Showing Posts For Methias.3521:


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Methias.3521


welp 3rd group and 3rd disconnect of FotM in a row. Looks like either something is wrong on my end or the servers are taking a dump. I guess I’ll check my end.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Methias.3521


Anyone else getting disconnects? Today is the first day I have dc’d in game since start and I have already DC’d twice in 2 different FotM groups -_-. Anyone else experiencing any sort of connection issues?

WvW Solo Vid

in Warrior

Posted by: Methias.3521


Food – Bowls of Curry Butternut Squash Soup +100 precision +10% crt dmg

Master Maintenance Oil – gain 6% power equal to your toughness , gain power to 4% of your vitality. (its currently bugged and gives + precision. )

for Sigils i run Hyrdomancy on my GS and Bloodlust on the rifle although i should probably switch it out, i usually don’t take the time to get the 25 stacks to effectively use it. i’ll update the op and add a spec link in abit.

The master maintenance oils are not in themselves bugged, it’s just the tooltip description is wrong, they are indeed supposed to be giving +precision. If you want food that actually gives +power instead then you want to be using Superior Sharpening Stones, they give the same amount of boosts based off of power and toughness just they boost power and not precision.

Warrior versus Thief in PVE

in Warrior

Posted by: Methias.3521


2/10 you aren’t even trying. Just stop.

Would You Do FotM If ...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Methias.3521


I sure would. It’s the only dungeon that feels fun while you do it because of mechanics (except for maybe swamp and giant statue stages, they are annoying). It’s also got a pretty decent rate of dropping stuff you can vendor and it’s an alternative to getting obsidian shards.

Shout builds and ascended armor

in Warrior

Posted by: Methias.3521


@OP: There is no ascended gear out to examine, we know VERY little about the gear that is being released no (2 rings and a back piece) other than the fact that the slots on them will be for some type of infusion.

The correct answer anyone should be giving you is “we don’t know, that gear isn’t out yet”.

Are Superior Runes Of Divinity Worth It?

in Warrior

Posted by: Methias.3521


Honestly if you are going full Berserker (Berseker waep, armor and trinkets) then it’s actually best just to slot the Ruby Orbs. I believe you get more crit damage from them and more power and precision. The only thing you miss out on is 60 of all the other stats.

IMO Divinity runes are better suited for Knight gear because the night gear mixes is damage and defense so these will compliment that gear very well. I say if I were you I wouldn’t dump 30g on that gear. Go with Ruby orbs, they are much cheaper.

Too many patches to even play the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Methias.3521


If your having trouble with these smaller updates then you will have to pretty much leave your computer on overnight downloading the patch on a larger patch. I guess you probably wouldn’t mind that if the updates didn’t come too often.

You are right though. There are a lot of people that do not have this problem anymore mainly due to the fact that prices for internet service are constantly getting cheaper. I know myself and a lot of friends have internet connections that are 30Mbps and a 200MB update takes a few seconds. Now I know not everyone can afford faster internet but the market is moving out on releasing products like this based around the average speed a person has and it shows that most people’s internet speeds are much higher than they used to be.

Logged on but no motivation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Methias.3521


HOLY HELLLL…… people seriously need to calm down. The gear hasn’t even been added (of which it will be only 2 rings and a back pack) and already you are saying “aww man my gear will be useless in 2 days anyway so why bother?”.

How about you guys just wait and see how they play things out? Oh wait I’m asking people on the internet to do something sensible, what’s wrong with me? Oh well I’ll continue to keep playing in my exotic and still keep killing bads (which there are A LOT of, seriously there are so many bads that play this game).

Using both sigil of corruption and bloodlust

in Warrior

Posted by: Methias.3521


You are correct in saying that only one type of stacking sigil works. They did this so that someone couldn’t just go an stack all different types of sigils and give all their stats a crazy boost. You have to pick one.

Hmmm... Warriors overlooked again, mostly.

in Warrior

Posted by: Methias.3521


I’m actually curious for those posting about problems with Fast Hands. Is it that it isn’t working at all or is it that it is only working sometimes?

You Guys Just Keep getting buffed on every patch huh

in Warrior

Posted by: Methias.3521


ummmmmmm…….. as far as I know this is the first patch where warriors even got touched AT ALL. Maybe I missed other patch notes but I am pretty sure this is the first set of Warrior changes since game release.

Glob of Ectoplasm??

in Crafting

Posted by: Methias.3521


Well I am really grateful that I did this but I saved all the Black Lion Salvage Kits that I had gotten from opening chests and from exploration (I saved up around 15 kits with 25 charges each) and I am currently sitting at 99 Globs of Ecto and that is AFTER I have crafted over 10+ Exotic Greatswords and other armor that use up 5 exctos per craft. If you want the best chance of getting an ecto you want to be using black lion kits but I know that is easier said than done as you don’t get those too often (again I got super lucky with my kits and just hoarded them when I did get them).

Edit: Forgot to add that I get just about 1 ecto per rare that I salvege (mind you that is the rate at which I get them, some times I will get 3 ectos from a rare and others I will not get an ecto at all).

So you hate fighting Mesmers?

in Warrior

Posted by: Methias.3521


OP never said anything about using Berserk buff and by the look of his build, probably doesn’t…..

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Methias.3521


Not another one of these threads. sigh The whole point of HB is to BURST the enemy down before they can react because while in the long term the damage may be lower than the other attacks it has great short term burst that is sometimes a surprise to deal with and can lead to a quick death.

