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Necro/reaper PVE, should i bother?

in Necromancer

Posted by: MisterG.3657


Sorry but I don’t fully understand your question but I’ll try to answer the best I can.

Necros are a very selfish class and the only direct team support offered is the Blood line with a little of health regen.

For this main reason it is not a class (usually) wanted in Organized/MinMax/Speed groups because other classes can do the same damage offering more buffs on the side.
If you play the Necro min maxing it (read playing meta as someone else told you to) you will at least provide some good damage.

Is Necro a class worth playing? It depends on your preference. I love playing Necro and I have 2 of them (too lazy to swap build/equips) one full condi the other full power. I also play in a guild that doesn’t care about meta so I am free to experiment with my class without anyone complaining.

At what level I’m playing my Necro? From solo open world up to T4 (we do not raid/we don’t care).
So yeah it is incredible what you can do with a Necro if no one is complaining.

So basically it comes down to:
- What you want to do;
- What your guild allows you to do;
- What way do you want to play the content (PUGS or organized)

So to answer you question: “Necro/reaper PVE, should i bother?”
My best answer would be: “I don’t know, should you?”

If you like it, yes play it. I you don’t don’t bother with it?
A more specific question will probably get better answers on the matter.

Back to Revving

in Revenant

Posted by: MisterG.3657


True. But that statement opens a can of worms about “viable” and “meta” and “popular opinion” that I don’t want to really get into :P

Let’s just say that condi rev has been very un-popular up to these latest changes but that now has the opportunity to become more popular. =)

Back to Revving

in Revenant

Posted by: MisterG.3657


Oh ok.
Totally my bad.
This is what happens when you are trying to discuss about important matters when at work (don’t do it kids).

I was reading the skill as Fury is usually 20% crit chance but with Roiling Mist is 100%. Instead is 100% increase, and obviously I didn’t see the note at the bottom.

Yeah, absolutely it makes sense to have zerk now. Thanks for the clarification and patience

Back to Revving

in Revenant

Posted by: MisterG.3657


But if you have the “Roiling Mist” grandmaster trait , as soon as you have fury (using a healing skill, Glint Facet of Darkness, or any other class in the group that provides fury) you will hit the 100% crit cap, even without spotter or banner of discipline.

A rev can hit 100% crit chance just by running Facet of Darkness without any precision at all. This becomes better when other in the party are providing fury.

Edit: typos

Back to Revving

in Revenant

Posted by: MisterG.3657


Hello fellow Revs and not,
latetly I’ve wanted to go back playing my Rev and gear him for T3/T4 fractals.
Let’s say this right away:
- I’ve checked both Metabattle and QTFY to get some insights. I know they have to be considered as generic guidelines or very specific advice for organized groups and do not reflect every single enjoyable gameplay.-

That said there is one thing that is constantly repeated like a mantra in forums and is not clear to me though.

Rev HAS TO BE berserker to DPS.
Why? I am probably missing something here, but with the numerous way for us to get fury (and all the fury produced by the party) we will be critting 100% of the time thanks to ‘Roiling Mist’. What is the reasoning behind choosing berserker over valkyrie? More survivability is always better than useless precision…

Moreover Scholar Runes can have a bigger benefit if the health is around 27k because of more uptime.

Probably there is something that I clearly don’t see, care to explain please?

Rate the sylvari name above yours!

in Sylvari

Posted by: MisterG.3657


8/10, I really like the idea, not so much the name.
Mine is a guardian sylvari named Càomhnóir, that means guardian/protector in Irish Gaelic.

Duo Tank/DPS help me choose.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MisterG.3657


Thank you AzureDragon for the advice, in the end we decided (and you confirmed it) that Guardian/Ele would be a good combo.

Thank you DreamyAbaddon because you gave me a neat workflow on how to build and test my future character.

Have fun on GW2!

Duo Tank/DPS help me choose.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MisterG.3657


Hey DreamyAbaddon,
Thanks for the links they are very informative but is also something that I already knew =]

I do realize that this game doesn’t have the classical roles, but it is also true that there are certain builds that focus more on one aspect than the other.
So my question is what 2 classes with the build types we want would work well together?

Duo Tank/DPS help me choose.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MisterG.3657


my wife and I are creating our second character duo.
The first one was warrior+necro and we were happy with it, now she would like to have a Tank-support class and I would like to DPS.

For the tank-support we thought about the Guardian, what other classes would be good?
For the DPS I’m undecided between Ele, Mesmer, Thief, but I’m open to other options (no warrior please).

The duo would be mostly leveling PVE and play together 95% of the time.
All suggestions are welcome.

Necromancer tutorials

in Necromancer

Posted by: MisterG.3657


Hi Nemesis,
thank you for the videos, they are great and helped me a lot and I can see how these builds can cause pretty good damage in a PVE environment.
My question for you (and the other guys as well) is which of the three variations (Conditiomancer, Glass Cannon/Burst and Hybrid) would you advice to play with a warrior sword/warhorn since she applies bleeding as well?

Rate the Charr Name Above You

in Charr

Posted by: MisterG.3657


I really like Nova as name, I have mixed feelings on Car =\ 8/10

Mine is Katta Spineshivers → Thief