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Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MysticChic.3502


No, just no.

After spending 3+ hours on the final event, defeating the ancient karka, suffering the final cinematic where he falls into lava while we had 30 seconds left on the reboot timer, then having 6 seconds to run to the chest, and getting booted just before we could reach the chest, no, I really cannot find any appreciation for such a major slap in the face.

We now get a very clear picture of the appreciation that Anet gives its customers.

WvW’ers have already many times suffered this complete lack of professionalism from Anet with full resets with no more than 30 seconds of warning. Just dumped all your gold on trebs and golems? C’est la vie.

You really were joking about making an appreciation thread, yes?

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: MysticChic.3502


I have to LOL really. It takes most good MMO creators about 3-4 years before they start taking down their own game with serious mistakes. Even so, there wasn’t much competition for those companies and people still stuck through it until they just couldn’t take it anymore or new competition came along.

For Arenanet it only took a couple of months to start taking themselves down with terrible mistakes that slap their customers square in the face. And there is a ton of competition out there these days.

Wow. Just. Wow.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: MysticChic.3502


Nothing about their game update behavior has ever been professional. The hardcore WvW folks have been getting reamed each time with about 30 seconds of forewarning every time. Just built all your trebs and golems. Too bad for you. Very little of the “customer” experience so far has been professional at all.

It’s a real shame. I guess we now see the true difference between pay-once + microtransactions vs. monthly subscription.

New build in the middle of the event?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: MysticChic.3502


My server can top yours. We just killed the ancient and had to suffer the cinematic end, and with 6 seconds left on the reboot timer. Needless to say, we ran to the chest and bam, booted before we could get there.

Thanks for the reaming A-net. Customer respect at its finest.

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: MysticChic.3502


Would you believe that we just killed the ancient, were running to the chest and bam, it began the patch. Lame. Only 6 more seconds and we’d have had the loot. Three hours completely wasted. Thanks A-net. I’m going to sit on a heating pad after the reaming you just gave me.

A-net sure knows how to treat their loyal base.

Act 3 Cutscene (more like culledscene)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MysticChic.3502


No mad king popping out for me either, just the green smoke. Too many programming interns and fresh-out developers and not enough well seasoned developers working on some of this stuff.

Yaks Bend is unable to attain Mad Memoires XI

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MysticChic.3502


Still bugged as of 10/27 6:25 pm EDT. I submitted a detailed /bug report on it. Maybe when they get a stack of them they’ll do something about it. One can hope.

10/19 Gates of Madness vs Yaks Bend vs Sorrows Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: MysticChic.3502


For any GoM/SF still around, gather up your teams and head to the Skritt cave and/or the Krait/Quaggan lake on Yak’s Bend borderlands map. There are TONS of bots in each place, free for the farming. Come help feast on these bots!

And, if you are from Yaks’ Bend, please do not attack GoM/SF who are feasting on these bots. These bots are doing Yak’s Bend a disservice in a number of ways, not the least of which is filling up those spots and making real players have to queue. Let’s all work together to push these lowlifes out of WvW and ensure they make minimal to no gold on their gold farming exploits in WvW.

(edited by MysticChic.3502)