[TWIN] Commander A M A N D A [Level 80 Thief/Guard/Ele/Mes/War]
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[TWIN] Commander A M A N D A [Level 80 Thief/Guard/Ele/Mes/War]
Awesome fights with [Main] and a few others at FC spawn and SW camp in HOD BL. Thanks for the good fights!!
[TWIN] Commander A M A N D A [Level 80 Thief/Guard/Ele/Mes/War]
Aren’t we all Anvil Rockers glad to have stuck through the highs and lows??? We are moving up in the world!!!!
[TWIN] Commander A M A N D A [Level 80 Thief/Guard/Ele/Mes/War]
Thank you to the 30 or so ET zerg that kept coming back to try and take bay in ET BL!!! Good fights but glad you realized you weren’t beating us after 4 wipes! Respect for not running like most servers do!
[TWIN] Commander A M A N D A [Level 80 Thief/Guard/Ele/Mes/War]
This post is not bashing the whole server BUT how CLASSY of this ET mesmer untagged undoubtedly cause he knew what he was doing. Trying to die near underwater gate bay in ET BL so he could get ressed from outside!!! GG keep it classy mesmer……
[TWIN] Commander A M A N D A [Level 80 Thief/Guard/Ele/Mes/War]
Shout out to the GoMnomberries in ARBL just now [ASH] and [Claw} maybe a few others i missed! Good fights and great job putting up a fight and not running away like cowards. Keep it up. \^_^/
[TWIN] Commander A M A N D A [Level 80 Thief/Guard/Ele/Mes/War]
LMFAO to this [WAR] AR zerg for trying to crash our fight club and within 1 minute got completely stomped by the fight clubbers… I had fun spam sitting ur bodies
(I only do so rarely, but it was well deserved in that case.)
On the plus side, ty for bringing more DH to the fight club tho, and the loot bags, they have quite tasty content for watching the rest of our duels
So, does anymore AR wanna come to have friendly duels in GoM BLs, besides those crashing kittens? I only see two here
Don’t mess with fight club: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_RJeKMcH1g
AHAHHAHAH TYVM for the video proof!!! I guess when they actually stop fighting skritt/centaurs/wood and fight real players this is what happens!!! Good Job i commend you all who slayed the WAR Llama Train!!!!
[TWIN] Commander A M A N D A [Level 80 Thief/Guard/Ele/Mes/War]
i dont know if this is sarcasm or not but none of you pack stability (even if you did we have necros and mesmers to strip it) you dont pack enough numbers (40 isnt enough against 15) you dont plan anything, you all think your silly huge numbers can jsut rush in and spam 1 to win.. then you lose. Get ready for the same thing all week. it’s going to get boring.
Said about every server ever. TFH is just a mediocre guild who runs the same meta European servers ran half a year ago and think they are the next best thing to sliced bread, but then when you go up against your members 1v1 it’s obvious what kind of players it breeds. Just because you are a zergling guild who turns to slightly more sophisticated methods of zerging, doesn’t mean you’re no longer a zergling guild.
I guess I would agree with you on one thing though; it does get boring.
LOL this guy must have gotten wiped at DG, AP or whatever tower we were defending with our 40 man zerg ( clearly he is delusional and can’t count) multiple times, so comes on here to QQ and call us bad cause his 40 man zerg wiped!! LOL come 1v1 us anytime, pretty sure you won’t cause your the zergling running with his 40 man zerg!! Best night we had about 16 TFH but most nights is 10-12 max if u call that a zerg then i think its you who needs to L2P.
[TWIN] Commander A M A N D A [Level 80 Thief/Guard/Ele/Mes/War]
For all the TFH haters out there(Including the ones on Anvil Rock), ask the FC and DR zerglings that we kept wiping at Durios Gulch. Awesome fun, TFH had a ball for an hour wiping FC and DR multiple times. Whilst the rest of AR couldn’t even defend Overlook!!
[TWIN] Commander A M A N D A [Level 80 Thief/Guard/Ele/Mes/War]
I think TFH dun like sneaky no more
Hehe yea it was me, sorry for the rudeness but u were the mesmer tht ran me round mendons for a good few minutes the other day until my guildies help chase u down and kill you. So now evey time i see u im like oh boy here we go another 10 mins chasing this mesmer. lol
P.S that was a compliment^
[TWIN] Commander A M A N D A [Level 80 Thief/Guard/Ele/Mes/War]
GG ET, thanks for the free badges and the 5+ golems you jus gave us at garrison in ARBL. I guess u cant take back your borderlands oviously cause ya all scared off getting wiped by SF. So thanks in advance for the badges you will give us in ARBL the rest of the week.
[TWIN] Commander A M A N D A [Level 80 Thief/Guard/Ele/Mes/War]
Awesome fights at Redbriar in GOM BL tonight. For a change GOM came out to play and weren’t using canons like they always do!! Thanks for the fun fights
[TWIN] Commander A M A N D A [Level 80 Thief/Guard/Ele/Mes/War]
If only Sekz defending their stuff in WVW like they defend the jump puzzle…..
[TWIN] Commander A M A N D A [Level 80 Thief/Guard/Ele/Mes/War]