Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
Still waiting on Customer Support. #121025-001252
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
Because of the crazy storm headed towards me here in Washington D.C. im off work today…. but the only problem is, i Still haven’t gotten a response about my account being visibly Hacked and robbed by some random Chinese guy and then banned by the company (Anet) that is supposed to be standing up for me as a gamer…
Im sure whoever runs the servers can visibly see someone logging into someone else’s account repeatedly from sketchy ip addresses… but they ban me because they claim that i "Sold or assisted in selling GOLD? instead of issuing me a new password or something or even new user name all together…..
Anet is going around Shooting first and ask questions later….. :-( that’s how innocent ppl get hurt and it NEVER isolates the problem.. just makes things much worse….
Help me get my gamming on Anet,….I have a lil bit of faith left in Anet that says we can get this thing handled soon.. but from reading others posts and topics some have been hacked an banned going on 6 to 10 days now, with NO RESPONSE from Anet other than the 2 to 3 Lame automated messages, such as this one (Most recent i’ve recieved)
" Subject : Access Lost, Discussion Thread, Response Via Email from [GM] Luna @ 10/28/2012 03:05 PM, Message: Hello MIZERI, I am transferring your ticket to the Guild Wars Violations Appeals Team to further assist you. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible. Regards, [GM] Luna, Guild Wars Support Team……"
Yeahh….. ok….. righht… uhhhuuhh….what a Buncha bull!
Who’s dealing with a similar situation?
That attitude will get you nowhere.
At least you got a response, that’s better than most of us. The calmer about it you are, the more likely you are to get your account back. They simply wont deal with you if you just act angry. What this means for you is that they’ve passed it onto the people who deal with account ban appeals, so currently your ticket is in the hands of the people who unban accounts on a daily basis. You’re in the right hands.
Just stay calm and hope you’re in the right. Hope this helps a little.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
@Calico I know what you mean, but I’m trying to think positively about all this. I’ve done nothing wrong, so I’m sure I’ll get my account back.
@Mexay Cheers dude
My girlfriend went apekitten when she heard about all this (she knows I am right GWFanboy xD) and she plays herself but only with me. She crocheted me a Zojja doll for my birthday and everything xD She wanted to get a petition together on Facebook and all sorts of ludicrous stuff xD Was funny to be honest, she is a right gem when she is angry xD
Hahaha, that’s adorable, in a way.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
Grim, dude xD I’m not trying to cause you any offense here, I don’t think you look guilty, I don’t see you as a thug, and most importantly I don’t wear glasses.
Mexay, screenshot below. I’m on my mac at work but I use a desktop at home. Don’t log in from work, but did attempt to help ANet with bugs during mac beta.
Yep. Exactly the same as mine.
Whichever of us gets unbanned first should message the other via the forums to say what happened :P
You’ve been queued for longer than me, so it’ll probably be you :P
Let me know, yeah? xD
You’ll be the first to know, other than my housemates who will hear me screaming in joy… or rage.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
Grim, dude xD I’m not trying to cause you any offense here, I don’t think you look guilty, I don’t see you as a thug, and most importantly I don’t wear glasses.
Mexay, screenshot below. I’m on my mac at work but I use a desktop at home. Don’t log in from work, but did attempt to help ANet with bugs during mac beta.
Yep. Exactly the same as mine.
Whichever of us gets unbanned first should message the other via the forums to say what happened :P
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
I’m just saying Grim, I don’t think it helps to just rage. I mean, I was on another thread, and I think I may have found out why they think I’ve been real money trading. Through constructive discussion I may have worked out why I have been banned.
Being angry can go two ways for you. It can make you look angry, or it can make you look guilty. And looking guilty can’t be good, ya know?
If anything you’d want to flirt or sweet talk them. Calling them thieves or trying to lure them into retaliation to their claims isn’t gonna get a response. Or maybe it will. Just my two pence.
And Mexay, yeah, I’d like to know what they think I’ve done. Its the not knowing that is messing with me. Cos if I have kittened up, and lose my CE account, I can’t see myself wanting to reply the 2 months of gaming I’ve done. Its an awesome game, but working to what I’ve done so far all over again makes me feel a little ill.
For me it’s a DE and CE down the drain, as I most certainly wont be playing on my other account.
What message are you receiving when you try to log in?
Try going to the Chantry of Secrets.
Complete all of WvW
Make sure all your Exploration achievements are completed.
If that’s all done, post in the bugs section, you’ll probably get better help there.
Like it says, it’s a connection error. That means it has something to do with your internet connection. I’d suggest taking this to the tech support section of the forums, this isn’t necessarily an account issue.
Ok, 4 days now from my ticket: 121025-003179
I can’t understand why Anet don’t put top priority in this issue if is obvious a mistake.
