Showing Posts For Methesda.5198:
The Strong Bandit Ward (of…) Shield is badly scaled and placed on my male charr. It actually passes through his arm twice.
Cheers guys,
Dynamite – we’re not coming down on you because you said you didn’t like the game.
We’re coming down on you because you are using a one-sided, flawed argument to convey your point.
dont. u. DARE. remove the downed state
nice. I know what you mean. It’s the worst thing in the world to finally… FINALLY find a game that you love, and have others coming in seemingly wanting to turn this game into a carbon copy of the mainstream.
It rewards zerg over skill. even if you could kill 3 vs 1 you never would be able to finish them all due to the downed state and how powerful it is.
Playing Guild Wars 1, I became acutely aware that ‘finishing’ someone in that game is actually rather difficult. I’d often watch the top matches, and see something like a LoL state of attrition. In other words, if even one of your team is dying within the first ten minutes of the game, you are in a really bad position.
Remember the kill count isn’t so important as point control here. The downed state prevent steam rolling and promotes map strategy over what you call ‘skill’ which makes me think of the cookie cutter builds and rotations, and rock-paper-scissors of things like warcraft.
(edited by Methesda.5198)
sPvP? First of all, it’s wholly imbalanced. I come from a long PvP balance. I know imbalance when I see it. There are only
Second of all, the prizes are inconsequential. What do I need with a box with random cosmetic gear? I can get the same gear in PvE.
Righto, so this is where you talk about sPVP in your post. The only bit, in a wall of text…
and… the first bit is unintelligible, and the second bit is about gear.
I stand by my first statement. I’m not insulting you… please don’t think that I’m calling you out. I’m saying that maybe the content you are desiring is not in this game. Perhaps this game is for different people than you, and what you want is a gear treadmill. That’s fine… hell, a whole nation of people game this way (so I hear). Just don’t cast aspersions on the quality of a game that isn’t a game that you like. It would be like a MMO reviewer being asked to review CoD.
Talking about ‘your friends’ as being the ‘MMO community’ isn’t just possibly maybe wrong…. it is definitevly cognitive bias, of the ‘in-group’ variety.
The only way such statements can be made is by independent review, of which players of this game are not.
You talk about ‘lack of content’, but all I see in your posts are comments about gear progression.
Perhaps you just aren’t interested in the other content. If so, farewell, and I hope you find a gear treadmill to your liking.
Ignore the responses of the disenters. Responses like:
“Ignore the opinions of those who dislike it, listen to me because I’m right”
Ignore the positive reviews, this game sucks.
See what I did there?
These people are self-entitled enough call out those who disagree with their whine-juggernaut threads, and then name-call and ridcule those who are positive without contributing any rational argument as to why you might be in error.
Perosnally I think no.
I like it, and I don’t really see this ‘bad behaviour’ that some are talking about. All I see is ‘TY’ typed in chat more than any other MMO I’ve seen.
Furthermore, I like the idea that I can have a close fight with something/someone and come out of downed, even if no-one is there, if I can just take that last 5% health off. It works for me.
I feel like the underlying reason people are asking for it to be removed is that people feel like they are being ‘hobbled’ when they are downed, and no-one really likes that, but I feel like that emotion is something that other games have bred in us. Like so many other things in this game, even for someone like myself who feels positive about it, I feel like some of the mixed feelings I have are because of the expectations I have; the stuff that I’m not used to.
The more and more I get over the pre-conceptions, the more I enjoy these features.
Yesterday I went toe to toe with a Skill challenger, and he downed me just as I got him to about 3%. I finished him of course, but it had me wondering for a while, and I commited to the fight, even though I thought I might lose. That made the finish more satisfying for me.
In PvP, I don’t really feel like it’s an issue, as I’ve seen many downed guys recover to causeme problems (isn’t that a good thing in competitive games?) because I haven’t been able to co-ordinate a finish (interupted), and it lengthens engagements.
If anything, the only thing I think the downed state might benefit from is a suicide button for pathological losers… ;-)
No I think that’s totally intentional.
I think it’s unfair to compare other crafting systems to Eve Onlines. I agree it blows every other crafting system out of the water, but that system plays are far more significant role within the overall structure of the game. In some ways, you could almost say that manufacturing in Eve is the whole game.
