Showing Posts For Matt.7413:
Kinda think thats the whole point, think its done for joke purposes
I would assume it is due to you being to far away or perhaps walking off to quickly after clicking the skill 4 and not waiting for the full cast of the hammer skill.
I’m still of the opinion that there should be a standardized set of rules across everything. We’re literally making up a new rule set for every single dungeon now.
This would mean that you couldn’t have a voting system, otherwise the argument would still come up as in what’s a breech of the rules and not, its quite easy for each person to interpret something differently. You would have to have one person who decides whether it is a violation otherwise (in my opinion) one set of rules just wouldn’t work, hence my previous comment. I didn’t mean it in a bitey way or an offensive way, was just a jokey comment, I apologise if it came across like that
Well 83% percent of people chose to keep the voting system, turns out we live in a democracy and not a dictatorship
Its cool – if you’ve not played in 6 months your hopes of soloing lupi were very slim anyways – mr >1000ap probably did you a favour
You’re all missing out major parts of the skips in arah though. When you skip in arah you are actually skipping out content, missing mobs etc. We didn’t skip any content, we just used a clever mechanic to speed up the NPCS, we’ve not hid the way we have done it. If you want us to run it again and not do this, we will lose 20 – 30 seconds of our time and still have the record.
We are a group of 4 friends who are looking for a fifth to join us in our conquest to taking on ESL Week 5v5 tournament and the go4 cup. Our current set up are as follows:
Aéyana [Ele]
Kíse [Thief]
Zellel [Ranger]
Obzedat [Guardian]
At this moment in time we are open to all classes. We will trial people in a duelling environment but then also in organised team play. All we ask is for your co-operation and have a good knowledge of your class and tactics. We do have an our own arena to practice in, so if you fancy it then just get in touch in game or leave a comment down below and i’ll get back to.
Matt x
I can’t remember AG being top potential point scorers at hardly any periods this week, so unless you were being double teamed 24/7 I would suggest the lack of coverage / lower morale / too much zerging when you have the numbers to hit multiple locations is more to blame than anything else. With a few more guilds joining AG hopefully you can get closer to our coverage and we can have some good tight future battles.
BB have had crazy numbers on most maps at most times, they have been the powerhouse this week and will deservedly win by a big margin.
AG have more power that what they show to us… But lose lots of points because they go all in a same blob.. If instead of have a zerg of 80 guys you make, 4 of 20 you will had lot’s of points and would be better fights for all of us.
I think AG is a great server, but need to think which is his best way to play, when they’ll find a good strategy they will be an awesome server…
You actually have great guilds like, TUP, FURY, KISS, UNTY (and some more) better organized you would be really more powerfull than now!
Anyways… We hope next week we (BB) will be on T3 downgrading RS guys (THEY DESERVE IT)…
For starters how you can sit there and accuse AG of blobbing is beyond me, you guys have been the worst for it this week. You occasionally find your roaming guilds, but half the time you find 80 people stud around 3 arrow carts on a wall. [we stream every night: – feel free to watch the videos back for evidence].
The main thing that lets AG down is the coverage, unfortunately our “pugs” are not as organised as the likes of yours, meaning you can rely on them to defend a map etc, we struggle to do that. Yeah we have some great guilds here, but a few great guilds unfortunately can’t cover it. Countless times [FURY] has run in to a 70+ man BB blob, sometimes we kill you, other times we get swallowed whole. But we deal with it, but how you can say we blob really is beyond me. You lost have your map yesterday because your ENTIRE SERVER was with us bay and Gandara were just strolling around capping everything. Then you lost your Bay, which i would like to add was 2 guilds [RDDT, FURY] not a blob.
Now i’ve said in a previous statement that servers blobs, I’m sure AG’s done it at points, I’m sure Gandara has done it, but i’m kitten sure BB does it. You guys have done well this week, really powered through and congrats for going up a tier, you do deserve it. What ever happened to AG this week I really hope we can pick ourselves up from it.
Really? I’m really missing the aurora glade i fought before dropping to T5…
For some reason everybody has resorted to this tactic of blobbing. I’m going to say this now btw, [FURY] do try out best to run as a guild, which will be around 25 – 30 people, we have been known to tell people to follow other commanders. But sometimes we find it unnecessary to run with a commander icon, therefor attracting people to the big blue thing!
All servers are turning in to “blobby” servers, its easy to sit here and type up saying that X server is doing this Y server is doing that. It happens because people want to win, or don’t know who else to follow. Me personally, I do miss the days where you use to bump into a group fo 25 and not get swallowed whole by 60+. But meh, just means we have to find ways to take you down.