So many people banned for the 1 copper spam mail.
Please keep in mind that we are all merely theorizing that this is the issue. We have no solid evidence to support it. Don’t get too carried away now.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
I’d like to at least know what I’m accused of…
In other news, ~2 hours till ArenaNet starts work. Maybe we’ll see a response by their time midday for those of us who’ve been waiting longer than 3 days.
That’s 5 hours away, by the way.
(edited by Mexay.4521)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
I apologize for the hyperbole. The one-copper thing has been going on for weeks and I’ve gotten dozens of the emails. But I play a few hours every day except during work days and perhaps more casual players are not exposed to the scammers as often.
I’ve seen theads about the issue, including posts from someone – I think Gaile Gray – that states that they know about this and do not ban for accepting a single coin.
However, I do not work for Arenanet and do not know the specific details of what is going on. I suspect that some of the people posting are not telling the entire truth about their situation, and are trying to confuse the issue by protesting false innocence. Others may have unintentionally engaged in behavior that led to the ban, such as using third party software that they successfully used with other MMOs and either think that Arenanet cannot detect the software or that it shouldn’t cause a problem.
Anyway, as frustrating as it is, Arenanet employees are not going to reverse a ban without a careful review of the situation because to do otherwise would only undermine ongoing efforts to control botting and cheating issues. And the sheer volume of bans that are beginning to take place will cause delays in this system.
I understand what you’re saying and whole heartedly agree, though there is of course many of us who have been wrongfully banned. Were it not the case, I honestly wouldn’t be wasting my time posting here, I’d be out getting drunk (woo!) and sleeping with beautiful women (haha, yeah right.)
But seriously though, ArenaNet did mess up the other week and I’m of the opinion that there was still something wrong with the system or someone has just been really lazy. It happens. The software goes through potentially hundreds and thousands of things per day and so do employees, what’s to say that the software or someone messes up or that it’s 5 o’clock and someone just wants to go home and they’re at the least 50 or so reports for the day and they just go “screw it” and ban them all, because that’s easier. It HAPPENS. I’m not exactly targeting any ArenaNet employee, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised. Maybe I was meant to only receive a 72 hour ban for getting mad at someone and insulting them (Don’t lie. You all do it) and they accidentally made it a permanent one? Maybe when people were talking about Reddit and I said “Reddit is rubbish” someone reported me and it so happened to be an angry redditor who was viewing it? Who knows?
I’m just saying mess ups happen, like in my case and assuming their innocence (innocent until proven guilty, I say) everyone else’s.
If anyone reading this gets there account unbanned or something, would you mind posting? I’d like to have some hope.
I’ve been going through all the things in my mind like that. What if I insulted someone, or swore, but then my error message tells me my account has been terminated because I have been real money trading. And the fact of it is, I haven’t. At all xD
Any abuse or harassment is a 72-hour ban.
And my message tells me nothing, just “lol. you bad. ty for money. lolololololololol” (not literally, but that’s how it feels)
If that’s what your message says then that’s what you’ve been banned for, not something else.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
I apologize for the hyperbole. The one-copper thing has been going on for weeks and I’ve gotten dozens of the emails. But I play a few hours every day except during work days and perhaps more casual players are not exposed to the scammers as often.
I’ve seen theads about the issue, including posts from someone – I think Gaile Gray – that states that they know about this and do not ban for accepting a single coin.
However, I do not work for Arenanet and do not know the specific details of what is going on. I suspect that some of the people posting are not telling the entire truth about their situation, and are trying to confuse the issue by protesting false innocence. Others may have unintentionally engaged in behavior that led to the ban, such as using third party software that they successfully used with other MMOs and either think that Arenanet cannot detect the software or that it shouldn’t cause a problem.
Anyway, as frustrating as it is, Arenanet employees are not going to reverse a ban without a careful review of the situation because to do otherwise would only undermine ongoing efforts to control botting and cheating issues. And the sheer volume of bans that are beginning to take place will cause delays in this system.
I understand what you’re saying and whole heartedly agree, though there is of course many of us who have been wrongfully banned. Were it not the case, I honestly wouldn’t be wasting my time posting here, I’d be out getting drunk (woo!) and sleeping with beautiful women (haha, yeah right.)
But seriously though, ArenaNet did mess up the other week and I’m of the opinion that there was still something wrong with the system or someone has just been really lazy. It happens. The software goes through potentially hundreds and thousands of things per day and so do employees, what’s to say that the software or someone messes up or that it’s 5 o’clock and someone just wants to go home and they’re at the least 50 or so reports for the day and they just go “screw it” and ban them all, because that’s easier. It HAPPENS. I’m not exactly targeting any ArenaNet employee, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised. Maybe I was meant to only receive a 72 hour ban for getting mad at someone and insulting them (Don’t lie. You all do it) and they accidentally made it a permanent one? Maybe when people were talking about Reddit and I said “Reddit is rubbish” someone reported me and it so happened to be an angry redditor who was viewing it? Who knows?
