just equip traveler runes, rifle and be done with it
’"Remove mobility for those classes that have range weapons"
hmm you know Warriors have ranged weapons and mobility
i just wanted to counter you.
cause your statement is so ironic to what you are proposing i think you should rephrase that.
how are you going to nerf guard … there are many guards that can barely catch up with any one .
and i dont think revn are faster than warriors with only one dash skill and only swiftness
i understand teleportation – but if you cant deal with a guard and revn…. and you cant deal with any other class… than i think you should start playing other classes ….
(edited by MrPinks.2015)
There is an easy explanation and there is nothing you can do about it .
The explanation is that you get lower rank tiers in your team or you facing legendary ranks .
Today i had 4 matches vs legendary players and i am in gold tier …. And i get bronze tiers some times on my team.
The population is small so it puts you with anyone no matter the tiers .
i agree with you on that
iv lost all my friends because we couldnt play with each other , you have to choose one friend from 4 friends to play together .
this is why they all left to play elder scrolls online , i am the only one who plays gw2.
Lack of hype or lack of communication.
Is a big problem for content creators huge problem .
2 months of no solid think to talk about is a huge problems for content Creators. And if you think to yourself “who cares about content creators” than good luck promoting the game your self and keep the community interested.
I am not playing as much because i am tired of the toxic players , i am tired of moaning and cursing .
let me sum this up for people who did not understand
There was no way before to see how we can kick people out
now we do !
“in a friendly way ofc !”So how exactly did people get kicked out before? Because they did, I guarantee it.
true but now you have a real reason for it !
how exciting !also i was referring to this statement the guy made
“OW you can see who is responsible, and tell him he doesn’t meet your requirements (in a friendly manner of course). "
since it is very funny to me “in a friendly manner you dont meet our requirements”
our community is soooooooooooo friendly !Since when does “friendly” mean that there’s no requirements?
since when does requirements mean friendly?
“requirements” means requirements; it has nothing to do with people being friendly or not. I’ve been in groups without any requirements where people are jerks and groups with strict requirements that are very helpful.
It can be a lot of work to organize a group, especially among strangers. People understandably would like to a good chance of succeeding in a reasonable amount of time. For some commanders, that means limiting who joins. People can be nice about it or they can be rude.
On the face of it, kicking someone for their choice of profession seems more arbitrary than kicking someone because they don’t seem to be up with the mechanics of the game. A DPS meter is a tool that could show who gets it and who doesn’t (even if it also gets misused by some).
tl;dr “friendly” has nothing to do with “requirements”.
i dont care if people use the tool
i just care about the guy who wants to block the people who do use it
in a way it dosnt matter is if it is helpful or not
from my point of view from my friends iv seen more screenshot of dps sent to me to joke about people “look at this ele making only 2kdps”
i understand this tool is useful for people who likes to group up and know each other and very well aware of their practice.
but people who dont will mostly use it in a different manner.
so yea if some one wants to block this tool , i think this is a very viable option to have so you can shut some bothering mouths around.
and on the other note
“with strict requirements that are very helpful”
requirements are not that helpful when you have a bad ele you required to have and you kicked out a good theif
you talking about organized group requirements , while i am talking about other matter of rquirements .
(edited by MrPinks.2015)
let me sum this up for people who did not understand
There was no way before to see how we can kick people out
now we do !
“in a friendly way ofc !”So how exactly did people get kicked out before? Because they did, I guarantee it.
true but now you have a real reason for it !
how exciting !also i was referring to this statement the guy made
“OW you can see who is responsible, and tell him he doesn’t meet your requirements (in a friendly manner of course). "
since it is very funny to me “in a friendly manner you dont meet our requirements”
our community is soooooooooooo friendly !Since when does “friendly” mean that there’s no requirements?
since when does requirements mean friendly?
(edited by MrPinks.2015)
let me sum this up for people who did not understand
There was no way before to see how we can kick people out
now we do !
“in a friendly way ofc !”So how exactly did people get kicked out before? Because they did, I guarantee it.
true but now you have a real reason for it !
how exciting !
also i was referring to this statement the guy made
“OW you can see who is responsible, and tell him he doesn’t meet your requirements (in a friendly manner of course). "
since it is very funny to me in a ironic way “in a friendly manner you dont meet our requirements”
our community is soooooooooooo friendly !