I’m sorry i’ve not had chance to say this yet but – Thank you to [JDGE] for the guild vs guild on friday, was great fun. Again to anybody who would like an organised fight of equal numbers, please contact me in game and we shall organise something ^^
/salute from [FURY] – we’re coming for your bags!
to the 3 guardians of guild fury that killed me (alone) at near the end of jp: u’re rly cowards and unskilled.
Now i’m not saying what they did was right… but to called them unskilled is surely wrong, i mean they killed you right? If they were unskilled you would of made it? If you were better skilled you would of made it? Think about that?
Again – not saying what they did was right
Had some Great fights with [YAK] last night, /salute from the [FURY] guys! For others that accuse [FURY] of blobbing and just for a few highlights on monday – heres a video:
To XXX and Nemesyss – Grow up you baby!
Chill out brotha!
Look at the bright side of it, while being dead so often against us you’ve the privilege of watching the whole fight without being so focused trying to run away as usual, and all of this before Nemesys uploads a new video.
You can even rotate the camera to have your own personal director’s cut!
You’re still yet to face us nevermind kill us! Your leader won’t face us because we are a so called “blob”
Woah, when has [FURY] ever played 40+, Nem do you not ask for help people the other guilds don’t like you or because you don’t want it? Yeah i’m happy to say other guilds help us out form time to time, but again the video i sent you was equal numbers. Anyways this conversation bores me, night night.
I’m not QQing – if anything I’m QQing you won’t have us an organised fight. But again you say about this whole same number thing, what am i suppose to say to the rest of my guys, “really sorry guys, but i’m not going to let you run with us tonight”….
But you see Nem, i’m not gonna turn around to my guild and say “sorry guys, i’m afraid you can’t run with us because nem from xxx told me so….” This match up servers are running very blobby so more numbers are needed. And just because you don’t have close links with guilds are your server doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use them.
In a war if somebody offered to help would you say no? You can’t get more fair than a guild vs guild, yet you turn it down time after time…. So don’t complain about FURY and QQ that we just out number you, the offers there, the offer will always be there? But see I don’t think you will, because if you do and you lose? Then whats your excuse then? Is this why you turn them down? hmmmmm….
@Akkarrin – Absolutely nothing is wrong with it mate, it was never complaining what they do, more just to say “we got your number”
See the funny thing is… we have it on footage that we did, remember the one i sent you…. but you never got back to us.
If you are that good Nemesys, have us a guild vs guild, do it!
@Twinklefairy. We have a streaming of the first few ours after the reset in BB BL… you should have a look at the FURY+KISS blobs and the steaming towers with people defending. These numbers were out there, but after the patch they are clearer, as we can see all the names (and along with the tags, you got those impressive masses of red names)
Well i can assure you now you’re wrong. FURY actually started out in 2 groups last night because there was that many of us online so we decided to split off. KISS/FURY have great guild communication, we do not run around together nor do we “blob”. We’re simply there if the other one needs us, feel free to check your streams or even ours, we just flanked you at the start and that is only because you were a blob. 80+ people…. jeese. We eventually had to put both FURY groups back together to even have a chance! You even got 30 of your guys to chase one of our ele’s across the map…
Now again this week, an open invitation to anybody who would fancy a GvsG against [FURY]. Its simple, we just love fighting and want to improve, so if you fancy it, either pm me on here or in game!
See you on the battlefield!
To [DYE] – I have never experienced a BLOB like you, if you ever fancy a fight where we have equal numbers, then get in touch. But you are making it very boring on AG right now.
@Matt and FURY – lot of respect for you guys, even when heavily outnumbered, you guys are a tough nut to crack.
Lets hope they fix the lag issues in the upcoming patch so that the epic fights will continue
[FURY] will normally run around with around 25 – 30 guild members (with the occasional pug [commander icon] not done on purpose). But we will never back down from the fights, and you can always count if you do take us, we’re gonna take as many of you with us ^^
Not been the best weekend for AG – not had the coverage anywhere, not even in the evenings unfortunately. Guessing a few of our guys are still a bit disheartened after the same match up for 4 weeks.
FSP – you guys have much larger numbers compared to last time we face you. Yes you’re not afraid to come out of your towers but kitten do you run around in one big blob. Managed to get some good fights, but your numbers absorbed us.
Gandara – Great defense of your hills later on this evening, kitten you guys were on suicide missions! Unfortunately nothing came of it, but we didn’t leave empty handed, took your bay and Garrison of FSP where we then went to EB to help on SM but again met another large blob of FSP!
