Showing Posts For MrHarses.6801:

why not cange it to 10?also ptr?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


It does make sense, but this will probably lead to: 1 war, 1 chrono, 1 druid, 7 ele…

Another nerf incomming

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801




This nerf will definitely kill the raidvenant :/

Sword in PvE Meta now?

in Guardian

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


I noticed that, when traited, new Sword #2 is a perma fury area + healing area.

Maybe it does have sense to take it over mace for some encounters…

[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Definitely your vision of this game, elite spec and this class is not mine.

I’ll let you keep suggesting what you want, more nerf to kill rev if you want, but don’t conclude that what you propose is “the entire community” vision, it’s not shared by everyone!

[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Please, you can’t be serious, there is almost nobody playing core classe except during leveling…

PT failing is a bug issue and not related to balance. Healing skill is supposed.. to be healing skill whenever you like it or not. WHAO says hi.

So fix PT bug and we’ll see if any balance change is really needed.
Ok so if playing with wording : healing is supposed to only heal means elite is better than core.

Double stab on dodge is totally braindead and lowers the skill cap of this class dramatically. If you want stab, get Jalis, simple.

Stab with Jalis only… ok so jalis mandatory now… nice diversity…

And why elite must be stronger than core? Bc they called it elite? And what if it was called potato? Would you say that potato has to be stronger than core bc its called potato?

If you can use only one potato at a time and it grants access to new weapons, new class icon, new class mecanic, etc. yeah abokittenely needs to be stronger than core !

Besides, you’re not listening. I can understand you want core/elite to be balanced but it has to be done by improving/reworking core, not nerfing elite.

(edited by MrHarses.6801)

[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Any other classes play their elite because it’s stronger… Why rev should not ?

If you want core rev to be more viable just buff it. Why also nerfing Glint ?

[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Because of Thieves crying…
The skill has a high failling rate too and it’s anoying to waste energy+CD for nothing.

About daggers I understand your view but it’s not mine. It’s fine having something different that “just another healing skill”.

Elite MUST be stronger than core to justify the “you can only pick one” and naming.
Else the naming and design are just a big fail whatever official quote you may have.

Double stab on dodge… well probably strong some 1v1 in PVP… that’s it…

I don’t get the point with power weapon cleaves and GS…
Also why does it make no sense to you?

[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Yeah but I like the idea of having to make a choice between having to care about my attacks to get a bonus damage or do not care and get a lower bonus.

If you use PT twice for a 2400 unit move you end up with no energy… plus you need to target something. So the deal sounds fair to me.

Sorry I still disagree about Herald beeing too strong. This is “elite” and my view is it has to be better than other specs.

Daggers could be used for damage and not heal so I thing this is a loss to give up one of these 2 options.

I don’t like longbow neither. We have ranged hammer throwing mist bolts, condi ranged GS feels better.
I’m saying this regarding lore and class spirit, I’m not a GS addict and probably won’t use a condi GS as I don’t like playing condi build – this just to say I’m neutral about this.

[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


- Vicious Lacerations beeing removed.
This is a nice trait but you have to attack to “load” it and keep attacking or you lose it.
So I think it’s a pretty acceptable deal and so a nice trait as it is.

- PT range nerf
I think mobility is just fine. We can’t compete with thieves even with 1200 range and having such mobility has a high energy cost meaning less energy for damages… Besides we have to target something.

- Enchanted Daggers damage nerf
This skill sounds like “attack or you die” so damages are welcome.

- Precision Stike nerf if no revert on AA damage nerf
Ok with this vision for raids.

- Field of the mists as an ice field
Ok if stay dark.

- Most changes to Invocation + Any changes to Glint/Herald
I just find all this stuff is fine at the moment so I wouldn’t touch it.
Just wanna wait & see how other changes to jalis/mallyx/ventari (legends and traitlines) may impact the class before.

- New weapon “condi rifle”
Gunpowerder doesn’t fit with rev lore… Sounds like Jedi using blaster guns… :p

[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Oh, ok so I went through the doc again and disagree strongly with:
- Vicious Lacerations beeing removed.
- PT range nerf
- Enchanted Daggers damage nerf
- Precision Stike nerf if no revert on AA damage nerf
- Field of the mists as an ice field
- Most changes to Invocation
- Any changes to Glint/Herald
- New weapon “condi rifle”

[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Okay so i guess my document is ready to go?

Is this a real question ?