(this entire community is Smiley mask wearing people , once you take off the mask you see the true nature of this community and let me tell you amy schumar is nice compared to them)
(edited by MrPinks.2015)
let me sum this up for people who did not understand
There was no way before to see how we can kick people out
now we do !
“in a friendly way ofc !”So how exactly did people get kicked out before? Because they did, I guarantee it.
true but now you have a real reason for it !
Friend ! you doing 2k dps ! so adorable leave please !
how exciting !
(edited by MrPinks.2015)
The thing is that alot of players like to get carried in different ways, without ever thinking as to how much they contribute to the gain. For example, I did install a DPS meter a few days ago, and have been doing alot of Fractal 40 farm with it.
I was obviously searching for an expert group, since you want to get as much out of the farm as possible. And let me tell you, its unbelievable how many people 1) think they are exp, but are not, 2) dont care about requirements at all or 3) just lie to get what they want. Before the meters you had a group, if it went well – fine. If it didn’t however, you had no reliable way to tell WHICH PART was the reason for it, so you basically had to search for a whole new group. NOW you can see who is responsible, and tell him he doesn’t meet your requirements (in a friendly manner of course). It’s just way easier to cope with the whole thing. It also helps players in realizing on what level they actually play on. And it does keep snitches from lying their way into getting what they want, thats just a fact.What I don’t understand is, how can you say you are AGAINST dps meters, because you don’t like to be monitored, and one sentence later say “Let Anet do a DPS meter ingame!!” – it’s the exact same thing? You still get monitored, you still (maybe) get called out for your performance. But honestly, how is that a bad thing? Some people want to take things seriously, and do smooth and/or effective runs. People that aren’t playing on top of their game are denying them that. How is it unfair to help these serious players? If you want to take a more relaxed approach to the game, no one is ever gonna blame you for that. Just don’t join exp groups or such then, you don’t really get any disadvantage by these tools.
Oh and PS:
That thing about gaining an advantage as a commander e.g. is a joke right? Yes, it does make things easier, but it only gives you something you could do anyways. Then you could also say it shouldn’t be allowed to play a mouse with side keys. Or to change your skill hotkeys, because Q,E,R,T are way easier to reach than 6 7 8 9 or F1 F2 F3 F4. What kind of argument is that?
let me sum this up for people who did not understand
There was no way before to see how we can kick people out
now we do !
“in a friendly way ofc !”
hell no
this is why i left all these grindy mmos to an mmo that has a certain balance – gear wise –
and focus more on the skill of a player not the stat it self .
you can do 100 power more dmg just by being GOOD.
they have such a beautiful game mode WVW that could of used that more than SPVP
I guess the system in WVW is so messy its easier to just put it in SPVP
Its true you can get gold from PVP and buy materials but … wouldn’t it be better to have some sort of currency system for the ascended gear ?
so it would make more sense in terms of having FUN .
But on the bright side …. you can easily acquire Viper stat set instead crafting and than Stat swapping
if i would of bought this game and had this notification i would be kittened as well.
i understand your point regarding your purchase and i do consider it to be annoying.
i understand that in-game there are Gold Sellers , but i think there could of been done a better way to deal with that issue …
speaking as a veteran player to me it feels bad…
whats next they are going to sell gloves for 300 gems than boots for 300 gems ?
really nice i might try this preset
altho it looks a bit gloomy
so dark theme characters and realistic vibe themes would go well with it
I ran around tyria making screenshots , the more i took the more i enjoyed the sites, going back to low level areas and places i havnt visited in a long long time i have enjoyed every moemnt , it took me a while to take those screenshots (i died in a few of them)
but it was a fresh experience to really appreciate the beauty of guild wars 2 , its an amazing game !
here is the album
hope you guys enjoy !
IMHO it must stay as it is.
Main content – anything significant playable is still available to everyone (free players as well!). Namely fractals, PvP, WvW, huge lot of explorable areas with little lore gems, map metas and farm trains – all the stuff that you usually spend your GW2 time.