There has been all sorts of math to show that HB is lower damage output in the long term and it’s actually true but that isn’t the point of the attack at all.

do we have a somewhat official bunker build like other professions?

in Warrior

Posted by: Methias.3521


I mean to add in last post, this bunker build won’t be quite as potent as guardian or other bunker build but it does work very well. The major issue with Warriors is that they are kind of in a weird middle ground so they don’t do any one particular thing well.

do we have a somewhat official bunker build like other professions?

in Warrior

Posted by: Methias.3521


Well about the most bunker-“y” build that I have been able to come up with is one a shout build with Soldier Runes for the armor.

Traits wise I have seen that 0/0/20/30/20 seems to work well and below are the skills traits I use:

Defense Tree:
Missile Deflection: This can be pretty hilarious when fighting a rifle warrior when they try to Kill Shot you. I ran into one 1v1 and he tried it, I deflected it back to him and he kitten near 1 shot himself, was luls. In general though it’s great because of so many of the ranged cripples and snares that get thrown at you if you are running away. I have sometimes thrown ranger nets back at them and rooted them with it, more luls.

Shield Master: gain 90 toughness while holding a shield. This was the best choice I could see that meshed with the build going this far into defense.

Tactics Tree:
Leg Specialist: The weapons in my build all have a cripple so adding an immobilize makes them that much better.

Lung Capacity: In a shout based build having them recharge 20% faster works wonders.

Vigorous Shouts: Shouts heal and with the soldier runes you also remove a condition making this probably one of the most synergistic combos I have ever seen in a build.

Discipline Tree:
Mighty Defenses: gaint might on blocking an attack, notice that this means for every time you see “Block” meaning if you were to block an attack like HB from another warrior and blocked the whole attack then you would gain 8 stacks of might. This is a godsend when fighting lol-steal thieves using lol-stolen whirling axe then lol-dagger storm. By the time I am finished blocking either of those attacks I am almost at 12 stacks of might just from that, not including other sources.

Inspiring Shouts: Getting adrenaline from shouts definitely helps since you will be using them so much.

The healing skill of choice, and is usually a no brainer in PvP or WvW, is mending for further condition removal. For shouts I go with shake it off (removes 2 conditions with soldier runes), For Great Justice for the Might and Fear Me (works great for holding points or going in a large group and fear bombing them to separate them). For elite skill I go with Signet of Rage for obvious reasons (all other elites are pretty much useless in PvP is why).

For weapons I go with Axe/Shield and Sword/Shield. In axe and sword I use superior sigis of battle because it works so well with the trait skill fast hands which makes weapon swaps happen 5 seconds faster and it builds 3 stacks of might on a switch (in total you can gain six stacks from doing this by switching often). In shield I go with sigil of bloodlust. You wont be getting a lot of individual kills but helping get kills builds stacks. For Jewels I use healing jewels to make shouts heal for more.

All in all this build is one that will make you stay alive longer and will also make you stronger the longer you are in a fight (building might via blocking, weapon swapping and self buffs. Not unusual to reach 25 stacks of might in this build).

One last thing, this is all assuming sPvP. In WvW you can actually use this build even more potently with a knight set and some food buffs. You can get a crit rate of 50% unbuffed and still have high toughness and vitality.

Champion Krait Witch

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Methias.3521


I am almost level 30. I go to the sylvari starting area level 10. There are a dozen downed players-all level 9. This was at launch and I am back there again today not doing any mentionable damage, but still getting 2 hit killed. This is stupidly overpowered especially for a starting area. In too deep over your head? Try to kite-no no no…pulled back in. Fix this now, or move it to a medium level area instead of a starting one. A starting area…really? By the way-2 hit killed on a defensive warrior at almost level 30.

You do know that when you go to lower level areas you are scaled down in level that areas level right? That means even though you are level 30 you are getting scaled back down to level 8 or 10 which would eexplain why y2k u are getting 2 shot. A boss like that was made in that area so that a large group of people in the same level range can fight it.

Help me like this game... =-(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Methias.3521


I really can’t say much here other than this may not be the game for you. This game was made to focus primarily on PvP and also focused on just the skill in the game. the gear is meant to give a slight boost but in the end is not meant to mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things.

In an effort to try to be most helpful I’ll list a response to each one of your points.

1. Classes: Well on this one I really can’t help you other than the fact that I think it’s nice that you really don’t have that many skills to use because you get to focus on other things like positioning and timing. I guess it’s just a system that either like or you don’t.

2. Loot: A big problem with past MMO’s was that there was too much that you got from gear in terms of power and stats and it made for some horrible balance issues. With this system you basically only have to worry about balancing the skills as the gear doesn’t mean much in the long run. It’s also really nice because you don’t really have to worry about grinding so much. If grinding gear is your thing then there won’t be much here for you to do.

3. Level scaling: I think in the end it’s nice that you don’t stay the same level in lower level areas. Like arenanet has stated it helps so that the game’s content isn’t over-trivialized and makes for a more enjoyable experience with friends. Also remember that you still get to use all of the skills you learned and get to use all of the max gear so you can actually still plow through a lot even at the low levels with some good gear it’s just you still have to be mindful as again the gear isn’t meant to give you a huge advantage.

5. WvW: I can’t say much here as I haven’t really done much of it. All I will say as that the game suffers in this area as there is a tremendous amount of lag in large fights and you get that zergy feeling that other PvP mmo’s can’t seem to shake.

6: Battlegrounds: I have actually always liked battlegrounds when they allow it for it to be in small groups and when it involves a lot of movement. In this game that is exactly what it is. You have to slightly large teams in each one but you can have each one split into small groups to either engage in skirmishes or capture points.

Overall this game will really cater to the person that is looking for quick access to PvP at a moments notice and don’t really have to worry about power creep from gear. It’s very skill and coordination intensive and can be much more fast paced than other MMo’s. It doesn’t focus too much on things like PvE and crafting but puts just enough in for the people that like it.