[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


From a game design perspective, I think the elite specialisations are supposed to be a little bit better than the regular specialisations – that’s why we can only have one at a time.

Nah. They were supposed to be equal to core, opening new playstyles/improving existing specific one rather than be mandatory. If you look at mesmer now there are builds which are better without chrono. Chrono brings ally support and aoe which mes lacked or even build for some bunkering. If you want to pick up shatter build then core traitlines seems to be better. Yeah, mes got overnerfed so its not really a good example but at least chrono is not mandatory now.

If so don’t call that “elite” and have a limit to use only one at a time…

To me the intended design is to be close to basics in RPG: you start with a base class and once you are an experienced adventurer you level up and are able to use a better specialization, news weapon, new power, etc.
But you have to choose only one.
This has no sense at the moment as there is only one elite spec available but would be far better when we have more.

Imho if you compare Glint to other legends Glint is way easier to play as there is basically 0 energy management involved. 1 energy on both fury and swiftness facets means you have to choose between going offensive or defensive rather than do it all at once like it is possible atm. Facet of Light cast time was supposed to destroy Glint already and here we are.. not much have changed.
Atm if you activate fury
swiftness+str you end up at -5 energy, regen to -6 and nature facet to -8. With my changes that will go up to -10
You could also go for protection, light, fury and end up on -8 keeping it up for a while. With my changes you will starve for energy once you activate protection and fury (-8) leaving you little room for something else.

Definitely not improving energy management… Just drain energy faster so spend more time doing AA waiting for legend swap CD.
A big nerf to Glint too…

If you nerf viable stuff and boost trash you end up with the same, only swapped the problem.

[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Way too much Herald/Glint nerf for me…

I think you’re trying to make core revenant viable. If so you just need to up other spec, no need to nerf elite which is the only one that makes rev viable atm thanks to support abilities.

Btw this is “elite spec” not “just another spec”. Doesn’t it seem normal to be slightly better than others ?
Would make more sense if we have more elite to choose.

Rifle on rev… please no -_-
Rev is a fighter !
Greatsword condi with dual melee/ranged AA like underwater spear… yes please

Liked most suggestions on other legends.

Will there ever be energy management??

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Sounds like it would be better for you if legend swapping was keeping your current energy state…
Am I right ?

Sort of. It would be harder to manage energy but at same time more rewarding when you swap by choice to adapt to X situation rather than current burst energy to 0 before swap come off cd

I think changing the “50 energy gain” on legend swap to just “keep current energy state” could be a pretty big nerf as there are no other way to gain energy.

What could be fine to compensate would be to give an net energy gain on swap (meaning added to current energy). Maybe not 50 for sure but some value to be tested.
Or another way could be to allow energy gain on all weapon AA. Can even imagine some “on crit energy gain” when traited (invocation ? devastation ? baseline ?)
With recent huge nerf on AA this would give some interest to this skill…

Just ideas…

Will there ever be energy management??

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Sounds like it would be better for you if legend swapping was keeping your current energy state…
Am I right ?

Elite spec:(The Ritualist, Scepter & Spirits)

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Nice work but isn’t revenant supposed to be a “soldier” profession ? This sounds more like a necro spec…

If scepter main hand, what’s you plan for offhand ? Current sword and axe does not feel like matching with this…

Dangerously close to trash tier

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801



I can’t agree more on this ^

Weapon swap should be removed

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Hum… What about no legend swap too as I suppose you never swap out of Glint ?

Just kidding… mute this guy -_-

Revenant and on weapon swap sigils

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


I don’t see how this give us more sustain or more damage…
If you are out of energy you can swap to whatever weapon you want you won’t be able to do more than autoattacking…

Revenant and on weapon swap sigils

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Don’t forget that all weapon skills cost energy.
Swapping just give rev access to more possible skills, not more damage like CD based weapon as other classes do.

Berserker stats vs Assassin stats

in Warrior

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Ok, thanks for your opinion on that.

Berserker stats vs Assassin stats

in Warrior

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


The question was more about the 7% more crit chance (93% vs 100%) being better than sigil of air damage…

+ and you can run full zerk and get about 70 power more

EdIt : Well ok this mean swapping a weapon and trinket and food… ><

(edited by MrHarses.6801)

Berserker stats vs Assassin stats

in Warrior

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Shouldn’t we consider sigil or accuracy instead of sigil of air when there is no druid ?
This would ensure 100% crit chance and allow us to stay with power food.