I’m just saying mess ups happen, like in my case and assuming their innocence (innocent until proven guilty, I say) everyone else’s.
If anyone reading this gets there account unbanned or something, would you mind posting? I’d like to have some hope.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
The “attach one copper” thing has been going on for weeks, it’s a trick to get you to read the email because you can’t delete an email with attachments.
It’s already a known issue and accepting a single copper will NOT get your account banned, everyone who has played the game for more than a few hours has gotten multiple emails like this and there is no wave of 500,000 account bans for accepting coppers from RMTs.
I have personally gotten dozens of emails like this over a number of weeks and simply accept the “gift” copper and report/delete the email. Nothing has happened to me as a result. Something else is going on, and posting this kind of thing doesn’t help it only spreads panic among people who are already confused and don’t know any better.
If there is something going on that caused your account to appear to have been doing something shady, collect all the info that proves ownership of the account, cooperate fully with the investigation, and eventually it will be sorted out. They have been banning bots by the thousands and many of the humans behind these accounts are flooding the system with protests of innocence to delay the system and hope that overworked and inattentive staff will reverse the bans without looking too closely at the issue.
Unfortunately because of this the occasional innocent who got caught up in the bans somehow will have to wait longer because those who were rightfully banned are clogging up the system.
As a general rule, do not ever have any kind of contact with bots or gold scammers. Do not follow the bots or engage in behavior that mimics them, do not reply to emails from scammers or go to their websites. Just report them and move on.
I was merely theorizing what might have triggered the account ban “flag”
It could be something else, perhaps replying to them and tell them to get kitten-catted.
Seriously though, seeing as ArenaNet wont tell us what’s going on, if I were to say “A visiting monkey was allowed to touch one of the computers and then he accidentally banned several accounts” it would be as likely as anything else. We simply don’t know.
Once I get my account back (which I will, knowing this has been a mistake), I will make a point of finding out how exactly this happened and I have the intention of letting others that are waiting know. Hopefully this kind of thing wont happen again.
Please don’t confuse game MECHANICS with LORE.
The only reason for the NIGHTMARE to be there is that they needed SOMETHING there.
Besides, maybe they are harvesting the NIGHTMARE and not the pale tree.
Also, Elder Dragons can not CREATE sentient, free willed life. The Pale Tree does. Elder Dragons are not apparently Sentient as such, the Pale Tree is.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
Have you finished Victory or Death?
If so, I’d highly recommend putting this thread in the Bug Reports section of the GW2 forums.
Currently, as I’m aware, you can’t change the account name, unfortunately.
Perhaps in the future we’ll have this, though I’m not ArenaNet, so I have no idea really.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
Could be what triggered it.
I’m assuming it works on a flag based system. Your account will be “flagged” for doing a certain thing. I.e. Attempting to open GW2.exe via something else or accepting any item from a compromised account. These would set up an Automation flag and a Gold Buying/Selling/Trading/RMT flag. My guess is that someone felt lazy one day and just clicked “ban” or whatever the equivalent is without actually looking at it.
So whether it’s 1c, 1g or 100g, it would flag your account for investigation. Who knows, maybe there was a bug and it didn’t send the correct information and it appeared as 1000000g? Though, based on what is STILL being advertised in game by Gold Sellers (funny that?) that would be ridiculous sums of money and I doubt that much even exists in game yet. Similarly, if the account is being flagged and it’s showing as 1c AND we’re being banned for it, that would be a ridiculously SMALL amount of money. (based on what is currently being said in LA that would be like .0015 cents)
Why are legitimate players being banned and yet gold sellers aren’t?
Just feel cheated. I don’t hack, or piss about with the game or third part stuff or anything. Yet here I am locked out of the game that I love. It’s just not right, ya know?
Either some jobsworth at support has just walloped me with the ban hammer without properly looking, in which case /rage, or the system is flawed and it hasn’t been admitted by ANet, whih is also pretty annoying.
And the lack of posts on this thread, and especially the 3 day review thread at the moment is just scary. People waiting 10 days?! I don’t think I’ll be able to wait that long before I have to write a strongly worded letter to ANet offices. Cos it’s just not write.
I totally agree with you and feel exactly the same. It’s understandable that mistakes and such happen, but it feels like we’re almost being ignored. Tomorrow will be my fifth day of waiting. The worst thing is that we wont receive compensation or any real form of apology.
I understand that some people here have actually done something wrong, but there are a fair amount of us that have been legitimately banned. They’ve said that there is 24/7/365 support, but I find that hard to believe. That or I’m being ignored.
