Showing Posts For Mirkava.8526:
No man, this is not true
I loved this FA match up for many reasons.
this is the 1st time I see players working together so hard and collaborating so good, to save towers, camps and even sentries on home BL. the 1st time Ive seen players actually sieging and camping camps for Hours and hours.
I so enjoyed roaming facing those servers, because I had a lot of 1v1s, the thing u rarely see with big mindless blobby servers like BG.
our guilds were organised and worked together.
having a 13+ queu on EBG, or one of the BLs most of the time, is not little.
take into consideration a lot of players preparing and farming for the new exp. and many of them just care about having their PIPS bags done, and they leave.
It is pretty rough working on FA right now, the other servers are pretty much avoiding each other to attack us, seen it happen. They are seldom attacking each others though.
^^ This guy is just raging at the situation.
weird… FA is 2nd in their matchup right now. FA helped CD paper CD’s T3 bay just to take it off of HoD. (I know because I was there). Last night HoD helped fight CD so FA could take SMC… and so on. Lots of double teaming all around from what I can see. Lots of people in FA fighting us during the times that I’m online. We get pounded from both HoD and FA and of course pound them whenever we can.
Just don’t understand the comments… if FA was way down in points in this matchup then it would make sense… but they’re not..
I was one the one who requested to help CD to paper their T3 bay, and what we did is cuting the road for any enemy to enter bay from south and middle side, and we cheered for them at the end and left, 1st because i feel bad for CD in this match up (it wasnt that fair for them), 2nd because they are a friendly server, 3rd because we needed to paper bay, it was a big strategic obstacle for us.
(double teaming, as long as it is not communicated through chats, is fine for me, it is a sort of strategic decisions sometimes you have to use)
Good day
(edited by Mirkava.8526)
I am not a Pver, but i think axe/mace is what PS power warrior runs.
for Open world u can run whatever u want. i go GS/hammer, because hammer is so much fun. and sometimes i change to duel axes because the damage is so nice, if u have to be ranged rifle is surprisingly good.
(edited by Mirkava.8526)
most of the salty replies I got from newbies or unskilled players, this usually happens with players that can’t kill you alone, so whenever u get downed by an outnumbered group or zerg they release the rage lol.
but for me, i don’t really care about the salty stuff, i like the respectful ways ofc, but i don’t really mind those who laughs or /sit or jump or drop siege, i mean this is a game, and getting the enemy kittened is part of the fun, so I just smile -> wp -> and try again.
I got a lot of friends from different servers back when i was in EU and now in NA, though i found NA less salty than EU, probably more mature, or the average age is higher :P
good day
(edited by Mirkava.8526)
well yes, what was said above is annoying but that should of been lesson learnt with in a few mins. he is only there to troll, deal’s do dmg and is of no threat apart from contesting the wp, he gained an ordinance with your server by forcing them to log on thief just to kill him which btw. wasted even more time and should of just bitten your tong, let him have his trolling no 2 and get bored of it. ofc thats easyer said then done when fresher people log on to see a troll thief doing that and not realising his play
thats what we ended up doing, but it is really annoying to have a WP which u can’t use for 5 consecutive hours :P
A full soldier thief (Staff/SB), contested our EBG keep close to 5 hours, we managed in that time to kill him twice, he always came to the same spot, 5 hours to him having fun and getting pips while our keep was contested, so we don’t use our WP. we had to log our thieves and follow him and among many tries we managed to kill him those couple of times, and it was a waste of time. I stayed there just watching (7+ players) following him around trying to kill him, and always failing. He does no dmg, and can’t kill anyone, but our keep WP was useless for 5+ hours, now how is that fair?
no player, no matter how skilled he is, and no matter what class he uses can kill such thief, he always run away with tons of dodges and avoidance, and then come back to the same location within seconds.I think I know who that is.
