Showing Posts For Nadakuu.6827:
it has been going on for over a month now, your servers can not sustain a connection during peak hours of play.
between 7pm – 12am the server is extremely laggy.
using win+r , the ping shows upwards to 1000+
though in game my skills could be flashing for 2 minutes, while chat still goes through with a 5second-30 second delay.
issues with – 120-290 ping 200-300 ping
and mainly… 300-1500+ping.
why are your servers so bad. what kind of spaghetti code have you done for networking.
Please have someone competent look after this section of code, as it has been going on for far too long.
(edited by Nadakuu.6827)
1) Stacks on Buffs
Please change the color of stacks on icons, often the number overlaps part of the image and cant be seen clearly. Making the stacks a bright green or some other different color would solve this easily.
2) Make dragon fights more challenging and rewarding.
These fights are dull and unimaginative, you simply auto attack, move once in a while to get back in range and continue.
Why not make these fights tougher, where the boss will have a few more skills and tricks.
Make it so you have to fight different stages of the boss. (ie like lupi).
I would gladly fight each dragon for an hour or more if the chest drops were scaled up to be worthwhile. (much greater chance of rares and above drops)
Or even as someone had suggested before adding tokens which could be traded into a vendor for some rare/exotic weapons/armors/trinkets/backs.
heck they could be called dragon scales.
as it stands right now, modnir is a much greater challenge then any dragon fight, and with the events leading to modnir, it is more rewarding.
1) With the addition of new tech trees coming, could there possibly be an upgrade to allow a simple forum in the guild tab?
- ie allow guilds to use sticky notes to hold important topics at top, and a simple way to communicate about activites you want to do.
2) ADD last online
3) split withdrawal of items and gold in guild banks.
4) have guild message of day pop up when player logs in on a character.
5) Guild Armor/Emblem
-For the love of god, make this a decal that we can place on any skin of armor/weapon we like.
- for example you buy the decal for your top , you can now place it anywhere where the top armor affects appearance.
- give the players control over sizing it, and placement. in event it goes on skin, it would simply look like a tattoo
- This would allow players to show off their emblems and show pride in their guild.
(edited by Nadakuu.6827)
paying attention fine, but leaving newer players to simply spend most of their time dead and not learning the fights now is discouraging to them. and the odd time there is lag on some fights where you just happen to get killed, now you cant get back to help the team. fights still required coordination before , what this has done is made some dungeons a lot less fun.
it is just bad psychology for game programming.
The idea of not being able to respawn in dungeons while other members are in combat is silly. it punishes new players from trying dungeons and it makes the game less casual as if you die it might mean minutes of downtime where you can not rejoin the game.
in what way is this improving the game ? it just slows everything down and gives alot of downtime, and any player would agree time where you cant do anything leads to boredom and eventually leads to ppl playing less.
so change it back please.
first, id like to say this poster has it correct.
They do not have a place end game, and the pets are a niche thing but never really useful unless you are solo.
Second id like to offer my thoughts on how to fix this and remain true to the definition of this ranger class. Since it is defined as being unparalleled at range, why not design it with range more in mind.
My idea would make it a bow version of the elemental.
By this i mean, perhaps different trait lines could let you use different arrows which could do varying effects or even another class to do some combo fields.
If people still wanted a pet, make them have to use beast mastery trait line and have it at the adept level, then the higher levels would simply do more for the pet.
you could also take some time and add a few more options to control the pet. ie put leash for guarding on very close. Then add an attack, for what guard is now, and for the love of god, let us remove the pet if we want to at any time.
the other trait lines could (like the elemental) effect different types of arrows, which could then be tuned to do either stronger condition dmg, or power, or piercing etc.
bump, This would be a great idea, along with the other post for adding tools for guilds.
i would still love to see a bbs for guild use and better message of day functionality , ie force it to display to players as they log in.
Dear Team,
Since I started to operate as a guild leader recently, I have ever raising concerns about the guild management system, implemented in Guild Wars 2. To say the least, the tools that are available to manage guild members, track and control guild bank deposits and member activity are outdated, or straight up useless.
I hereby wish to list these concerns to raise awareness, in hopes of future fixes. The list goes as follows:Problem #1: The game does not offer any kind of method to track the last login times of the guild members, wich causes the leaders to suffer greatly when they wish to root out inactive members.