LW is mostly story content and really one time experience – not your usual gameplay. Our epic lore we together eagerly wait for. Good stories have huge build up time (bad example – game of thrones
). So it is important for those who wait for it to get it for free (hence log in and cash in). Otherwise it would go against “pay once” model heavily + we get rewarded for being loyal players. As soon as we get an update, were done with it just as fast (Unless expansion. I liked that HoT had longer story to chew).
For someone who is new – they are already showered with new stuff. LW is like a huge DLC to the game – humongous story content to go through. I will dare to say – equivalent of an AAA game. (Heck, I enjoyed this more than most of RPG AAAs out there.) New player gets a choice – does he/she wants to buy additional game to play through or skip it (spoilers are all over the place really….) and jump right into hype train waiting for new episodes. Some cool features and maps locked behind stories, yes. But unnecessary so far. LW functions awesomely well as DLC so far.
Consider the magnificent lore as your loyal player reward. New players will be rewarded differently – as new expansion releases they will get HoT free along with it. They already have the easy way in.
Edit: Two months ago I was that new player.
i love your passion indeed .
Hi guys i want to discuss about something that concerns me and that is living story episodes and new players
There are 3 seasons in which 2 of them are playable , but for those who dont know how it works ill explain briefly
Every living story episode that is being released will have a certain time that you need to log in into the game in order to obtain it if you missed this opportunity than youll have to buy the episode
So why does it concern me about the future of this content?
Since we have so many episodes a new player will buy the game will have to obtain these episodes by purchsing them for a big chunk of gems , i know some would say “well he dosnt have to” in my opinion it is a content that you will have to have since it has so many great rewards such as ascended gear , mastaries , story and maps.
(A slight remark to consider another expansion is in the works)
So what do you guys think
Is it a big issue?
Will it hurt the game?
Will there be a solution such as packaged living story bundles for half the price?
Please share your opinions on the topic
(edited by MrPinks.2015)
oh man i havnt been doing nothing in guild wars for weeks now !(
this made me so exited for the new content thank you for letting us know !
now i cant wait for the trailer !
oh boy i feel as if it is xmas again !
i want two eyepatches on gemstore so i wont be able to read this
Its not that i dont like them quaggans but i despise them.
They talk toooOoOo SloooOoow
It freaking annoying , but hey i like hating on them so im glad they are in game.
The guild wars wiki have been supported ingame since 2007. I don’t think there is room nor need for a codex ingame.
If you’ve played a game with a codex (such as Mass Effect) then you’d know that the codex provides much more than the GW2 wiki currently provides.
Wooden Potatoes had a pretty expansive and well thought-out idea on how this could look: http://imgur.com/gallery/ABALZ/new
this is amazing !
first of all its in game for you to read instead of browsing a website like wiki
second have you never wanted to know what is this town you are currently in?
what is this unknown location pointed out by Point of interest…
you can just access it in game by just hovering your mouse above the point of interest and having information displayed for you or just by clicking on the point of intrest and it will direct you to the information about the location …
i think this is way better than just typing /wiki and go on a search mode
all i am saying it is more comfortable to have it in game for instant information than having to go to wiki every single time
(edited by MrPinks.2015)
Feeling like you are in a place of history , a real world.
Do we lack that?
I want to discuss about adding a codex into the game
so please comment about what you think
should we have it ? if yes than what should we have
before we start
why do i think its important?
i think its very important to immerse players into the games lore and having them to know what they are facing and where they are exactly in the world , to have better understanding of the world they are currently experiencing and having a codex could improve that experience greatly .
1.Description of the enemy –
we are facing different bosses and monsters
having some sort of information about the enemy we are facing.
this could add alot to players experience
because if we do get to read about the monsters and enemies we fight we would have more appreciation and sense of danger towards the enemy we are facing
instead of feeling like we are fighting a random minion …
Do Ettins love apples?
2.Vistas – Waypoints – Points of interest
having an information about the areas we visited will have such a great impact to know what is going on in that area / specific point , having more lore and information about the areas we visit gives us better understanding of the map/world
every Point of interest is a location to a small settlement to a place of history or a small unmarked town
having information about this places could add sooo much !
