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maybe a first step would be “hire more staff” if it really is true that only 2 (TWO) people work on profession fixes/balances…
maybe as of now its only one left, I guess anet will not be happy about jon letting that info slip out into the community lol
Well, if there are only two people fixing/balancing profession related stuff, then one of them must have added stats to elementalist weapons, while the other one did all the engineer “fixes”.
And that would mean that the only two people who balance classes do not talk to each other.
This has been discussed and demanded for a long time, but currently we have to keep on hitting 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .
However you may want to turn on smart cast in the gameplay options, so you only have to hit “1” instead of “1 1” or “1 click” for every grenade you throw.
I do not have the time to fully level up another class (and I also do not have the ambition), so I will continue playing Engineer.
However I might be quitting GW2 after this weekend, until there are any serious changes on this class.
Every single patch feels like they are throwing “fixes” like bones at us, so they are able to say “Hey guys, we fixed plenty of stuff, be happy” but in reality it is just tooltip fixes, random changes (like removing BoB blast finisher, just to enable it again next patch) and minor bug fixes that create more bugs, but rarely any changes that are necessary and which we already asked for since the beta weekends.
To be honest I would be quite happy, if ANet just scraps the whole Engineer class and move unique engineer skills to other classes with some artstyle changes (e.g. necromancer creating an elite well for 30 seconds, that stuns upon creation, grants a bit healing over time, and resurects different minions for every fallen enemy in that area).
Then they could give us the option to make a one time transfer to any other class, while keeping character bound equipment (and transform medium to heavy armor etc.), level and personal story.
Yes, customizability is a bit limited for engineers who frequently use kits. That, and because we have only three weapon choices, limit the “show off” factor very much.
But I bet before ArenaNet introduces any visual changes to kits or turrets, be it level based or race based, Elementalists get different skins for their summonable weapons.
Seems like engineers are trained in the martial art of fighting with their hips:
We shoot bullets from our hips, flames, darts, rams …
Mmh. We actually deserve guns like the Quip
(edited by MyR.5028)
Medkit when running solo
- Low cooldown
- Cooldown resets at 25% of your life
- Small condition removal
- Small extra heals
- You are able to throw down everything when you are stationary (capping a point, prepare yourself to solo a tougher enemy)
Healing turret when I am in dungeons or smaller groups
- AoE regeneration boon
- AoE heal (Water combo field + self detonate)
- AoE condition removal
- Blast finisher
- low cooldown when picked up again
Super Elixir in WvW zergs and sometimes dungeons
- AoE heal
- AoE Regeneration
- AoE condition removal on impact
- Light combo field for condition removing projectiles
- with Kit Refinement 100% Uptime
I never use Elixir H, because it is RNG and I rarely build deep into alchemy. Most of the time either Elixir C or Super Elixir with Kit refinement is enough condition removal.
IMO there are 6 armor sets which fit the profession engineer very well. Unfortunately half of them is light stuff:
- Crucible of Eternity exotic dungeon set - head and hand pieces look nice
- Sorrow’s Embrace exotic dungeon set - awesome gas mask (we are the ones throwing smoke/poison grenades
- Human Light Cultural Tier One aka Researcher’s Armor - Goggles seem to be the engineer starter goggles; there is a TOOL BELT with ELIXIRS (Are you serious Anet?)
- Asura Medium Cultural Tier Two aka Auxillary Powered Armor - head piece fits engineer and the whole armor does not glow like the cultural light armor sets
- Asura Medium Cultural Tier Three aka Prototype Armor - just like the T2 Armor, but less steampunk and more Asura technology
- Leatherworker’s “Leather” Armor - fits as a whole the typical tinkering and turret repairing engineer
(edited by MyR.5028)
Experiencing 10-60 seconds lag spikes every 0:30-2:00 minutes whenever there are peak times.
Server: Abbadons Mouth
Location: Germany
Provider: Telekom
Matiez, no offense, but quantity of bugs is not equal to quality of them.
1000 times this! Last time I counted all the bugs posted by morgue (including wrong descriptions) it was 195 bugs.
Although some of them are quite annoying and I still have the feeling that we need many of them fixed to unfold our real diversity (e.g. enabling auto attack/sigils on kits, nerfing! underwater grenade kit, etc.), we already have quite a reasonable amount of different builds.
As far as I know other classes lack this complexity; even though they can fill in every role this game offers, they only have a comparibly small amount of builds to fit in this role, whereas the engineer has or rather should have a much larger amount.
I presume that bugged abilities have a much larger impact on the usefulness of other classes´ builds, than on the engineers´, because we are able to adapt and switch out broken traits more easily.
That might also be the reason for other professions (especially necromancers) to be much more demanding and active in order to put pressure on the developers to fix their bugs.
(* sigh * after every patch without any decent engineer fixes I find myself speculating why we still get no attention from the developers except for “exploit fixes”, while auto attack on kits still has not been fixed, although it is known since BW1 (and could be easily bypassed with a small script, which we would not be allowed to use))
Right now engineers are one of the most bugged, but also complex classes in the game. As the devs distinguish between bugs and balance issues, and lots of our problems fall in the former, but heavily affect balance (Sigils on kits, Flamethrower missing, some traits not working at all, etc.). So before they balance these, they have to fix the bugs first. Other bugs seem to be really hard to fix (I will assume Auto Attack in kits is one of them, as they still have not fixed it since BW1, and I will assume they ARE working on it).
I guess it is also easier (and much faster) to simply disable the blast finisher on the mines, than coding a new skill which throws 4 mines without and 1 with a blast finisher.
They also want to send out bug fixes as soon as possible, which suits the way they “found solutions” in todays patch (easy fix, temporary disabel, balance fixes? for currently not heavily bugged professions).
The developer who posted in all class forums to sticky a bug thread 3 days ago said that most issues will take some time/days to fix, and then an additional week of testing (btw: he mentioned in the warrior forum, that he plays a level 40 warrior, but that is a neutral statement, and I do not want to imply in any way that ANet would favor one class over another).
So I hope we will get some fixes for general bugs next week, and to the “Auto Attack” issue in the near future, which is really frustrating as we would be able to fix this issue temporarily with a small script, that we are not allowed to use.
This profession has currently many, MANY bugs, while other professions, who seem to be “overpowered” (Warrior, Thief), are quite fine. As they started to sticky bug threads 3 days ago and said it would take them a few days to fix them and a week to test the solutions, you should consider to wait for a week or so. They also stated that they try to deliver the fixes as soon as possible. After they fixed a huge chunk of the bugs, I expect them to balance/buff certain aspects of the engineer, so we have more options and the grenade kit is no longer mandatory to deal damage.
If you compare the two bug lists, you see that the developers simply did not have enough time to finish the class.
I think two or three weeks prior to the release (3rd Beta weekend?) someone officially mentioned that there were some professions who had been “polished” for the launch and some who still needed some work.
IIrc Necros and Engineers were not ready. So I assume that Engineers are not underpowered, they are simply not finished. Hopefully they will update the game soon with a bigger patch including a compilation of bug fixes…