He plagued our matchup for a few weeks. That seemed to be his full time job.
hehe, we used to have a Nomad warrior back in EU servers, and a lot of commanders used to donate gold for him, to spend that time contesting stuff. it seems yeah!! this thief full time job in NA server :P
A full soldier thief (Staff/SB), contested our EBG keep close to 5 hours, we managed in that time to kill him twice, he always came to the same spot, 5 hours to him having fun and getting pips while our keep was contested, so we don’t use our WP. we had to log our thieves and follow him and among many tries we managed to kill him those couple of times, and it was a waste of time. I stayed there just watching (7+ players) following him around trying to kill him, and always failing. He does no dmg, and can’t kill anyone, but our keep WP was useless for 5+ hours, now how is that fair?
no player, no matter how skilled he is, and no matter what class he uses can kill such thief, he always run away with tons of dodges and avoidance, and then come back to the same location within seconds.
Sun Lian.4075 … I just can’t believe that you didnt delete this topic yet … L2P, stop whining, go work and improve yourself in gw2, stop trolling and talking kitten, if you are that bad .. go pve
nowadays the best and main 3 classes in WvW zergs are guardians, revenants and necros, if you want to roam, you can choose any class you want. the good thing about necros is there are a lot of variety of builds you can play, it is a very powerful and essential class in wvw/pvp. i never played that build you linked from Meta battle, usually i dont like metabattle stuff, but as a start try some exotic gears before going and crafting ascended.
You can start as condi with the dire gear (condi dmg, +vitality, +toughness) or Marrauder for power necro (power, +precision, +vitality, +ferocity).
the dire gear gives a lot of sustain, and survivability for zerg run. what i run now is 5 trailblazers tier set, and 1 viper, rest is all viper (weapons, trinkets …etc)
but yeah Necro is one of the best and most fun classes in WvW
good luck
(edited by Mirkava.8526)
I still see lots of wars out in WvW that do just fine. Maybe its your tier?
I know they are doing fine, but what is the support the warrior give for a zerg other than a Battle standard, which has a stupid Cooldown timer. all the epi bomb including myself, search for the frontline warrior to land an easy and nice epi. the warrior does dmg?? ofcourse, but can u count how many classes are better and more usefull to a zerg than a warrior ?? mmmm every single class except thieves, which are better than a warrior in scouting .. so for a zerg the warrior is the least needed. and if u read well .. I said that if u wanna enjoy warrior in WvW you’d better Roam, so i know ppl are doing acceptable in roaming. But warrior should always be the best frontliner, I mean he is a warrior ffs!!! i dont why Anet ruined this class totally.
warriors … fix warriors
yeah, So technically we can say, Warrior is the most Useless class in every part of the game so far, and that pvp buffs for warrior lately are ridiculously stupid …
so my warrior is sleeping atm, i dont touch it … necro for WvW, ranger for pve. thats it, no pvp.
I don’t know how early or late, I don’t know how much i am right to say that, I am not the best warrior player, and I don’t even consider myself pro, but Anet Pls do something to warriors … It is really sad that I can’t play my main … lets check the warrior in the main parts of the game nowadays :
- in RAIDS the warrior dps -whether condi or power- is not the best, and a lot of classes are more useful than him, a raid only needs 1 warrior, pref. PS condi with 2 banners to drop, and that’s his Job, else, no one will ever call for a warrior in a raid.
-in WVW (the part i like the most) and since the patch, you are lucky if u see like 2 warriors in a 50+ men zerg, most of the classes are more useful than a warrior in a zerg, except for thieves ofc. and I’m sure if someone created somehow a frontline thief build (:P) i wont be surprised if it might be better than a warrior. Most of the epi bombs search for the warrior. so if u wanna play warrior, u’d better roam, and if u don’t like roaming too bad …
- PVP is the only area where the warrior is still acceptable, though it is not one of the best atm.
the worst is I still see some noobs whining that the warrior is overpowered !!! those who don’t know how to dodge.
It was already bad last 2 seasons, is there really nobody out there that’s like.. hey maybe it’s not such a good idea to have a class with a TON of cc and burst damage to be almost impossible to take down?
Just why.. the endless supply of resistance boon, dmg nullify, burst condi dmg, burst normal dmg.. doesn’t matter what you build, anything goes really.