I just want to play the game that I love, I haven’t done anything to warrant this treatment and nor have most people here. It’s disrespectful to customers.
If they had telephone support, this would have taken 5 – 10 minutes tops to sort out.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
The 1 copper thing? I think that is what has happened to me.
What annoys me is that ANet say they look at each and every case of permanent banning very closely, but if they are seeing people are getting tricked into taking a copper from the mail surely they wouldn’t ban them, but instead issue an announcement or warning via ingame mail about taking money from gold sellers?
It seems to me that they have an automated system in place where they find the seller on the hacked or own account, and anyone who has traded via ingame mail with them then gets banned which isn’t right.
I could have sworn I pressed return to sender on the mail with 1 copper, but now I’m paranoid that I didn’t…. I missed the bloody halloween event for 1 copper =( Not to mention the 120 quid spent on the collectors edition… I feel so cheated…Waiting since saturday morning for a ticket reply. Willing to wait for a full reply before I write a strongly worded letter. Oh yeah, I’m totally British.
Could be what triggered it.
I’m assuming it works on a flag based system. Your account will be “flagged” for doing a certain thing. I.e. Attempting to open GW2.exe via something else or accepting any item from a compromised account. These would set up an Automation flag and a Gold Buying/Selling/Trading/RMT flag. My guess is that someone felt lazy one day and just clicked “ban” or whatever the equivalent is without actually looking at it.
So whether it’s 1c, 1g or 100g, it would flag your account for investigation. Who knows, maybe there was a bug and it didn’t send the correct information and it appeared as 1000000g? Though, based on what is STILL being advertised in game by Gold Sellers (funny that?) that would be ridiculous sums of money and I doubt that much even exists in game yet. Similarly, if the account is being flagged and it’s showing as 1c AND we’re being banned for it, that would be a ridiculously SMALL amount of money. (based on what is currently being said in LA that would be like .0015 cents)
Why are legitimate players being banned and yet gold sellers aren’t?
Like Elis said, post in the thread above. There isn’t a great deal you can do other than that. I have no idea what’s taking so long, but I understand your frustration. I’ve had my account terminated for about 4 days now. All I can suggest is that you gather as much information together as you can that might be relevant to your case.
I’d also suggest you click the forum profile button and add your ticket number to your signature. It will save you having to post it every time you write here.
Assuming you’re innocent (which I’m sure many people here actually are), I wish you the best of luck in getting your account back.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
My suggestion is that you should submit your ticket to customer support. Obviously, it was a bad idea to be joking about it in the first place. If you actually put your account up, then it doesn’t matter. You were trying to sell it anyway and ArenaNet has a tendency to not have a sense of humour on these issues (and rightfully so).
But yeah, submit a ticket to customer support and wait like everyone else. Nothing much you can do. Best of luck to you.
Still waiting.
It’s now the 29th here, that’s four days.
I’ve missed act 2 AND the arrival of mad king thorn, because support is taking there sweet time. I understand you have a lot of tickets to go through, but I shouldn’t even be in this position. It’s a mistake on your end and you’re making the customer pay for it. That’s just silly.
Edit: I just submitted another ticket, because, hey… maybe I’ll get a response there.
[Incident: 121029-000573]?
I’m hoping that one of them gets answered by tonight. This is ridiculous. Especially when it’s apparently meant to take just 24 – 48 hours for a response.
(edited by Mexay.4521)
Today it is three days since I put in my support ticket. Today is actually my 18th birthday and I’d really like to find my account is released to me, but whatever, I’ll just get my drink on.
My ticket number is:
I’m pretty certain I’m going to get my account back, I seriously can’t think of anything ban-worthy that I’ve done. I just hate waiting. I understand that I’m in a queue and other people come first, but it would be good if that process could be sped up, seeing as the finale is in…. 11 hours.
Anyway, I guess this means I should go outside now…
…out…side… so scary
Update — Friday, 26 October
121025-001252 In Appeals Queue, awaiting review
This is greatly appreciated. At least I know it’s there and in a queue.
Thank you, Gaile. I look forward to complete my Master Carver title >:)
Yes… yes… cut and stab the pumpkins… yeeeees…..
It’s not quite 72 hours yet, but hey, I’m posting anyway, because chances are, I’m not going to get a response till AT LEAST Monday.
No idea what I’ve actually done. Permanently banned. I’m a legitimate player who’s purchased tonnes of gems, owns two accounts, senior officer in his guild, progressing towards my legendary. Never exploited, RMT’d or botted. My log-in message doesn’t state what I’m being accused of, it just says I’m banned. I strongly believe this is in error and have put all information I can possibly provide in my support ticket. It’s currently Saturday where I live and I was really looking forward to smashing out some dungeons this weekend.