Suggestion: On the guild panel, where the members are listed, make a column with the last login date next to every guild member’s name.
Problem #2: Informing guild members about basicly anything is near impossible. The guild message of the day is only visible when people actually take that precious 2 seconds of their time to open the guild panel after every login. Wich they don’t. Because they are lazy.
Suggestion: Make guild message of the day appear after every login in the player’s chat window.
So some response would be nice, what can we expect and what not. And people if you also found this system unmanagable please post some positive feedback, also enlighten me if I’m wrong in something.
I agree that there should be a last login check for users. Being a guild leader , i find i spend too much time and resources(ie my officers) taking attendance of who is where and when.
As for the guild message, i see a secondary problem with it. It is too short!
Yes it should display to members when they log in, but what i would love to see is an implementation of a guild bbs, maybe as an upgrade even as currently there is no reason to get politics lvl 5.
. I don’t have a lot of money and don’t like spending all the cash fixing my dude up all the time. I am not the best player either. So my options in this version of GW are diminishing all the time. The people who play the most get the best stuff and end up dictating the economy in-game.
I was just looking for some things that were geared towards people that don’t play anything but PvE solo. And not all the content given to the people that are the best at everything. Wintersday areas would have been nice to be available to under level-80 characters. I missed all the other stuff in the game because it was all level 80 too.
Don’t punish PvE solo players.
First, you do not need to play a long time to get decent gear. All you need is to stop playing a team oriented game alone, and actually interact with the community of players around you and join in on dungeons. These can be done from lvl 35 onward to get tokens which can be used to buy end game equipment.
hence, the cost of upgrading a character is negligible, just takes 4 hours a week for a month and you should have a full set of armor and weapon. That is if you can swallow your pride and listen to people directing you, and understand that the game isnt all about you.
secondly, wintersday events scaled you to 80, no matter your level. So your argument is invalid.
lastly, getting to 80 is not that difficult, if you are a poor player, then join a guild, and ask for pointers or ideas about what to do/where to go. To get to 80 can be done in a few days if you play alot, but even if you play a few hours a week (ie 4-5) you can easily do it in a month.
if you really dont have 4-5 hours a week to play a game, then perhaps you shouldnt be playing it and should stick to facebook games. where reward is given for clicking a few buttons, and no effort is needed.
I would like to have the feature back to preview any armor on any class of character.
Sometimes you pick up a piece of armor and you want to see how it looks, having to be on a character that can use it is simply annoying.
Also, add a preview section in trading post.
lastly, let us change dyes on armors when we are previewing.
this serves no purpose aside from promoting elitism and adding another useless gold sink. it would also increase lag on the server.
mounts are not needed since there are many waypoints to use to travel.
there is 0 reason why you shouldn’t have the option to have a 2nd slot only attainable while out of combat
I don’t even play an elementalist and see how annoying it could get
giving the elementalist the ability to weapon swap outside of combat would have the same effect as giving any other class 4 exchangeable weapons to swap from, in 2 sets of 2. it would severely unbalance the game.
i love my elementalist, and even on my other classes i sometimes need to retreat which isnt hard, to a safe distance in order to change up weapons.
all it takes is a little bit of forethought.
the auction house works fine for getting what you need, there is no point to add this.
as for price gouging precursor weapons, do you have any idea how hard it is to make them?? they will go down in price in a few months when more of them exist but for now i dont seem them as being that high considering what goes into getting them.
(i dont have one btw, soo dont think i am defending it for that reason)
elementalist are not supposed to be swapping weapons all that often. since they have access to half their skills already with attunment changes.
It isnt that hard to manage inventory of weapons to change when out of combat. simply press h… and equip.
your argument is invalid sir.
please do not add ranks to wvwvw…
this only serves to stop newer players from joining in.
it ruined the first game, lets not repeat the failures of the past.
-first game people started to run cookie cutter builds for hours and got fame up, but couldnt run anything besides the one build making them overall useless.
i agree that it should be account bonded.
However, paying a 100g is justified as this would normally show that a player has invested a lot of time into the game and should know what they are doing.
It is fairly easy to tell if a commander doesnt know what they are doing when they do not communicate the plan.
I do however say that there should also be a way to unlock this by playing wvwvw.
Something attached to several objective like.
hold stonemist 10 times, capture stonemist 10 times.
capture x keeps/camps etc.
something that would take a few weeks of effort to unlock.