I can’t imagine somebody being like hey why not ALL of these things?!
are u kittening serious !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! delete the game … just delete it
I was an EU Desolation player, Joined more than 1 guild, since the beginning of Gw2, and this year I moved to NA because I actually moved to north america. playing on both servers I realized 2 things:
-Yes, in general EU players are more skilled and more dedicated than NA players in every game mode pvp/pve/wvw (there are exceptions of course)
-NA in general has a better community, a bit more mature, and Definitely more Friendly. (taking into consideration that Canadians are the nicest ppl on the planet :P)
Good day
And for those players who are saying, WvW is easy, just follow the Zerg and press 1, and get your reward in the end, NO. if it wasnt for those skilled guilds dedicated to WvW with the right Builds, Gears and skills, Leading You guys!, a decent group, with half of the amount of players you have, will wipe you ass all day long, over and over again. let the WvWers leave the game mode for one day only, and see what will happen to you.
Just Learn this game mode, Gear up for it, follow and listen, and have fun, if you dont like wvw, just stick to pve, WE are happy and Proud of it, the way it is. No one is obliged to play a game mode who dislike just to get a fancy gear.
Though I do hope some Pvers will like wvw and stick around even after the event is over.Well I am a wvwer and a Spvp and a pver, (ive participated in all wvw tournaments, gotten legend in spvp 2x’s and crafted 6 legendaries, without using credit cards) and the requirement for this armor is far beyond anything else in the game except for 30k achievement weapons. You could get any piece of armor or legendaries easier then you can get this set of ascended armor (and I would rather do that. I would rather craft 6 legendaries or get legend in 4 seperate pvp tournaments then grind 2k ranks in pvd, wvw). I have been playing since launch with over 6k hours and played gw1 since launch with GWAMM title, so please stop lumping everyone who dislikes this in the carebear “pve category.” The fact that getting this armor is so unreasonable for a person who has played wvw on and off for the past 5 years makes me think the game is going in the direction of korean grindfest mmo’s. I now feel like I want to quit the game entirely and uninstall it. So i guess if that’s what this was intending, and the community is fine with losing players like me, then there it is.
You said it, you played pve,spvp, and wvw, so it was just a part of the game for you like any other, do you know how many players log on, press B, join a borderland and thats gw2 for them, they do some pve stuff just to get better gear and weapons and thats it. do you know how many players dont even care about the legendary raid armor because they only enjoy wvw, and they have been loyal for years to this game mode? leading and working hard for their guild/server? dont they deserve something unique?
why everyone is so stressing out on this gear!! how it is fair when you work hard for years to get to platinum and diamond, then someone comes and get the same thing u have in 5 or 6 months? this Tier is made for those players only, so if u do raids and pve and pvp, this is not your gear my friend, you can get the legendary which is even better.
Good day
(edited by Mirkava.8526)
And for those players who are saying, WvW is easy, just follow the Zerg and press 1, and get your reward in the end, NO. if it wasnt for those skilled guilds dedicated to WvW with the right Builds, Gears and skills, Leading You guys!, a decent group, with half of the amount of players you have, will wipe you ass all day long, over and over again. let the WvWers leave the game mode for one day only, and see what will happen to you.
Just Learn this game mode, Gear up for it, follow and listen, and have fun, if you dont like wvw, just stick to pve, WE are happy and Proud of it, the way it is. No one is obliged to play a game mode who dislike just to get a fancy gear.
Though I do hope some Pvers will like wvw and stick around even after the event is over.
(edited by Mirkava.8526)
How is this not fair, we Wvwers work hard for years and rank up, and 1 pver comes in couple of days and gets the same gear as everyone else?! it should be higher, for Platinum and up, let the old experienced players look a bit different with that t3, and you guys still have 2 more tiers that u can get. I really wish they did a tier for every part, from Bronze to Diamond, change in colors and effects or even the look of it.