One of the things I like about the crafting system GW2 has is the clever use of 3 components to create ‘half-steps’ in crafting, without using more materials.
That is, the way you can use the rank one insiginias/emblems/etc to produce both 5-10 and 10-15 armor sets. By having this staggered system, you can produce twice as many level-grades of armour, without doubling the types of mats required. Very smart.
I would actually consider asking your friend to move to a lower pop server.
I remember reading that there is an overflow for the servers, that act like shards of the main server. If the server you are trying to get on is mostly full, you may find you never get to see your friend, as one or both of you is in the overflow.
Or, to coutner with Gilandred said, DON’T stick with it.
Go play something else for a couple of months then come back to it… but leave before you get too angry, otherwise you’ll never have the desire to come back.
As there is no subscription fee, there is no hard feelings, and of course, you will probably find that if you get on a hi pop server now, that server will have stabalised ina couple of months, and you can still meet people out there.
I myself, am still messing around in the 1-15 areas, at level 28!
It’s kinda fun if you think about it. It’s not nearly as predictable as aggro, but it’s not completely random either. You have to actually use seat of your pants judgement.
I don’t think the Wiki is completely wrong, but the idea that each mob treats all the factors that it discusses differently, kinda means anything could happen. The wiki’s information still gives you the avenues you should try.
(edited by Methesda.5198)
I don’t get it.
There is a WvWvW arena, with PvE content in it…
And people want to put PvP content in the PvE world, and remove the PvE content from the PvP place.
wtf? /sigh
Not even remotely! I am so bored with the 5 button combat that I am reinstalling SWTOR.
Yo, what game are you playing? By my count there are 12, with a switchable on 5.
GW2-For now Single Player Game with an option for Multiplayer, your opinion???
Posted by: Methesda.5198
So over the weekend, I found myself overlooking the Swamp in Queensdale, when another player rocked up next to me, and said Hi.
We grouped up, and I had fun with him for about 30 minutes, before he had to log.
True story.
What have you become, those of you that cannot co-operate and have fun with other human beings unless you are ‘forced’ to?
Thats a shame to hear.
Hell of a wall of text to say that, but w/e. Sorry you’ve had that experience, as it sounds that otherwise, you’d be one of those staying for the long haul.
I truly am sorry for those that don’t enjoy the game, as they seem to feel very btiter about it. I think it’s a little disingenious of you, Crunch, to suggest that this game has sold only on ‘hype’.
Personally, I’m looking forward to many more months of fun, as I’m currently having. I didn’t actually buy the game at launch as I didn’t think it would be what it said it was (piercing through the hyperbole), but now I’m in (for 3 weeks now), and have about 60 hours logged, I feel that I’ve only scratched the surface, and it has delievered on the parts of the marketing that interested me as a player.
It really does take all sorts I guess. My feeling is that the game will stabilise to a following of long-term players, and I hope that the predicted profit of that known quantity of the playerbase will help fuel more content.
(edited by Methesda.5198)
GW2-For now Single Player Game with an option for Multiplayer, your opinion???
Posted by: Methesda.5198
This is wrong. It’s not possible to play the group events without other players.
Love this game to bits. The game fits my lifestyle, and I am absolutely blown away by the idea that I can log in for 15 mintues, or 4 hours, and have a good time either way.
In terms of feel, my Warrior is the best warrior archetype I’ve ever played. In a game that professes to play without the holy Trinity, I’m so happy that I’ve finally found what I can say is the best feeling ‘Tank’ i’ve ever come across. I feel like the Hulk with a sword and board.
Very well worth it.
Well done Anet.
I think what the problem you guys are having isn’t what you think it is.
The camera points wherever you point it. If you end up point it at the ground a lot, then that’s nothing that the software can do anything about.
The thing is, you are probably only noticing it because of the very low Point Of View angle in this game. Instead of a standard 90-100 degrees, you are currently restricted to 65. This means that you will lose the horizon a lot more quickly whne pointed at the ground… not something that you’ll notice under normal circumstances.
That’s what I think it is anyway. I’m really hoping they add a POV slider at some point. The camera control hack that’s out there doesn’t work for me.
When my Charr runs normally (the all-fours running) in the snow in Wayfarer Hills, the resulting footprints are backwards.
Not a showstopper, but hey… it’s pretty silly.