Showing Posts For Melfice.9251:

For a game that wasn't supposed to be about grinding...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Melfice.9251


GW2 on the other hand has grinds but primaraly for cosmetic/prestigue items.

You mean aside from the grind for lvl 80 exotic gear, which is pretty much mandatory to be competitive in wvw or useful in dungeons.

^ This

qft x 1000000000

Halloween Weapon Skins-Warning for the unaware

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Melfice.9251


they have to make money somehow.

as long as they dont put dungeons or events on the black lion trade, i think cosmetic stuff is really fair to the customer.

personally, I think they should have thrown the skins in the bltc directly. Sell them individually or sell the six pack. I am sure that a six pack for $50 would have been fine for many people. On top of that, that is roughly the equivilent to 1/3 of a year of subscription time in wow. Essentially three events a year with a “weapon skin pack” at $50 would pay for for an entire year of sub time in a sub based mmo.


in Halloween Event

Posted by: Melfice.9251


So have fun doing the things that don’t require grinding?

game is just one big grind all around, just sayin.

Halloween Weapon Skins-Warning for the unaware

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Melfice.9251


You told us nothing new. People have been saying “I opened $100 worth of chests and got nothing!” since last night. They are even putting it in their sigs now.

Right, I never said I did bring something new to the table. I claim only to have distilled the info down to a single post as to help folks who don’t want to read through 20 pages of banter.

(edited by Melfice.9251)

Halloween Weapon Skins-Warning for the unaware

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Melfice.9251


Is this the ONLY way to get the skins?

The skins that come out of the black lion chest are unique to black lion chest. They only come from black lion chest. However, they are not bound until used so they can be sold and bought on the TP. Like I suggest in my original post, if you really want the skin, the best way to to exchange gems for gold and buy it off of the TP.

Halloween Weapon Skins-Warning for the unaware

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Melfice.9251


This could have gone in any of the 20 threads currently running on this topic.

I am sure it could have! I am sure someone will appreciate the distilled information from all the other threads in lieu of wading through the back and forth banter that seems to be going on in the 20 other threads you speak of.

Halloween Weapon Skins-Warning for the unaware

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Melfice.9251


I know there are a myriad of interesting things done for the halloween event. I just thought I would warn anyone who is considering buy keys to open black lion chest.

You have a fair chance, just like anyone else, to get a weapon skin or shoulder skin out of a black lion chest. However, there are people who spent $100+ trying to get one and received nothing.

Let me break down a bit of math on some people who did spend $100:

800 gems per $10 = 8000 gems.
450 gems per 5 keys
8000 gems 17.7 packs of keys (5 keys per pack)
Round up to 18 packs (to account for returned keys from black lion chest)
18 packs x 5 keys = 90 key = 90 opened chest.

You can open 90 chest and not get a single halloween skin. To be fair and seem less bias, you will get 90 boosters and other assorted black lion stuff (mostly picks/axes/sickles I am assuming, but stuff none the less).

All in all, my advice would be to pass up on those chest, your better off trading $40 worth of gems for gold to buy the one skin you want off of the TP.

I leave you with this:

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Melfice.9251


I work a good job, I have some disposable income to throw around, last night I blew about 30 dollars on gems to open some 40 or so lockboxes. didnt get crap. so now youve basically killed any goodwill and potential future sales with me forever.

Lets play what if now. what if those 40 boxes yieldes 3 or 4 skins, even if a majorty of those skins I couldnt use immediately, id be very temped to bust out my credit card and keep making purchases of gems so I could get all the vanity items for each of my current and future toons. When all is said and done you would have had me for probably a bit over a hundred bucks easy.

A feeding frenzy like this from me every 3 months or so rounds out to about 400+ a year. Thats far better than 15 a month. Even better is if the skins were on sale on the gem store for around 10 bucks each. all the shoulder armors plus all the weapon skins and again, people would easily drop 100 bucks to unlock and purchase evrything. As is yeah, you suckered a few people with this nonsense but I doubt its gonna go over as well for your next event.


I would have gladly dropped 100+ dollars on this event if the initial chests I had open gave me even a hint of halloween weapon skins. Sad to say anet has shot themselves in the foot as it pertains to my future purchases. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Melfice.9251


GG anet.

I shall not be buying any more gimmick rng cash shop junk from you guys any more. This whole blc stunt really put a f2p korean mmo taste in my mouth. I did not think your company would go this route and I will not be recommending this game to anyone.

