Showing Posts For Minevra.3270:

The death and feast of Mortt the Moa.

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Minevra.3270


Alas, poor Mortt! I knew him well.

He was delicious.

The New Cutscenes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Minevra.3270


Agreed! That was an impressive cut scene. <3 It had flair and personality and it was delightfully charming. You could tell that everyone who worked on it had fun.

Weapon Skin Ticket Chance

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Minevra.3270


I won’t lie, I’m also slightly disappointed that the drop for the tickets isn’t more generous, the jade skin are super attractive and would look very fetching on some of my alts. I consider myself fortunate to have gotten a ticket from a batch of 50 rich coffers I purchased the other day, I would have probably continued to purchase more of the rich coffers until I had each of the various skins I wanted, but since I only wanted them for my alts (who I really don’t play all that often) I decided against wasting my money, which works out better for me in the long run.

At least we are able to try to get tickets from regular coffers, and I’ve had no problem getting an abundance of those. I’ve yet to get a ticket from the regular coffers, however I have made quite a few silver selling extra candies. Once again, good for me in the long run.

I just wish I could sell off some of my extra fireworks. :/

Favorite Moa Race Bantering

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Minevra.3270


Meep fan after Meep loses third round in a row: “MEEP, YOU ARE DEAD TO ME!”
Meep fan when someone asked who they should vote on: “Meep all the way!”
Me: “I thought Meep was dead to you.”
Meep fan: “It’s a love hate relationship.”

Wintersday Griffon Plushie

in Wintersday

Posted by: Minevra.3270



It is just so chubby and fluffy and happy to see you. <3

Little survey about the new minipets.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Minevra.3270


- How easy/hard do you find it to get the new minis?
Too hard.
While I didn’t think it was hard to find the mystery presents, I did think it was nerve wracking to actually obtain the minis (both in game and from gem store).

I found, however, that it seemed like for every 10 chess I purchased I seemed to get at least 1 minipet. I would have appreciated the odds to be more generous, especially considering you needed additional minis to get the Foostive Quaggan.

- Are you satisfied with the given options to get the minipets?
I didn’t realize you could get them through the mystery boxes until after I had collected them all via the gem store. I think it was a good move to make it so you could get them both in game or from gem store. Once again if the odds were a little more in the players favor I’d have been a happier camper. It would have been pretty awesome if we could have gotten them in the regular present boxes or from gift exchange venders. I would have really loved it if I could have just purchased them in a 3 pack like I did with the Halloween minis.

- Have you bought/Will you buy any Mystery Boxes from the gemstore this Wintersday?
I’ve purchased quite a few. I bought enough to get a set of each mini and the required extras to make the Foostive Quaggan.

- Would you have bought the minipets from the gemstore if you were able to buy them? (No random drop from chest – You simply buy the minipet you want.)
I’m a minipet collector, it’s my favorite part of the game.

(edited by Minevra.3270)

Post your best halloween screenshots

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Minevra.3270


A few kinds were silently standing around one of the Haunted Doors that lead to the Mad King’s realm. Every once in awhile they’d run off for a bit, but they always return to stand like little creepers.

Made me think of Children of the Corn.

Watching everyone cast magic on the LA lion.


I was hunting down candy corn when stumbled upon a cave with a corn node, a copper node, AND a chest.

Sadly it was being guarded by this big bad boss. :c


Clocktower: Extended guide

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Minevra.3270


That was extremely informative! It was very helpful to see the parts that always stick me up in a lower and clearer view. Thank you!

Quaggan Pirate Plush?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Minevra.3270


I would absolutely love to have a Quaggan plush and mini pet, especially if they said “Quaggan’s a pirate, Arrrr!” every so often

Bitt & Bott ; Guild Wars 2 Comics

in Community Creations

Posted by: Minevra.3270


I am so like the first comic, except with ore. I will never be able to run through the ghost areas without imagining them yelling “WTS TOTEM AXE”

Ranger Pet Suggestions/Requests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minevra.3270


Oh a rockdog or icebrood wolf would be fantastic!

I would also absolutely love having a griffin as a pet, or if not a pet than at least as a mini.