1 day is hyperbole. It will take years to hit that and I don’t think its healthy game design to add ANY rewards that require years to accomplish. None of us know what stage in our life we will be in within the next year or two. Many players who are currently hardcore may have jobs, kids, and life activities that cause them to quit the game. Goals that take years to accomplish are a big deal. People will put more effort into this armor than many people put into getting their bachelors degree…. How is that good for a game? Make the rewards take 4-6 months for average players to attain and maybe 3-5 weeks for hardcore players. That’s a great balance that would award the hardcore players while still giving a reasonable goal to the average player who is excited about the game mode due to new cool rewards.
What I am trying to say, is that it is nice to give those ppl that worked hard for years something unique and special, not like everyone else, thats why they made 3 different tiers.
Simply, if u are not a hardcore WvWer you shouldnt get that Gear in a year, you have 2 more tiers you can get. and pls, dont compare Gw2 to wow.
2k is too low for a t3 gear, they should have made it platinum and up only
How is this not fair, we Wvwers work hard for years and rank up, and 1 pver comes in couple of days and gets the same gear as everyone else?! it should be higher, for Platinum and up, let the old experienced players look a bit different with that t3, and you guys still have 2 more tiers that u can get. I really wish they did a tier for every part, from Bronze to Diamond, change in colors and effects or even the look of it.
ok .. so Anet wants us to go raid to get the legendary gear, fine, though we hate pve and we hate raiding and find it boring compared to www and pvp, also fine. but why we have to clear the raid so many times to get those tokens, doing same scenario same tactics same people same boring stuff to craft one legendary item. For the ppl who don’t like raiding we should clear the raid once, get the tokens needed, and farm the rest of the items needed to create the legendary amor the way we like, pvp or wvw or fractals. Do we have to waste hours and hours every week playing a mode we don’t like over and over to create a gear!! it is like, go raid or play a different game.
Ahh oke xd
I think the reason why people dont reply on it is cause almost all warriors using that roaming build for the last 6 months, so for most people its old. And the new people hardly check forums
that’s so true, i quit the game for over 2 years, and came back and had the same trouble hehe, when i figured it out, i thought posting it might help, but u are right, only few check the forums
Looks fine, though you’d want Greatsword for zerging over Sw/Sh because Arc Divider is freaking broken and hits 10k on backliners on a 3s CD. You also want either Draining or Absorption over Hydromancy on your hammer.
The Defense Grandmaster trait should be Cleansing Ire, absolutely. The condi cleanse and adrenaline generation from Cleansing Ire is just too good, and in Berserk Mode you can remove 6 condis every 5s just from that (and otherwise still 3-4 every 5s) by using weapon swap to generate adrenaline to spam bursts. Rousing Resilience is a decent choice when roaming, against power builds, but it’s meh in zerging.
Also, Destruction of the Empowered over Brawler’s Recovery. Always. Esp. if you take Cleansing Ire, there’s all your cleanse and you don’t need that minor bit. With DotE, you can literally cut through a boonstacked frontline as if it had no protection at all.
Marauder+Durablity with Zerker Trinkets is fairly nice, yup. I personally run Scrapper over Durability, and it’s a more stat-efficient but selfish option.
the scrapper seems nice, im gonna try that, you are totally right about the talents, im addressing new players in WvW, a sword/shield defense and movement are helpful for their survivabilty in case they messed up :P, but you are right again about the dmg with 3s CD.
thanks a lot for your reply
I was sarcastic. Cause I know you didnt maked the build.
Please dont feel genius with builds that you didnt maked.
It looks weird.
no **** ! you were sarcastic really ?? as if i didn’t know … ofcourse i didn’t make the build “show me where i said i created this build ?”, a lot of warriors are playing the build now, anyway for warriors there are not many builds you can use, you can count them on one hand. the idea was just of using the same gear and runes to do anything in WvW, for the new players starting to play, not for old players already skilled, the forums here are to discuss stuff, and help other players, isn’t it??
anyway, thanks for you reply, even though it was sarcastic, at least u check and read, unlike others.
good day
(edited by Mirkava.8526)
Woooow that second build!
