Showing Posts For NatureBlade.7910:

How to come back to Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


I remember when I started playing this game. It was so good and everyone talked about it. It was fun running around swinging stuff and exploring the world, reading the Lore and wanting more.
But I reach lvl 80 and only saw one boring objective, getting a legendary. I mean I feel like you could only play guild wars 2 once, because after 100% Map completion you just knew everything and the magic was gone, I got as far as about 40% of completing my Legendary and that was the last straw, everyday was “Dailies, Dragons, Temples, CoF farms, Orr Farm”. So I just said goodbye, hoping it would change. I got back to play Adventure box once again, but it was once again a “Play one time it is fun, play more and it gets uninteresting”, so once again I left.
Now I got back for about 5 minutes and left the game once again, because I just couldn’t find anything to do in this game, I don’t think Arenanet can bring me back into this game, and now that I see, I regret my purchase because of how little I got to enjoy the Wonderful part of guild wars 2…


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


Maybe he was stealthed by a thief but you couldn’t see him because of the culling, you never know. I rarely see hackers in this game.

Instant Killed by Veteran Mobs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


I think the chaos kind of creatures is supposed to be like that. Like Imps, is very easy to kill but deals a kitton of damage at the same time.

Character Quote's/Favorite lines

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


“It is the dragon who is afraaaaaaaaid!!” – Plant Kormir

Is it still worth it to craft Legendary Wep?

in Crafting

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


“Do I want pixels that look pretty but have the same stats as other exotics or not.”

Comes down to what you like. Farming in this game isn’t that hard.

I can make 7g an hour if I pve normally. 7 * lets say for examples sake 8 = 56g / day

56g * 7 = 392g

392g * 4 = 1568g

You can make most legendaries in a months time if you farm that much a day. Some people are actually willing to do that, too. It comes down to do you want to effort for something pretty.

Or you can just buy it with gems. Gems = Easy Legendary no effort required, just a credit card.

How to level up crafting the cheapest way?

in Crafting

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


So I am on my journey for a legendary, and I need to get my Weaponsmith and Armorsmith up to 400. I have spent around 3-4 gold just to get Weaponsmith lvl 120, and I think I am doing it wrong. I always sold my mats so now I have no lower tier crafting ones.
I really need help on how to boost it up.

How do Quaggans avoid "natural selection"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


It’s their fighting form I tell you.

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


ANet I am kinda disapointed, I really liked the old dailies, and for someone like me who is a solo-er, and since no one is in my lvl areas how will I be able to do these dailies.
I don’t know how to combo with a guardian, and crafting is not even in the list, never all mats are to the BLTP not to the crafting table… But oh well, cya temple armor.

Out of Metrica Province

in Community Creations

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


So I was doing the jumpling puzzle from the metrica province saturday. And I had to leave, so today I came back and I was found to be in a place that the player is not supposed to set foot on, so here are some pics, I eventually fell into a invisible landscape and died….


I did a mistake and now I'm confused.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


I play 1-2 Hours per day(Not every day only when I can) because my computer can’t handle Guild Wars 2, so I play it on my brother’s PC, you may think I am dumb by buying the game without a good computer, and yeah it’s pretty dumb but when I bought it I had planned buying a new computer with the money from my birthday+Christmas, turned out I didn’t get enough so I will stick with my bro’s PC.

I did a mistake and now I'm confused.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


So, I did the mistake of gambling for a Precursor even only having 16 Gold(My life savings) well turned really bad, now I am bankrupt, I was never satisfied with my character, a Sylvari Warrior, which for me atleast seems a bit off, I like Charr and they Heavy Armors but I can’t bring myself to liking Guard or Warr.

So what I’m asking is what kind of char should I roll? I have been thinking of Necromancer but light armor is not my style…

Autotargeting is frustrating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


I completely agree, It’s really frustrating especially with the Dredge they seem to boost it up for me -.-.
Also when I am attacking the mob, spamming all my skills ect, I notice that I am targeting another mob, and attacking nothing.

Where to get started? - Legendary Weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


Thanks everybody, I have started with WvWvW, because my guildies are now doing alot of runs there. Then I will progress with time.
What do you recommend me in terms of Mystic Clovers, Recipe for 10, or the Recipe for 1.

Where to get started? - Legendary Weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


So, I am now working towards my Legendary – Twilight, I have started by completing the map, but that is a normal thing to do, now once I get done with the map, where do I get started? I have 16 Gold(Saving up since the start) Green lvl 80 Gear.

Would you buy an expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


Yes and No, I really want to have an expansion, but the money would be the problem, and I understand Anet needs more income from the game, I just want to fight Jormag, Kralkatorrik, The Destroyer(I think it is the Destoyers dragon name?).

Dual Axe Crit/Dual Sword/ Dual Sword and axe.

in Warrior

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


Hey Tyria I wanted to know which one of the builds mentioned in the title is the most effective.
In terms of fun, I think sword/axe is the most fun to use, but I have been using Axe/axe for a long time and think it is the most effective, the traits I use for my dual axe are 30 Discipline 30(Dont remember the name, its the trait tree that gives precision) and 10 Defense.
If there is any good and effective Sword/axe Sword/Sword build you know, please let me know!

I LOVE the Clocktower! Do you?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


It was really nice, spent 3+ Hours in a row mastering it, it was hard at first, but it had to be done now because my Adrenaline was all focused up, and my fingers had memorized only for that instant, me and 3 people had been there all along till the end, I first completed it, I loved the last jump, Lightining And a epic leap!

Dual Axe Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


If you are just going for burst, then probably all berserkers gear. You’ll die pretty easily though.

Yeah, but what I want is to know what stats to put with precision.

Dual Axe Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


I have some questions, I currently use a Dual Axe Crit Burst build. And since I am doing a Crit build, I should use Precision.
But one thing I want to know is if I should use Full Precision-Crit Equips, or Precision-Another stat.

Need some help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


I am still kind of curious on what is the best path.

So currently I am a Dual Axe Crit warrior lvl 42. And I have some questions:

1) I have 10k Karma, should I save it, or spend it? And when to spend it?

2) Since I have a Dual Axe crit warrior, I should focus on getting precision. Should I use Full Everything Precision, or Half Precision half-something?

Age of GW2 Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


13 and lovin’ it, too bad I cannot play it as much as I wanted.

Impressed, me too!

New, and need help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


Thank you, didn’t know you could salvage trophies, guess I will go farm pebbles ect then.

New, and need help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NatureBlade.7910


Hello, I am NatureBlade, AKA, Trueful Shot as for my main char.

I bought this game 2 days ago, I am currently level 15. I need help, I am kind of lost, so yes, I hit lvl 15.
I will organized what I need now:

1. A General Leveling guide

I finished 60% of plains of ashford, my story is now in the plains. I think I should stay in the Plains, but I need your opinions, also after the plains, what should I do?

2. Crafting and finding mats for Leatherworking + Huntsman

I need alot of help in this subject…

3. A Longbow Ranger Guide

Yeah, here is a important subject too, I am currently leveling Marksmanship in the traits tree, not sure if it is the right one, but I just hope so.

This game is amazing, but complex for newbies, I kind of like that but I am too used to those cheapy-cheesy MMO’s.

That is all for now I guess.

Thanks. NatureBlade.