-Mutli-Guild Problems- Possible Multi-Guild Fix 2 : Allow Mutli-Guilds. Limt the amount of guilds a character can be involved in. Do not limit chat involvement to only one guild, Create multiple channels for each guild, with same options as the normal chat system. Each Guild having an assigned and Customizable Color. When a character completes a task pvp/event/ect. which provides IP. IP is generated for all guilds the player belongs too. (Possibly with the option of splitting currency 1 guild membership = 100% to the guild, 2 guild membership 50%-50% and so on.
While i can see where you are comming from, i disagree almost entirely with this statement. Players should only belong to one guild, you wouldnt belong to two different armys in different countries, so representing two different guilds is just wrong in my opinion. I want my members giving only me the influence, that is why i have them in the guild so that we as a whole can continue to have multiple bonus’.
However, I do support an idea for alliances among guilds. This would allow you to talk to other guilds that you want to be a part of. alternative guilds in the alliance would also show up as gold lettering to players in the guild.
-Ranking System needs tweaking- In the current state the ranking system is very restricted. You cannot allow members to invite players without kicking them also. FIX: Split “Admin Lower Ranks” Into “Promote/Demote” and “Invite Members”.
This is unneeded, perhaps simply adding a level below members where players can not do invites solves this.
i set it up that way in my guild, and i only have those who show a genuine interest in growing the guild and act responsibly to be able to promote/demote. If they are trustworthy enough to invite people to the guild then i will let them boot players who are disruptive.
-Officer Chat- Communication between officers/leader without having to make a ton of whispers or a party to talk
- just use a third party program with voip. no need for this in game.
-MotD- “Edit” erases everything, it needs to do exactly what it says, Edit the message. Also Guild setting turning on/off if the message displays when a Character logs on/off
-Guild Description Currently the only place to put Guild Rules/Vent info in guild is in the MotD. Guilds need an area to put a description of what there about, and also include vent info, rules, other info that doesn’t take up a spot where guild events / achievements should be being announced.
-Last seen on- I have members in my Guild that I have no idea if they have even logged on since the launch of the game.
-Influence Tracker- I would like to see some sort of Account based influence tracking, While I can see this causing problems because Guilds could create Influence Quotas. I would like to see that so I can identify members who are pumping out influence and reward them.
-Emblem- I would like to see more “Showing Off” of emblems, Time being they are very small icons here and there. A couple options are Icons by names, Banners on weapons and armor ( not capes ) but literally a banner you wear on your back(much like the blade master in warcraft3).
agreed, id love to have a banner sometimes
-Guild Halls- This was in the first Guild Wars and I would like to see it again. “Guild Hall” – Requires Max level in at least 1 Rewards Tree (Politics,AoW,Economy,Arch.) You also need to use influence to Purchase upgrades for your hall, Thus if a Guild has a hall using the Art of War tree they cannot get the same upgrades a guild using the Economy Tree has. Each tree will have its own unlocks for the Guild. Also a place to run PvP Skirmishes/Tournaments.
there is no point to guild halls anymore. with wvw, it would only serve to take people away from there which is lacking some days already.
Alliances Add alliance systems to the options guilds can have. This would further promote community within guilds and alliances. While there are no real reasons to have alliance currently like in guild wars 1 ( owning cities ). We still want them to increase our communities.
Guild Kick 1. “Kick from Guild” should NOT be an option when right clicking someones name. Too many times in parties have I accidentally kick guild members from the guild instead of kicking them from the party. It should only be accessible from the Guild Menu.
the other comments you had, i found to be irrelavent
I would love to see an in game dueling option, or even. Allowing for quick matchups with friends to do 1v1 , 2v2 , 3v3
Sometimes you just want to practice against certain builds or bragging rights against each other.
I would like to make a suggestion that the guild armor contracts be changed in how they are applied.
i would like it to simply be an add on (or decal) you can place on any armor.
That is to say, you buy the emblem item, and then can place it on even a cultural armor, adjusting where it would appear on the given character model, restricted by what item it was being used on.
ie. if you used it on a cultural armor top. it could only be placed somewhere on the chest/back.
I would be much more inclined to using the guild armor then, as i am sure many others would be too. This would add a great deal of customization and allow members to show pride in their guild without the cost of loosing a certain look.