I didnt knew that those traitlines work so well!
You are the best theory crafter ever!
How long did you theory craft before you got the build?
You are such a genius!
now you know
GVG 10v, 15v, 20v, are not going to take off unless there’s a ranking system to go with it. If you’re doing it just for the hell of it, the OS arena is still around. A lot of hardcore gvg guilds have already left the game anyways.
it is a fair 20v20 or 10v10 fight, guild members can experience their builds, and how they should run, the battleground wont affect the actual WvW since the fight has a time limit, and the guild can fight with one other guild once a week,
instead it will boost the normal WvW
since players will be more skilled and experienced
and it might attract PvPers or even PvErs for the rewards and the fun of it.
that will remove the idea of GvGing in wvw
we start seeing more big blobs fun
more commanders training
and i think it might revive the WvW.I don’t quite get this train of thought.
You basically want gvg guilds to move to a private battleground to do battles.Then you think players will be more skilled and experienced from this(gvg or pugs?), gvg fight players usually are more skilled than the average pug player anyways, pugs won’t be trained unless they are smart enough to train themselves from experience like the good roamers, or get on ts and train with a guild. Not like this hasn’t already been happening from day one anyways.
Spvp and pve players will not really be attracted to this for the reward unless it’s a legendary, because of what they would need to do in order to achieve that reward, join a gvg guild which will be strict on the levels of raids in order to win. Hard enough just trying to get pve players to try regular wvw in general, now you want to place them with the more hardcore wvw players?.
Memo on blobs, a lot of organized players are not looking for that these days, it’s why t1 is in the crisis it’s in right now, most of those gvg type guilds are looking for 15-25 fights.
Commander training happens if guilds find someone to do them with, most guilds barely run a second commander, most times it comes down to the guild leader who’s the main commander that everyone follows. Doubt any servers does open training for commanders anymore either. Sometimes it’s a wasted effort when you help train someone for weeks and then they take off to another server or leave the game thereafter.
I do think battlegrounds would be a good addition, just don’t think specifically for guilds is necessary.
thats why i said those battlegrounds are limited with how many fights you can do, (you can’t fight the same guild more than once a week) , and the fight time is limited aswell. so you cant as a guild spend your daily playtime doing GvG battleground.
and since the rewards from these battleground ranking is big and nice, people will be motivated to go into those battlegrounds and ranking system, learning new builds, thinking about new combinations and fights, even pvers and pvpers will be intrested, forming new guilds, and old guilds try to grow and get better.
when you spend an hour per day in the battleground what are u gonna do with the rest of your time? go to the open WvW field following an open raid, and have fun. (more players)
all those players doing the battlegrounds will be more skilled, experience new builds and stuff, which helps a lot.
the time limit and the amount you can do battlegrounds per week will not affect the actual WvW.
Do you know how many Pvers hates WvW, a lot of them didnt even try it, and some tried it with a wrong build, and got their kitten pawned by a perma invis theif, or a platinum warrior many times, so he decided to never step their again lol.
lets show them the fun of it.
nb: an open free battleground will definetly kill WvW for good. it has to be limited
(edited by Mirkava.8526)
What you want is a mega server WvW map with a sPvP ladder system so that all guilds in NA can compete with each other. Same for EU and China.
I doubt this will make WvW better, because I was in a large WvW guild that had a small set of players that wanted to GvG. It tore the guild apart as you had players that had different goals. What this might do is pull all the experienced/elite/veteran players away from WvW.
I took that into consideration, since your guild can fight with everyother guild once a week only, and for a limited time or untill fulfilling the objective, that way it wont take a lot of time, they are doing long daily raids in WvW anyway. so let the GvG for the battleground at certain times, and let the big blobs free fun run stay in the actual WvW
I made this Post For players who can’t afford creating more than one ascended gear for roaming and running zergs in WvW. Using same gear and same runes, it works so well, just changing few talents and weapon and you will be ready.
Dont judge all the talent tree i chose, it is always negotiable depends on who you are fighting, but the main thing is to run “Discipline”, “Defense”, “berserker”.
