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Sword Sword warrior roaming/small group video

in Warrior

Posted by: Narly.9023


Nice video man, watched it all from start to finish! A bit irrelevant of a question; the second song in your video, what is that called dude? It’s a nice remix, I’d love to find it! haha

EDIT: Found it! My Dangerously Melodic Anthem soooo good.

(edited by Narly.9023)

Famous last words

in PvP

Posted by: Narly.9023


From one of my team-mates: “I will solo svanir”

I don’t know if you think it’s funny because he doesn’t want the team to help? Or that you think it’s too hard to do?

Finally a worthy purchase in the Gem Store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Narly.9023



  • Extremely expensive (we are talking about >50k uses of an Orichalcum Pick here)
  • Not usable on alts
  • No guarantee it wont become useless one day (higher material Tier)

I think I’ll pass on this one.

Actually, I have one and it’s description says “Used to mine all metals. Unlimited use.” As it says, ALL metals.

Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Narly.9023


It also has a fantastic animation when mining and makes picking up copper with 80th level characters completely guilt-free. Zero harvesting overhead.

3 of my character have them already and I expect to buy several more.

it IS wicked looking! When i bought it I just expected a pick that wouldnt break for my own convenience and like you said, guilt free to mine the lower stuff (i’d often skip them to not waste my oric pick).


Concerning afkers/leavers in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: Narly.9023


Even guild wars one had a punish feature for leaving matches. It’s become a pretty big problem lately. I bet a lot of those teams could of won sometimes if people didn’t quit and judge the whole game within by first couple minutes. Try to que up with people you know, is the best you can do for now.

Rangers/Eles/Conditions are way out of hand

in PvP

Posted by: Narly.9023


You can’t have one build that you’d expect to be the best against everything. You found your builds weakness so the choice is yours; avoid them and continue as you are, or try mixing it up.

Screenshot Thread

in Community Creations

Posted by: Narly.9023


I really like the mists area.


Slight Problem

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Narly.9023


I had a problem with 2 of them as well. I solved the minor in enhancement by getting an alt character, and getting the free candle in zone 2 instead of buying one in zone 3.

The other one I had a problem with was going through on infantile mode. By the end it said I only had 26/27. So I did zone one again, and after beating the boss it gave me my last one, completing the achievement though still not counting towards the 15 needed to get the title.

That left me needing to dig 100 times in order to get a 15th. Thankfully that one worked lol.

Please keep the 8 bit music on the login screen

in Audio

Posted by: Narly.9023


aye— I love the music haha. Wonder if we can dl the various 8bit music somewhere? I like zone one’s a lot lol.

why is everyone upset?

in PvP

Posted by: Narly.9023


Could you highlight in some way, what you want us to see in those 6 month old posts? It’s a lot to read and I doubt anyone wants to cipher through to see what exactly you’re talking about.

And again, they’re 6 months old. Could you still use those to validate something in the now?

daily... grace period

in Suggestions

Posted by: Narly.9023


I hear yeh. I don’t like to complain about this game because I do enjoy it for the most part. You’re right though. I hate the feeling of having to do dailies due to their importance. It’s another one added to the list of things you feel like you have to do on here. Sometimes this game can be more of a chore instead haha.

Anyway, I think a grace period is a good idea.

How d'you get leather armor (duelist) in pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Narly.9023


As the title says, how do you get pieces for the leather armor set?

It says on wiki you can get them from free tournament chests, and from using certain ingredients to create it in the mystic forge. Problem is, I don’t think the new tournaments are considered free tournament chests anymore. I’ve done around 200 tournament matches now (95% of them from after the new patch that brought solo queing) and have yet to get a piece. I also tried the mystic forge way which didn’t work either, so I wonder if that’s just based on chance?

Any help to answer how to get the duelist looking set in pvp, would be appreciated!

Mesmer needs a 25% Mov. Speed Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Narly.9023


Giving a 25% movement sig to mesmers doesn’t make any sense unless you truly believe that every class should have one.

ANet has said that Thieves should be the kings of mobility with rangers close behind, but it doesn’t make sense for mesmers to be the sprinters (they are, after all, a class dressed in ball room dresses and suits). Mesmer mobility is best illustrated by cunning, not pure physical prowess.

I’m not saying that every class needs a 25% Mov. Signet, what I’m saying is that Mesmers need an easier access to movement speed, wich all other classes already have, they will not be faster than these classes so I don’t see why are you calling them sprinters.

In a game where everything needs to be balanced, this is a small thing that is simply not balanced.

