Showing Posts For Mauricio.1932:

Hunters pet

in PvP

Posted by: Mauricio.1932


Because they are two different pets, why would they share a health pool…?

You did not understand my point.

Hunters pet

in PvP

Posted by: Mauricio.1932


Why do engineers skills change when they swap kits? Why do your weapon skills and cooldowns change when you swap to a different weapon?

I didnĀ“t mean that! What I was asking was why the first pet I was damaging resets the health when he swaps twice.

Hunters pet

in PvP

Posted by: Mauricio.1932


Why does the hunter pet health pool reset when they swap the pet in combat???

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Mauricio.1932


These refinements are mandatory for a game that wants to be successful and anyone playing this game has felt how annoying it can be when something simple is badly designed. Thanks for bringing this up Julius.1094!

Looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Mauricio.1932


Hello mate, I am looking for a good guild with nice spirit. I think I fit your profile so I have added you in game and hope to see you soon enough. Hug mate!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mauricio.1932


I have been playing the game and I have to express my happiness for this mod, it looks simply beautiful and the combat seems much better then the current!