Marauder/durability is a nice combo.
choice of weapon, is what makes u comfortable.
Zerg run Build :
Roaming Build :
what do you think?
I made this Post For players who can’t afford creating more than one ascended gear for roaming and running zergs in WvW. Using same gear and same runes, it works so well, just changing few talents and weapon and you will be ready.
Dont judge all the talent tree i chose, it is always negotiable depends on who you are fighting, but the main thing is to run “Discipline”, “Defense”, “berserker”.
Marauder/durability is a nice combo.
choice of weapon, is what makes u comfortable.
Zerg run Build :
Roaming Build :
what do you think?
Heya guys
So i have this idea that i’d like to share with you, I don’t know how good or bad it is, but your opinions are appreciated.
like the title say, introducing a GvG battleground somewhere in EB map, or a map on its own in the WvW, how this GvG battleground works?
-different types of objectives similar somehow to PvP (capture places, or just normal fights open field, many ideas can be introduced here)
- it is a 20 v 20 or 15 v 15 or 10 v 10 battle ground for guild vs guild fair fight.
- your guild can fight with each different guild requesting a fight once a week for high rewards for the guild and the members.
it is a fair 20v20 or 10v10 fight, guild members can experience their builds, and how they should run, the battleground wont affect the actual WvW since the fight has a time limit, and the guild can fight with one other guild once a week, instead it will boost the normal WvW, since players will be more skilled and experienced, and it might attract PvPers or even PvErs for the rewards and the fun of it. that will remove the idea of GvGing in wvw, we start seeing more big blobs fun, more commanders training, and i think it might revive the WvW.
what do you think ?
(edited by Mirkava.8526)
Don’t TOUCH the warrior anet for god sake !!!! warrior is just fine ty
I believe with the “Last Stand” talent, I will defenitly sacrifice the 180 toughness from the signet for 25% more stance duration, and Vigor (6s).
But i believe if you are not going to choose the Last stand talent, Dolyak Signet is Better. (Same cooldown time or both)
right ?
as the topic say! which one is better for WvW, signet of the dolyak or balance stance? and why?, i was checking online, and most of the builds used the balance stance instead of the signet. any ideas ?
marauder gear is great, you can’t really asc armour build for zerg, skirmish and roam.
they are different unless you are going to build 3 sets. Marauder is the best all round, then change the stats with your weapon selection and possibly trinkets if you have enough laurels. Likewise traits will help you out.
zerg: defense GS,shield +mace mix in some soldier + knight and condi clear utilities
skirmish; defense, rifle,gs mix in some berserker + valkerie and all the might you can
roam, discipline hammer mix in some berseker + assassin and offense/stuns etc.marauder + durability runes are probably meta, I personally prefer a more defensive armour set with strength runes but that will pin you to gs and zerg.
Before crafting the Marauder Armour, i was searching for something cheap to use because i lacked hardened leather which costs a lot at the TP, so I used full berserker gear with runes of Melandru, GS/(sword or mace +shield), trinkets and weapons berserker, and defensive utilities, i got 2.5k power and 3k armour, 20k hp and the survivability/damage balance was pretty nice, so i can say, it is a cheap replacement for the people who don’t have the marauder gear yet.
marauder gear is great, you can’t really asc armour build for zerg, skirmish and roam.
they are different unless you are going to build 3 sets. Marauder is the best all round, then change the stats with your weapon selection and possibly trinkets if you have enough laurels. Likewise traits will help you out.
zerg: defense GS,shield +mace mix in some soldier + knight and condi clear utilities
skirmish; defense, rifle,gs mix in some berserker + valkerie and all the might you can
roam, discipline hammer mix in some berseker + assassin and offense/stuns etc.marauder + durability runes are probably meta, I personally prefer a more defensive armour set with strength runes but that will pin you to gs and zerg.