Guild Mission Problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Got exactly the same yesterday, at least for bounty and rush (multiple attemps, all bugged).
Talk to some people and seems they got it bugged in the same way too.

This is really anoying for small guilds that have hard time to get enough people available at the same time to perform medium and hard missions…
And I don’t talk about the loss it involves (favor, recommandation, …).

Any Anet guy aware of this issue ?

Delete Warrior Stances

in Warrior

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


So maybe something more like you can activate a stace with F3 F4 F5 when adrenaline is full.
Then you need to continue attacking to maintain adrenaline level and keep stance activated or you can trigger it to use a burst skill relative to the active stance (high damage, heal, cc, etc.)
If adrenaline drop to 0, stance is canceled and start a 10s CD.

Basically this is not that far from the existing berserker F2… Just it gives you the choice to use burst skill or keep the stance active as long you can sustain it by generating adrenaline.

Delete Warrior Stances

in Warrior

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


To me stances sounds more like a selectable passive ability, like NickDanger said, kind of attunements…

Whatever you call it there should be a DPS stance, providing more damage and adrenaline regeneration at the cost of more weakness like increased damaged received or all damage received are crits.

Then you need some defensive stance with damage mitigation and enhanced boon duration at the cost of reduced outgoing damage and/or lower adrenaline regen.

Lastly a control/mobility/neutral stance with let’s say bonus movement speed and reduced control duration, like combined dogged march+warrior’s sprint trait.

Swap mecanics could be like: need full adrenaline bar to swap stance or being out of combat.
Could imagine different burst skills based on current stance so you need during combat you need to choose between swaping stance or trigger burst skill.

We can also imagine adding fast hands to some (but not all) of these stances as many people seems to want it as a core feature it can be a great alternative…

All that are just ideas…

Vicious Lacerations VS Ferocious Strikes

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Doesn’t change anything, vicious lacerations still the best.
I would even say the bonus attack speed from impossible odds will make it much better as you can stack faster.

Vicious Lacerations VS Ferocious Strikes

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Vicious Lacerations is a global damage modifier so it’s better.
But you have to “load” it to get the 5 stacks.

Remove phase traversal cd

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Shiro useless now…
The fun was from spamming phase traversal on multiple target and having at least one mobility skill for long distance.
That’s one more PvP nerf killing PvE player.

At least put the 5s CD only in PvP or when targetting another player, we all know you can do that (I mean technically).

Shiro is far from useless, and we only notice that cd a little once energy starts dropping

By saying Shiro is useless I mean that if it cannot give me mobility I better take another legend as Shiro’s others skills are not that interresting to me…

Remove phase traversal cd

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


Shiro useless now…
The fun was from spamming phase traversal on multiple target and having at least one mobility skill for long distance.
That’s one more PvP nerf killing PvE player.

At least put the 5s CD only in PvP or when targetting another player, we all know you can do that (I mean technically).

Revenant sword 3 HAS to be changed.

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801


+1 on L2P issue

[BWE3] Revenant Feedback Thread

in Revenant

Posted by: MrHarses.6801



After a long try during this beta week end I can but say that the Revenant is weak compared to others classes.

Why ?
First because of energy mecanism.
Let’s try to press 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0… in most case you probably run out of energy at 8… while in the meantime every other classes can run their full skills set…

Second, because of CD
Ok, not to be able to chain cc… but why others like Thieves can ? (I’m talking about their ability to almost perma blind) Thief has initiative so no CD, it’s ok they have to make a choice of what to use (event if utils are still available only on CD). But so having two kinds of resources to manage (cd and energy) is quite a challenge for Revs.

Third, because of legends
The idea is really great, but this is really killing the ability to have a build able to face any situation, which is a strong point for any others classes.
I mean, revenant as almost no access to stun breaker, stability or condi removal unless you play some specific build/legend. So the game with revenant will be like changing his build every 3 minutes because the enemy in front of you changed ?

My suggestions :

1/ Disable/reduice (a lot) energy cost for weapon skills. Energy is about legends not weapons.
2/ Adjust Energy cost/CD so at least we are able to run all of them once before running out of energy so as to compete with other classes.
3/ Create news heal/utils/elite skills not linked to legends, based on CD, and that can replace any of your legend skill to give some choice and diversity. Another way would be to enable single legends invocation (I mean being able to swap between legends1/nothing instead of legends1/legends2), with the “nothing” giving access to news skills CD-based only that we can choose.
4/ More ways to break stun, get stability and cure condis.