Mesmers are generally op. Giving them a passive speed boost would be a sure way to make everyone roll a mes, if that hasn’t happened already.

(edited by Narly.9023)

Guild Wars 2 Timers tool

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Narly.9023


I can read the times; they’re a bit cut out though. It’s ok if you can’t fix this issue, I can still use it just fine the way it is. thanks


Guild Wars 2 Timers tool

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Narly.9023


I don’t know what’s the matter with it, but I’m unable to see the times. The window can’t be resized either so that isn’t the problem.


What profession you feel can carry a party?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Narly.9023


As a Ranger, (yes ranger, contrary to what you believe) I’ve had to fight lupi numerous times by myself while my team would wipe out and come back from the wp (before the removal of wp’s during combat), for however long they needed to come back.

If I were to list all my moments I’d ‘save the day’ as a ranger, it’d only seem like I’m trying to feed my ego. There’s good players and bad players in every class. I guess maybe more in some than others.

(edited by Narly.9023)

3 runs, I just need 3 runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Narly.9023


I agree ^. Lupi is what makes Arah so fun, and why I still do it. Though to the OP, it’s not luck at stage 2. The obvious part you know is to not stand in the red circles. You also know they bounce, so you don’t stand in front of the red circles either man. Stay to their sides (from the direction they’re coming in) if you have to be near them. Gl in your future runs!

Is this a Unique Female Face?

in Human

Posted by: Narly.9023


God dang those pupils. She is high as a kite.

she be blazing a whole sylvari by herself.

there is probably another three npc around with that face

you made me actually lol

a refund suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Narly.9023


I’ve done that a couple times before lol. After the last one, I always double or even triple check if I ever care to exchange my tokens for something specific.

I like your idea though, a 2 minute window for token refunds. Or even if you could exchange whatever it is you got, back to the same dungeon vendor to get half of it’s value of tokens. It’s still better than nothing at least!

(edited by Narly.9023)

Arah dungeon- seers path is impossible to finish.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Narly.9023


My group consisted of 2 warriors, 2 mesmers, and a ranger. The two warriors were both dps gear, both mesmers weren’t fully exotic gear and not dps, and the ranger (me) was dps.

It took us many hours to get our plan down pact. In the end, this is how it worked out for us: I’d run the 3 north sparks, someone else ran the 1 spark (4). One mesmer was dedicated to tears. Get simin to half health, then I’d run 1 spark (4-1). This left Simin with barely more than 50% hp due to low time to regen.

@ this point, I’d say ‘time’ and one mesmer would use time warp, increasing everyone’s speed (and therefore dmg), and as soon as their time warp was out, the other mesmer would use theirs right after. This alone would get simin to about 10% hp.

Next, we ran 5 sparks very efficiently (so, 4-1-5), not allowing simin to go above 50%. We then beat simin back down to about 5%, then ran another perfect 5 sparks (4-1-5-5), not allowing simin much regen at all, and by that time we were able to finish Simin.

It’s very tough, but after much ‘practice’ lol, you get the hang of fast spark runs, etc. Don’t give up after 4-1,letting him reset to try again. Good luck to future path 4 parties.

GW2 feels like a F2P game (my opinion)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narly.9023


I’m pretty shocked at how many people actually think this game is a grind. Free 2 play grinds, are like mabinogi, vindictus, flyff, or any other eastern game. I played those three before; they’re the ones that really sucker you in for your money and time.

For starters, Guild wars 2 is an mmo. You have to put a bit of effort and work for what you want in an mmo and thats normal. It’s supposed to be like a fantasy life in a sense. And in life, things don’t just get dropped from the sky right in front of you any time you want something. This game doesn’t feel like a grind at all, especially if you actually play the content for the content, and not for the end results of whatever it is you’re doing. “It’s the journey, not the destination.” As tons of others have seemed to of noticed and said before, everyone is in such a rush these days.

Lastly, if we really did get anything and everything we wanted in a day or two, this game would be so boring, nothing would feel special or unique, and I doubt as many people would still be playing. When I get something I really want, I like feeling as if I accomplished something.

Y'know, I actually kinda like this patch.

in Ranger

Posted by: Narly.9023


They still never undid the damage they did to shortbow crossfire, but lots of stuff in here is actually quite nice and favorable. A little blessing here and a little blessing there—it’s comforting to see things going in a good direction.

I have to agree with yeh. This is the most I’ve enjoyed my ranger, which is also my main so it’s really nice. Anet did well this time. I think so anyway.