3. Guides
- having guides inside the codex about the game could improve exprience of new players that have joined the game to be able to have guidance and help from guides that can explain for them basic needs and functions of how the game works .
if you want to add something or if you think its not that interesting please comment
and sorry for my bad English
(edited by MrPinks.2015)
i mentioned it plenty of times in game
There are no chairs in guild wars !
every NPC in the world of Tyria is standing allllll day long
there are no chairs in camps , outposts , bases , stores and even towns
every NPC is standing …….. how is this a thing ! XD
Even in the CROWN ROOM queen Jennah is standing XD
The reason why i cant play other mmos is that i dont have the time to invest so much grind into it , just to get a good gear for PVP for PVE for RAIDS and than when new content comes out you need to reinvest your time again !
not only that
having a casual game that every one is equal like guild wars removes alot of toxicity in the community , the feel of separation and competition from “Elitist” to “Casuals” hurts alot of players and demotivates them , when you have a game that every one can do anything and participate in anything no matter what they wear is amazing .
What if the next Elite Specialization could use different type of armor
instead of a new weapon?
For example : One light armor class can wear medium armor – while the other light armor class can wear Heavy armor
This is my summery , i know i might get hate for this but this was my experience
the design of the missions was so disappointing for me after first part in tarir
its just my opinion , it dosnt mean every one thinks like me .
(also episode after episode currency takes space by space after every new episode release , i am afraid the next episode i will not have room to spare )
So you arrive no one knows where braham is you kill some stuff , go talk to some kodan and quaggan , than you need to brew some elixir , you run around collecting stuff …. than you get the elixir enter a cave…. fight a boss for like 2 mins , than apparently some quaggans farmers found out where braham is …. than you go into another cave … with a kittened off braham …fight some minions … and Cool looking boss and thats it….
the design of these missions was so disappointing for me , but it felt to me that i didnt get immersed in the story this episode … maybe it was designed this way….. it felt to me like i was doing chores… instead of playing an episode
i know it seems like i criticize it sooo badly and i feel so bad doing that , i love the work you guys put into and your heart and dedication
but i guess this episode didnt appeal to me , i am soo sorry
the map is great
i really like the reward system in the hearts ( at last we can waste some karma)
i really like the map …. the events are kinda…. okay
cuz it feels like every ZONE has one event… could of used more variation or even a cool looking “world boss”
the exploration is fun climbing mountains looking for stuff … or dead quaggans (which is really creepy but awesome HEHEH excuse me)
the story telling from the npc is great it feels like the place is alive !
the minions and the monsters are cool !
i like the way their AI works , it feels like they are like zombies on caffeine all energized to kill me
the FRACTAL is AWESOME ! felt like an Top down arcade where you avoid lots of missiles
i already talked about the reward system but the minis are awesome !
the forest area is amazing ! i wish we had a huge area like that ! HUUUUGE ONE
the acheivments are very intresting
the tamagotchi addition to the game where you go back to your “dragon pet” to play catch with him and “feed him”
my favorite part of all this is the kodan near the Grawl cave that says "respect my authority " reminded me of Cartman from Southpark
i am just sad the story wasnt appealing to me but other than that it was great and i appreciate the hard work you guys put into this game , thank you.
(edited by MrPinks.2015)
i love this post because we dont get enough posts about people complaining what guild wars is bad at ………..
how about maybe…. its just a suggestion ….. take a break from the game?
The new living story is coming on the 21st but does any one know what time?
has this been mentioned?
The hunchback Charr would not like capes
if it will be the desert , i want a small ship we can sail on sands with
sort of like a mount
my question is how much dps loss is for guardian switching from Scholar to Traveler rune ?
i guess they tried that with .. hmmm circus weapons skins?
i dont even think any one bought them
if the skins were better i think it would of solved some of the probs you are talking about.