I hope FSP have the coverage they do over the week as they have over this weekend, because i can tell you now a lot changes in the week for AG and a lot of guilds become much more active!
On another note, was anybody suffering some major lag throughout WVW today, As a leader there is nothing worse when you’re trying to shout directions and co-ordinate your group when infact you have no idea where things are or whats happening. I know a few of our guild/other people on the server were having the same problem [no i’m not trying to make excuses].
Again in case everybody missed it the first time, [FURY] are looking for a guild vs guild this week, /w me for details.
Woah Woah Woah… XXX moved? To where and when?
Just logged off to a 500 point tick from AG… Hopefully there will be some more contest through the week! Shame to hear about Gandara, you were definitely up their with my favorite servers to fights, get some great fights out of you guys!
Farshiver, i absolutely loved fighting you guys last time we faced you, you guys arn’t afraid to get stuck in there, and don’t hide behind your walls! Again – shoutout to AOA, unfortunately some close knit team work with [KISS] widdled you down! But keep it up.
Now XXX – Where were you? We were making as much noise as possible to get you to come out and play, yet nothing…. We will be looking for you!
[Yak] – I hear you were interested in having a GvsG against us a while a go, if you still fancy this then get in touch either on here or in game and we can sort one out. Or to anybody else that fancy having a GvsG get in touch, be great to sort something out.
Let the battle commence, [FURY] are coming for your bags!
We use mumble, but it isn’t always clear where we are. And atm we’re also getting a lot of stick, we’re playing Gandara and apparently our skill sucks because we constantly out number the enemy because of the people following.
And believe me we do, we have tried everything with the randoms following, but beleive me, they’re having none of it
Dear Mr Arena Net,
I know this won’t happen over night, but what would be the chances of introducing a guild commander Icon. One that you can put on and only guild members will be able to see it. I am one of the WVW leaders for my guild. Before the latest patch we would usually use the cltrl+T which was okay i guess, but now with the new patch i often cull out losing this target and meaning it is hard for my guys to get a target on me. This means that we often get quite a few “Randoms” running with us, which can quite often give away some of our attacks, for example, I wills end 4 people forward to attack the gate and the next minute a random will appear and go attack as well giving orange cross swords, which is very very frustrating.
Now i know some people will say, why don’t you just flick commander icon on during in combat and flick it off when you’re not in combat. This is partly because well, hey i’m a little lazy and although only 2 clicks, i’d rather not have to do it every time we hit combat. The second reason is because it means my guild members can constantly see where i am on the map and in some cases, we start to cull out even when stud in our Spawn area.
PS – I know what happens when some of these posts are wrote about something, somebody will disagree then it will all kick off. I don’t want this hear please
Thank you
I love to meet XxX in the JP when I am alone. They jump you with three people and end up giving loot.
I just dont understand why they wont complain in the forum. I mean one entire REQ Guardian and only three XxX lemmings. This game truely is about numbers, cant argue with that, guys!Kudos to FURY and Dius, I like you guys. You dont brag and dont refuse to join a little trolly journey on the forums without bad feelings.
Even Dius’ emotes started to feel warm and friendly, like they are laughing with us. <3Hugs, kisses and butterflies to you all.
Cheers for that mate, we’re just hear to have fun, and i’m glad somebody realises its just a bit of friendly banter.
Hope to see you on your battle front, I’m afraid Riverside may see a lot of FURY this week.
Aeyana x
Some good fights tonight on AG and Riverside BL.
To XXX – I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other over the week, do have to say you guys always keep us on our feet. Really do enjoy the constant fights between Riverside and Gandara. Keep it up!
FURY are not elite and we do not specifically recruit or force our members to play builds. Yes we are a WVW based guild, but heck a lot of girls are on our server. We like to win, we all do, but that does not make us elite.
Aeyana x… come again? ‘a lot of girls play on our server’= not being elite? Or you can’t force girls to play well? Or you can’t recruit girls? What? What exactly do you mean by that?
Oh, Aeyana, Aeyana… :P You made me laugh!
ticks off another reason never to join FURY in WvW on AG :P
Sorry, can i just correct my self on this, i don’t know why i wrote “girls” as the word suppose to be used was “guilds”. Guess you can tell whats mainly on my mind… But i mean as in we have a heck of a lot of WVW guilds on our server, as in Unity/FURY/ KISS/NP to name a few. Now “tick off another resason never to join FURY in wvw on AG” i don’t really care if people don’t want to join, because the people i do care about is the people who do join, because i try to make WVW as fun as possible for them, we enjoy playing, thats all.