I find it extremely inconvenient and frustrating that this happens right in the middle of Halloween. It’s extremely frustrating to see that a large amount of players are claiming that they are receiving no response and they have a similar issue. Something is clearly wrong with your system and it needs to be fixed.
With the amount of money I’ve spent on the game, do you REALLY think I would actually be stupid enough to break the EULA? I’ve never even had a temporary ban.
I find this whole situation ridiculous, coming from a company I once loved. I know I’m going to get my account back, I’m just frustrated that it’s taking so long.
I appreciate the update on 121019-001684, Gaile. Here’s our dilemma: he submitted this ticket through the “ask a question” page without being signed in to a support account, since it was giving him an error when he tried creating one using the e-mail originally associated with his gw2 account. Unless we’re missing something, we can’t find a way to update the ticket now. Should we attempt to create a new ticket while signed into a new support account (using a new e-mail address completely unassociated with his guild wars account) or is there a better way to approach this?
If you go to the “I forgot my password” section (I don’t recall exactly) of the support log-in, then you should be able to request your username get sent to the email address provided. I had to do this the other day.
It’ll send you an email and you can set up your account from there. Hope this helps
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
I’m expecting some sort of public statement. This is outrageous. I didn’t pay all that money to be banned and then half-ignored.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
I can understand ArenaNet making mistakes, it happens. What I don’t understand is their incredibly byzantine customer support process. The way they treat honest customers is beyond unprofessional.
It has been 5 days since I sent in my ticket and have never once recieved any response from them for this issue. Gaile did mention that my ticket is in some sort of queue in the 3 days and older thread. Other than that I have been totally ignored. It is very frustrating and has totally changed my opinion of ArenaNet.
I use to think ArenaNet was one of the few good gaming companies, that isn’t the case anymore.
It might be a good idea if they just reset all bans done over the past week.
It would fix all the problems and they can just revisit it all and if people continue to break the rules, then they get banned.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
My account got blocked, someone did change my password, contacted support telling them my account got blocked. After an hour i was able to login again, soj ust to be safe, i added a 30character password and the mobile authenticator, all well so far.
Next day when i try to login, i get the notification your account has been banned for gold selling etc etc…
Really Anet ? Really ?
Send a support ticket last night, got an update of Anet asking for my serial code etc, replied within minutes and now it has been about 12 hours since they replied. Frustrating beyond belief
Lucky. I haven’t even had a response and I’ve already provided that information
Maybe they’re investigating your case?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
Incident: 121025-001928
I’ve been following the development of GW2 since 2010, and even pre-purchased the game on faith that the development team would deliver, despite the lack of a launch date. But this fiasco is squandering all the goodwill it has earned from me.
Whatever process is in place needs to be looked at. It shouldn’t be a case of “only X percent are wrongly banned”. If we are only going to be a statistic, instead of a valued customer, then I will factor this heavily before supporting the company on faith alone in future.
So much this.
I can understand that maybe they’re having problems with software, but this should really be their top priority.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
I read this entire thread again.
I’m really glad that it’s not just me. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s awful that it’s happening, but at least we aren’t all alone and we now know that something is actually up.
I’d use the reply and quote functions, but they dissappeared,
Thank you, CC Charles, I very much so appreciate your response.
Beyonce, TexMod shouldn’t have triggered it, but I can agree that it MAY have triggered it.
Grim, I agree. Something is bugged with the system at the moment. If it’s just a problem with software, I probably wont be as annoyed, but if we’re actually talking about a person sitting at a desk then I’m going to be pretty annoyed. Though, again, were there slightly better support, it wouldn’t be so bad. I really hope your case gets sorted out soon. It’s not fair that you should have to wait so long. I’m hoping my case doesn’t take that long.
Maybe it has to do with me reply to gold seller mail telling them “Stop this kitten. You’re ruining the kittening game” because I did that several times, in fact, one day I received FOUR gold seller mails.
Funny that… I can receive four mails, yet I get banned?
I’ll be very surprised to see the reason behind this. Though, at least I can still post on the forums and ArenaNet should be credited for this. I’m taking some comfort that other people are having similar issues.
Edit: Just a note on that, I’ve never bought or sold gold. I hate gold sellers with a passion. It’s not legitimate business like some say. It’s really, really bad. I HIGHLY discourage anyone from purchasing gold, it will only encourage them and it can get your account compromised.
(edited by Mexay.4521)
Mexay, yep I posted in three days and waiting thread. Didn’t help.
That’s so bad.
It’s really disappointing to see that not only are they banning people permanently falsely, but they’re pretty much ignoring people too.
I get that sometimes there are mistakes and other times they might not be able to get to it right away, but it seems like this is happening a lot.
I really hope whoever is responsible for all these false bans gets a swift kick to the rear.
I’m in the exact same situation. Never been banned before, and have never have done anything in any game to warrant a ban or suspension.