Before crafting the Marauder Armour, i was searching for something cheap to use because i lacked hardened leather which costs a lot at the TP, so I used full berserker gear with runes of Melandru, GS/(sword or mace +shield), trinkets and weapons berserker, and defensive utilities, i got 2.5k power and 3k armour, 20k hp and the survivability/damage balance was pretty nice, so i can say, it is a cheap replacement for the people farming for the marauder gear.
You can get some pretty decent builds at “”. The DPS berserker build is a good start. It is pretty solid for zerg fights and if you are roaming you can drop hammer for either axe/shield or mace/shield and change a couple of traits and you are good to go. Modify your armor/trinkets to get the survivability that you need.
but they say on the website Marauder gear instead of berserker, and berserker trinkets, what do you think is better for zergs ?
When playing a power based build, i prefer vanilla necro over reaper. The downside is you don’t often have many friends helping to contribute to the well bombs since there is so much focus now to condition damage and epidemics.
In the past a small raid generally had 2-3 power necros and atleast one glass ele to help burst people down. Now your eles are almost always healbot, unless its a pug who dies on inc. Also almost every other class is running some form of bunker.
that’s soooo true
It still works. (Spite-Blood-Soul) with Suffering/Corruption. In disorganized groups, it may actually even be safer. You might want to opt for some marauders for better survival. Don’t go above 50% crit, yadaa yadda.
But you need to be better at positioning than before because the trains are harder to derail now, causing backline to be devalued.
Although pack runes are sorta dated; will have to look something up.
I’d rather stick with the full berserker gear for more damage,
use the scholar runes instead of eagle to fix the precision thing.
move faster using a dagger,
and using “Summon Flesh Wurm” is so much helpful in positioning and disengaging. thats how i run it… and it is always good, in damage and survivability.
maybe roam, but not ZvZ. vanilla necro does not have the mobility to get out blob fight and most likely will get immo, stun … You can try, but just be more careful on position
It’s definitely not a roaming build, any class will kill u easy with this build, I believe it is the Artillery Back line of a Zerg.
Hi guys
I know the reaper necro is so good, and better than vanilla necro in many different ways. But here i am talking about Big zergs fights (ZvZ) and i mean Big numbers, 40 or 50+.
I still feel like the Old full berzerker wells necro “staff-axe/warhorn” or “staff-dagger/focus” build using rune of the eagle or scholar or even pack, running (soul reaping, blood magic, spite) does a better Job.
Any Ideas ?
Hi guys
I know the reaper necro is so good, and better than vanilla necro in many different ways. But here i am talking about Big zergs fights (ZvZ) and i mean Big numbers, 40 or 50+.
I still feel like the Old full berzerker wells necro “staff-axe/warhorn” or “staff-dagger/focus” build using rune of the eagle or scholar or even pack, running (soul reaping, blood magic, spite) does a better Job.
Any Ideas ?
Hello everyone,
I quit playing couple of years ago, i just got back to the game, and my favorite class is warrior. Can you share with me decent “Zerg v Zerg”, “small group vs small group”, and Roaming warrior builds ? , tried a lot of stuff, berzerker warrior, vanilla builds, different type of gears, some of them were good, but still cant decide which one is the best to build my ascended gear for it, any help from the pro warriors out here?
shall i play on my other characters (ele/necro/guardian in big zergs, and keep my warrior for roaming only?)
PS : i dont want condi build!, i know it is strong, i watched some videos, but I am not a fan of condition dmg, i like big hits, with big numbers.
please Help!! :P
thank you
(edited by Mirkava.8526)
Hello everyone,
I quit playing couple of years ago, i just got back to the game, and my favorite class is warrior. Can you share with me decent “Zerg v Zerg”, “small group vs small group”, and Roaming warrior builds ? , tried a lot of stuff, berzerker warrior, vanilla builds, different type of gears, some of them were good, but still cant decide which one is the best to build my ascended gear for it, any help from the pro warriors out here?
shall i play on my other characters (ele/necro/guardian in big zergs, and keep my warrior for roaming only?)
PS : i dont want condi build!, i know it is strong, i watched some videos, but I am not a fan of condition dmg, i like big hits, with big numbers.
thank you