Again apologies to any girls i offended, i assure you now it was not meant to say that, my bad
Sorry D/D is overpowered, or staff is overpowered?
Brave to say D/D is just lame. Can i ask why you think. Personally i play both depending on what is needed, but i much prefer D/D for the mobility and just the jumping in and out of fights,.
Right, people on FS, let me start by saying absolutely loved fighting you guys tonight, the whole attack on bay etc, was amazing, really fun, I mean it’s what we all play for. Just a tip though, remember to check what wall you’re hitting with your trebs, unfortunately who ever was on 2 of your trebs, they were attacking an indestructible wall giving us time to regroup and call in for some reinforcements.
You guys are really putting up a good fight this week, and after reset I didn’t really think their would be much resistance but heck have you shown me otherwise. [Don’t take this is a wrong way] but with a bit more organisation, you guys could really go a long way.
Now i come to this:
People from all servers need to stop exaggerate the numbers of ppl involved in any fight, but its clear to all the ppl that [FURY] is the only guild with specific recruitment and team build/tactics in this matchup. That doesent mean they r strong individualy, right the oposite. They rely on the rendering issue, which is a preety big factor in fights like theese -> their stackup tactic which cannot be easyly counterd since all the aoe nerfs this game has been through, and the ppl just dont render when the fight starts. try organizing a tactic that requires some brain than act strong.
best regards, Alpha Bunny
You continually seem to abuse the tactics we use, but at the end of the day its war, we will do what we think is best to win our fights. BUT that is not using rendering to our advantage! Tonight we had 25 people in wvw, organised group, which veiled in to combat and DID NOT use rendering to our advantage. I lead the events my self, and i do never purposely do it (Choose to believe that or not). Now as for this whole “turtle” and AOE being nerf’d etc. We stack up to stack might and we stack up to put down water fields and blast. But you’re making it out that every time we see you guys we go in to this turtle formation and refuse to move from it… That is not the case, we move in to your group, and i call to move a way when players are going down and i believe we need a regroup, other than that we’re moving constantly. We use the Turtle for a defense of the lords room, but being massively outnumbered we didn’t have much choice. And the “try organising a tactic which requires a brain” is sorta of a insult to our commanders, which i don’t appreciate. Now FURY may not be the strongest individually, but we don’t have to be, because if one FURY member goes in to a fight, I can tell you now he will have the guild behind him to follow.
FURY are not elite and we do not specifically recruit or force our members to play builds. Yes we are a WVW based guild, but heck a lot of girls are on our server. We like to win, we all do, but that does not make us elite. Now i know a lot of FURY members have posted “banter” on this forum post, but believe me none of it is meant in an offensive way, we’re just messing with you guys. As said, we’re loving this match up and it has been one of my favorites for a week’s now.
Thanks again for the awsome fights guys, was indeed very fun.
Aeyana x
(edited by Matt.7413)
Come on Matt, you know very well that outside of siege (which ignores the 5 player aoe cap) a turtle like the one you guys are running can only be wiped by another, bigger turtle at the moment. Sorry if I seemed rather aggressive in some of my posts, but i really dislike the “everyone`s a scrub except us” attitude (maybe you do not have that attitude, but others who posted seem to).
The tactic i keep blabbering about is a rather common trend in the higher tiers, and i cannot say i`m a big fan of it. It`s not fun to fight against and probably the fun for those using it will vanish after a while.
I`m not telling you what tactics to use or not use, it is up to you guys, as long as your guild members are happy and you guys are having fun together, it probably means you`re doing something right.
I won plenty of fights and i probably lost even more, but even when losing, i sometimes founds myself saying “that was one hell of a fight, we lost, but it was kitten fun”. I can`t say the same after i find myself downed by invisible enemies that render after i`m downed (and yes, i have a good computer, so it`s not because of that).
I honestly wish you guys all the best, and hope we`ll have a lot of fun battles/skirmishes in the future, small or large scale.
Best regards.
I can honestly say this mate, we use the turtle at occasions, and you may think that it is culling that is screwing you over, but i can tell you now, every time we have hit you guys, it is a chain of 2 veils, I am one of the leaders for FURY, and it is something we execute everytime before entering a battle. Now as for the turtles, we use it more in a defensive way, but we only ever use it when we believe to be out numbered. Me personally, I have a very aggressive way of playing WVW, the stronger the attack the stronger the defense.
Yes we turtle through attacks, but if you watch closely we turtle to re-stack might, place down water fields and blast them. As you said their has been some absolutely awsome fights, and coming of the back of last week where it was rather humiliating for us, a week like this is what we needed, not the winning, but to the point where we have decent fights where sometimes we lose and sometimes we win. I know exactly where you’re coming from though, I mean we as Aurora Glade has been their. We all play this game for fun at the end of the day, and we all have our way of playing it, either as guilds or players.