Get ready for a long wait without any response or indication that they even care. It has been 5 days since my ban, 4 since I put in a ticket and I haven’t even received a response from these “professionals”.
ArenaNet makes good games but their customer support is by far the worst in the business. The whole situation has seriously degraded my respect for them.
ref no. 121021-001711
I sincerely hope that my ticket doesn’t take that long. I’m expecting a response tomorrow.
Have you posted in that thread for tickets which have taken longer than 3 days for a response?
I’d have to say, after this, I’m not recommending this game to anyone. I actually convinced maybe 5 or 6 people to buy Guild Wars 2. That’s about $300 worth of sales. It doesn’t seem like much, but given that the success of Guild Wars 2 has JUST been based on the community, you’d think their customer support would be THE MOST important aspect to them. Clearly not.
The last thing I did this morning was play my Charrdian and get his armoursmithing to max and get him to his level 19 story.
Why should Gw2 give you a reason when losing you is much better for their bottom line and overhead costs? Giving no reason is also effective in stopping gold buying and botting, since that breeds fear into everyone in the community to conform to every rule irregardless. I honestly don’t think Anet has any choice moving forward given the state things are in right now.
Because I paid kittening money to them for this and they banned me for no reason, you foolish troll.
Seriously? If Arenanet Permabanned you FOR NO REASON, would you be mad?
This is how your post comes across:
hahaha you had your account banned. That’s good for ArenaNet and it’s perfectly okay to ban people’s accounts without reason or evidence. Why don’t we just randomly select 50% of all accounts and ban them, because that’s better for their company?
Given that I’ve never bought gold or botted, EVER, ArenaNet no reason for an instant permanent ban.
I haven’t even had a 72 hour ban.
Should I get crappy support and have my GW2 account banned, I’ll definitely be expecting that all gem purchases be refunded, the price of my account be refunded AND my other account refunded. This is approximately $600. I’ve spent all that money because I WANT to support ArenaNet, but not if they are going to treat their customers like crap. I really, really hope that whoever opens my support ticket tomorrow is actually a decent person and sees the mistake.
I’m from Australia. Play on US servers.
Seriously, if I actually HAVE broken a rule or something, a 72 hour ban would actually make more sense, not this. Seriously? Permaban? I’ve never had a single 72 hour yet? I mean, to get permabanned you have to do something that is pretty kitten obvious that it’ll get you banned and I seriously have no idea what I’ve done. Whether it be abuse, exploitation or something else.
I don’t even have a bad character name and the only time I used a third party program was when I tried to use GW2 via Texmod, which didn’t work past log-in anyway. (GW1 players should remember TexMod. It was used for cartographer)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
We really need phone support. It’s so much easier.
Glad I’m not the only one.
I think there is probably a bug or some new guy in support doing a really, really, really bad job or trying really hard to get fired.
I mean, I haven’t done anything?
The last time I accessed my account was ~4am AEST 25/10/2012. I’m so confused.
Before anyone says anything, yes. I’ve contacted support, but there is no way in hell I’m leaving it just at that.
Today, upon logging in, I noticed my account had been permabanned.
I’ve never had a single ban before. Not even a 5 second ban. I’ve never exploited. I’ve never botted, I’ve never done a single thing that would warrant a permanent or temporary ban.
Has anyone else had this problem?
I was playing 14 hours ago. I was only crafting and doing personal story. What’s the go? Obviously I can still post in the forums so I’m assuming this is a bug?
I would REALLY like my account back, given the amount of money and time I’ve put into it.
Support Code:
(edited by Mexay.4521)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
My account has been terminated permanently for no reason?
I’m pretty confused as I really haven’t been doing much on my account. Just regular farming, couple dungeons, bit of crafting.
What’s the go?
Yes. I know. There is a thread on FPS, but let’s all be honest here, this topic is not going to get the attention it deserves if I post there.
So, after downloading the latest patch, my FPS was basically halved. Now, not just halved on the settings I was using, but when I drop my settings to best performance and take off shadows, I get 24fps.
Unlike yesterday or the day before, when I played and I was getting 28 – 50fps on High Medium graphics, no FXAA, No shadows, No reflection, Shaders and Textures on high.
If I try that today, I get 10fps.
Upon asking around, some people have similar problems.
before anyone with an amazing system comes along through shouting and screaming that they still have 7,000 FPS, please let me inform you that we do not care. Just because the issue is not present for you, does not mean it is a user error or that it isn’t present for others
YES I have the latest nVidia driver. I actually went from 306.0# to 306.79 after I saw the hit my framerate took. No difference was made. This is clearly at ArenaNet’s end and not my system’s end or nVidia’s end.
Basic system info:
i5 2.4ghz.
8gb DDR3 Ram.