I hope this back fires and that so many people open enough chest that your booster sales go down for months.

I understand that this is a company with employees that need to be paid; however, a certain amount of care should be used in dealing with customers who are supporting the game past the box purchase. I take full responsibility for my actions obviously. I opened around 40 chest with nothing to show for it. Either way, I am sure you guys will find this type of gimmick unsustainable and change it next time around.

(edited by Melfice.9251)

42k karma spent worng.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Melfice.9251


What a horrible system. Without a confirm button, anyone can be a victim of a lag caused purchase and lose hours of work.

Worse, they have no way to restore karma? That seems a bit far fetched to me. If someone has their account compromised by a hacker and they buy a bunch of mats with karma, there is no way to fix that?

Well, I am completely unmotivated to play this game anymore. Just saw all my karma progress go down the drain. Guess this is the kind of customer support to expect from a game without a sub.

(edited by Melfice.9251)

42k karma spent worng.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Melfice.9251


I was sitting next to the arah gate karma vendor. I went to open the vendor and a lag spike caused me to accidentally purchase karma gear I could not even use. A heavy chest piece for my necromancer >.<

It took me awhile to save up that much karma and now its gone. Is there anything I can do? I sent an email question to support asking if they could refund my karma. Should I file a ticket too?

Feeling incredibly cheated

in Necromancer

Posted by: Melfice.9251


Before release, I looked forward to playing necromancer with so much anticipation. I was not too sure what to expect, but I kept an open mind.

I leveled my necro to 80, my only 80, through solo pve, story, and crafting. I had not a freaking clue to how bad this class was. I started to search on forums and post and saw I was not the only one who felt this way. I tried so many different builds it’s ridiculous. Support, condition, and power are all so weak in comparison to other classes. I have read hours and hours, tried strategy upon strategy. I can barely hold my own in any sort of pvp environment. Pve is even a pain. There is a skill point located in a maze in orr guarded by a veteran mob. I can manage to survive quite awhile with no issue; however, it takes awhile to clear the maze path to get to the skill point. By the time I kill all the mobs and fish heads on my way to the skill point, everything respawns and I am unable to spawn the skill point monster. I follow a warrior in the maze after several failed attempts and watch him “lol-100blades-lol” his way no problem.

Great! I understand our class is not a burst class. Can we have a freaking build that lets us kill stuff in a reasonable amount of time? that way when we are killing a group of monsters we just don’t keep dealing with respawn after respawn? It is a nightmare in orr and in any pvp environment. I feel worthless in a dungeon as I go in with a tank support build and guardian with a 2h is just tanking while I am there to debuff mobs and make dark combos.

I don’t know what great knowledge is there to be discovered about ds. It’s a second life bar with a set of skills. Dancing in and out of ds to maintain assorted buffs? Is that the big secret? Is it supposed to help us survive more? Ya know, for when you’re getting focused and it only buys you 2 more seconds at best in pvp? Cause I have really tried to do all sorts of things with ds and by far it does not provided me with some sort of mystical op-ness that Jon Peters seems to think there is.

I feel tired from this game already and it’s all thanks to this class. I don’t want to invest the time again to get two professions above 300 and to get another class to 80. I invested quite a bit into my necro just to be easily outdone in any category by any other class.

It seriously frustrates me to see and know what other classes can do. I watch my partner play guardian now. It baffles me how much easier to play and what kind of power another class can bring. This whole necro thing is really disappointing.

We need faster and more reliable capabilities. We need more mobility. WHat is the freaking point of having conditions if we can be out ran, if our gap closer can be easily dodged and our conditions easily removed.

I leveled an engineer for comparison and now I want to quit after seeing such a drastic difference. At level 40, the tool sets I have access, along with f1-f4 keys, make me feel like death shroud is one of the most failed concepts out of all the classes in this game. The only thing that death shroud could ever bring to the table that another class might not have is the second life bar. That is even questionable considering how fast the bar can drain under fire. We get a second life bar, great! We also lose access to all our other skills while in ds. Engineers can swap weapon sets and use f1-f4 keys without being forced to use only four skills.

I was really hoping to play this class, but it looks like I won’t be able to enjoy myself at all. I guess there is a reason you don’t see too many necromancers running around orr or in pvp.

Thanks for the opportunity to vent my frustrations.