You guys massively out number us, as proven tonight, where ever we go we you guys are there with massive numbers.
I actually thought you were serious until i read this. Maybe you got me wrong, I was talking about the numbers your server can bring in a map, not the numbers YOUR GUILD can bring.
My guild can bring like 3 people in wvw atm so whatever gvg you guys are dreaming about it`s probably not going to happen.
As for the rest of the stuff you guys posted is the same old defensive bs showing your inability or unwillingness to use anything else than what you are currently using.
Linking videos does not impress me at all, and i can say the same about the attitude of your guildmembers.
Tell you what, I’ll change the tactics of FURY when you wipe us, only seems fair does it not? And yes you do have the numbers to cover all the maps, so don’t give me that BS. We hardly have the numbers to cover all, as proven tonight. We hopped maps on numerous occasions, we just had the organisation to do it. Don’t come on here, saying that we only killed you because of culling, using that to our advantage. Its been a great match up so far, and you’re putting up a great resistance. Don’t ruin it.
PS – You say we use culling to our advantage. Everytime you see us, you run, so obviously you do see us coming from a distance!
“Have you ever played in a tier above this”…
Here’s our matchup evolution:
we started out in t1, till people “got tired of never winning and always being no2 in the t1” … >_<
I meant him personally not your server
So… that you admitting you were only T1 because of your numbers ? :p
Good FSP BL Bay defence there guys
Using the same questionable tactic over and over makes certain people wonder about how good your guild really is.
If it ain’t broke, dont fix it
If our same tactic works against you over and over again then maybe your tactics are broke……you know, adapt and overcome.
Before you come back with the culling abuse then know it effects both AG and GH as well as you. I also fear you may mistake culling for this……
Please, have the decency to not bs me with crap like that. It might work on a cursed shore farmer, but those of us that are in wvw each day have a pretty good idea what the problem is. And yes, it is broken, otherwise Anet wouldnt be working on a fix for it for God knows how long now.
What are you going to do when they fix it ? Ragequit ? Leave for another guild ?
As for you farming FSP and “leveling your alts” i know you`re trying to wave your kitten around here, showing us how those years of training in how to abuse culling and how to spam autoattack in a zerg paid off, but if you think about it a little, we all farm eachother all day long in wvw. It felt a bit special in the start, but now its just the norm.
But in the end, it`s just a game, let`s try to have our fun, no point in arguing and ruining eachother`s day.
The same old tactics? Do you care to fill me in on what these may just be? And as for culling issues, everybody QQ’s about them, we have to put up with it our selves, but we just get on with it. As for this problem, FURY usually run with around 25 – 30 people, and I can guarantee you that since I sort the parties out myself. Now i’ve never really experienced the problem with culling for that many numbers. You say we out number you on every map, d’fux? You guys massively out number us, as proven tonight, where ever we go we you guys are there with massive numbers. Just unlucky for you we have a quick response team. Now if you have a problem with our tactics and you believe you could beat us in a fair batle, then bring it. I’m happy to have an organised fight with you guys anytime you want. Whether that be 10, 15, 20 or 25 you name it, and we will quite happily have an organised GvsG with you. But for you to say that we use culling to our advantage. The only time we have greater numbers as run around as a kinda “zerg” are sunday nights as we do our open mic nights for the server. We’re an organised guilds with decent tactics, that is all.
Had some amazing fights tonight, one of the main triumphs being on Gandara’s boardalands with the capping of bay. We tried to push hills, but hell you guys had that place sieged heavily! Had some awsome skirmishes in lowlands as well, constant waves of riverside kept flooding in, unfortunately after 15 minutes of killing we had to push west to go help defend bay. Enjoying this tier a lot more than last week, open fights were great!
Now this is to XXX, if you read this, please /w me in game [Aeyana Philease], it would be cool to have maybe an organised GVG against you guys if we could set one up – from FURY
(edited by Matt.7413)
Some great fights last night on Miller’s BL, really enjoyed it. Had a great push though, probably the strongest AG reset we’ve had.
Just a quick question though, and not having a go, just curious if it was a glitch or a mesmer hiding. On the north west wall of garrison, at the corner of the left side (as you’re facing the keep) a mesmer seemed to get in on the cliff behind the wall, but it did seem that he glitched in by head butting the wall. It was about 3 in the morning when this happened, not saying it was done on purpose, just curious if this was the case?
Great fights though, enjoyed it