If you are experiencing similar problems, please reply with some basic system information. (i.e. graphics card, proccessor, ram, etc.)
Again, this is only for people who can actually contribute something to the thread. If you’re FPS has DOUBLED or you’ve noticed an INCREASE, please feel free to post ALONG WITH your system info. Don’t just post nothing.
I actually think story titles would be nice, e.g.
Hero of Shaemor (or Racial title)
Warmaster (or Order title)
Commander (or something related to the pact)
Champion of Orr – I actually expected this one. “He DOES say, I GIVE YOU THE TITLE, CHAMPION OF ORR”
Other ideas:
Guild Loyalist – This would be rewarded for gaining over 25k influence for a single guild.
Master Trader – 100,000 items bought/sold on the trading post.
Environmentalist – Use 10,000 Environment Weapon skills.
Mystic – Use the mystic forge 1,000 times
Ferocious – Max out the Ferocity
Charming – Max out Charisma
Dignified – Max out Dignity
Master Salvager – 100,000 Salvages
All I can think of.
(edited by Mexay.4521)
1. This is an MMO. You’re going to get that.
2. Read the lore. It’s been stated MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNYYYY times by ArenaNet why the game is called Guild Wars and if it wasn’t a sequel, GW2 would probably not even have that in the title. Guild Battles would be nice, but the best you’re going to get is 8v8 in PvP or set up a tournament. We only ever had 8v8 in GW1.
3. Ask them. There isn’t really THAT many armour sets in the game and after a while it becomes pretty obvious what they’re wearing.
4. This would be nice and if you weren’t so ignorant you’d know ArenaNet is “considering” it.
5. This is kind of to prevent people hot-joining matches as an elite team of 8 and jsut stomping everyone. That kind of PvP is just meant to be for fun. The real deal is Tournaments.
6. No. No. No.
To your other suggestions:
-No. This allows for scamming, if they just lower the cut they take out from the AH it would be fine (15% total is just stupid. It should be 5% total. At least let me make money)
-Seriously? Go to WvW, it’s the exact same thing.
-I don’t know what that even is, but if you like it so much, go back to WoW
-However over their name when they’re online.
As a side note,
Don’t you EVER use the term “rustles my jimmies” again. It does NOT belong here, despite the fact that it was cancerously leaked from 4chan over to Reddit. Seriously, are you 12 or something? God kitten
I’ve posted this before and sent in numerous bug reports and it appears to be ignored, as I’ve been reporting this since BWE1. So… until it gets fixed I’ll keep posting, I guess and hope it gets fixed.
Within this post, you should be able to find EVERYTHING about WHY it’s happening and how it occurs and it seems like a simple fix coding-wise.
What happens:
1) You get downed.
2) You use Vengeance ( #3 Warrior Downed skill, kills you on expiration)
3) You lose ALL your health BEFORE Vengeance expires.
4) You die
5) Vengeance expires
6) You die, AGAIN
This results in an “Armour Break” happening TWICE in one death and if you use a way point, you will get there dead, UNLESS you WAIT for vengeance to expire post health-loss death, but you will still receive damaged armour.
Why this is happening:
I don’t know the exact code of the skill, but the mechanic and how the script functions is relatively obvious, so I’ll do my best.
Upon using Vengeance, the game runs a script that sets the player to “Alive” state, with a condition of something like “if Vengeance = true, player = alive” The vengeance runs on a timer of 15s and then should do a “if timer = 0, vengeance = false, script end”
This is not taking into account the Sweet Revenge trait, but that doesn’t appear to be the issue.
Now, this script is all well and good and functions fine, PROVIDING THE PLAYER DOES NOT DIE FROM HEALTH LOSS. This happens often in dungeons and should be expected, if you’re up with only, say… 15% health.
What SHOULD hapkitten (again, I don’t know how the code is written, so keep that in mind) that there is some form of “or” type statement or something, like
or if player = dead, script end.
This bug blocks progress. It costs money and time to repair armour and every extra repair is like 1.5s and that really starts to add up. The bug has probably cost me about 2g in total.
Again, my knowledge of coding is only very, very basic (I’m currently taking a course in Interactive Digital Media, it’s why I know anything at all) and I’ve probably got no clue what I’m talking about, but from the client end, it’s what appears to be happening and my (albeit, horrible) attempt and pseudo-code to explain it kind of gets the idea across.
I really hope this can be fixed with the next update and I hope that at some point someone can say “Yes, we’re aware of this”
Also, a note:
This is not player error. This is an actual bug and has been confirmed by at least 5 other warriors I’ve spoken to whilst grouping in Dungeons.
in Warrior
Posted by: Mexay.4521
But I… how can you…
Okay. Give me a moment. I need to get my head around this.
What you’re saying is, is that the Warrior is a bad class?
