Showing Posts For MrDeatrich.2738:

Player Stats - choices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrDeatrich.2738


The problem with that system is it becomes nearly impossible to balance.

The player who chooses to only increase defensive stats need more powerful attacks to compete with players who choose to increase offensive stats. But conversely, those players who choose only offensive stats need less powerful attacks.

And what about players who choose a combination of defensive and offensive traits?

We give up that level of character progression when we have a multiplayer game where players do compete against each other for the sake of balance.

The more permutations are possible, the harder it is to balance.

I guess you’re right about that. Sigh. It’s just sad, I’d honestly rather give up the competitive side in favor of more choice. But that’s never going to happen.

Player Stats - choices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrDeatrich.2738


Trait lines are more about the abilities they give you more than the stats, the stats were a complete pain.

Going into earth for stability on my ele but getting useless condition damage is something I’m happy I don’t have to worry about anymore.

I agree, it wasn’t the best way to do it. I was just saying it did make me feel I could choose what my character was good at. I still want to be able to choose my stats apart from gear, but I don’t want them to reattach them to traits, or specs, either.

"That’s a Big Kittening Number"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrDeatrich.2738


Is that what that is? I was so confused.

Player Stats - choices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrDeatrich.2738


Hey Anet,

Been closely following all the great stuff coming up in HoT, excited to see core specs and dots & dashes changes as just announced.

I do have one concern that I thought I’d bring up, and that is a player’s identity. The choices they’ve made that makes them who they are, as reflected in stats. It has been up to this point that trait lines gave us our choices in stats changes. You built your character around them, and these stayed true no matter what gear you were wearing. After the changes only gear and level will determine stats. I haven’t been able to find any information on whether the stats assigned by levels will be the same for every prof, or flat across the board for everyone.

So I guess my question is, will there be a way for me to choose my own stats? I mean I know I can pick gear but that’s not ME, that’s just the stuff I am wearing. Or what if I can’t find or afford the perfect gear for what I wanted to play? As your leveling in particular you’re going to pick gear based on what is better than what you have, specific stats don’t become all that important until higher up or even max. I’d like to define my character with stats, not gear, so that I feel his accomplishments are his own, not some armor maker’s somewhere. I want his power to be his own strength, his toughness his own ability to endure. Making it ALL about gear with no variation between characters makes the game flat and boring.

An easy fix for this would be the option to choose stats to upgrade at the level intervals, instead of having them auto-assigned. This way my character’s own body, spirit and mind are growing along with him, based on the skills that he finds to be important. It doesn’t sound like much when you think about it in terms of mechanics or meta but in a game that claims to be so strongly into story, making character’s growth more static seems counter intuitive.

Maybe someone can help me out with this, maybe I missed something. It’s just what I am seeing right now.

(edited by MrDeatrich.2738)

Ready Up: 4/24 - Specializations AMA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrDeatrich.2738


I’m really concerned about builds feeling at all unique anymore. I create each of my characters with a fighting style in mind. If I look around and everyone else is doing the exact same things, how does that make the game more immersive, or interesting, or fun? How is the removing of options, the variables allowing for creativity, an improvement? This is appears to be dumbing down the trait system to a point where it loses its soul.

Operation : Union Bringing Players Together 2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MrDeatrich.2738


Name: Deatrich
Main Character: Draconis Redeyes
Current Region/Server: Ferguson’s Crossing (NA)
Interested Activities or specific things you want help with: Largely PvE guy. Dabble in WvW. I’d like to play more socially, I’m largely solo these days.
Active: A bit most days, more if I knew more people who played
Additional Comments: Mostly I’d just like to be more involved with other players. I know maybe two or three other people IRL and none of them play as much as I do. I want to play more socially, with people who are as enthusiastic about the game as I am.
Do you want to be a member of the guild Legion of Honour Y/N: Sure, although I admit I haven’t looked into it very heavily.
Are you happy for people to contact you directly (whisper/PM) Y/N: Please do

Update = Necro Ruined

in Necromancer

Posted by: MrDeatrich.2738


Hang, on wait. I cooled down a bit and checked the patch notes. What they did is they merged Reanimator into a Master Trait called Death Nova. It’s perfectly fine. Crisis averted. It just takes way longer to get it. I can handle that.

I am sorry I overracted, Anet, before checking my facts. Can we still be friends?

Update = Necro Ruined

in Necromancer

Posted by: MrDeatrich.2738


Sooo… not sure when this happened, I have been playing other games recently. But I jumped back in the other day. I found the menus, and traits had been changed. Okay fair enough. I reapply my old builds on my characters. No issues, we get fewer points so we can only get a full trait instead of partially investing. Not sure I like it, but I can live with it.

But you took away my minions. I finally found a way to make this necromancer feel like he was running around with an army like in GW1. But you took away the Reanimator minor trait that gives me jagged horrors with every kill. Coupled with Flesh of the Master I was able to have three or four at a time along with the regular summons.

I LOVED THIS. It was so fun! It felt like a true Minion Master! WHY DID YOU TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME?? weeps inconsolably

I am not sure I will be able to fully enjoy my necromancer anymore because of this…

Suggestions about the Warrior profession

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrDeatrich.2738


Mine is a simple thing, but would change the feel of game play enough that I think it would allow a more specific focus for warrior players.

In the trait lines, switch Compassion and Vitality. This would make stat bonuses for Defence Toughness and Vitality and Tactics would be Compassion and Concentration.

Wouldn’t that make more sense?? It would allow for more focused players to look at either survivability or support, without having to compromise and invest points in both lines for the desired effect.

Maybe it wouldn’t be viable? I don’t know. I’m not a game designer or a mathematician by any means. It just seems more logical to me.


More Pets, Underwater

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrDeatrich.2738


So if anyone else has been wandering about the world, they have probably noticed all of the really cool animals. Even aside from griffins and minotaurs there are the passive creatures like armadillos and the like.

The potential here is for a wider base for pet options. I love everything about the pet mechanics, but sometimes find myself wondering, "wait. why can’t I tame THAT?"

This is true particularly underwater. Pet options down there are, to be honest, sad. The amphibious pets are the only saving grace. There is a shark, awesome. A jellyfish, sure. But four different jellyfish? And a random made up fish? Really? You guys have amazing looking dolphins and sea turtles swimming around! Those would be great pets! Or how about a squid that cripples or bleeds enemies with its barbed tentacles and blinds them with ink? A swordfish with a charging lunge? An electric eel or poisonous sea snake? The ocean is overflowing with endless cool pet ideas!

Maybe this is something you guys put on the back burner for future additions. I hope that is the case, because every time I find a new creature poking around the world I find myself wishing that I could tame it.


in Suggestions

Posted by: MrDeatrich.2738


There are only specific animals that are tameable, there is a full list in the pet pane where you go to choose pets, name them and view their stats and abilities. They also have to be labelled “Juvenile” in order to be tamed.