Necros are in need of change immediate change,
the spot they are in is very terrible.
this class has no mobility
lower dmg than anyone else
worse stability and almost no stun resist except for shroud which aint enough either
high cast time spells – no range benefit at all in Power
you can be bashed to death in pvp cuz you cant out run anyone
i dont see a reason to play necro while you can choose any other class and do a better job at it.
which kinda made me sad cuz it is one of my fav classes
the prob with necros is not Survive-ability nor their Dmg out-put
It is their mobility
the mobility of a necro is hilarious
it is like being in a light armor tank that moves like a semi truck on beach sand
while surrounded by heavy artillery tanks that bombast you
i agree with Op
everyone has too many blocks too much condi cleansing and teleporting and more mobility
the only thing we have is shroud….with no stability….barley …
i just get humiliated lol by dhs and warriors / condi warr
barly do any dmg to druid….
or ele
and ifyou managed to burst some one hard enough to kill he slips away cuz our mobility sux
i feel sad for reaper a good class but lacks so much right now
If you are having trouble fighting mordremoth minions than gear a bit tankier instead of just zerk build
Thats so simple
You will be able to survive more than 20 mordremoth minions by being tanky and progress with the right buils
These maps designed on purpose for you to consider trying new build ,
I alwaya said if it ia hard go tanky than after you got used to the mechanics strip down tanky build bit by bit to zerk ….
Also you can always join a decent guild and ask friends to help you out
Hope it helps
I see people in this post hatin
I just think with the right attitude and a bit of good spirit we can help each other to create a solution <3
(edited by MrPinks.2015)
I think instead of separating the player base by SoloQ and TeamQ
Just introduce a brand new map with death match of 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1
maybe have super powers and sort of transformation than can own peeps
It is just a thought but what do you guys think ?
(edited by MrPinks.2015)
I have been making my own builds and they are very very efficient i am telling you my builds are great , amazing because they suit my game-play style – Trump 2016
The problem is that every one /most creates their builds by the site Meta Battle -
which cripples them to some exprienced players in pvp
i know what the other Necro is running or the Warrior or the Guardian i know for sure
which makes it easier for me to create a build that will counter it
if players would of made their own builds and not focus on one meta build
think how challenging it would be to face one !
because you have no idea what he has made that way is way more fun
telling your self "hmm i wonder what he used "
I actually enjoyed reading it so much
:( i really thought for a moment this are the changed they will implement .
this are great ideas but i dislike the idea of teleportation with death spiral
over than that i wish everything else was real
thank you friend your feedback helps alot
it is just that i have a power reaper right now
and i want to make a condi one and i am afraid it wont work both ways
any way thank you
Hey guys
it will be difficult to explain what i want , but ill try.
I am looking for a build Gear wise that can be all round in terms of content
i want to have a build which is good in Raids and in WVW
currently i am with Berzerker stats and marauders trinkets
but i came into a brick wall in terms of what i want , i am trying to obtain and craft viper gear but on the other hand i am conflicted of maybe just going power necro instead of condi.
i dont know it is hard for me to explain and it kinda creats a mess in my head of what i want to do in terms of goals which makes me being stuck in one place… so if you have any tips for me to arrange my self i would really appreciate it
(also if any one can contact me in game for some more tips i would really appreciate the help)
(edited by MrPinks.2015)
What time is it coming out ?
i cant wait
Saying solo Q is unplayable would be like me saying condi mesmers are unbeatable. You can’t draw such a conclusion from a sample size of 1 person. As you said, you are mad cause of the unexplainable loss streak, better take a break or team Q till your pip range / MMR is altered.
it is not like saying mesmer is unbeatable because if it was a dual match i would have more chance at winning , this is a team fight pvp mode so if i get poor teamates i have a better chance to lose
and yea ITS unplayable for me cuz having 26 lose streak means something is wrong with my matchmaking
i dont care about legendary division iv already been there , i dont care about pips either except for transmutation charges,
i just wanted to share an experience not to argue with people
i am not a new pvp player iv been doing it from season one till season 4
so if something is wrong i know for sure
Thanks for the feedback i appreciate it
i cant win a single match i got 27 straight loses
and i have no idea why
i have over 1k matches in pvp never had that experience before
and it feels that there is something unfair
i am not a bad player at all and i have plenty of experience in pvp but 27 matches loses? i only had 4 wins lol
i am not a bad player not at all
you know well enough that PVP dosnt depend on one player