took it tonight, later after we claimed it (~2 hours) we lost stonemist, now i have 10 hours of guild buffs, all representing hard earned influence and a strong guild who wanted to support wvw. I go to claim the keep but some other guild has claimed it, not using a single buff, camps are claimed, towers are claimed, and only 2 of them have buffs bought.
There needs to be a way that i can tell what guild claimed this keep/tower/camp or something so that i can message them or something to tell them to get rid of the claim so that i can put these buffs and bonuses to good use.
Also in the instance that i DO find the owner of the keep, they couldn’t do anything without going to another borderlands or something and claiming a random camp. There needs to be a way to simply UNCLAIM a camp if you are in that guild or maybe a timer or something where if the guild doesn’t contribute to that plot of land it is automatically unclaimed.
If this guild flag in the screen shot is yours please message me, i have 8 hours left <,<
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
With the broodmother it just scaled, not sure why it took that long either but it did, higher numbers of people=higher scaling. And yes, champions in Orr should be our new Meta events instead of Claw or Tequatl
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
I’m a leader of a large guild and one of my long-standing things I’ve done with my guild is large groups of 40+ members going through orr doing the temple event chains or just all the events all over orr. Just the other day however, I take my group of guys/girls, very organized crew, none of them new to the game, to the temple of lyssa. We get the side events done in reasonable time, the events were fun, and then we get to the corrupted priestess. For the next 55 minutes we tried to kill her and her mob spawns until finally giving up. We couldn’t even get the boss under 1/2 health because she scaled so difficultly and the champions and veterans that spawned were instantly downing members so quickly that the average armor repair costs were over 18 silver per person. No one was left with armor unbroken.
Now I understand creating an event that is challenging and difficult, but i should be able to do an event, ONE EVENT, within an hour. Just because I have friends and guild members with me, these events should not be scaling so difficult that they are literally impossible to do. At least make it WORTH me doing an event for over an hour if this is truly the correct scaling mechanic that is intended.
On that note, i take my group to the temple of grenth, an not ONCE have we been able to complete the temple. Just the other day i saw the temple being cleared and quickly rushed there to ask how they did it. They said they used only 6 people and had no issue. Now this is not something that should be happening. A large meta event can be completed by 6 people, but the second i bring more than 10 people the event scales to the point of impossibility?
I’m noticing this scaling all over orr and maybe that’s just my preferred place to play, but this isn’t just the meta events. At Shelter’s Gate in Cursed shore we had 35 people there doing the defense event, and the champion wraith spawned and downed the whole group of people and was unable to be killed. Again, we gave up because it was futile to try to fight him. We couldn’t even get the wraith under 90% health because of his life steal. At Seachange Tidepools, in the Raakan skrit chain of events the risen broodmother champion that spawned, took 35 minutes to kill with a group of 41 players. I should be able to play with my friends, and my guildies, without having to waste our time for a mere 2 silver and maybe 300 karma.
This scaling system needs to be changed and fast, because I’m having a hard time even getting my guildies to go to events like this where we play together because its not worth their time. They can go kill Tequattle the Sunless in maybe 10-15 minutes and get a garenteed rare drop and large chest, why waste 35 minutes on one champion broodmother or over an hour of futile attempts at the temple of lyssa. This is unreasonable. I’m not even asking for rewards for this because my guys and girls simply like playing together and having some laughs. But when we can’t even do an event, one single side event, without wasting our time, then i have lost the reason to even host these guild events.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
(edited by Man Slauterer.5984)