Bro, you’re doing it wrong.
I run Greatsword + Longbow. As stated above, the GS skills are because of something moving and they are also working on this.
The longbow is actually a very useful weapon. It has a MASSIVE Burning field. It has a big AoE hit. it has burning. It has blind (oh my god. The blind on it. So useful) and t has a 3/5 second imob. The greatsword is amazing in every way.
I run a ++power, + Vit + crit damage set. I can survive with about 5 mobs, given my 26k health. I also have an extremely high damage output. especially when I pop On My Mark along with my Signet of Rage. Looking at about a 9 – 14k 100b depending on how much vulnerability I’v got up from my auto attack.
There is plenty of good traits, but I can agree that there could be some improvements, especially at the 30 line. I don’t have 30 in a single line and my highest is 20 for the Sweet Revenge trait (extremely useful in a stressful situation and has been the difference between a wipe in Arah and surviving).
Our amount of CC is actually quite high. You have the Hammer. You have Stomp, Bolas, Bulls Charge, Kick, Throw Greatsword (extremely good if you add the 1 sec imob trait), all the other imob skills on different weapons. Just to name a few.
If you want survivability, I suggest Endure Pain. Despite the long CD, it’s very useful when Mending is on CD and you only have about 5k health left.
You also need to take a look at many of your minor traits. There is some really nice ones there.
You’re just playing your class wrong, bro.
Upon using Vengeance, if I lose all my health, I die twice.
As in, I waypoint and die. So my gear breaks twice.
Please fix this.
I can 100% confirm that this is not player error or a mistake. It has happened at least 30 times and probably cost me about 3g in repairs.
(edited by Mexay.4521)
It’s simple:
Res the DOWNED, leave the DEFEATED.
It takes 5 seconds to res someone who is DOWNED but longer to res the defeated. Really simple
I’m assuming you’re one of those people who skip cutscenes.
Did you not pay attention the whole “let’s weaken him and weaken him for like half the personal story”
Or the part where he gets shot with a lazer and half his body falls off?
What did you expect? Stabbing at his toes? It was LOGICAL for it to happen that way. It is, by far, an improvement on Abaddon. Did you even play GW1? Seriously, you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Hell, it’s better than WoW, where you stand around for an hour pressing the combination of: 12435618963198159 to kill a boss that is supposed to be the most powerful thing in the universe. Seriously dude, stop being entitled.
I’m pretty sure we deserve it, hell I would pay a monthly fee for it. I mean, after all, I’ve also bought:
Digital Deluxe
Collector’s Edition (200 AUD right there.)
Over 200 dollars in gems.
That’s almost 500 dollars -or- about 4 years worth of subs. Not to mention my GW1 collection.
…Runescape had Aussie servers and Runescape is awful.
I’m having the same problem as everyone else.
100% World Complete on map.
ALL Explorer things complete.
97% on BT,DT
97% on Medal
98% on character
Assuming it’s a bug.
This is actually a really good idea. I’m so tired of seeing Gold Spammers in LA on my server.
I make it my job to point and laugh at level 80 warriors with 5 signets.
No warrior should use more than 2.
Healing signet is rubbish, Dolyak signet SHOULD bee replaced by Balanced Stance.
Signet of Rage is fantastic and all warriors should use it or Warbanner.
the other 2 signets are okay, but shouldn’t be used together.
The reason for the signet build is because of the 40 precision for every unused signet. Personally, I think traiting in all crits is stupid. GW2 isn’t a normal MMO and you NEED survivability.
Personal, I use:
Full Valkyrie.
On My Mark/Stomp
Balanced Stance
Endure Pain (despite the CD, it’s a real life savour at times, especially when Mending is like 2 secs off being popped and I’m at 2k health)
Signet of Rage.
I go;
15 V
10 V
15 II
10 I
Ruby Amulet
Beserker’s Spineguard.
Emerald/Beryl Rings & Earrings. (1 of each)
Power: 2,015
Precision: 1,196
Toughness: 1,281
Vitality: 1,689.
Attack: 3,1115
Crit Chance: 17%
Armour: 2,492
Health: 26,102
Con Damange: 100 (don’t really use them)
Crit Damage: 75
Healing Power: 150
Also: using 6 runes of the wurm ( ++ Vitality, + Crit damage. 6: +% damage) and on my GS i use sigil of force.
I’m yet to get my Emerald Earring as the TP is down, so power, prec and tough should go up slightly.
It’s not even a good kitten build. Hell, mine isn’t that great and I tear through things.
Signet babies, as I call them, are pathetic. You don’t even need to crit a lot. A warrior should be able to survive a lot more. We have SO MUCH health and armour and we have heaps of damage. You don’t even need to bother with precision
tl;dr Signet Warriors Infuriate me.
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All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.